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Science Explorer 4

1. Food
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: iodine, large, nutrients, shortage, proteins, constipation.
1. Fats are used by the body when there is a ________________ of energy.
2. Not eating enough fibre can lead to ________________.
3. We need carbohydrates, proteins and fats in ________________ quantities.
4. The outer layer of our skin is made up entirely of ________________.
5. Seafood and spinach have ________________.
6. Milk provides all the ________________ that a baby needs.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Iron is a mineral that the body needs to make blood. __________
2. Water helps in the digestion of food. __________
3. Maida is better than atta because it has more fibre. __________
4. We get vitamin C only from oranges. __________
5. Diet means the kind of food a person or animal generally eats. __________
6. We should throw away the food that is left over at parties. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. Name three sources of fats.
2. Why do we need vitamins?
3. Name two things that are not nutrients but must be taken with food.

Science Explorer 4
1. Food
Worksheet B

B1. Match.

1. Minerals a. Found in milk and all things made from milk

2. Calcium b. A kind of fat that whales have under their skin

3. Water c. Come from the earth

4. Blubber d. Found in plenty in cereals

5. Proteins e. Help the body make new skin, hair and blood

6. Carbohydrates f. Helps to cool the body down in the form of sweat

B2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Eating too much fat can make a person overweight. __________
2. We need vitamins and minerals in large quantities. __________
3. Iodine is a mineral that the body needs to work well. __________
4. Vitamin C is good for the gums and skin. __________
5. Oil, butter and ghee are sources of carbohydrates. __________
6. Fibre does not help in the movement of stool. __________

B3. Answer these.

1. Name two fruits that are rich in vitamin C.
2. Write three things for which we need proteins.

Science Explorer 4
1. Food
Worksheet C

C1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these are not nutrients?

a. Proteins b. Water c. Minerals

2. Which of these is a source of protein?

a. Salt b. Butter c. Egg

3. Which of these is not a mineral?

a. Fibre b. Iodine c. Calcium

4. Which of these are needed in small quantities?

a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Vitamins

5. Which of these is true?

a. A healthy diet does not include fibre.
b. Older people need the same amounts of carbohydrates and proteins as children do.
c. A healthy diet has the right amounts of all the components of food the body needs.

C2. Name the following.

1. The protein that makes up our hair and nails ________________
2. The mineral that makes up our teeth and bones ________________
3. Difficulty in passing stool ________________
4. The mineral which helps the body make blood ________________

C3. Answer these.

1. Why are fats called the ‘energy bank’ of the body?
2. What do we take if there is a shortage of vitamins in the body?

Science Explorer 4
1. Food
Worksheet D

D1. Fill in the table. Choose from: Paneer, Iodine, Fibre, Vitamin C, Cream.

Nutrient Source






D2. Fill in the missing letters with the help of the clues.
1. A source of iodine I __ D __ __ E __ S __ L __
2. The kind of food a person or animal generally eats D __ __ T
3. A source of protein P __ __ S __ S
4. Carries waste out of the body in the form of urine W __ __ __ R
5. An animal that gets its water from eucalyptus leaves __ O __ L __

D3. Answer these.

1. What can happen if we do not drink enough water in summer?
2. Write one way in which we can stop wasting food.

Science Explorer 4
2. The Teeth
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: enamel, incisors, dentist, milk, acid, wisdom.
1. Our first set of teeth are called baby teeth, or ________________ teeth.
2. The sharp front teeth used for biting food are called ________________.
3. The crown of a tooth is covered by a very hard substance called ________________.
4. The last molars of an adult are called ________________ teeth.
5. Cavities are caused by the ________________ produced by bacteria in the mouth.
6. A ________________ is a doctor who looks after the teeth and gums.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The first teeth to appear are the wisdom teeth. __________
2. The molars are meant for chewing and crushing food. __________
3. A baby has more teeth than an adult has. __________
4. There are no blood vessels and nerves in the teeth. __________
5. Food rich in calcium and phosphorus are good for the teeth. __________
6. Cavities can give us toothaches and bad breath. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. Name the four types of teeth that an adult has.
2. What are the two main jobs of the teeth?
3. Why are sweets and chocolates bad for the teeth?

Science Explorer 4
2. The Teeth
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. How many teeth are there in a set of milk teeth?

a. 28 b. 20 c. 32

2. The premolars and molars are used mainly for

a. biting b. tearing c. chewing

3. The part of a tooth that we can see is called the

a. root b. crown c. neck

4. Which vitamin is good for the gums?

a. Vitamin B b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin D

5. A baby with milk teeth does not have

a. premolars b. molars c. canines

B2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: roots, fibre, cavities, phosphorus, canines.
1. The pointed teeth between the incisors and premolars are the ________________.
2. Teeth are fixed to the jawbone by their ________________.
3. The two main minerals in tooth enamel are calcium and ________________.
4. Eating food rich in ________________ increases the flow of saliva in the mouth.
5. The wearing away of the enamel makes holes called ________________ in the teeth.

B3. Answer these.

1. What kinds of food are good for the teeth?
2. What causes tooth decay?

Science Explorer 4
2. The Teeth
Worksheet C

C1. Match.

1. Milk teeth a. Biting and cutting food

2. Incisors b. Chewing and crushing food

3. Canines c. Appear at about six months of age

4. Premolars and molars d. Appear at about seven years of age

5. Permanent teeth e. The last molars

6. Wisdom teeth f. Biting and tearing food

C2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The molars lie between the premolars and the canines. __________
2. All adults may not have wisdom teeth. __________
3. A set of milk teeth does not have premolars. __________
4. Animals may use their canines to fight. __________
5. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. __________

C3. Answer these.

