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Mathematical Physics Test - 02

Dimensional analysis
1. The method of dimensional analysis can be used to derive which of the following relation ?
��2 1 1
(a) � = � ��� (�� + ��) (b) � = �� ��� ( − ��) (c) � = �
(d) � = 2 ��2 + 2 ��2

Vector algebra and vector calculus

2. If � = � × (� × �) then choose correct relation for differentiation of �–
�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(a) ��
= ��
. (� × �) + �. ( �� × �) + �. (� × �� ) (b) ��
= �� × ( �� × �� )
�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(c) ��
= ��
× (� × �) + � × ( �� × �) + � × (� × �� ) (d) ��
= �� . (� × �) + � × ( �� × �) + � × (� × �� )

3. For the position vector � = �� + �� + ��, what will be �. �3
? (Set 2012)
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 0

4. If � = �� + �� + �� is position vector of �( ��� �) is : (Set 2012)

� � � �
(a) �
(b) �2
(c) − �3 (d) �4

5. A unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing � = � + � − 2� and � = 2� − � + � is

1 1
(a) ( − � + 3� − 4� ) (b) (− � + 3� − 3� )
26 19
1 1
(c) ( − � + 5� − 3� ) (d) ( − � − 5� − 3� ) IIT Jam 2019
35 35

6. Given � = � × � where � = �� (� + � + �) is a constant vector and � is the position vector. The value of �
�. ��
where c is a circle of unit radius centred at origin, is: (Set 2012)

(a) 0 (b) 2��� (c) −2��� (d) 1

7. The Gradient of scalar field �(�, �, �) doesn’t have the following characteristic IIt jam 2019
(a) Line integral of a gradient is path independent (b) Closed line integral of a gradient is zero
(c) Gradient of S is a measure of the maximum rate of change in the field S
(d) Gradient of S is a scalar quantity

8. If �(�, �, �) is a scalar function which satisfies the Laplace equation, then the gradient of � is IIT Jam 2019
(a) Solenoidal and irrotational (b) Solenoidal but not irrotational
(c) Irrotational but not solenoidal (d) Neither Solenoidal nor irrotational
9. If � = 2� − � + �, � = � + 2� − 3� ��� � = 3� + �� + 5� then the value of constant p for these vectors to be coplanar
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) −4 (d) −8

Linear algebra, matrices, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigen value

1 3
10. The sum of eigen values of matrix is
3 0
(a) 9 (b) −9 (c) 0 (d) 1

11. Find the eigen value of the matrix given below: (Set 2012)
0 0 1
1 0 −3
0 1 3
(a) −1 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) −2

12. Choose the value of the variables x,y and Z satisfying the following equations (Set 2012)
� + � = 1, 2� + � = 0, �+�+� =1
(a) 1,1,0 (b) −1,0,1 (c) −1,0,2 (d) 0, − 1,2

13. Which of the following matrix is the Hermitian matrix ?

0 � 0 � � 0 � 0
(a) (b) (c) (d)
� 0 −� 0 0 � 0 −�

Linear differential equations;

14. Consider a boundary value problem : �''(�) = �(�), �(0) = 0, �(1) = 0
for which the Green’s function is as follow
�(� − 1) �� 0≤�≤�
�(�, �) =
�(� − 1) �� 0≤�≤�
Hence solve �''(�) subject to the same boundary conditions (Set 2012)
1 1
(a) �(�) = 12 (�4 − �3) (b) �(�) = 12 (�4 − �)
1 1
(c) �(�) = 12 (�3 − �2 ) (d) �(�) = 12 (�2 − �)

15. Let �(�) = 3�6 − 2�2 − 8. Which of the following statements is (are) true ? IIT Jam 2018
(a) The sum of all its roots is zero (b) The product of its roots is − 3
(c) The sum of all its roots is 3 (d) Complex roots are conjugates of each other. Ans. (a,b,d)

�2 � ��
16. The general solution of second order differential equation ��2 − 2� �� + �2� = 0 is given by
(a) � = �−��� + �+��� (b) � = ���−�� + ���+�� (c) � = (�� + �)�+��(d) � = ���� + ��−��

Special functions (Hermite, Bessel, Laguerre and Legendre)

17. The value of −1 � (�)�� (�)��
� is given by: (here ��(�) �� �������� Polynomial)
2� 2
(a) Zero (b) 1 (c) 2�+1 (d) 2�+1

18. What is the value of �11

� (0) ? (Set 2012)
(a) 2
�(� − 1) (b) �2 − 1 (c) 1 (d) 0

19. Choose wrong recurrence relation for Hermite polynomials:

(a) �'�(�) = ���−1(�) (b) �''�(�) = 4�(� − 1)��−2(�)
(c) 2���(�) − ��+1 (�) = �'� (�) (d) 2���(�) = 2���−1 (�) + ��+1 (�)

