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IMMARB aia Cert No: 13-000003 CERTIFICATE OF BELIZE REGISTRY SPECIAL PARTICULARS OF SHIP REGISTRATION No. y320110g0-S | NAME OF SHIP TPE OF SHIP ames a = HAE eee a Landing Craft Transport or i620 [ST OWNERS ID No. — MMSINUMBER 912 391 000. REGISTERED DIMENSIONS WHERE BUILT PREVIOUS NATIONALITY LENGTH 39-49 meters MOKPO, KOREA KOREA BREADTH 8.00 meters MATERIAL OF HULL = STEEL. FORMER NAME DEPTH 2.35 meters | YEAR BUILT 1995 as PARTICULARS OF ENGINE DESCRIPTION OF ENGINE MAKER ENGINE POWER DIESEL DAEWOO 447° kw NUMBER OF ENGINES 2 MODEL OF ENGINE ESTIMATED SPEED 12 Knots DAEWOO PARTICULARS OF OWNER ‘NAME & ADDRESS COASTAL SHIPPING CO., LTD. P.O. Box 3423, Rabaul, Enbp, Papua New Guinea DATE OF ISSUE: February 06, 2020 DATE OF EXPIRATION: May 05, 2020 delivery in ballast from BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA CEBU, PHILIPPINES where the registration of the vessel will automatically expire upon its arrival in the’ PHILIPPINES or until May 05, 2020 whichever occurs earlier. The conditions of the voyage in ballast are clearly stipulated on the attached Permit to Proceed. taken cnn MERCHANT SIPS (REGISTRATION) ACT SEVISED EDITION sup — IMMARBE Getler ip-soooes ies SHIP STATION LICENSE SPECIAL PARTICULARS OF SHIP REGISTRATION No, 1ga0110go-S_ | NAME OF SHIP frvPe OF SHIP en ee ee CALL LETTERS, V3HS2 - MMSt NUMBER 312 301 000 qr 162 | NT THPE OF SERVICE ‘SELECTIVE CALL OWNERS 1D NUMBER PARTICULARS OF OWNER NAME & ADDRESS: COASTAL SHIPPING CO., LTD. P.O. box 3423, Rabaul, Enbp, Papua New Guinea ENTITY IN CHARGE OF RADIO ACCOUNTS Owners - Private Communication ADDRESS P.O. Box 3423, Rabaul, Enbp, Papua New Guinea TYPE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT TRUER | ee CORAL NO. Tue — | NARER/ Gn ana No. [wee VHFNO.1 VHF 7100 (4-KHC-VHF7 100)} EPIRB SEP 500 (A-SYE SEP50) + a ‘S130 (A-AIS 05 0001) RADAR NO. | JMA 2343 (ARo2 002) “1 DATE OF ISSUE: DATE OF EXPIRATION: IMMARBE eas ora cae MINIMUM SAFE MANNING CERTIFICATE IRPTERNATIONAL CGNVENYION.LOR THE SAFETVOF LIFE AT'SEA, 1974, a1 amended ‘der the ators of the tof me. king inte account the Principles ef Minis Sade Ma elained in the IMC Reelin NAMKOPSUIP: HAE KWANG PERRY NO. 3 REGISTRATION NO: _sg2011030-8 PORTOF REGISTRY: BELIZE (GROSS TONNAGE: DISTINCHIVE NUMBERORLETTERS —VgHS2 SERS IS. WPEOR SHIP: Landing Craft Transport mig Cs imonummen: SMAI PROPULSION POWER GW) 2x 447 KW. PERIODICALLY UNATTENDED MACHINERY SPACE: yesyno J, PHILIPPINES TRADING AREA: BUSAN; SOUTH KOREA to CEBU, ‘cyPEorvoyacus: SINGLE DELIVERY VOYAGE, OPERATING COMPANY: Name: COASTALSHIPFING CO.,LTD. Address : p.o, Box 3423, Rabaul, Enbp, Papua New Guinca MANNING COMPLEMENT The ship named in this document is considered to be safely mar : less than the number and grades/capacities of pers STOW ieee OW a Master 1 | Reg a3 | Reg, 11/3 Chief Officer 1 Reg H/23 | 4 Reg, T/s ec. ‘Watchiceping Deck Rating | + | Rew. 0/4 or Ds Deck Rating Watchhecping Engine Rating 1 Reg. Hil/4 or IY) Boman Other Cook i Reg. Vif Sia Oier SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS OR CONDITIONS. IF ANY “The Master must hold » General or Restricted Certificate as Radiotelephone Operator. “This MSMC is valid for one delivery voyage in ballast from BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA to CEBU, PHILIPPINES ‘where the Certificate will automatically expire upon its arrival in CEBU, PHILIPPINES or on May 05, 2020, whichever occurs earlier. “The attached Permit to Proceed will also automatically expire upon arrival to CEBU, PHILIPPINES or on Under Statutory Instrument 5, the STCW 78 Convention, as amende regard offence punishable by our Administration. 