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Jinja Feasibility
Report - Biomass

Jinja Biomass Plant

Destiny Corporation Energy (Pty) Limited,

Bio2watt Energy Holdings

Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG

Sarweystrasse 3
70191 Stuttgart

Jan Glistau
+90 212 336 54 00
Ext: 413

Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG

Merkezi Almanya Türkiye İstanbul Şubesi

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 2 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Document approval

Name Signature Position Date

Digitally signed by
Prepared by: Serkan Kilic Kilic, Serkan Senior Electrical 15.08.2023
Date: 2023.08.15 Engineer
16:18:48 +03'00'

Checked by: Jan Glistau Digitally signed by Project Manager 15.08.2023

Glistau, Jan
Date: 2023.08.15
15:33:47 +03'00'

Document revision record

Rev. Date Details of revision Fichtner Doc Ref. Prepared by Checked by

0 10.04.2023 Draft Report 2H7K2VNUMD7K- S. Kilic J. Glistau


1 14.07.2023 Final Report 2H7K2VNUMD7K- S. Kilic J. Glistau


2 15.08.2023 Final Report R2 2H7K2VNUMD7K- J. Glistau S. Kilic



The content of this expert appraisal is confidential and intended for the exclusive use of Fichtner‘s client.
It may only be made available in whole or in part to third parties with Fichtner ‘s express written consent.
Fichtner is not liable to third parties for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 3 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 19

2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 24

2.1 Project Background ........................................................................................................................................ 24

2.2 Objective of the Study ................................................................................................................................... 24

3 Assessment of Basic Data .......................................................................................................................................... 25

3.1 Basic Data for the Feasibility Study .......................................................................................................... 25

3.2 Site Conditions ................................................................................................................................................. 25

3.2.1 Location of the Site .................................................................................................................................. 25

3.2.2 Site Topography ........................................................................................................................................ 27

3.2.3 Accessibility of the Site ........................................................................................................................... 27

3.2.4 Transportation ............................................................................................................................................ 27

3.3 Ambient Conditions........................................................................................................................................ 28

3.4 Geological and Geotechnical Conditions ............................................................................................... 29

3.5 Seismic Conditions.......................................................................................................................................... 29

3.6 Grid Connection ............................................................................................................................................... 30

3.7 Feedstock............................................................................................................................................................ 31

3.7.1 Facilities at the Feedstock Area ........................................................................................................... 35

3.7.2 Main Feedstock: Physical and Chemical Properties — Woodchips ...................................... 42

3.7.3 Supplementary Feedstocks: Agro-residues .................................................................................... 44

3.7.4 Auxiliary Fuel............................................................................................................................................... 45

3.7.5 Feedstock Handling and Buffer Storage on Site .......................................................................... 45

3.8 Water Supply ..................................................................................................................................................... 47

3.9 Ash Handling and Utilisation ...................................................................................................................... 47

4 Design Data..................................................................................................................................................................... 49

4.1 Climatic Design Parameters......................................................................................................................... 49

4.2 Main Fuel ............................................................................................................................................................ 49

4.3 Auxiliary Start-Up Fuel................................................................................................................................... 50

4.4 Water Data ......................................................................................................................................................... 51

4.5 Load and Operation Regime....................................................................................................................... 51

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4.6 Grid Code Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 52

4.7 Ash Handling and Utilisation ...................................................................................................................... 53

4.8 Permissible Emission Limits (Local) .......................................................................................................... 53

4.8.1 Uganda Emission limits........................................................................................................................... 53

4.8.2 EU Medium Combustion Plants Emission limits (DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2193) ................. 54

4.8.3 Vyncke’s Emission Guarantees............................................................................................................. 55

4.8.4 Waste Water Effluent limits................................................................................................................... 55

5 Plant Concept ................................................................................................................................................................. 57

5.1 Process Description ........................................................................................................................................ 57

5.2 Redundancy Concept..................................................................................................................................... 59

5.2.1 CHP plant level........................................................................................................................................... 59

5.2.2 Process Steam Supply ............................................................................................................................. 59

5.3 Plant Performance ........................................................................................................................................... 59

5.3.1 KPRO .............................................................................................................................................................. 59

5.3.2 Plant Performance .................................................................................................................................... 60

5.3.3 Degradation ................................................................................................................................................ 61

5.3.4 Availability .................................................................................................................................................... 62

5.4 Steam Generator .............................................................................................................................................. 63

5.4.1 Combustion Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 63

5.4.2 Steam Generator ....................................................................................................................................... 63

5.5 Flue Gas Treatment ......................................................................................................................................... 64

5.5.1 Measures for NOx Prevention.............................................................................................................. 64

5.5.2 Baghouse Filter .......................................................................................................................................... 65

5.5.3 Semi-Dry Desulphurization Unit (FGD)............................................................................................. 66

5.5.4 Stack ............................................................................................................................................................... 66

5.6 Steam Turbine Generator and Water Steam Cycle ............................................................................ 66

5.6.1 Steam Turbine ............................................................................................................................................ 68

5.6.2 Generator ..................................................................................................................................................... 70

5.6.3 Governor....................................................................................................................................................... 71

5.6.4 Reduction Gear .......................................................................................................................................... 71

5.6.5 Water Steam Cycle (other equipment) ............................................................................................. 72

5.6.6 Turbine Bypass Systems ......................................................................................................................... 72

5.7 Ash Handling and Utilisation ...................................................................................................................... 73

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5.7.1 Grate Ash Handling .................................................................................................................................. 73

5.7.2 Fly Ash Handling ....................................................................................................................................... 74

5.7.3 Common Ash Container Capacity ...................................................................................................... 74

5.8 Cooling System................................................................................................................................................. 75

5.8.1 Main Cooling System .............................................................................................................................. 75

5.8.2 Auxiliary Cooling System ....................................................................................................................... 77

5.9 Water Supply and Treatment...................................................................................................................... 77

5.9.1 Water Supply .............................................................................................................................................. 77

5.9.2 Water Pre-Treatment............................................................................................................................... 78

5.9.3 Water Treatment ....................................................................................................................................... 78

5.9.4 Water Balance............................................................................................................................................. 80

5.10 Electrical System .............................................................................................................................................. 80

5.10.1 Basic Electrical Design Criteria ............................................................................................................. 80

5.10.2 Voltage Levels ............................................................................................................................................ 81

5.10.3 Electrical Concept...................................................................................................................................... 81

5.10.4 Arrangement of Electrical Equipment ............................................................................................... 83

5.11 Instrumentation and Control ...................................................................................................................... 85

5.11.1 Field Instruments....................................................................................................................................... 86

5.11.2 Distributed Control System (DCS) ...................................................................................................... 86

5.11.3 Communication interface with the brewery control systems .................................................. 88

5.11.4 Fail-Safe-Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 88

5.11.5 Local Control Systems (PLC) ................................................................................................................. 88

5.11.6 Central Control Room (CCR) ................................................................................................................. 89

5.11.7 Engineering, System Diagnostics, Documentation...................................................................... 89

5.11.8 Local Monitoring and Controls............................................................................................................ 90

5.11.9 Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) ....................................................................... 90

5.11.10 Cyber Security ............................................................................................................................................ 90

5.12 Plant Layout ....................................................................................................................................................... 90

5.13 Civil Works.......................................................................................................................................................... 91

5.13.1 Fundamental Civil Design Criteria ...................................................................................................... 91

5.13.2 Geological & Geotechnical Assessments and Proposed Concept for Foundation
Design............................................................................................................................................................ 92

5.13.3 Site Preparation Works ........................................................................................................................... 92

5.13.4 Temporary Site Installations and Buildings .................................................................................... 92

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5.13.5 Infrastructural Works ............................................................................................................................... 93

5.13.6 Main Buildings and Structures............................................................................................................. 94

5.14 Auxiliary Systems ............................................................................................................................................. 98

5.14.1 Fire Fighting System ................................................................................................................................ 98

5.14.2 Wastewater Treatment............................................................................................................................ 98

