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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 temperature / concentration OR 1
volume OR amount of enzyme
/ surface
area (of apple) / AVP ;

2 3 one mark per correct

R each additional


3 any two from: 2

active site changes shape ;
substrate no longer fits into,
enzyme / active site ;
no enzyme-substrate complex /
no successful collisions ;

4 enzymes ; 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5 any two from: 2

respiration uses enzymes ;
at high temperatures enzymes
stop working / woodlice die ;
AVP ; e.g. ethical treatment of
woodlice / AW

6 33 (°C) ; 1 A 32 / 34 (°C)

7 any one from: 1

temperature ;
concentration of substrate ;
concentration of enzyme ;

8 any two from: 2

(rate of reaction) increases and
decreases / AW ;
peak / optimum, at pH 8.1–8.7 /
AW ;
data quote for both axes with
units ;

9 enzymes, destroyed / will not 1 A denatured

work / become inactive ;
R killed / died

10 pH ; 1 A enzyme / substrate,
A inhibitors
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

11 slice B: 2
pH (too) low / acidic / not
optimum pH / enzymes stops
working at this pH / AW ;
slice C:
temperature (too) low / cold / not
optimum temperature ;

12 a protein ; 2
that functions as a (biological)
catalyst ;

13(a)(i) any two from: 2

high temperatures denature
enzymes / AW ;
low temperatures result in low
energy / fewer collisions / slower
reactions / AW ;
enzymes work best / most
efficient at optimum temperature

13(a)(ii) any one from: 1

pH ;
enzyme concentration ;
substrate concentration ;

14 enzyme ; 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

15 A substrate; 4
B active site;
C enzyme-substrate complex;
D product(s);

16 amino acids ; 7
biological ;
temperature ;
protease ;
bacteria ;
amylase ;
lipase ;

17 any two from: 2

as a control ;
to show that pepsin is
responsible for the protein
digestion ;
to show that hydrochloric acid
does not digest the protein ;
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

18 test-tube 1 5
1 (less cloudy), slower break
down of egg white solution /
protein ;
2 (no HCl so) pH of the solution
is too high ; ora
3 high pH denatures pepsin /
enzyme ;

test-tube 2
4 hydrochloric acid causes a low
pH ;
5 pepsin works best in / optimal
activity, low pH / acidic
conditions ;

test-tube 3
6 pepsin / enzyme, unable to
break down, protein / egg white
solution ;
7 boiling denatures, pepsin /
enzyme ;

8 ref. to enzyme-substrate
complex / fewer successful
collisions ;
9 high pH / boiling, changes
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

shape of active site ;

19 1
A - pH 2

20 1
C - to break down large
molecules into small molecules

21 B 1

22 1
D - The specificity of an enzyme
depends on the shape of its
active site.

23 1
A - It changes the shape of the
active site.

24 1
A - P and Q

25 1
B - Enzymes are catalysts.

26 B 1

27 C 1

28 are protein(s) ; 2
that function as biological I speeds up reaction
catalysts ;
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

29 D 1

30 temperature ; 1 A presence of an
inhibitor / heat

31 protein ; 2 max [2] ignore specific

processes / specific
acts as a (biological) catalyst ;
speeds up / alters rate of
(chemical) reaction or is not
altered / used up by reaction ;

32 protein ; 3
reactions ;
catalysts ;

33 L: pH 2 ; 2 A pH 1.9 – 2.1 for L

M: pH 8 ; A pH 7.8 – 8.2 for M

34(a)(i) (pH) 2 ; 1 A 2 or 2.0

R other decimal points

34(a)(ii) stomach ; 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

34(a)(iii) protein / gelatin ; 2

amino acids ;

34(b) the colourless area would be 1 max [1]

produced more quickly / would
be bigger, if left for same time
period ;
it works faster / AW ;

35(a)(i) (ph) 7.5 ; 1 A7.3 — 7.7

35(a)(ii) 4 (min) ; 1 A 3.9 – 4.1

35(a)(iii) hydrochloric acid / stomach, has 2 max [2]

a low pH / pH ≤ 4 ;
(amylase) enzyme, is denatured
R ‘kills enzyme’
/ destroyed / will not function /
AW ;
ecf from graph reading
(amylase) enzyme in saliva
works best in neutral / pH 7.5
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36(a)(i) 1 temperature is a limiting factor 2 max [2]

2 increases, (kinetic / heat)
energy / the movement of
molecules / diffusion ;
3 more collisions between
substrate and enzymes ;
4 to speed up chemical
reactions ;
5 stomata open wider ;
6 therefore increased carbon
dioxide entering the leaf / AW ;

36(a)(ii) 1 enzymes are denatured; 2 max [2]

2 enzymes are no longer active
/ AW ;
3 stomata close ;
4 therefore reduced carbon
dioxide entering the leaf / AW ;

[Total: 74]

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