99 of 1999, the Master shall ensure compliance with the pravisi concerning Regulations and relevant Sections VIH/4 and VI Any contravention may constitute an Issued at__Manila, Philippines ;}jc 06th day of. February year__ 2020 Expiry Date (ifapplicable):_ 03 May2020 goa TDC-025 MSMC-1 013212 LEE A. DEL P; Deputy Regixtir TMMARBE PERMIT TO PROCEED PP-20B-0006 NAME OF VESSEL: HAE KWANG FERRY NO.3- IMO No; — REGISTRATION No: 132011030-S CALL SIGN: V3HS2 GROSS TONNAGE: 162 NET TONNAGE: — THIS IS TO CERTIFY ‘This is to certify that the above-detailed vessel is hereby authorized by our flag Administration to proceed ona single delivery voyage in ballast and without passengers from Busan, Sounth Korea to Cebu, Philippines with current Statutory Certificates proceeding from the satisfactory results of a survey of its hull, equipment and outfits, machinery installations, pumping and electrical equipment, lifesaving appliances, navigational equipment and signaling means carried out before its departure by authorized Maritime Technical System & Services Limited (MTSSL) on our behalf. Conditions under which this Permit to Proceed has been granted: 1, That the passage of the ship shall be self-propelled and safely manned as per the MSMC: 2. The Radio Equipment on-board shall meet the functional requirements at all times; 3. The voyage will be started only on good local weather conditions and favorable general meteorological situation; 4. The passage has to be performed without passengers or cargo; 5. In case of worsening weather conditions, course and speed will be changed accordingly and/or sheltered place will be resorted if possibl 6. All access openings, outside doors, tanks, air pipes and other openings through which water might intrude into the interior of the vessel will be closed weather tight; 7. All oily mixtures will be retained on-board for subsequent discharge to reception facilities upon arrival. This permit is valid for the above-described single delivery voyage, expiring automatically on arrival to (Cebu, Philippines or until the expiration date, whichever occurs earlier. Issued at Belize City, Belize this 18 FebeeeR 2A GEN CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION FOR THE RECOGNITION OF A CERTIFICATE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978, AS AMENDED “The Intemational Merchant Marine Registry of Belize certiies that certificate No. 24-14460 issued to__FELIPETUQUIBSEPE ___tbycrom behalfofthe Government of — = Philippines ~~~ “har been submitted in nesednge with the provisions of regulation1/s0; parszranh ‘5 of the above Convention, as amended, and that the lawful holder is authorized to serve in the following capacity or capacities specified for « period of three (g) months from the date ofissue ofthis certificate, until O9May 2020 white the application for a Belize endorsement certificate is being processed. CAPACITY ENIur Sennen MASTER MARINER: NA Date of birth of the holder of the certificate: 15 July 1859 Issued on: 08 February 2020 . tesuing office MANILA 13 ‘Signature of Authorized Offical Mr. Edmond Staine "Name of Authorized Official ‘Signature of the holder of the certificate Certificate No. CRA 010088 ‘The original of thls certificate nnd the forcign certifieate beingvendarsed must le keptonvallable in accordance with regulations 1/2, paragraph 12, of the Convention while serving on ship as documentary proof that an application for an Endorsement hase tiecn submitted ta Bellne: —= CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION FORTHE RECOGNITION OF A CERTIFICATE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKERPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978, AS AMENDED ‘The International Merchant Marine i BE CInES: nt Registry of Belize certifies that certificate No. issued to__ FELIPE TUQUIG SPE by or on behall ofthe Government of Sa ee ee Sof the above Convention, as amended. and thatthe lawful holder is authorized to serve inthe following capacity or capacities specified for a period of three (3) months from the date of issue ofthis certificate, unti| 05 May 2020 while the application fora Belize endorsement certificate is being processed. terns Retna nents GMDSS Radio Operator NIA Date of birth of the holder of the certificate: 15 July 1959 Tasued on: 08 February 2020 é Issuing Office MANILA 13 a ss f, = LG Z ox a Gr ee Mr. Edmond Staine Name of Authorized Official Signature of the holder of the certificate No, CRA 010040 ‘The original of this certifiente and the foreign certificate being endarsed must be kept available in accordance with regulation Vs paragraph i, of the Convention while sereing una ship ae documentary pron hat an