5.14.3 Compressed Air System ......................................................................................................................... 99

5.14.4 Chippers...................................................................................................................................................... 100

5.15 Codes and Standards ................................................................................................................................... 100

6 Procurement Concept ............................................................................................................................................... 101

7 Project Cost Estimates and Carbon Offsetting................................................................................................ 103

7.1 General............................................................................................................................................................... 103

7.2 Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) ................................................................................................................... 104

7.2.1 Estimation of EPC Price for the Works............................................................................................ 105

7.3 Operating and Maintenance Costs (OPEX).......................................................................................... 106

7.3.1 Fixed OPEX................................................................................................................................................. 106

7.3.2 Variable OPEX........................................................................................................................................... 107

7.4 Sensitivity Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 107

7.5 Competitiveness compared to HFO fired steam generation ....................................................... 108

7.6 Carbon Offsetting, Sales, and Pricing .................................................................................................... 109

7.6.1 Procedures and baseline setting for carbon offset projects .................................................. 110

7.6.2 Initial carbon emission reduction estimations............................................................................. 112

7.6.3 Interpretation of results........................................................................................................................ 113

7.6.4 Consideration of transport emissions ............................................................................................. 113

7.6.5 Carbon pricing and sales of carbon credits .................................................................................. 113

7.6.6 Recommendations for next steps on carbon offset project development ...................... 116

8 Project Aspects ............................................................................................................................................................ 118

8.1 Environmental Aspects ................................................................................................................................ 118

8.1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment .................................................................................................. 118

8.1.2 Regulatory Framework.......................................................................................................................... 118

8.2 Permits and Licenses (Local) ..................................................................................................................... 124

8.2.1 Required Permits and License List.................................................................................................... 124

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8.2.2 Available Permits and Licenses.......................................................................................................... 127

8.3 Time Schedule for Realisation of the Project ..................................................................................... 127

8.3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 127

8.3.2 Project Implementation Schedule .................................................................................................... 127

8.4 Operation and Maintenance Staff........................................................................................................... 128

8.5 Waste Management ..................................................................................................................................... 128

8.6 Political, Social and Market Impact (Local) .......................................................................................... 128

8.7 Project Risk....................................................................................................................................................... 129

9 Annexes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 135

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List of Figures

Figure 3-1: Site Location ................................................................................................................................................................ 26

Figure 3-2: Site boundary.............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Figure 3-3: Project Site (behind the wall, which forms the boundary to the brewery site)................................. 27
Figure 3-4: Possible transportation route between Mombasa Port and Jinja .......................................................... 28
Figure 3-5: Monthly Temperatures (mean, max, min) ...................................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-6: Monthly precipitation .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 3-7: Uganda Seismic Zones ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 3-8: Existing MV cubicles in the Switchgear Room of the Nile Brewery....................................................... 31
Figure 3-9: Feedstock supply sources ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 3-10: Kampala - Jinja - Tororo highway .................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3-11: Bishop Hannington site branch off from Musita - Lumino highway. ................................................. 33
Figure 3-12: 6m width good/fair condition 5.3 km bituminous feeder road ........................................................... 34
Figure 3-13: 6m width 4.3 km fair/good condition motorable gravel road to the feedstock facility ............. 34
Figure 3-14: Location of the UNRA weighbridge from feedstock facility .................................................................. 35
Figure 3-15: Office reception area ............................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 3-16: MAHILD dryer at the feedstock facility. ......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-17: Shredder at the feedstock facility..................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-18: Weighbridge at the feedstock facility ............................................................................................................. 37
Figure 3-19: Power Connection to the Site ............................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 3-20: Wood stockpiles ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-21: Size of wood chippings ........................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 3-22: Construction works at site ................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 3-23: Boiler ............................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 3-24: Tree Plantation ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3-25: Atop the fire tower ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 3-26: Forest expanse ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 4-1: 10 minutes rolling average steam demand for the period 10 to 14 March 2023 ........................... 51
Figure 4-2: Daily Steam Demand (2021-2022)...................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 4-3: EU emission limits for medium scale thermal power plants .................................................................... 55
Figure 4-4: Proposed emission values of Vyncke ................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 5-1: Schematic - CHP boiler and steam turbine system ..................................................................................... 57
Figure 5-2: CHP boiler and steam turbine system, alternative concept ..................................................................... 58
Figure 5-3: Revised combustion diagram - Fichtner proposal ....................................................................................... 63
Figure 5-4: SNCR process (Source: M&S SNCR Umwelttechnik)................................................................................... 65
Figure 5-5: Vyncke’s baghouse filter......................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 5-7: Non-Condensing (Back-Pressure) Steam Turbine........................................................................................ 67
Figure 5-8: Extraction type turbine ............................................................................................................................................ 67

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Figure 5-9: Steam turbine rotor .................................................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 5-10: Typical illustrations of wet ash extractors ..................................................................................................... 73
Figure 5-11: Typical humidifier illustration (source: Catalogue of United Conveyor Corporation) ................. 74
Figure 5-12: Structure of an Air Cooled Condenser [Source: SPX Cooling] .............................................................. 76
Figure 5-13: Existing cable trays of the brewery .................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 7-1: Prices of standardised carbon credit contracts (Source: World Bank) .............................................. 115

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List of Tables

Table 1-1: Performance summary .............................................................................................................................................. 21

Table 3-1: Basic input data ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
Table 3-2: Site corner coordinates ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Table 3-3: Coordinates of site and feedstock area.............................................................................................................. 32
Table 3-4: P45A woodchips specification ............................................................................................................................... 43
Table 3-5: Feedstock specification template for EPC contractor ................................................................................... 44
Table 3-6: On site feedstock buffer storage area estimation for roofed and container storage concepts. . 45
Table 4-1: Climatic design parameters..................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 4-2: Vyncke’s current feedstock specification for CHP design ........................................................................... 50
Table 4-3: Emission Limits as per Uganda and IFC standards ........................................................................................ 53
Table 4-4: Wastewater discharge conditions of the brewery.......................................................................................... 55
Table 4-5: Wastewater discharge quality limits .................................................................................................................... 56
Table 5-1: Input data for KPRO model..................................................................................................................................... 60
Table 5-2: Key Performance Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 61
Table 5-3: Definition of Available and Unavailable Periods............................................................................................. 62
Table 5-4: Main Technical Data of the steam turbine ........................................................................................................ 70
Table 5-5: Key performance parameters of the generator ............................................................................................. 70
Table 5-6: Ash storage bin capacity .......................................................................................................................................... 74
Table 5-7: Cooling System Technical Data ............................................................................................................................. 76
Table 5-8: Water treatment system overview........................................................................................................................ 77
Table 5-9: Voltage Levels in the Power Plant ........................................................................................................................ 81
Table 5-10: Generator Characteristics ...................................................................................................................................... 81
Table 6-1: Advantages and disadvantages of different procurement options ..................................................... 101
Table 7-1: Key Technical Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 103
Table 7-2: CAPEX breakdown ................................................................................................................................................... 105
Table 7-3: Breakdown of OPEX ................................................................................................................................................ 107
Table 7-4: Summary of Steam Supply Variable Cost....................................................................................................... 108
Table 7-5: Input data and assumptions for GHG emission reductions estimation ............................................. 111
Table 8-1: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels for General Environment............................................................... 119
Table 8-2: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels (Continuous or intermittent noise) from a Factory or
Workshop ..................................................................................................................................................... 119
Table 8-3: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels for Impact or Impulsive Noise .................................................... 120
Table 8-4: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels for Construction Site ...................................................................... 120
Table 8-5: Ugandan Ambient Air Quality standards........................................................................................................ 120
Table 8-6: Operation and Maintenance Staff ..................................................................................................................... 128
Table 8-7: Risk Matrix................................................................................................................................................................... 129

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FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 12 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study
List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning

AC Alternative Current

ACC Air Cooled Condenser

ACI American Concrete Institute

AF Availability Factor

AFLR All sided switchgear (F-front, L-lateral, R-rear) protection

AH Available Hours

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction

AMS Automated Measuring Systems

AN Air Natural (cooling method)