1. What is dentine?
2. How does chewing food help us?
3. List three kinds of problems that cavities can cause.

Science Explorer 4
2. The Teeth
Worksheet D

D1. Name the parts of the tooth shown in the picture. Choose from the list below.
[Crown Neck Root Gum Enamel Dentine Pulp
Bone Blood vessel]
1. _________________ 2. _________________
3. _________________ 4. _________________
5. _________________ 6. _________________
7. _________________ 8. _________________
9. _________________

D2. Choose the correct answer.

1. What is the maximum number of teeth in a set of permanent teeth?
a. 28 b. 20 c. 32

2. Which type of tooth is used mainly to bite food?

a. Incisor b. Molar c. Premolar

3. Which of the following appear last?

a. Incisors b. Canines c. Molars

4. The innermost part of a tooth, which is soft and has nerves and blood vessels, is the
a. enamel b. pulp c. dentine

5. Which of the following are not good for our teeth?

a. Fruits and nuts b. Milk and cheese c. Sweets and chocolates

D3. Answer these.

1. What is enamel? What is its job?
2. Write two things that we should do to take care of our teeth.
Science Explorer 4
3. The Digestive System
.Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: stomach, large intestine, small intestine, mouth, rectum,
1. The wall of the ________________ absorbs digested food.
2. The ________________ sends its juices to the small intestine.
3. Saliva protects the ________________ from germs.
4. The ________________ absorbs water.
5. The ________________ is a J-shaped bag.
6. The last part of the large intestine is called the ________________.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Digestion starts in the mouth. __________
2. The wall of the foodpipe does not contract when food passes down. __________
3. Faeces is stored in the anus. __________
4. Saliva is mixed with food by the tongue. __________
5. Digestion is completed in the large intestine. __________
6. The small intestine is a long, coiled tube. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. What is digestion?
2. What happens to food when it reaches the stomach?
3. Write one way in which the large intestine differs from the small intestine.

Science Explorer 4
3. The Digestive System
Worksheet B

B1. Match.

1. Mouth a. Helps mix food with saliva

2. Tongue b. Produces juices that are sent to the small intestine

3. Stomach c. Absorbs useful part of food

4. Liver d. Produces saliva

5. Food pipe e. Produces acid

6. Small intestine f. Carries food from the mouth to the stomach

B2. Fill in the missing letters with the help of the clues.
1. To make something wet M __ __ S __ E __
2. To tighten something, such as the muscles of the food pipe C __ N __ __ A __ T
3. To take in something, such as the useful liquid from digested food A __ S __ __ B
4. The solid waste that is thrown out of the body by an animal F __ __ __ __ S
5. The opening at the end of the rectum __ N __ S

B3. Answer these.

1. How is the shape of the stomach different from that of the small intestine?
2. Name three organs of the digestive system that produce digestive juices.
3. What happens in the large intestine after digestion?

Science Explorer 4
3. The Digestive System
Worksheet C

C1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Blood carries the useful part of food to the rest of the body from the
a. large intestine b. stomach c. small intestine

2. Which of these is the longest tube?

a. Food pipe b. Small intestine c. Large intestine

3. Food does not pass through the

a. liver b. stomach c. mouth

4. Which of these parts of the digestive system digests food?

a. Rectum b. Mouth c. Food pipe

C2. Number the sentences in the correct order.

1. The small intestine absorbs the useful part of the digested food. __________
2. The stomach contracts and relaxes to mash the food further and mix
it with digestive juices. __________
3. The muscles in the wall of the food pipe contract to push food down
to the stomach. __________
4. The waste from the small intestine passes into the large intestine,
which absorbs water from the waste. __________
5. The teeth break down food into little pieces and saliva moistens
it to help us swallow. __________
6. Food passes from the stomach to the small intestine, where digestion
is completed using juices made by the small intestine and liver. __________

C3. Answer this.

1. What happens when we chew a piece of dry roti? Why does its taste change?

Science Explorer 4
3. The Digestive System
Worksheet D

D1. Name the organs of the digestive system in the picture.

1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________
6. ____________________________________

D2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. A fly digests its food outside the body. __________
2. The liver mashes the food that passes through it. __________
3. The tongue helps to mix food with saliva. __________
4. The rectum is a J-shaped bag. __________
5. The small intestine makes acid. __________

D3. Answer these.

1. Does the food pipe produce any digestive juices? How does food move along the
food pipe?
2. How is digestion completed in the small intestine?

Science Explorer 4
4. The Excretory System
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: urine, lungs, kidneys, urinary bladder, blood, ureters.
1. The ________________ are a pair of bean-shaped organs.
2. The kidneys produce the liquid waste called ________________.
3. Waste from the kidneys is carried away by the ________________.
4. The kidneys filter out waste from ________________.
5. The ________________ stores urine.
6. The ________________ remove carbon dioxide.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The lungs are organs of the excretory system. __________
2. The kidneys lie behind the liver and the stomach. __________
3. The ureters join the kidneys to the urinary bladder. __________
4. Urine flows out of the body through the ureters. __________
5. The skin removes waste in the form of sweat. __________
6. Blood does not pass through the kidneys. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. What is excretion?
2. Name three kinds of waste products that our body makes.
3. Which organ removes solid waste from the body?