sppliationforan Endorsement has to CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION FOR THE RECOGNITION OF A CERTIFICATE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL INVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978, AS AMENDED ‘The International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize certifies that certificate No. 25-9736 tp __ ARNOLD GUMLA ESPANOLA Philippines —_— issued by or on behalf of the Government of hasbeen submitted in accordance with the provisions of regulation 1/10, paragraph 5 of the above Convention, as amended, and that the lawful holder is authorized to servein the following capacity or capacities specified for a period of three (3) months from the date of issue ofthis certificate, until © May 2020 while the application fora Belize endorsement certificate is being processed. CHIEF MATE NIA Date of birth of the holder of the certificate: 08 November 1977, Inmued on: © Fetruary 20a _— s issuing Office MANILA 13 = ‘Signature of Authorized Official Mr. Edmond Staine Name of Authorized Official Signature of the holder ofthe certificate ceretcate No, CRA 010037 tificate and the foreign certificate belng endarsed must he kept available in necordance with regulation the Convention while serving an a ship as documentary proof that an application for an Endarserment hme been su CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION FOR THE RECOGNITION OF A CERTIFICATE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL. CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978, AS AMENDED. ‘The International Merchant Marine Registry of Relize certifies that certificate No. 57-15621 to __ GREGORIO BALANDRA ZENAROSA Philippines issued ‘by or on behalf of the Government of Jhas been submitted in accordance with the provisions of regulation 1/10, paragraph 5 of the above Convention, as amended, and that the lawful holder is authorized to serve in the following capacity or capacities specified for a period of three (3) months from the date of issue ofthis certificate, until °©May 2020 white the application for a Belize endorsement certificate is being processed. CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICER Not valid on ships with steam or turbine driven main engine [Lee ee Date of birth of the holder of the certificate; 07 April 1959 Issued on, 08 February 2020 _ Tisuing Ofice MANILA 13 ae Jy ee Signature of Authorized Official Mr. Edmond Staine ‘Name of Authorized Official Signature ofthe holder ofthe certificate Certidcate No, CRA O1008® ‘The original ofthis certificate and the Forchgn certiicate being endorsed must be kept available in accordance with regulation 1/2, paragraph 13, of the Canvention while sersing en a slp as documentary proof that an applicatien for an Endorsement has Subited ts Belize — —_ CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: FOR THE RECOGNITION OF A CERTIFICATE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978, AS AMENDED. 98-1744 ‘The International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize certifies that certificate No. issued to __ RICARDO TABANAO DEVOTA Philippines hasbeen submited in accordance with the provisions of regulation 1/10, paragraph by ot on behalf of the Government of 5 of the above Convention, as amended, and that the lawful holder is authorized to serve in the following capacity or capacities specified for a period ofthree (3) months from the date of issue of this certificate, until 5 May 2020 while ‘the application for a Belize endorsement certificate is being processed. APACTTY IEC Rte anes Not valid on ships with steam or gas turbine driven main engine Date of birth ofthe holder ofthe certificate: 14 September 1962 _ Issued on:08 February 2020 = MANILA Issuing Office ZA = Signature of Authorized Official Mr. Edmond Staine mee ‘Name of Authorized Official Signature of the holder of the certificate Curtifeate No, CRA 010089 certificate and the fureign certificate being endorsed must be kept available in arcurdance with regulation the Convention while serving on a ship as documentary proof that xn application for an Endoryement fins

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