AQCS Air Quality Control System

ASC Average Site Condition

ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ATS Automated Transfer System

BFWP Boiler Feed Water Pump

BMS Burner Management System

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand

BOO Build Own Operate

BSA Biomass Supply Agreement

CAPEX Capital Expenditure

CBS Container Buffer Storage

CCCW Closed Circuit Cooling Water

CCR Central Control Room

CDM Clean Development Mechanism

CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System

CER Certified Emission Reductions

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Abbreviation Meaning

CHP Combined Heat and Power

CO Carbon Monoxide

COD Commercial Operation Date

CSC Cold Site Condition

DC Direct Current

DCS Distributed Control System

DIN German Institute for Standardisation

DMZ Demilitarized Zone

DT Deformation Temperature

EAC East African Community

EDG Emergency Diesel Generator

EF Emission Factor

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EN Europan Norm

EPA Energy Purchase Agreement

EPC Engineering Procurement & Construction

ER Emission Reduction

ERA Electricity Regulatory Authority

ERPA Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement

ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

ETS Emission Trading System

EU European Union

EUAA European Union Agency for Asylum

FGD Flue Gas Desulphurization

FMH Forces Maintenance Hours

FOH Forced Outage Hours

FSC Forest Stewardship Council

FT Flow Temperature

FWT Feed Water Tank

GHG Green House Gas

GRAS Green Resources AS

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Abbreviation Meaning

GX Green Transformation

HC Hydrocarbon

HF Hydrofluoric acid

HFO Heavy Fuel Oil

HMB Heat & Mass Balance

HMI Human Machine Interface

HOK Activated Carbon Coke

HP High Pressure

HSC Hot Site Condition

HSTS High Speed Transfer Switches

HT Hemispherical Temperature

HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning

IAC Internal Arc Classified

IBC International Building Code

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IFC International Finance Corporation

IGES Institute for Global Environmental Strategies

IP Internal Protection

IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPPC International Plant Protection Convention

ISGEC Indian Sugar and General Engineering Corporation

ISO International Organization for Standardization

IT Information Technology

ITMO Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes

LE Leakage Emissions

LER Local Electric Room

LHV Lower Heating Value

LP Low Pressure

LS Live Steam

LSC Loss of Service Continuity

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Abbreviation Meaning

LSPP Large Screen Projection Panels

LTSA Long Term Service Agreement

LV Low Voltage

MCC Motor Control Centre

MJ Mega Joule

MMI Man Machine Interface

MV Medium Voltage

MW Mega Watts

NDC Nationally Determined Contributions

NEMA National Environmental Management Authority

NFC New Forest Company

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NGO Non-governmental Organization

NID Novel Integrated Desulfurization

NOX Nitrogen Oxides

NTP Notice to Proceed

NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

ONAN Oil Natural Air Natural (cooling method)

OPEX Operational Expenditures

OWS Operator Workstations

PA Paris Agreement

PE Project Emissions

PED Pressure Equipment Directive

PF Power Factor

PLC Programmable Logical Control

PM Particulate Matter

PS Process Station

PSD Particle Size Distribution

PVC Polyvinyl Chloride

RBCF Results-Based Climate Finance

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Abbreviation Meaning

RBS Roofed Buffer Storage

RF Reliability Factor

RO Reverse Osmosis

RSDH Reverse Shutdown Hours

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SH Service Hours

SI International System of Units

SIL Safety Integrity Level

SNCR Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction

SOH Scheduled Outage Hours

ST Steam Turbine

STG Steam Turbine Generator

TJ Tera Joule

TPH Tonnes per Hour

TPS Turbine Protection System

TZ Tanzania

UG Uganda

UH Unavailable Hours

UN United Nations

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UNRA Uganda National Roads Authority

UOH Unscheduled Outage Hours

UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply

US United States

USD United States Dollar

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

UV Ultraviolet

VAT Value Added Tax

VCS Verified Carbon Standard

VDU Voltage Detecting Units

VOC Volatile Organic Compound

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Abbreviation Meaning

WGS World Geodetic System

WHO World Health Organization

XLPE Cross Linked Polyethylene

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 18 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

1 Executive Summary
Destiny Corporation Energy (Pty) Limited and Bio2Watt Energy Holdings (Client) jointly intend to develop
and construct a Biomass CHP plant for supply of steam and electricity to a brewery (Nile Brewery) in Jinja,

Jinja Biomass Plant will replace existing fuel oil fired boilers. Due to high fluctuation in fuel prices and
high costs of fuel transportation from Kenya to Uganda, a biomass plant using wood chips as fuel is
decided to be installed. Biomass plant will also be an environmentally friendly solution compared to
heavy fuel fired boilers.

In this feasibility report Fichtner will mainly focus on technical feasibility, basic concept, procurement
considerations, project cost estimates, operation and maintenance, waste management, carbon offsetting
and political, social and market impacts of the project.

Project Site Data

The Project is located in Jinja district, approximately 80 km away from Kampala, the capital city of
Uganda. Nile River and Nalubale/Owen Falls Hydropower Plant is located in the east of the Project site,
approximately 800m away.

Currently, no site-specific subsurface and ground water investigation is available for the biomass plant

Plant Concept
The plant concept is a biomass plant using woodchips as fuel is planned to be constructed. The plant
concept considers a grate fired boiler, an extraction type condensing steam turbine with its related
generator as main power island, supplemented by the required auxiliary systems.

Structures and buildings will be mainly of steel and reinforced concrete frame structures founded on
reinforced concrete foundations. Structures and buildings will be constructed on sufficiently improved

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 19 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

soil layers and/or deep foundations. In case expansive soil layers will be encountered the soil
improvement will be performed under the light weight structures such as roads, pavements etc. as well.

Feedstocks: Woodchips and Agro-Residue

The main feedstock to be combusted at the Jinja CHP plant is woodchips with particle size classification
P45A which is planned to be produced and supplied by the GRAS from Bukaleba plantation and
supplemented by supplies from NFC’s Kirinya plantation, in case of any shortfalls. It is also the intention
of the client to expand the range of feedstocks to include some agro-residues, e.g., corncobs, cotton
stalks Palm kennel shells, ground nut shells, etc., as supplementary fuels to the woodchips. For the boiler
suppliers to take into consideration the challenges that might come while burning agro-residues, it is our
recommendation that samples of these agro-residues are analysed for their heating values,
physical/chemical properties, and ash melting behaviour for the suppliers to consider during the design

Feedstock range
We recommend feedstocks with LHV between 8 500 - 16 000 kJ/kg; with 100% load reached while
burning feedstock with LHV ≥ 9 000 kJ/kg.

Feedstock Handling and Buffer Storage on Site

A buffer storage time of 7 days has been considered in our assessment. two concept were investigated:

 Enclosed roofed buffer storage (RBS)

 Container buffer storage (CBS)

Due to additional dedicated equipment needed to handle the containers on site, e.g. container-crane for
loading/off-loading/stacking, container-tipping assembly it is our recommendation that the RBS concept
is use on site.

Ash Handling and Utilisation

The estimated amount of ash is up to 3 t/d and up to 5 t/d for a 10 t/h live-steam boiler and a 18 t/h live
steam boiler, respectively; Fichtner believe this amount is very small for any other usage except soil
enrichment application (ameliorant).

Nonetheless, for the application of fly ash in cement and concrete production, only coal fly ash is
foreseen under the EU norm with an exception if the biomass ash portion does not exceed 40% (dry
mass) in the fly ash.

Plant Performance
The plant performance depends very much on the amount of extracted steam. As more steam is
extracted, as lower is the electrical power output and the electrical efficiency, whereas the heat utilisation
rate increases. It is envisaged that the combustion process is running mostly at full capacity, and the
fluctuation in steam demand will result in varying electricity generation.

Below the performance parameters for different steam demands.