Science Explorer 4
4. The Excretory System
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. The main job of the excretory system is to produce, store and remove
a. faeces b. urine c. sweat

2. The excretory system does not include the

a. kidneys b. urinary bladder c. large intestine

3. Urine is carried from the kidneys to the urinary bladder by

a. the ureters b. the urethra c. blood

4. Waste is strained out from blood by the tiny filters present in the
a. ureters b. kidneys c. urinary bladder

5. The skin removes waste in the form of

a. sweat b. urine c. faeces

B2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: muscles, brain, large intestine, urethra, excretion.
1. The process of removal of waste from the body is called ________________.
2. Urine flows out of the body through a short tube called the ________________.
3. The opening of the bladder into the urethra is shut tight by ________________.
4. The muscles of the urinary bladder are controlled by the ________________.
5. The ________________ removes solid waste in the form of faeces.

B3. Answer these.

1. Name the organs that make up the excretory system.
2. How is urine formed?

Science Explorer 4
4. The Excretory System
Worksheet C

C1. Match.

1. Kidneys a. Carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder

2. Lungs b. Stores urine

3. Skin c. Removes waste in the form of faeces

4. Large intestine d. Remove carbon dioxide

5. Ureters e. Produce urine

6. Urinary bladder f. Removes waste in the form of sweat

C2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The right kidney is lower than the left, to make room for the liver. __________
2. Urine is produced only in the kidneys. __________
3. Waste produced by our body is either solid or liquid. __________
4. The liver is a part of the excretory system. __________
5. Urine leaves the body through the urethra. __________

C3. Answer these.

1. Where in our body do the kidneys lie?
2. What is the job of the kidneys?
3. Name any three organs that help remove waste but are not parts of the excretory

Science Explorer 4
4. The Excretory System
Worksheet D

D1. Name the parts of the excretory system shown in the picture. Choose from: Blood
vessels, Kidneys, Urethra, Urinary bladder, Ureters.

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________

D2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Urine is produced in the
a. kidneys b. lungs c. large intestine

2. The pouch that stores urine is the

a. stomach b. urinary bladder c. urethra

3. Which waste product is removed by the lungs?

a. Urea b. Sweat c. Carbon dioxide

4. Which of the following is a solid waste?

a. Sweat b. Urine c. Faeces

5. Which of these organs does not help remove waste from the body?
a. Skin b. Stomach c. Large intestine

D3. Answer these.

1. Name one kind of gaseous waste that our body produces.
2. What stops urine from dripping out of the bladder all the time?

Science Explorer 4
5. Adaptations in Animals
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: flippers, canines, swim bladder, desert, intestines,
1. Fish have a ________________ to help them float in water.
2. Birds that spend a lot of time in water have ________________ feet to help them swim.
3. A ________________ is a place that gets very little rain.
4. The wings of penguins are meant for use as ________________ while swimming.
5. Herbivores generally have long ________________.
6. Carnivores have large, curved, pointed ________________.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. To adapt means to adjust to the conditions around one. __________
2. Turtles have webbed feet to help them swim. __________
3. Penguins live in the Arctic. __________
4. Omnivores can digest food from plants as well as animals. __________
5. Polar bears are the only animals that have blubber under their skin. __________
6. A camel can drink a lot of water at one go. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. What do we mean by habitat?
2. How does a camel protect its eyes and nose from blowing sand?
3. How do animals like seals, turtles and dolphins dive under water even though they
need to breathe air?

Science Explorer 4
5. Adaptations in Animals
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Some animals go into a state of deep sleep in winter. This is called
a. adaptation b. migration c. hibernation

2. Which of these adaptations are not seen in fish?

a. Flippers b. Gills c. Scales

3. Which of these animals does not have broad, flat feet?

a. Seal b. Camel c. Polar bear

4. Herbivores have
a. large, curved, pointed canines
b. large, flat premolars and molars
c. a stomach that produces a lot of acid

5. A camel’s hump stores

a. water b. sweat c. fat

B2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: summer, characteristics, lips, waterproof, bacteria,
1. The ________________ and behaviours that help a living being fit in well with its
surroundings are called ________________.
2. Water birds have ________________ feathers that keep them dry and warm.
3. Some desert animals go into a sleepy state in ________________.
4. Herbivores depend on ________________ in their stomach or intestine to digest food.
5. Camels have thick ________________ that help them munch thorny plants.

B3. Answer this.

1. Name three features that help omnivores digest food from plants as well as animals.

Science Explorer 4
5. Adaptations in Animals
Worksheet C

C1. Match.

1. Cow a. Pointed premolars and molars to tear flesh and crush bones

2. Salmon b. Large stomach with partitions to digest food in steps

3. Polar bear c. Smooth, slippery scales to move through water

4. Dog d. Migrate from the sea to rivers to lay eggs

5. Fish e. Does not lose much water in the form of urine and sweat

6. Camel f. Thick, white fur to fight the cold and merge with the

C2. Fill in the missing letters with the help of the clues.
1. To adjust to the conditions around one A __ __ P __
2. The place where a living being lives naturally H __ B __ __ A __
3. A broad, flat limb that some animals have for swimming F __ __ P __ E __
4. A thick layer of fat under the skin of some animals B __ U __ __ __ R
5. A pouchlike air-filled organ of a fish __ W __ M B __ A __ __ __ R

C3. Answer these.

1. What is hibernation? Name two animals that hibernate.
2. Name two features that help penguins live in the Antarctic.
3. Name two adaptations of fish that help them move through water.
Science Explorer 4
5. Adaptations in Animals
Worksheet D

D1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. All bears are omnivores. __________
2. The intestine of a wolf is shorter than that of a deer. __________
3. Polar bears can close their nostrils while diving. __________
4. Animals migrate only to avoid cold winters. __________
5. Some desert animals make homes underground to avoid the heat. __________

D2. Complete the word grid with the help of the clues.

