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Judaism presentation

Ani: Hello peoples as you may already know we peoples are doing (dun dun dun)
judaism (*insert applause here) let me tell you a little bit about judaism.
Judaism is a religion (ikr how helpful) it is a monotheistic religion which means…. (no
one raises their hand) it means that they only believe in one god, who is idiotically not
satan. (*gasps) also judaism is one of the oldest religions that still exists today (*gasp
no. 2). Now before we begin our presentation we would like to thank a few people
1. Yoni: yoni was the entire motivation for our project he was the only reason
we did any work at all really (*shows pic)
2. Refer to No. 1

Jews believe that God appointed the Jews to be his chosen people in order to set an
example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world. Jewish life is all about
community so they MUST do some activities . Almost everything a Jewish person
does can become an act of worship.Because Jews have made a bargain with God to
keep his laws, keeping that bargain and doing things in the way that pleases God is
an act of worship.

Jewish prayers (tefillah) typically entail recitations and contemplations. Some may
pray three times a day within specific time ranges (z’manim); shacharit (morning
prayer), mincha (afternoon prayer) and ma’ariv (evening prayer). Traditionally, men
typically pray three times a day while women pray one to two times a day depending
on the stream of Judaism. When praying, people will often use a Jewish prayer book
(siddur) as additional assistance. The Avoidance of Writing and Uttering ‘God’ is
something that is phor-bidden
The term ‘tzedakah’ is the Hebrew term for charity. The amount of money or goods
donated depends on the tradition of Judaism. Many traditional Jewish homes have a
Edit with the Docs app
pushke, which is a collection box for coins to be offered as charity to the less
There are many
tweaks, leave ways Jewish
comments, andpeople
share act charitably. For example, donating
to health with
to edit at synagogues,
the same time. supporting one’s children beyond the age
when a parent is legally required to or supporting one’s ageing parents. The donation
does not necessarily need to be offered to Jewish organisations; one may give to non-
Jewish causes. NO THANKS GET THE APP

The jewish festivals are about spending time bith each- atha yand giving phree
phood to each-atha yand telling storys making phood to- getha yand being nice to
people in general
According to the biblical account, Abram is called by God to un undesignated land to
become the founder of a new nation. He travels with his wife Sarai and his nephew,
Lot, to the land of Canaan which is in between Syria and egypt. God promises him
that his child will inherit the land despite him being childless. Sarai offers her
maidservant Hagar to Abram to bear his child, Ishmael. 13 years later god
changes Abraham’s name to Abraham which means the father of many nations and
Sarai’s name to Sarah - meaning “Princess. God promises Abraham a child, Isaac,
whom Sarah bears. Isaac is to be Abraham’s heir, and yet when asked to sacrifice
Isaac, as a test, Abraham is prepared to do so. In the end god substitutes a ram . At
Sarah's death Abraham purchases the cave of Machpelah and the surrounding area
and buries Sarah there. Upon his death at the age of 175, he is buried there near sarah.

Key concepts: (ani)
Major beliefs: (nithya)
Name of god: (everybody but preetham)
Religious founder: (kairavi)
Holy symbols: (kairavi)
Sacred texts: (kairavi)
Holy cities: (ani)
Diaspora: (ani)
Branches or sects: (nithya)
Religious practices: (nithya)
Festivals: (nithya)
Art: (nithya DA GWEEEEET)

Key concepts:
One God, One Love: Judaism's all about the Shema prayer, which basically says,
"Listen up, folks: God is the one and only!" Think of it as God's personal tagline,
highlighting an unbreakable bond with the Jewish people.

Sacred Texts: The Torah and Tanakh: The Torah is like God's top 5 divine downloads
(Genesis to Deuteronomy), handed to Moses on Mount Sinai. It’s your go-to guide for
life hacks and rituals. The Tanakh is the sequel, packed with more wisdom and epic

Laws and Commandments: Mitzvot: Judaism’s got mitzvot, which are like divine to-
do lists. They cover everything from party planning (Sabbath observance) to being a
nice human (charity and kindness). Follow these, and you're practically a Jewish

The Covenant Connection: Jewish identity is all about a cosmic contract with God.
Think of it as a spiritual VIP membership that started with the Exodus and the Torah.
It’s not just about rules; it’s about making the world a better place, aka tikkun olam.
So, basically, Jews are on a mission to save the world—no capes required.
Holy cities:
Wassup peoples im baaaack its me your fav judaism guide(much better than these
two). Now im here to talk to you about the 4 holy cities of judaism which are…………
Any guesses. Okay never mind they are Jerusalem (important) hebron, safed and

Jerusalem: Since forever (or at least the 10th century BCE), Jerusalem has been the
Jewish spiritual HQ. King David's epic quest to capture the city and his dream of
building the Holy Temple make it a VIP spot in Jewish prayers and songs. It is sid that
In the future, a rebuilt Temple will make Jerusalem the world’s spiritual hotspot.

Hebron: Think of Hebron as the ultimate family reunion site. Abraham bought the
Cave of the Patriarchs here to bury his wife Sarah, and now it’s the eternal hangout for
the OG biblical crew: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their leading ladies, Sarah, Rebecca,
and Leah.

Safed (Tzfat): Originally a quiet, backwater village, Safed got its big break in the early
16th century when Jews kicked out of Spain moved in. It quickly transformed into a
buzzing hub of Jewish culture and creativity, basically becoming the Renaissance
Florence of Judaism.

Tiberias: Founded by Herod Antipas (not to be confused with antipasto) around 20

CE and named after the Roman Emperor Tiberius, (not to be confused with that other
roman dude commodus) Tiberias became the Jewish go-to place after Jerusalem got
trashed in the Jewish–Roman wars. From the 2nd to the 10th centuries CE, it was
Galilee's superstar city, making all the headlines

Jewish Diaspora
Jewish Diaspora: The Epic Journey

Ancient Periods of Exile and Dispersion

Assyrian Shuffle (722 BCE): The northern Kingdom of Israel got conquered by the
Assyrian Empire. Many Israelites were packed up and spread out across Assyria like a
divine game of hide-and-seek.
Babylonian Exile (586 BCE): Fast forward to 586 BCE, and the southern Kingdom of
Judah faced the Babylonian Empire's wrath. The Babylonians destroyed the First
Temple in Jerusalem, and many Jews found themselves relocating to Babylon
(modern-day Iraq), starting a new chapter in the ultimate travel saga.

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