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 20 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Table 1-1: Performance summary

Performance Parameter Value for biomass boiler

Steam generator Efficiency 88.6%

Plant Feedstock Consumption 3.8 t/h

(at boiler full load, design feedstock)

Gross power output (at low steam extraction) 3.3 MW

Auxiliary power consumption (expected) 12%

Net Power Output 2.90 MW

Net Electrical Efficiency (low steam 19.3 %


Net Utilisation (steam + power) Rate 47.3 %

(average steam extraction)

The previously offered concept of Vyncke proposed a smaller scale boiler and turbine with 1570 kWe
turbine installed power (with a 10 tph boiler), with boiler efficiency (with economizer) of 88%.

Although it was requested several times to receive an electricity load profile and steam load profile for a
representative operation period, this was not provided by the brewery, which remains a risk unit final

Grid Connection
The biomass plant will not be connected to the transmission or distribution grid. It will be connected to
Nile Brewery 11kV MV switchgear busbar. It will produce electricity only for Nile Brewery own
consumption and produced electricity will not be exported to the grid. Oversupplied steam will be
bypassing the turbine and other kinds of measures will be implemented in biomass plant’s control system
to prevent electricity export to the grid. Fichtner further suggests all equipment to comply with the
Ugandan Grid Code for future opportunities.

Permitting Status
So far, no permits for this project have been obtained. Only an EIA scoping term sheet was prepared,
which needs to be revised reflecting the technical parameters determined in this feasibility study before
the EIA study itself can be commenced.

Fichtner highlights that it is important to start follow up of permits at an early stage of the project to
reduce the risk of delays.

Time Schedule
The project is assumed to last 22 months including below items;

 Pre-NTP phase
 Engineering

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 21 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

 Procurement & manufacturing
 Construction
 Commissioning

Fichtner reminds time schedule and the periods may change due to the high demand in the market.

Project CAPEX and OPEX

CAPEX details can be found in the relevant section of the report and found as 20,530,000$ based on
Fichtner’s previous experiences and assumptions. This budget includes one chipper for the site to allow
more flexible operation by processing also wood received in non chipped form. Fichtner projected the
contingency as 5% for the CAPEX study. The estimation of Capital Expenditures represent an accuracy
level of about ± 30 %, because the price is highly sensitive resulting from market situation and high
demand to renewable energy.

According to Fichtner’s previous experiences and detailed study the OPEX has been found as 2,870,000$
per year. The majority (64%) of OPEX constitutes of feedstock while personnel cost is about 19%.
Remaining cost items are maintenance, insurance and other consumables.

It should be taken into consideration that this cost may vary with the high demand for biomass plants
due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, supply chain problems and high fluctuation on raw materials costs.

Financial Evaluation
The financial modelling of the project will be carried out by the Client on his own and is therefore not
part of this study. Fichtner provided technical input data as well as the CAPEX and OPEX estimates listed
above for the preparation of the financial model. Fichtner recommends carrying out following sensitivity
analysis during the modelling to prove the projects robustness for cases of deviation from the

 CAPEX, OPEX, Feedstock cost, CO2 pricing

 EPA Term Sensitivity
 Tax Rate
 Availability and Heat Rate/Efficiency

As a result of the financial model outcomes, the tariffs of the Energy Purchase Agreement (EPA) shall be
proposed to make this project feasible under consideration of the identified project risks.

Risks are explained in detail under “8.7 Project Risk”. Risks with possible high impact are;

 failure to reach power purchase agreement with NBL

 no binding bid from the contractors
 failure to reach a land purchase/land lease/tenancy agreement with the landlord

Fichtner is of the opinion that these risks are manageable and unlikely to happen with proper project

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The project is seen technically feasible with remarkable advantages compared to the existing HFO fired
boilers. The existing heavy fuel oil fired boilers shall remain in standby to kick in when there is an outage
of the biomass fired power plant or a peak steam demand beyond the capability of the biomass plant.
The EPA is yet to be drafted with tariffs covering the expected project cost.

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2 Introduction

2.1 Project Background

Destiny Corporation Energy (Pty) Limited and Bio2Watt Energy Holdings (together referred to as “Client”)
jointly intend to develop and construct a Biomass combined heat and power (CHP) plant for a brewery
(Nile Brewery) in Jinja, Uganda.

Uganda is a landlocked country, located in the centre of Africa and fuel is transported from Kenya from
long road distances which significantly increases the costs. Due to highly volatile fuel prices and high fuel
transportation costs, Client intends to develop a biomass plant with wood chips fired boilers to replace
the heavy fuel fired boilers.

The project setup is with a Build Own Operate (BOO) structure with the Nile Brewery being the Offtaker
and the Client establishing a project company (Xylo) as the Owner and the operator. The contractual
basis will be an Energy Purchase Agreement (EPA) to be signed between the Offtaker and the Project

2.2 Objective of the Study

This study is prepared to be a supporting tool for the project financial processes and mainly comprises of
the following:
 Defining site conditions, type of soil, accessibility, check for existing structures on the site, check
brewery conditions and tie-in points, and any objections of the neighbours of the project and basic
design data
 Power plant technical concept and configuration
 Procurement considerations
 Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
 Waste Management
 Carbon offsetting, sale and pricing
 CAPEX and OPEX estimations and technical inputs for the financial analysis carried out by the Owner
 Preparation of flow diagrams and preliminary layout

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3 Assessment of Basic Data

3.1 Basic Data for the Feasibility Study

Project is located in Jinja city, Uganda. Jinja city is located in the east of Kampala, in approximately 80 km
distance. The closest sea port is Mombasa, Kenya, which is located in the south-west of Jinja,
approximately 1.050 km away.

Table 3-1: Basic input data

Parameter Description
Location Jinja, Uganda
Fuel Wood chips
Grid Connection No grid connection, only for internal consumption of the brewery
Construction Power Available from the brewery
Steam generation capacity 18,000 kg/h
Pressures 40 bar (boiler outlet), 0.14 bar (turbine back pressure)
Gross Electrical Power 3300 kWe
Number of Units One (1)
Raw Water Supply From brewery, softened water
Site Access Roads are available and in good condition, road survey report will
be needed before transportation of bulky parts

3.2 Site Conditions

3.2.1 Location of the Site

The Project is located in Jinja district, approximately 80 km away from Kampala, capital city of Uganda.
The closest sea port is in Mombasa, Kenya which is approximately 1,050km far from the Plant. Project is
located just near the A109, Jinja-Kampala highway however Fichtner suggests a road survey to be
implemented for a smooth transportation.

The proposed site is located adjacent the NBL factory and along the Jinja - Kampala Highway.

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Proposed Site

Figure 3-1: Site Location

The project coordinates are taken from the “kmz” file provided, and shown in the table below.

Figure 3-2: Site boundary

Table 3-2: Site corner coordinates

East North
1 33.18287 0.438217
2 33.18241 0.438391
3 33.18148 0.437379
4 33.18118 0.437654
5 33.18039 0.436989
6 33.18075 0.436568
7 33.18083 0.436682
8 33.18108 0.43642

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3.2.2 Site Topography
Site elevation is between 1157m and 1162m. As the difference is lower than 10m, Fichtner is of the
opinion that this will not constitute a risk for the project. The site ground has soft, reddish coloured earth
at the surface.

Figure 3-3: Project Site (behind the wall, which forms the boundary to the brewery site)

3.2.3 Accessibility of the Site

The Plant is located very close to Jinja city center and just located adjacent to the A109, Jinja-Kampala
highway. There is a road connecting the Plant to the A109 highway. For the transportation of Nile
Brewery products, large trucks are accessing Plant area regularly. There are enough parking spaces for
large trucks and roads are appropriate for their access to the Plant area.

There are two possible access points:

 one directly off Jinja - Kampala highway by left turn through an existing gate direct to the site; or
 using the same route that NBL transportation trucks use; around the factory. This would require an
agreement with the factory for creation of a gate from the factory’s side of the boundary wall to the
Biomass site.