1. An animal that eats the flesh of other
2. To blend in with the surroundings
3. Travelling from one place to another to
avoid extreme heat or cold and lack of
4. An animal that can digest food from
plants as well as animals
5. A state of deep sleep that some animals
go into to cope with extreme cold and
lack of food
6. A place that gets very little rainfall
7. An animal that eats plants

D3. Answer these.

1. How does a camel go without food for days?
2. How does the fur on the soles of polar bears’ feet help them?
Science Explorer 4
6. Plants
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: stomata, cinchona, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, tap,
1. Some plants have a main root called the ________________ root.
2. Orchids have ________________ roots that absorb water from the air.
3. The process by which green plants make food is called ________________.
4. A substance called ________________ helps plants trap sunlight.
5. Unused water passes out of the ________________ as water vapour.
6. The bark of ________________ trees is used to make medicine for malaria.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Grasses have fibrous roots. __________
2. The roots of plants prevent soil erosion. __________
3. The root of a plant has buds from which new plants grow. __________
4. Paper is made from plants. __________
5. The green colour of leaves comes from chlorophyll. __________
6. At night, a plant takes in carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. Name one plant that has a tap root and one that has fibrous roots.
2. What are the two main jobs of the stem?
3. Name three kinds of fibre that we get from plants.

Science Explorer 4
6. Plants
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these plants does not have a tap root?
a. Sunflower b. Carrot c. Maize

2. Which of these help a plant climb?

a. Prop roots b. Tendrils c. Fibrous roots

3. Which of these substances is not used in photosynthesis?

a. Water b. Oxygen c. Carbon dioxide

4. The leaves of a plant do not take part in

a. photosynthesis b. absorbing minerals c. respiration

5. Pick the material that does not come from plants.

a. Wool b. Paper c. Rubber

B2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: sunlight, coir, root, shoot, glucose.
1. The stem, leaves and flowers are parts of the ________________.
2. The ________________ fixes the plant in the soil.
3. Chlorophyll helps a plant trap ________________.
4. The food produced during photosynthesis is ________________.
5. The fibre we get from the husk of coconuts is called ________________.

B3. Answer these.

1. How do prop roots help a plant?
2. What is timber? Name three kinds of trees that give us timber.

Science Explorer 4
6. Plants
Worksheet C

C1. Match.
1. Teak a. Used to make sacks and rope

2. Linen b. Used in many creams and lotions

3. Firewood c. Used to make furniture, baskets and paper

4. Bamboo d. Cloth made from the fibre of flax plants

5. Aloe vera e. Wood used for cooking and heating

6. Jute f. A timber tree

C2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Sunlight is essential for photosynthesis. __________
2. Tendrils are climbing roots. __________
3. Cane and bamboo are tall grasses. __________
4. The stomata are open during day and closed at night. __________
5. The leaves of some plants store food and water. __________
6. During day, a plant takes in carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen. __________

C3. Answer these.

1. How does chlorophyll help plants?
2. What special job do the leaves of kalanchoe and bryophyllum do?
3. List five kinds of useful things that plants give us.

Science Explorer 4
6. Plants
Worksheet D

D1. Name the following.

1. A clump of roots that grow from the base of the stem _________________
2. A tree that has prop roots _________________
3. Pores on the leaves of plants _________________
4. A coiled leaf or leaf tip used for climbing _________________
5. A substance that turns black when iodine solution is added to it _________________
6. A leafless plant that steals food from the plant on which it grows _________________

D2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Potato and ginger are
a. storage roots b. storage stems c. special leaves
2. The food produced during photosynthesis is stored in the form of
a. starch b. glucose c. iodine
3. The fleshy green part of a cactus is its
a. root b. leaf c. stem
4. The root of a plant does not take part in
a. photosynthesis b. absorbing minerals c. storing food
5. Pick the fibre that does not come from plants.
a. Cotton b. Silk c. Jute

D3. Answer these.

1. How do plants get rid of unused water?
2. Write a note on photosynthesis.

Science Explorer 4
7. Adaptations in Plants
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: spines, stomata, underwater, conical, leaflets, air spaces.
1. Aquatic plants have soft stems with ________________.
2. The leaves of ________________ plants are often divided into thin strips.
3. Trees that grow in dry areas have leaves broken up into many ________________.
4. Cactus plants have ________________ instead of leaves to reduce the loss of water.
5. Conifers have a ________________ shape that lets snow slide off their branches.
6. Coastal plants can close their ________________ to reduce water loss.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The stem of a cactus makes food. __________
2. The roots of hydrilla are light and feathery, and hang in the water. __________
3. Lotus leaves have a waxy surface to help throw off dirt and water. __________
4. Plants in dry areas have short roots. __________
5. Conifers have deep-green leaves to make better use of sunlight. __________
6. Many coastal plants have fleshy leaves and stems to store water. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. Why do aquatic plants not have well-developed roots?
2. Name two aquatic plants that have light, feathery roots and two that have roots
fixed in the soil.
3. How do the thick, fleshy stems of cactus plants help them?

Science Explorer 4
7. Adaptations in Plants
Worksheet B

B1. Match.