20. The value of � (��) ��
0 � is: (where J is Bessel’s function)
(a) b (b) � (c) 0 (d) �2

Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms;

21. Find the finite Fourier transform of the function �(�) = 2�, 0 < � < 4 (Set 2012)
32 32
(a) �� (�) =− �� ��� �� (b) ��(�) =− �� ��� ��
��� ��−1 ��� ��−1
(c) �� (�) = 32 �2�2 (d) �� (�) = 32 �2�2

22. Find the value of �� in the Fourier Series of the function

�(�) = 0 �ℎ�� − � < � < 0
�(�) = 4 �ℎ�� 0 < � < � in the interval −� < � < �
� �2 � �2
(a) 16
(b) 16 (c) 8 (d) 8

23. Variable linear flow of heat in an infinite bar depends on which operation of initial temperature distribution
function ? (Set 2012)
(a) Fourier sine series (b) Fourier integral (c) Laplace transformation (d) mixed Fourier Series

24. Find the value of �� in Fourier series of function f(x) in the interval ( − �, �) (Set 2012)
π+x when − π < x < 0
Where f(x) =
π−x when 0<x<π
� �
(a) � (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 0

25. The Laplace transform of �2�−�� is

1 2 2�(3�2−�2)
(a) (� + �)2 (b) �(�2+�2 ) (c) (�+�)3 (d) (�2+�2 )3

26. Laplace transform of �−2� ��� 4� is (Set 2012)

2 �−2 �−4 4
(a) �2 +4�+20
(b) �2+4�+20
(c) �2+4�+20 (d) �2+4�+20

�2 ��� � ��� 2� ��� 3� ��� 4�

27. Fourier series �2 = 3
− 4 12 − 22 + 32 − 42 + . . . . . . . is for −� ≤ � ≤ �
1 1 1 1
From this, value of 12 − 22 + 32 − 42 + . . . . . . . is :-
�2 �2 �2 �2
(a) 3
(b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 12

28. If �(�) is fourier transform of �(�), then the Fourier transform of �(��) is –
1 � 1 � 1 � 1 �
(a) � � �
(b) � � �
(c) � � �
(d) � � �

Elements of complex analysis;

29. The imaginary part of ����� is :
(a) ��� (�/�) (b) ���−1(�/�) (c) �−�/� (d) zero

30. If real part of an analytic function �(�) = � + �� is � = �2 − �2, then v is (take the constant of integration to be
(a) �2 (b) �2 + �2 (c) 2�� (d) 2��

3+� 2
31. The value of 0
(�)2�� , along the line 3� = �, where � = � + �� is………..( Round off to 1 decimal places)
IIT Jam 2019

32. Integral 0 �2�� is (Set 2012)
(a) Real (b) Complex with equal real and imaginary part of Same sign
(c) Imaginary (d) Complex with equal real and imaginary parts of opposite sign

33. If �(�, �) = �2 − �2 is the real part of an analytical function �(�) = � + ��, find �. (Set 2012)
(a) 2�� + � (b) −2�� + � (c) �2 + �2 + � (d) − �2 + �2 + �

34. What is the modulus of 1+�
? (Set 2012)
(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d)

35. If � = �(�) = �(�, �) + ��(�, �) Is analytic in a domain, then in that domain–

�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(a) �� =− �� ; �� =− �� (b) ��
=− ; =
�� �� ��
�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��
(c) �� = �� ; �� =− �� (d) ��
= ; =
�� �� ��

Elementary ideas about tensors

36. If ��� �� �� = 0 then the value of ��� + ��� is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) ��� (d) ��

37. If ������� = 0 for all values of variable �1, �2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� value of ��� + ��� will be (Set 2012)
(a) ∞ (b) −1 (c) 1 (d) 0

38. How many Independent components can an antisymmetric tensor of rank two have in ‘n’ dimensional space ?
�(�−1) �(�+1)
(a) �2 (b) �(� − 1) (c) 2
(d) 2

Introductory group theory

39. Choose the correct statement for Cyclic group:
(a) group of order two may or may not be cyclic (b) group of order three is always a cyclic group
(c) group of order four is always a cyclic group (d) group of order four is never a cyclic group

40. If G is a group such that (��)� = �� �� then G is a (Set 2012)

(a) Sab group (b) Abelian group (c) Non abelian group (d) Translation group

41. The group formed by three cube roots of unity is:

(a) Only non- Abelian (b) Non abelian and noncyclic
(c) Abelian and non cyclic (d) Abelian and cyclic
Elements of computational techniques: roots of functions,
interpolation,extrapolation, integration by trapezoid and Simpson’s
rule, solution of first order,differential equations using Runge-
Kutta method;Finite difference methods;
42. The relation between shift operator E and difference operator � is
(a) � = � + 1 (b) � = � − 1 (c) � =− � + 1 (d) 1 + � =− �

43. Choose the wrong relation for forward difference operator:

(a) � ��(�) ± ��(�) = ���(�) ± ���(�) (b) �� . �� �(�) = ��+� �(�)
�(�) �(�).��(�)+�(�).��(�)
(c) � �(�). �(�) = �(� + ℎ). ��(�) + �(�). ��(�) (d) � �(�)

44. Find the value of �(2.5) using the suitable interpolation formula from the following table
x 2 3 4 5
F(x) 14.5 16.3 17.5 18.0

(a) 13.6 (b) 15.5 (c) 15.9 (d) 18.0

45. The value of integration 0
�2(1 − �)�� by Simpson’s one third rule (Upto three places of decimal) is - (Set
(a) 0.084 (b) 0.083 (c) 0.184 (d) 0.085

46. Choose wrong one in general notations : (Set 2012)

(a) ���(�) = ��−1 �(�) − ��−1�(� − ℎ) (b) �. � = � − �
(c) ���� = �! ℎ� (d) ��+1 �� = 1

�� 1−�
47. Given �� = �
when �(2) = 2 compute �(2.1) by Euler’s modified Method correct up to 4 decimal places taking
ℎ = 0.05 (Set 2012)
(a) 2.0006 (b) 2.0061 (c) 2.0021 (d) 2.0024

48. If � is mean operator and � is central difference operator than �2 =

�2 �2 �2 �2
(a) 1 − 4
(b) 1 + 4
(c) 1 − 2
(d) 1 + 2

49. Solve the initial value problem �� =− 2� + � + 4, �(0) = 1 by third order Runge-Kutta method to obtain
�(0.2) ����� �� = 0.2. (Set 2012)
(a) �(0.2) = 2 (b) �(0.2) = 1.7 (c) �(0.2) = 1.64 (d) �(0.2) = 1.348

50. The Lagrange form of the interpolation polynomial that interpolates two points �� , �(��) and �1, �(�1) is (Set
�−� �−� �−� �−�
(a) �1(�) = �(��) −�� + �(�1) −��
�� 1
(b) �1(�) = �(��) −�� + �(�1) −�1
�1 � �� 1 �1 �
�� −�1 �1 −�� �1−�� �� −�1
(c) �1(�) = �(�� ) �−� + �(�1) �−� (d) �1(�) = �(��) �−� + �(�1) �−�
1 � � 1
51. Consider a function �(�) = �3 − 6�2 + 11� − 6, such that there is a root of �(�) = 0 in the interval [2.5,4]. On
finding the positive root of f(x) given above using Bisection method, it is clear that the iteration are converging
towards the roots (Set 2012)
(a) � = 4 (b) � = 3 (c) � = 2.5 (d) � = 3.25

52. According to method of list squares, the best value of the unknown quantities are that values for which the
sum of squares of the residuals is : (Set 2012)
(a) greatest (b) zero (c) least (d) complete square

53. If �(�) is a polynomial of degree n , then the ��ℎ difference is equals to:
(a) ��/�! (b) ���−1 (c) Constant (d) nx

54. On integrating 5�3 − 3�2 + 2� + 1 from � =− 1 �� � = 1 using Simpson’s rule with ℎ = 1 we obtain–
(a) −5 (b) −3 (c) Zero (d) 4

Elementary probability theory, random variables, binomial, Poisson

and normal distributions.
55. If �1 is the event “drawing an ace” from a deck of cards and �2 is the event “drawing an spade”.what is the
probability of drawing an ace or a spade or both.
1 4 1 2
(a) 4 (b) 13 (c) 13 (d) 13

56. From a box containing ‘a’ white and ‘b’ black balls, one ball is drawn at random and set aside. The expected
number of white balls left in the box is
� � � �
(a) �+� (b) � + �+� (c) � − �+� (d) � − �+�

57. If the probabilities of n independent events are �1, �2, �3, . . . . . . . . . . . . �� then the probability that at least one
of the events would happen is
(a) (1 − �1 ) + (1 − �2 ) + (1 − �3 ) + . . . . . . . . . + (1 − �� ) (b) �1 + �2 + �3 + �4 + . . . . . . . . . . . . . + ��
(c) (1 − �1)(1 − �2)(1 − �3). . . . . . . . . (1 − �� ) (d) 1 − {(1 − �1)(1 − �2)(1 − �3). . . . . . . . . (1 − �� )}

58. In how many ways 7 people can be seat at a round table ?

(a) 720 (b) 480 (c) 120 (d) 128

59. The probability of student A winning the race is 1/5 and the probability of student B winning the race is 1/ 4.
What is the probability that one of these two students wins ? (Set 2012)
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/5 (c) 9/20 (d) 1/20

60. If 5 figure number is formed by the digits 0,1,2,3,4 (without repetitions). What is the probability that the number
formed is divisible by 4 ? (Set 2012)
1 3 5 3
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 16
(d) 16

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