The former option is recommended with a waiting/parking area for the trucks to be arranged for smooth
operation. This will prevent blockage of traffic on the main road in case of heavy trucks transporting the
feedstock or heavy equipment which can lead to traffic backflow into the adjacent round about and onto
the Nile Bridge causing traffic disruption to a major international road connection to the sea.

Fichtner suggests some measures and revisions to be implemented on access roads for the separation of
brewery trucks and trucks that will be used during construction. Fichtner also highlights road revisions
shall be implemented taken into consideration of operation stage of biomass plant not to a face problem
between brewery trucks and the feedstock delivery trucks.

3.2.4 Transportation
The Plant is located approximately 80km away from Kampala, capital city of Uganda and located very
close to A109, Jinja-Kampala highway. This road shows the way to closest seaport in Mombasa, Kenya
which is approximately 1,050km far from the Plant. As an alternative seaport there is also Dar es Salaam
port, which is approximately 1,400 km far from the Plant. Most of the cargo from the sea to Uganda goes
via Mombasa port due to its better location with a small percentage going through Dar es Salaam. The
preferred route for the equipment may hence be via Mombasa.

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In any case, Fichtner suggests a road survey to be implemented before shipment of the units by the (EPC)
Contractor for review of the Client.

Figure 3-4: Possible transportation route between Mombasa Port and Jinja

3.3 Ambient Conditions

Jinja has a tropical climate and annual average temperature is 21.8oC. The lowest monthly average
temperature is 21 oC in July and the highest monthly average temperature is 23.8 oC in February. Jinja is a
rainy more than half of the calendar days and lowest monthly precipitation/rainfall is 112mm in February
and highest is 246mm in April.

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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Min 19,4 19,8 19,8 19,5 19,2 18,6 18,2 18,4 18,8 19,1 19 19,1
Average 22,5 23,1 22,6 21,9 21,7 21,3 21 21,1 21,6 21,7 21,6 21,9
Max 25,7 26,5 25,7 24,5 24,4 24,2 24,1 24,4 25 24,8 24,5 24,9

Figure 3-5: Monthly Temperatures (mean, max, min)

Figure 3-6: Monthly precipitation


3.4 Geological and Geotechnical Conditions

Currently, no site-specific subsurface and ground water investigation is available for the biomass plant

3.5 Seismic Conditions

Uganda seismic zone map is shown in the figure below. This map was taken from “Uganda Ministry of
Lands, Housing and Urban Development” website, “US 319:2003 Uganda Standard, Seismic Code of
Practice for Structural Designs” report page 16.

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The seismic zoning factor “Z” shall be obtained from the figure below for the appropriate regions or
locations. For purposes of design, the factors applicable shall be

 Zone-1: max 1.0,

 Zone-2: max 0.8,

 Zone-3: max 0.7.

Referring to the figure below Jinja is located in Zone-3, so it can be stated that the biomass plant is
located in Zone-3 as well. Referring to the US 319:2003 Uganda Standard, Seismic Code of Practice for
Structural Designs, the lower “Z" values is the indicator of lower seismic effect within the Uganda.

Figure 3-7: Uganda Seismic Zones


3.6 Grid Connection

Nile Brewery is connected to UMEME 33/11kV Substation with a voltage level of 11kV via Siemens made
MV switchgear cubicles.

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Figure 3-8: Existing MV cubicles in the Switchgear Room of the Nile Brewery

The newly planned biomass plant will be connected to the Nile Brewery MV switchgear and there will be
no direct connection to transmission or distribution grid. The biomass plant will produce electricity just
for Nile Brewery own consumption and there will not be an electricity export to the grid even via Nile
Brewery MV switchgear system.

The electricity generation by the biomass plant depends on the steam demand of the brewery and the
load setting of the biomass boiler. It was explained by the brewery team that the electricity demand of
the brewery is higher during times of low steam demand, which is advantageous with the selected
extraction type condensing steam turbine with less adjustment needs of the boiler load. For a continuous
operation avoiding high fluctuations. The electricity load profile of the brewery was checked and
confirmed to be suitable for the biomass plant by a steam and electricity load audit procured by the
Owner (Xylo). The main electricity systems are described in Section 5.10.

3.7 Feedstock
The engagements for supplying feedstock are ongoing with potential suppliers, Green Resources AS
(GRAS) and New Forests Company (NFC). It is planned to supply majority of the needed feedstock from
GRAS company as their nearest plantation to Plant is in Bukaleba, approximately 50km far from the Plant.
The shortfalls may be supplied from NFC plantation in Kirinya, approximately 70km far from Plant. GRAS
and NFC owns other plantations in different locations of Uganda however these are very far from the
Plant, which will increase the shipment costs accordingly. The feedstock facility is located at Bukaleba in
Mayuge District, Eastern Uganda 45.4 km from the proposed Biomass plant in Njeru near Jinja City as
shown in Figure below.

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NBL Feedstock

Figure 3-9: Feedstock supply sources

The coordinates for both the proposed site and the feedstock facility are as presented in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3: Coordinates of site and feedstock area


Eastings Northings
520170.59 48301.09 Proposed Biomass Pant
542657.76 46076.16 Feedstock facility

Access starting from the proposed site is via the Kampala - Jinja - Tororo highway (A109); 11m wide
single lane bituminous road currently in good condition Figure 3-10 for 35.8 km followed by a right turn
at Musita onto the newly constructed Musita - Lumino - Busia highway another 11m wide single lane
bituminous road currently in good condition.

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Figure 3-10: Kampala - Jinja - Tororo highway

From Musita junction along the Musita - Lumino highway the route turns right at the Bishop Hannington
site signpost Figure 3-11 onto a bituminous feeder road, 6m wide in fair to good condition for 5.3 km
Figure 3-12 before another right turn on to a good condition 6m wide 4.kkm long motorable gravel road
Figure 3-13. Several heavily loaded trucks were seen plying the route comfortably. This route passes
through two trading centres and midway, there’s a swampy area that is drained with multiple cross

Figure 3-11: Bishop Hannington site branch off from Musita - Lumino highway.

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Figure 3-12: 6m width good/fair condition 5.3 km bituminous feeder road

Figure 3-13: 6m width 4.3 km fair/good condition motorable gravel road to the feedstock facility

19.8 km from the feedstock facility along Tororo- Jinja highway (A109) is the Uganda National Roads
Authority (UNRA) weighbridge station at Magamaga as shown in Figure 3-14.

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Figure 3-14: Location of the UNRA weighbridge from feedstock facility

3.7.1 Facilities at the Feedstock Area

The facility managed by the Busoga Forest Company is quite well established with office buildings, a
sawmill, workshops, a large plantation forest, a weighbridge, and a watch tower, among others.

Among other equipment present at the feedstock facility is a boiler for regulation of the moisture
content to the required amount for the feedstock and other wood products, a shredder for cutting the
feedstock into optimum sizes and a weighbridge for determination of axle loads with printouts made and
presented to UNRA officials upon demand to ensure compliance to the national roads axle load limits.
There are plans to replace the weigh bridge with a new one.

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Figure 3-15: Office reception area

Figure 3-16: MAHILD dryer at the feedstock facility.