1. Mangroves a. Leaves divided into thin strips

2. Water hyacinth b. Plants that grow in muddy coastal areas

3. Kalanchoe c. Grow well in cold places

4. Hydrilla d. Supporting roots that keep coastal plants above the water

5. Stilt roots e. Swollen leaf stalks with air spaces

6. Conifers f. Thick leaves that store water and have a waxy coating to
reduce water loss

B2. Fill in the missing letters with the help of the clues.
1. A plant that has thick, fleshy parts for storing water S __ C __ __ L __ N __
2. Something related to water A __ U __ __ I __
3. A plant that never becomes leafless E __ E __ G __ __ __ N
4. A tree that has cones instead of flowers C __ __ __ F __ R
5. Small leaves that are part of a large leaf L __ A __ L __ __ S

B3. Answer these.

1. Write two adaptations that plants in dry areas have to deal with the shortage
of water.
2. Write two problems that coastal plants face in growing near the sea.

Science Explorer 4
7. Adaptations in Plants
Worksheet C

C1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these has light, feathery roots?

a. Water lily b. Duckweed c. Lotus

2. Which of these has leaves broken up into leaflets?

a. Babool b. Aloe vera c. Kalanchoe

3. Which of these has needlelike leaves?

a. Water hyacinth b. Cactus c. Pine

4. Which of these is not a succulent?

a. Cactus b. Water hyacinth c. Aloe vera

5. Many coastal plants have

a. stilt roots
b. long, feathery roots
c. long roots that spread out horizontally in search of water

C2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Water lilies have leaves that are entirely under water. __________
2. Pine trees have cones instead of flowers. __________
3. All conifers are evergreen. __________
4. Coastal plants lose salt through their leaves. __________
5. Succulents can store water only in their leaves. __________

C3. Answer these.

1. What are breathing roots?
2. How do aloe vera and babool plants reduce the loss of water from their leaves?
Science Explorer 4
7. Adaptations in Plants
Worksheet D

D1. Fill in the properties correctly in the table below. You can use each option more than
once. Choose from: waxy coating on leaves, needlelike leaves, fleshy leaves that store
water, leaves that float.

Lotus Aloe vera Pine Mangrove

D2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: air, water, salt, aquatic, winter, fixed, sunlight, leaves.
1. Lotus plants have roots that are ________________ in the soil below the water.
2. Stilt roots take in ________________ when the ________________ level falls.
3. Conifers are adapted to live in cold places where there is a shortage of
________________ and water in ________________.
4. Some coastal plants shed ________________ that collect ________________.
5. The stems of ________________ plants are soft because water supports the plant and
they do not need to support it.

D3. Answer these.

1. Most conifers are evergreen trees. How does this feature help them?
2. How are the leaves of water hyacinth different from the leaves of hydrilla? Why
do they have such adaptations?

Science Explorer 4
8. Air
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: smoke, dust, minerals, oxygen, opaque, gases.
1. Air is a mixture of ________________.
2. Things that we cannot see through are ________________.
3. Fog mixed with ________________ is called smog.
4. Soil bacteria change nitrogen from air into ________________.
5. Water vapour condenses around ________________ particles in air.
6. Most living beings need ________________ for respiration.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Air does not have any weight. __________
2. Air occupies space. __________
3. Mist is lighter than fog. __________
4. Cold air holds more water vapour than hot air does. __________
5. Smoke and soot harm buildings. __________
6. Plants use oxygen for respiration and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. Name two gases in air that trap heat and warm the earth.
2. Which gas in air is essential for all living beings to get food?
3. How does air pollution pollute the soil?

Science Explorer 4
8. Air
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which gas makes up about four fifths of air?
a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. Carbon dioxide

2. Which of these gases helps things to burn?

a. Oxygen b. Carbon dioxide c. Nitrogen

3. Plants use carbon dioxide to make

a. proteins b. fats c. carbohydrates

4. Dust particles around which water vapour condenses are called

a. clouds b. cloud seeds c. soot

5. Pick the activity that does not cause air pollution.

a. Cycling b. Driving c. Building roads and houses

B2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: asthma, water vapour, soot, atmosphere, oxygen.
1. The earth is covered by a blanket of air, called the ________________.
2. When something burns, it combines with ________________.
3. Warm air can hold more ________________ than cold air can.
4. The tiny particles of burning things present in smoke are called ________________.
5. People who suffer from ________________ are badly affected by air pollution.

B3. Answer these.

1. Name a gas that is needed for respiration and burning.
2. Write two ways in which nitrogen is useful.

Science Explorer 4
8. Air
Worksheet C

C1. Match.
1. Air a. Forms clouds and rain

2. Oxygen b. Pollutes air

3. Water vapour c. Stops things from burning up too fast

4. Carbon dioxide d. Supports burning and respiration

5. Nitrogen e. Traps heat and supports photosynthesis

6. Smoke f. Contains many gases

C2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Clean air is see-through, that is,
a. opaque b. transparent c. polluted

2. Air has
a. weight b. its own colour c. its own smell and taste

3. Which of these gases does not trap heat?

a. Oxygen b. Water vapour c. Carbon dioxide

4. Proteins come from

a. oxygen b. nitrogen c. carbon dioxide

5. Which of the following is not a cloud of water droplets near the ground?
a. Mist b. Fog c. Soot

C3. Answer these.

1. How does air pollution harm buildings?
2. Write three things we can do to reduce air pollution.

Science Explorer 4
8. Air
Worksheet D

D1. Complete the word grid with the help of the clues.
1. Something that is see-through
2. The most abundant gas in air
3. The blanket of air surrounding the earth
4. A cloud near the ground that is not very dense
5. A way of travelling that reduces air pollution
6. Particles of burning stuff present in smoke
7. The gas we breathe in
8. A natural happening that can make air very dusty
9. Air has this property.
10. Harmful gases in air mix with this water, which
then corrodes buildings and pollutes the soil.

