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Assessment Task 1

A. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is
False. (Rizal Family) 10 Points

1. FALSE Rizal was born on the moonlit of Friday on June 19, 1861.
2. FALSE Father Casanas was the Priest who baptized Jose Rizal.
3. FALSE Gen. Polavieja was the governor-general in the Philippines when Rizal was
4. FALSE Rizal was five days old when he was baptized in a Catholic church.
5. FALSE Father Collantes was the godfather of Jose Rizal.
6. FALSE Francisco Mercado was born in Calamba, Laguna
7. FALSE Teodora Alonzo studied Latin and Philosophy at Santa Rosa College.
8. TRUE Rizal’s grandfather was Juan Mercado.
9. TRUE Francisco Mercado studied at San Jose College.
10. TRUE Jose Rizal was seventh of the eleven children.
B. Identification. 10 Points
Note: Write your answer using a single word and start with a capital
letter except when the answer is numeric. Computer software will
check your paper. Follow instructions.

1. 1697 the year when Lamco was baptized in a Catholic Church.

2. Domingo The adopted Christian name of Rizal’s great-great
3. China The country where Rizal’s paternal ancestry originated.
4. Mercado The first name of Lam-co’s first son.
5. Market The English equivalent of the surname “Mercado”
6. Biñan The native town of the Mercado family before Calamba.
7. Paciano The first name of Rizal’s only brother.
8. 1848 The year when Rizal’s parents got married.
9. Japanese The ancestry of Teodora Alonzo’s great
10. Lakandula the last native king of Tondo where Teodora
Alonzo descended
C. MATCHING TYPE. Match Column A with Column B. Write only the letters. 10 Points

(A) (B)
E 1. Soledad A. 1945
D 2. Trinidad B. 1862
C 3. Rizal C. 1896
B 4. Conception D. 1868
A 5. Maria E. 1929
J 6. Lucia F. 1913
I 7. Olympia G. 1851
H 8. Narcisi H. 1939
G 9. Pacino I. 1887
F 10. Saturnine J. 1857

D. ESSAY. Write a short essay on the importance of Republic Act. 1425 otherwise known as
Rizal Law on the students as a mandated course. Limit your answer to a single page.
(10 Points)
 Section 1 of the Rizal Law, popularly known as RA 1425, mandates the study of Rizal's
life and works. During a time when Filipino identity is disappearing, this Republic Act
encourages Filipinos to develop a stronger sense of nationalism.
 The Republic Act has been in effect for more than fifty years. 1425, also known as Rizal
Law or Batas Rizal, was a rebellion led by Jose P. Laurel. It was passed as House Bill
No. 5561, led by Jacobo Gonzales, and Senate Bill No. 438, led by Sen. Claro M. Recto,
on June 12, 1956. The implementation of the Rizal Law, which the government leaders
promoted, has had an impact on several generations. Legislators have had a difficult
time implementing it. Before becoming law, this bill went through a lengthy process. In
their quest to implement the Rizal Act, government authorities expressed a variety of
perspectives and objectives, which sparked a heated dispute.
 The Rizal Act mandates that the life studies course, established and written by Jose
Rizal, be included in the curriculum of all public and private schools, colleges, and
universities. This includes his two books Noli Me Tangere and The Filibusterism.
Furthermore, according to this regulation, every college and institution is required to
have and maintain adequate original copies and updated translations of Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as other publications, in their libraries. Rizal's
life and works, as well as his biography. Purok organizations and Barrio Councils
advocate its translation into English, Tagalog, and other dialects, as well as low-cost
printing and free distribution to all who want to read it.

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