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Figure 3-17: Shredder at the feedstock facility

Figure 3-18: Weighbridge at the feedstock facility

Figure 3-19: Power Connection to the Site

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Figure 3-20: Wood stockpiles

Figure 3-21: Size of wood chippings

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Figure 3-22: Construction works at site

Figure 3-23: Boiler

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Figure 3-24: Tree Plantation

Figure 3-25: Atop the fire tower

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Figure 3-26: Forest expanse

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Other information

 The current production is 186 m3/day with plans to double the capacity.
 There are plans to acquire a new chipper which would produce larger quantities of cut feedstock pieces.
 There are plans to replace the current kettle boiler with a new steam boiler. The boiler has its own
backup generator. The boiler runs 24 hours per days 365 days per year.
 The facility currently has FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) forest management certification as well as
IPPC certification hence can export to markets in Europe if necessary. Current exports are to Somalia
and the United Arab Emirates.
 The facility has recently got another three customers. Currently all customers are served on a first-come-
first served basis. Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL) is one of the current customers.
 The chippings are currently loaded in 50kg bags at UGX30,000/ton (approx. 8 USD/ton).
 The moisture content for offcuts is 46% to 54%, which is higher than anticipated in the previous proposal
of Vyncke
 Electricity supply is by 4 transformers (total 1,250kVA) from the main grid. The facility also has a small
standby generator but plans to acquire a larger one. While there is a solar power farm close by they can
only sell to the main grid hence cannot directly supply the feedstock facility.
 XYLO may need to invest in a chip separator to get the right size for their boiler. This would also mean
that XYLO gets their chippings as priority compared to other customers. The facility prefers 2 to 3
reliable customers as opposed to several unreliable ones.
 The facility is using a drum chipper but plans to acquire a slide chipper which is better.
 Currently construction of 2 kilns is underway each 100m3 hence a total capacity of 300m3 compared to
the current 100m3. The kiln output moisture content is 12% to 19%.
 The facility has an own nursery for eucalyptus and pine trees. The forest area is on an area of about
16,000 acres with capacity for 6 months resting periods.
 The average cutting age is 19 years and there is more than enough raw material. If the facility stopped
planting trees there would still be enough for 19 years.
 The facility has a fire plan in place including a fire engine and a watch tower.

3.7.2 Main Feedstock: Physical and Chemical Properties — Woodchips

The main feedstock to be combusted at the Jinja CHP plant is woodchips which is planned to be
produced and supplied from the GRAS - Bukaleba plantation and supplemented by supplies from NFC’s
Kirinya plantation, in case of any shortfalls.

The feedstock specification as defined in the biomass supply agreement (BSA) term sheet is class P45A
woodchips. P45A woodchip particle size distribution (PSD) is defined in Table 3-4. The dimension “P”
refers to the particle sizes passing through a round hole sieve size according to the standards
EN 15149 - 1, and “A” is a subcategory.

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Table 3-4: P45A woodchips specification


 The main fraction (min. 75% by weight): between 8 – 45 mm,

 All feedstock particles should be less than 120 mm, and
 Fines, feedstock sizes below 3,15 mm shall be at most 8% by mass.

The CHP plant is to be design on the basis of this particle size distribution. The PSD is essential for the
selection of a suitable biomass feeding & handling system upstream of the grate, but also important for
the level of residual carbon expected in the grate ash. Fines and oversize fractions in the final feedstocks
exceeding the defined thresholds of the specification will negatively impact the combustion efficiency
and the residual carbon in the ash.

Lower heating value (LHV) range of the feedstock from Bukaleba is missing in the BSA term sheet. Fuel
range should clearly be defined in terms of LHV, moisture, ash, C, N, H, S and Cl contents. For old poles,
Hg content should be specified if the poles were chemically treated, or these shall be excluded from the
acceptable feedstock type.

The feedstock properties used by Vyncke to design the CHP plant (e.g., LHV, ash and moisture contents,
ash melting behaviour, C, H, N & S contents) are not derived from measured samples but from Physllis
database. It is our advice that real samples supplied by GRAS are analysed for the CHP design.

The expected upper limits especially for the following elements S, Cl, N in the feedstock need to be
specified to the (EPC) contractor because these are essential for the prediction of the flue gas emissions
and corrosion behavior of the feedstock. Also the ash melting properties are needed to estimate the
slagging and fouling propensities of the feedstock. As such, it is our recommendation that representative
samples of the feedstock are sent for analysis in a certified fuel laboratory. Table shows a typical example
of a feedstock specification template to be included in the EPC contract.

Currently, the operational range of Vyncke’s proposed CHP is for feedstock with LHV between
10100 – 15400 kJ/kg, as shown in Table (Section 4.2), which is very narrow range. This will restrict the
flexibility of the CHP to burn wide ranges of available feedstocks from suppliers. Fichtner therefore
suggest the expansion of the feedstock limits.

We recommend feedstocks with LHV between 8 500 - 16 000 kJ/kg; with 100% load reached while
burning feedstock with LHV ≥ 9 000 kJ/kg.

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14,300 kJ/kg is taken as average LHV for the thermal calculations, as shown in the Combustion Diagram
Figure 5-3, whereas for feedstock handling and ash systems, the worst conditions (max flow) are

Table 3-5: Feedstock specification template for EPC contractor

Feedstock range
Parameter ID Design Fuel
min. max.

Lower heating value (LHV) kJ/kg, a.r. 8 500* 16 000* x

Moisture (W) %, a.r. x x x

Ash (A) %, a.r. x x x

Carbon (C) %, a.r. x

Hydrogen (H) %, a.r. x

Nitrogen (N) %, a.r. x x

Sulphur (S) %, a.r. x x

Chlorine (Cl) %, a.r. x x

Ash Fusibility (Lab ash @550°C)

Deformation temperature (DT) °C, ox. x x

Hemispherical temperature (HT) °C, ox. x

Flow temperature (FT) °C, ox. x

Particle size distribution (PSD) - P45A

Bulk density x x x
Mercury (Hg), if chemically treated wood
mg/kg, db
are present in feedstock
Note: a.r. = as-received; db = dry base; ox. = oxidizing atmosphere; x = essential parameters needed and to be determined later; *
Recommended LHV range.

3.7.3 Supplementary Feedstocks: Agro-residues

It is the intension of the Client to expand the range of feedstocks to include some agro-residues, e.g.,
corncobs, cotton stalks, Palm kennel shells, ground nut shells, etc., as supplementary fuels to the
woodchips. It is our assumption that, the CHP plant should be capable of burning the agro-residue as a
blend with main feedstock (woodchips). For the EPC suppliers to take into consideration the challenges
that might come with burning agro-residues, it is our recommendation that samples of these agro-
residues are analysed for their heating values, physical/chemical properties, and ash melting behaviour. It
is essential that the specification for the agro-residues are included in the EPC contract.

Our initial investigation based on literature and Physllis database shows that the LHV of the above
mentioned agro-residues are all found within our newly proposed feedstock range of
8 500 - 16 000 kJ/kg.

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3.7.4 Auxiliary Fuel
For the operating of the CHP plant to deliver process steam and electricity to ABI at Jinja, no auxiliary
fuel, e.g. gas, diesel oil, HFO or any other fossil fuel, is foreseen. The CHP plant shall be operated solely
with the feedstocks mentioned in Section 3.7.1-2. Only for the emergency Diesel generator and the Diesel
driven fire fighting pump, daily Diesel Tanks are required.

3.7.5 Feedstock Handling and Buffer Storage on Site Roofed buffer storage (RBS)

Buffer storage on site to cover feedstock supplies while operating at 100% load for 7 days or during the
longest public holiday periods (e.g., Christmas, Eid) is recommended.

The buffer storage area should preferably be roofed to protect feedstock from precipitation. This will
ensure that the fuel quality does not deteriorate; meaning the moisture content in the stored feedstock
would remain fairly the same or even drop due to air drying.

Fuel blending concept for different feedstock stockpiles to prevent abrupt quality variations in the boiler-
fuel (feedstock entering the combustion chamber) should be foreseen; this would require blending
equipment such as overhead feedstock crane(s) or front-end wheel loader(s) to mix the stockpiles. The
EPC contractor should foresee in his concept the capability to blend the feedstocks on site.

It is recommended that the storage compartments should be box-type with concrete walls separation
between stockpiles, with wall height up to 4 m. The concrete walls will also serve as fire breakers. This is a
typical design concept for several CHP biomass plants. The EPC contractor should ensure good
operational practice that minimize the risk of smouldering in the feedstock pile, e.g. employing first-in-
first-out (FIFO) concept for the fuel handling process. A conceptual feedstock handling process flow
diagram is shown in Annex 3.7.