D2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The atmosphere keeps out some harmful rays of the sun. __________
2. Fog is denser than mist. __________
3. Oxygen makes up about four fifths of air. __________
4. Dust particles in air are necessary for clouds to form. __________
5. Smoke contains harmful gases. __________
6. Children and old people are less affected by air pollution. __________

D3. Answer these.

1. How can reusing and recycling help reduce air pollution?
2. How does air pollution harm people?

Science Explorer 4
9. Mixtures and Solutions
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: solution, filter paper, alloy, sediment, solvent, decreases.
1. Steel is an ________________ of iron, carbon and other things.
2. A liquid in which things are dissolved is called a ________________.
3. Blood is a ________________ with various things floating in it.
4. The solubility of a gas in a liquid ________________ as the liquid becomes warmer.
5. A ________________ can be used to separate insoluble things from a watery mixture.
6. The insoluble matter that settles at the bottom of a liquid mixture is called

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Water does not dissolve wax and oil. __________
2. Solids do not form solutions. __________
3. We can separate a soluble substance from water by evaporation. __________
4. Alum is a substance that helps sedimentation. __________
5. A substance that dissolves in a liquid is called a solvent. __________
6. The larger the particles of a solid, the faster it dissolves. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. What is brass made of?
2. Why does a cold cola bottle produce less fizz than a warm cola bottle?
3. Why does muddy water look dirty?

Science Explorer 4
9. Mixtures and Solutions
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these will dissolve faster in water?

a. Sugar cube b. Powdered sugar c. Grains of sugar

2. We can separate salt from seawater by

a. evaporation b. sedimentation c. filtration

3. Which of these is used to dissolve oil paints?

a. Water b. Milk c. Turpentine

4. Which of these things is not used to make brass?

a. Iron b. Copper c. Zinc

5. Pick the solid whose solubility in water does not change when you heat the water.
a. Milk powder b. Sugar c. Salt

B2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Copper is an alloy. __________
2. We use soap to wash ourselves because it dissolves in water. __________
3. Petrol can dissolve oil and grease. __________
4. Digestion takes place in the form of a solution. __________
5. A mixture of gases, such as air, can also be called a solution. __________

B3. Answer these.

1. Name three processes by which we can separate insoluble substances from water.
2. Do solids form solutions? If yes, give two examples of such solutions.

Science Explorer 4
9. Mixtures and Solutions
Worksheet C

C1. Match.

1. Sugar a. Takes place in the form of a solution

2. Stirring b. The solvent in a sugar solution

3. Water c. Used to dissolve oil paints

4. Excretion d. Speeds up the dissolving of a substance

5. Minerals e. The solute in a sugar solution

6. Turpentine f. Are taken up by plants from the soil when dissolved in water

C2. Fill in the missing letters with the help of the clues.
1. To mix completely with a liquid to form a solution D __ __ S __ __ V __
2. Something that adds plant nutrients to the soil F __ R __ __ L __ S __ __
3. A substance that helps sedimentation __ L __ __
4. A special type of paper used for filtration F __ __ __ __ R __ A __ __ __
5. A solvent that dissolves grease K __ __ O __ __ __ E

C3. Answer these.

1. Write one use of water as a solvent.
2. Write one way in which filtration and decantation are different.

Science Explorer 4
9. Mixtures and Solutions
Worksheet D

D1. Complete the word grid with the help of the clues.

1. A solution found in our body
2. Insoluble matter that settles at
the bottom of a liquid mixture
3. Ability of a solute to dissolve in a
5. A solid solution

2. A substance that dissolves in a
4. Pouring out a liquid from a
container to separate two liquids
that do not mix
6. Able to dissolve in a liquid

D2. Number the sentences in the correct order.

1. After the soil settles, we get clear water at the top. __________
2. Put some soil in a glass of water and stir to make a mixture. __________
3. Pour out the clear water into another glass. __________
4. Let the mixture stand so that the soil settles at the bottom. __________

D3. Answer these.

1. Name three solvents that dissolve wax.
2. Name two things that are carried by blood in solution.
Science Explorer 4
10. Light
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: transparent, straight, light, reflection, sun, moon,
1. We see things when ________________ coming from them enters our eyes.
2. A ________________ body gives out light.
3. The ________________ is a luminous body but the ________________ is not.
4. The throwing back of light by an object is called ________________.
5. Something that allows light to pass through it is ________________.
6. Light travels in a ________________ line.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. We cannot see things that are behind us. __________
2. Translucent things do not allow any light to pass through them. __________
3. Opaque objects do not reflect any light. __________
4. An electric bulb is a luminous body. __________
5. Nonluminous bodies do not reflect light. __________
6. The size of an object’s shadow depends on the angle at which __________
light falls on the object.

A3. Answer these.

1. Name one natural and one artificial source of light.
2. What is meant by opaque? Name one material that is opaque.
3. What do we call the dark space behind an opaque object placed in the path of light?

Science Explorer 4
10. Light
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. We see something only when light coming from it enters our
a. room b. ears c. eyes

2. Which of the following is nonluminous?

a. The sun b. The moon c. A candle

3. Which of these substances reflects light better than the others?

a. Glass b. Bricks c. Soil

4. What kind of object does not let light pass through it?
a. Transparent b. Translucent c. Opaque

5. At what time of the day would the shadow of a tree be the shortest?
a. Morning b. Noon c. Evening

B2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: reflecting, bend, artificial, light, translucent.
1. We cannot see without ________________.
2. Light bulbs and candles are ________________ sources of light.
3. The moon shines by ________________ sunlight.
4. A substance that allows some light to pass through it is ________________.
5. Shadows are formed because light cannot ________________ around objects.