Table 3-6 shows a high level estimation of storage area needed to cover 7 days of full load operation at
the Jinja CHP plant. It shows that the required area for an enclosed RBS is about 760 m2 and 1400 m2 for
a 10 TPH CHP boiler and 18 TPH CHP boiler, respectively; whilst firing feedstock with a lower heating
value of 9 MJ/kg. For an average feedstock LHV of 11.7 MJ/kg, about 1000 m² storage are is required,
with 20% margin.

Concepts for preventive measures against fire hazards and installation of early warning system, e.g.
temperature and CO monitoring, and firefighting systems must be implemented.

Table 3-6: On site feedstock buffer storage area estimation for roofed and container storage concepts.

Worse Best Worse Best

feedstock feedstock feedstock feedstock
Live steam (LS) flow t/h 10 18
CHP plant load % 100 100 100 100
(feedstock achieving full load kJ/kg, a.r. 9 16 9 16
Moisture content %, a.r. 40 15 40 15

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 45 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Worse Best Worse Best
feedstock feedstock feedstock feedstock
Ash content %, a.r. 3 1 3 1
CHP load factor - 1 1 1 1
Annual operating hours
h/a 7876 7876 7876 7876
(GET.Invest Report Biomass)
t/h 3.5 2.0 6.3 3.5
Feedstock throughput
t/a 27408 15417 49461 27822
Heat input@100% load
MWth 8.7 8.7 15.7 15.7
(combustion diagram)
Buffer storage capacity on site day 7 7 7 7
Bulk density of woodchips
kg/m3 230 230 230 230
Roofed buffer storage (RBS)
Height of stockpile
m 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0
Area needed (incl. 20%
m2 760 430 1400 800
Container buffer storage
Capacity of 40 ft container
t 20 20 20 20
(GET.Invest Report Biomass)
No of containers as buffer
- 29 16 53 30
(40 ft)
Footprint area of a 40 ft ISO
m2/container 30 30 30 30
container dimension
Container storage area
(1-level), container footprint m2 1050 600 1900 1100
incl. 20% margin
Container storage area (2-
levels), container footprint incl. m2 550 300 950 550
20% margin
Ash Flow
Total Ash Flow t/d 2.6 0.5 4.7 0.9
(incl. grate sifting and 3%
unburned carbon in ash) t/a 853 164 1549 289

All feedstock handling systems are typically designed to handle worst fuel, i.e. maximum mass flow. 40 ft container buffer storage (CBS)

CBS is a widely used concept for biomass transportation and short-term storage for dry biomass fuels
e.g., wood pellets (moisture content <10%).

It is advisable to limit the storage time for biomass with high moisture content to a maximum of 5 days
to avoid smouldering.

Fire monitoring and firefighting systems should be implemented at the storage area and if applicable
inside the containers to monitor temperature and CO concentration.

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A high level estimation of feedstock flow rate presented in Table 3-6 indicates that about 29 and 53
containers for a 10 TPH CHP boiler and 18 TPH CHP boiler, respectively; will be required whilst firing
feedstock with a lower heating value of 9 MJ/kg.

The footprint of a 40 ft ISO container is 30 m2; and based on the storage concept the following storage
area (footprint only) shall be needed on site:

a) One-level storage concept (no container stacking) - at least about 1900 m2 for a 18 TPH CHP boiler.
b) Two-levels storage concept (one container stacked on the other) - at least about 950 m2 for a 18 TPH
CHP boiler.

CBS shall have advantage over RBS in terms of space requirement if and only if a two-level storage
concept is used. The possibility of stacking and back-to-back arrangement of the containers shall reduce
the require area by about 50% compared to one-level or RBS concept.

Biomass charging and discharging concepts for the containers should be an integral part of the logistics
and handling system. At the CHP site, a concept to get the feedstocks out of the containers need to be
developed by the EPC contractor. In addition, a provision for feedstocks blending should be included in
the concept. The dedicated equipment needed to handle the containers on site, e.g. container-crane for
loading/off-loading/stacking, container-tipping assembly, make this concept unattractive for a plant of
this capacity. In addition, similar handling equipment might also be needed on the other side of the
feedstock supply chain; i.e. at the Bukaleba plantation. Therefore for the site storage, we recommend the
RBS concept as described in Section

3.8 Water Supply

Water will be supplied from the brewery after pre-treatment and the tie-in location is at the water
treatment area near the existing HFO Boiler located in the east of the brewery plot, next to the
transformer room. Exact coordinates of water supply tie in point have not been given yet. A 24 h demin
water tank is considered for short term interruptions in operation.

Please see “5.9 Water Supply and Treatment” for further information.

3.9 Ash Handling and Utilisation

As presented in Table 3-6, the estimated ash amount is expected to go up to 5 t/d for a 18 t/h steam
generation CHP plant respectively; assuming a 1.2% grate siftings and 3% unburned carbon in the ash in
each case.

In a grate firing plants, about 80% by mass of the total ash is estimated to be bottom ash and extracted
as wet slag. Therefore, about 80% of the ash from Jinja CHP plant is expected in the form of bottom ash
or slags and is collected at the end of the grate in wet slag extractor. The rest shall be collected as fly ash
in the cyclone and baghouse filter. The small amount of fly ash can be added to the slag for combined
handling. It is advisable to combine the fly ash and bottom ash to avoid building parallel handling system
for each stream.

Feedstocks for the Jinja CHP are derived from virgin woody biomass from forestry residue at GRAS —
Bukaleba plantation. The forestry residue are not chemically treated. Therefore the feedstock to the CHP

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plant are free from any chemical contamination which is also the case for the resulting ash coming from
the CHP plant. Thus, the ash is expected to be free from contamination and are non-hazardous.

There are several potential usages for ash; the following are the different potential utilisation routes:

1. Soil enrichment application (ameliorant): The biomass ash can be directly used to improve soil
fertility in agro-farmlands in the catchment area of the plant. As an alternative, the biomass ash can
be returned to the Bukaleba forest floor to maintain soil fertility. Biomass ash has a beneficial role in
agriculture but it is different to humic material. Some essential soil nutrients are concentrated in the
biomass ash which enhance the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Usage of fly ash as a
soil ameliorant has received wide interest during the last four decades. The properties of most of the
fly ash favour its suitability for soil application in agriculture and forestry sector. The particle size of
the ash in the silt range and the chemical composition, that is, the presence of plant nutrients in ash,
makes it a useful material for soil application [1]. Some of the benefits include the following:

a) Aeration, percolation and water holding improvement,

b) Lower the bulk density and improves soil texture,
c) Calcium promotes soil aggregation for erosion resistance,
d) Soil pH is improve - biomass ash is alkaline,
e) addition of micronutrients elements phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, iron,
copper, manganese, molybdenum, etc.

Application in cement and concrete production (normally for coal fly ash): Fly ash (mostly coal fly ash) is
mainly used in the production of cement and concrete. In the EU the ash needs to comply with
European standard EN450-1 which specify sets of criteria to be fulfilled before it can be used as
additive in cement and concrete. According to EN 450-1, the use of pure biomass fly ash in cement
or concrete products is precluded. However, fly ash from co-combustion (with coal) of specific
secondary fuels such as woodchips, straw, olive shells, cultivated biomass, animal meal, municipal
sewage sludge and paper sludge are allowed to be used for concrete if the percentage of secondary
fuel does not exceed 40% dry mass of the total fuel and if the derived amount of secondary fuel ash
is not greater than 30% dry mass. In this case, pure biomass ash is excluded. The limitations in
Uganda for use of fly ash in cement factories is unclear.

It is to note that the amount of fly ash that would be generated from the Jinja CHP plant is very small; in
fact insignificant for consideration of item 2 above. It is therefore our recommendation to consider it’s
utilisation only in item 1; for soil enrichment application.

Singh A.K et al. Ash from Coal and Biomass Combustion, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-030-56980-8

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4 Design Data

4.1 Climatic Design Parameters

Climatic Design Parameters

Jinja is located at the Northern shore of the Lake Victoria, in the southeast of Uganda. Therefore, tropical
climate characteristics can be seen all over the year. The elevation is at ~1,160 m. above sea level.