B3. Answer these.

1. Give two examples of translucent materials.
2. How is a shadow formed?

Science Explorer 4
10. Light
Worksheet C

C1. Match.
1. Transparent a. Something that produces light

2. Translucent b. Something that lets light pass through

3. Opaque c. Dark space behind an opaque object

4. Shadow d. Something that does not let light pass through

5. Luminous e. Something that does not produce light

6. Nonluminous f. Something that lets only some light pass through

C2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. We cannot see without light. __________
2. Some animals give out light. __________
3. Rough things reflect light better than smooth things do. __________
4. Shadows form because light travels in a straight line. __________
5. Transparent things do not allow light to pass through them. __________
6. If light could bend around the earth, there would be no night. __________

C3. Answer these.

1. What is meant by reflection of light?
2. What kind of object is called translucent? Give an example.
3. Mention one thing on which the size of the shadow of an object depends.

Science Explorer 4
10. Light
Worksheet D

D1. Tick the things that happen because light travels in a straight line.
1. An opaque body does not let light pass through it.
2. We cannot see things that are behind us.
3. When light falls on something it gets reflected.
4. We have day and night on the earth.
5. Shadows are formed.
6. Smooth things reflect light better than rough things do.

D2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Pick the natural source of light.
a. An oil lamp b. A solar lamp c. The sun

2. A body that allows light to pass through it is

a. translucent b. transparent c. opaque

3. What kind of substances are tracing paper and wet glass?

a. Transparent b. Translucent c. Opaque

4. Which of these objects is the best reflector of light?

a. A wooden screen b. A concrete wall c. A mirror

5. Which of these objects casts the darkest shadow under the same conditions?
a. A brick b. An empty glass bottle c. A glass bottle full of water

D3. Answer these.

1. Can we see without light? Why?
2. Why does the moon shine even though it is a nonluminous object?

Science Explorer 4
11. Measurement
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: standard, interval, measurements, mass, temperature,
1. We make ________________ when we want to know exactly how long, heavy, hot, etc.,
something is.
2. All measurements have two parts—a number and a ________________.
3. The ________________ of an object is the amount of matter it has.
4. To measure the mass of an object, we compare its mass with known masses called
________________ weights.
5. The ________________ of something tells us how hot or cold it is.
6. An ________________ of time is the difference in time between two events.

A2. Write the lengths of the boxes shown below.

1. ________________ cm 2. ________________ cm

A3. Answer these.

1. What is a unit of measurement?
2. Name three things that we measure using units of length.
3. Write two ways in which we measure time.
Science Explorer 4
11. Measurement
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these is the largest unit of length?

a. Millimetre b. Metre c. Centimetre

2. Which of these is used to measure the length of something that is curved?

a. Measuring tape b. Ruler c. None of these

3. Which is the smallest unit of time?

a. Second b. Minute c. Hour

4. Which of these is not true?

a. 100 cm = 1 m b. 1 foot = 2.54 inches c. 1 hour = 60 minutes

5. What is the normal body temperature?

a. 37⁰C b. 20⁰C c. 100⁰C

B2. Write the masses shown below.

1. ________________ g 2. ________________ g

B3. Answer these.

1. Name two things we use to measure time.
2. What is a weighing balance?

Science Explorer 4
11. Measurement
Worksheet C

C1. Match.

1. Kilometre a. Used to measure the length of cloth

2. Mercury b. The face of a clock or watch

3. Metre c. Used to measure height

4. Dial d. Long, flexible ruler

5. Feet e. Used to measure distances

6. Measuring tape f. Metal used in common thermometers

C2. Write the time shown in the clocks below.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

C3. Answer these.

1. What are digital balances? Name three places where they are used.
2. How are a.m. and p.m. used to record time?

Science Explorer 4
11. Measurement
Worksheet D

D1. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. The inch is a bigger unit than the foot. __________
2. The more mass something has, the greater is its weight. __________
3. The minute hand takes 60 minutes to go around. __________
4. We use units of length to measure only the length of something. __________
5. Degree Fahrenheit (⁰F) is the only unit of temperature. __________

D2. Write the temperatures shown below.

1. ________________ ⁰C 2. ________________ ⁰C 3. ________________ ⁰C

D3. Answer these.

1. What are the rules to tell the time by looking at a clock or watch?
2. What is a common thermometer made of? What happens to the mercury inside
the thermometer when it gets heated?

Science Explorer 4
12. Force
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: gravitational, force, contact, noncontact, gravity,
1. A ________________ is simply a push or a pull.
2. A ________________ force is applied on a body by touching it directly or indirectly.
3. The force with which the earth pulls everything on or near it is ________________.
4. A substance is called ________________ if it is attracted by a magnet.
5. Magnetic force is a ________________ force.
6. The larger the mass of a body, the stronger is its ________________ pull.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Force can make things move. __________
2. Force cannot stop moving bodies. __________
3. We apply a contact force when we pull something by a string. __________
4. All bodies exert gravitational force. __________
5. Gravitational force is a contact force. __________
6. Magnets attract only magnetic substances. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. Name the two main types of forces.
2. What kind of force is called a noncontact force?
3. Name three magnetic substances.

Science Explorer 4
12. Force
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these is done by a noncontact force?
a. A fielder stops a ball. b. A leaf falls from a tree. c. A toy is pulled by a string.

2. Gravitational pull is
a. a noncontact force b. a contact force c. not a force

3. Gravitational pull is exerted by

a. small bodies b. large bodies c. all bodies

4. Magnets do not attract

a. iron objects b. steel objects c. wooden objects

5. A force cannot
a. change a body’s shape b. change a body’s mass c. make a body move

B2. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: mass, iron, gravity, spring balance, noncontact.
1. The earth’s atmosphere is held by the force of ________________.
2. Things with greater ________________ are heavier.
3. A ________________ works with the help of the earth’s gravitational pull.
4. Gravitational pull is a ________________ force, as it acts from a distance.
5. Magnets are made of ________________ mixed with nickel, cobalt and other things.

B3. Answer these.

1. What is force?
2. Can a contact force be applied indirectly? Give an example to show.

Science Explorer 4
12. Force
Worksheet C

C1. Match.
1. Force a. The force with which a body is pulled towards the earth

2. Direct contact force b. Exerted by all bodies

3. Indirect contact force c. Applied by touching a body

4. Noncontact force d. Applied by touching a body with a tool

5. Weight e. A push or a pull

6. Gravitational pull f. Can act without touching a body

C2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Force can stop a moving body. __________
2. Force cannot change the direction of a body’s movement. __________
3. We can apply a contact force without directly touching a body. __________
4. Without gravity we would not be able to stand on the ground. __________
5. The sun and the moon do not exert gravitational force. __________
6. Magnetic force is a contact force. __________

C3. Answer these.

1. Give two examples of contact forces.
2. Give two examples of noncontact forces.
3. List two uses of magnets.

Science Explorer 4
12. Force
Worksheet D

D1. Unscramble with the help of the clues.

1. The force with which all bodies pull other bodies TRAGIVANOLITA ________________
2. A kind of force that acts from a distance TONCANCONT ________________
3. The property of a body that makes it heavy SAMS ________________
4. An object that attracts things made of iron GAMENT ________________
5. A magnetic substance used to make blue glass BATCOL ________________
6. An instrument that shows mass RINGSP LABCANE ____________________

D2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these is done by an indirect contact force?
a. A ball is kicked. b. A door is pushed open. c. A pan is lifted using tongs.

2. Magnetic force is
a. a contact force b. a noncontact force c. not a force

3. The gravitational pull exerted by a body depends on its

a. mass b. colour c. shape

4. Which of the following does not happen due to gravity?

a. Rain falls from the sky. b. Birds fly. c. Leaves fall from trees.

5. Pick the nonmagnetic substance.

a. Steel b. Nickel c. Tin

D3. Answer these.

1. Write two things that force can do to a moving body.
2. How does the mass of a body affect its weight?

Science Explorer 4
13. Friction
Worksheet A

A1. Fill in the blanks. Choose from: brakes, stops, polished, pencil, oiled, reduce.
1. Friction ________________ things that are moving.
2. People powder carrom boards to ________________ friction.
3. A ________________ writes because of friction between its tip and paper.
4. The friction between the wheels and ________________ of a vehicle stops it.
5. We slip on highly ________________ floors because there is very little friction between
our shoes and the floor.
6. Machines are ________________ to decrease friction between the moving parts.

A2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. Vehicles skid on wet roads because water reduces the friction
between the tyres and the road. __________
2. Friction acts in the same direction as the motion of an object. __________
3. Matches light because friction produces heat. __________
4. Friction does not help us walk. __________
5. It is easier to write on glass with a pencil than on paper. __________
6. Rodents keep chewing things to wear down their incisors. __________

A3. Answer these.

1. Why is it more difficult to pull a toy car over grass than over the floor?
2. Why does a swing slow down?
3. Why do we rub our palms when we feel cold?
Science Explorer 4
13. Friction
Worksheet B

B1. Choose the correct answer.

1. The soles of sports shoes have grooves to

a. increase friction b. decrease friction c. make them look pretty

2. Which of these helps increase friction?

a. Oil b. Water c. Brakes

3. Pick the situation in which friction is not useful.

a. Friction between chalk and blackboard
b. Friction between striker and carrom board
c. Friction between the head of a match and the side of the matchbox

4. Which of these is not true?

a. When we walk, we push the ground backward with our foot.
b. When we walk, the friction between the foot and the ground pushes downward.
c. When we walk, the friction between the foot and the ground pushes us forward.

B2. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’.

1. There is more friction between the tyres of a vehicle and the road
on a rainy day. __________
2. Scrub pads are made rough to increase friction to help clean things. __________
3. We oil door hinges to increase friction. __________
4. We rub our hands when we are cold because friction produces heat. __________
5. Friction opposes motion. __________

B3. Answer these.

1. Why is it difficult to turn a door handle with oily hands?
2. Name three things that have a lot of carbon.
Science Explorer 4
13. Friction
Worksheet C

C1. Pick the cases in which friction is increased and in which it is decreased. Choose from:
rubbing our hands, rough surface of a scrub pad, grooves in the tyres of a car, walking on
wet floors, writing with a pencil on glass, powdered surface of a carrom board.

Increased friction Decreased friction

C2. Match.

1. Ball a. Vehicles skid due to decreased friction

2. Wet roads b. Friction produces heat and helps light fire

3. Handle of a bicycle c. Worn down by friction

4. Rubbing pieces of wood d. Stops rolling due to friction between ground and
5. Moving parts of machines e. Made rough to increase friction and provide
better grip

C3. Answer these.

1. How does friction help us write with a pencil? Why do we need to sharpen a pencil?
2. Why do we slip if we walk wearing shoes whose soles are worn down?

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