Table 4-1: Climatic design parameters

Parameter Unit Value

Average Site Ambient Pressure: 1013 mbar

Condition (“ASC”)
Ambient Temperature: 26.0 C
(Basis of Guarantee
Case) Relative Humidity 80 %

Hot Site Condition Ambient Pressure: 1015 mbar

Ambient Temperature: 32.0 C

Relative Humidity 70 %

Cold Site Condition Ambient Pressure: 880 mbar

Ambient Temperature: 19.0 C

Relative Humidity 85 %

Site extreme [ºC] Maximum Temperature: 35C

temperatures for
design Minimum Temperature: 15C

Maximum metal temperature

under the sun 60C

4.2 Main Fuel

The main fuel parameters for the CHP plant at Jinja are mostly defined in Section 3.7. A complete
feedstock specification still needs to be specified and this will be done following data receipt from the

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feedstock supplier GRAS -Bukaleba Plantation. A typical feedstock specification template for EPC
contractor is presented in Table 3-5.

Shown in the Table 4-2 below is Vyncke’s assumed initial feedstock specification on which their offer was
based. The next step would be to prepare a revised feedstock specification based on the actual biomass
supply agreement (BSA) feedstock data for Vyncke to consider in his CHP plant design. We recommend
that, the revised feedstock specification should be part of the EPC contract.

Table 4-2: Vyncke’s current feedstock specification for CHP design

Vyncke highlighted in their offer that feedstock may not contain noxious nor toxic substances (PVC and
other plastics, wood protection products, glass, ferrous and non-ferrous metals etc.). It also mentioned
that, for a stable and good efficiency, fluctuations shall not exceed ±10% in bulk density and ±5% in
humidity over a consecutive period of 15 minutes.

4.3 Auxiliary Start-Up Fuel

There is no auxiliary start-up fuel foreseen for the Plant as the plant is considered running at high load
with few stops per year. Auxiliary start-up fuel would be required only for units with frequent start-ups
and short downs.

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4.4 Water Data
Water is taken from the Lake Victoria/River Nile and treated by flocculation plus filtration. This filtered
and softened water is used in the existing boilers for steam generation.

There is no water quality data given except the statement that the hardness is below 10 ppm.

The brewery has the right to extract 4200 m³/day from the river.

4.5 Load and Operation Regime

A steam demand chart of the brewery is shown below according to the steam data received from Nile
Brewery. Below table shows the steam demand between 10.03.2023 and 14.03.2023 on a minute basis
sampling. Due to high fluctuations in the measured minute based values, which are typical for steam
measurements, Fichtner has smoothened the data by introducing a ten minutes rolling average, which is
depicted in the Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: 10 minutes rolling average steam demand for the period 10 to 14 March 2023

It is observed from the above chart that average steam demand in this period is 8.1 t/h approximately
(about 195 t/d). The peak demand is approximately 17.3 t/h and the lowest demand is 0.16 t/h. Fichtner
would like to highlight that steam demand generally fluctutating between 8 t/h to 12 t/h.

Below chart has been prepared according to the steam data between 01.01.2021 and 31.12.2022,
showing daily steam demands in tonnes.

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Figure 4-2: Daily Steam Demand (2021-2022)

According to above chart the minimum daily steam demand is 2.68t/day, maximum daily steam demand
is 273.57t/d and the average is 136.35t/d. The annual total steam supply to the brewery was in the range
of 54,000 tons for the years of which full data sets are available. Fichtner has therefore considered the
average hourly steam supply throughout the operational hours of the biomass boiler as 7.5 t/h.

In the absence of more detailed (hourly) data for the periods with high demands (like February 2022),
Fichtner considers the steam data provided for the period 10 to 14 March 2023 as representative and
selects the biomass plant size accordingly.

An electrical load profile is yet to be provided by the brewery to verify that the electricity generation does
match to the demand of the brewery.

The Owner (Xylo) procured a steam and electricity load audit by a third party, which confirmed the sizing
assumptions made in this Feasibility study are reasonable.

4.6 Grid Code Requirements

Jinja Biomass Plant will be connected to Nile Brewery 11kV MV Switchgear busbar. Produced electricity
will be fully consumed by Nile Brewery and no produced electricity from the Jinja Biomass Plant will be
exported to the grid. However Fichtner highly recommends Jinja Biomass Plant equipment to fully
comply with the Uganda Grid Code requirements for potential future opportunities.

According to Uganda Grid Code, Jinja Biomass Plant will be deemed as “embedded generator” which
means a generator whose embedded generating units are connected to a distribution system. In addition
it is mentioned under “11.1 Agreement to Connect” that embedded generator and distribution licensee
shall signed and an agreement clarifying conditions of dispatch, connection and disconnection.

According to “11.4 Minimum Requirements for Embedded Generating Units (synchronous type)”, Jinja
Biomass Plant shall have an excitation system and a governor system responsive to system frequency

As a summary of above, EPC Contractor shall guarantee and shall comply with all requirements and
conditions of “Uganda Grid Code” as of contract signing date.

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Owner (Xylo Group) has received an official no objection letter from UMEME for direct sale of electricity
to Nile Brewery on 15.05.2023. The copy of the letter is shared in Annex 4-6.

4.7 Ash Handling and Utilisation

Wet slag extraction system is to be used to extract the bottom ash and grate siftings. The fly ash shall be
collected by multicyclone and baghouse filter system. These are state-of-the-art design concepts.

The amount of fly ash is expected to be very small, about 20% of the total ash amount, therefore it is our
recommendation to combine the bottom and fly ash in one storage container on site. This will avoid the
installation of parallel storage and handling systems for each stream.

Section 3.9 discuss the ash utilisation possibilities. Table 3-6presents the estimated annual ash flow. Ash
handling systems design will be large enough to cater for the worst case, maximum ash content, so that
during average conditions, there will be a margin in the systems.

4.8 Permissible Emission Limits

The following sections list applicable emission limitations according to different regulations and
institutions. The common understanding shall be that the strictest limitations (either local or WHO/IFC or
EU limits) will apply.

4.8.1 Uganda Emission limits

There are two sources of standards for air quality in Uganda, both at draft level hence neither is yet
adopted into statute:

 the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) public notice of Draft Air Quality
Standards for Ambient Air and Point Source Emissions standards issued in 2006 for public
consultation but not yet formally issued as a regulation.
 the National Environment (Air Quality) Regulations, 2013, draft regulations detailing air emission
standards for emissions from various point sources and standards for ambient air quality. These
standards have been issued for public review before they are issued as regulations.
Depending on the project and the circumstances the NEMA draft standards are referred to otherwise the
IFC/WHO standards are adopted. The table below shows the standards as documented in the Environment
and Social Impact Assessment for the Tilenga Feeder Pipeline (February 2020)

Table 4-3: Emission Limits as per Uganda and IFC standards

Exhaust Gas Concentration

Stationary Emission (mg/Nm3, dry gas, 15% O2 for
Source Type Fuel Pollutant engines, 3% O2 forboilers)


Boiler/heater Liquid NOx 3002 - 460

Engine Liquid NOx 3002 - 1460/1600/18501
Boiler/heater Liquid CO 4 1753 -

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 53 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Engine Liquid CO 4 - -
Boiler/heater Liquid PM 508 2507 505
Engine Liquid PM 508 2507 506
All All HC/VOC 207 206 -
Source: ESIA for the Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA (February 2020)


Bore size diameter less than 400 mm: 1460 or 1600 for smaller engines if justified to maintain high energy
efficiency. Bore size diameter greater than 400 mm: 1850. Concept engineering documents indicate bore
size likely to be less than 400 mm.

Reference conditions, equipment types not specified. Propose to adopt 3% O2 for boiler standard, in
accordance with EU Medium Combustion Plant Directive. The associated document explains why the
project intends to adopt the less stringent IFC engine standard rather than the draft Ugandan standard.

Standard applies above 5 MW heat output.

Standards in point source emission column of schedule 2 of draft air quality regulations 2013 are
incongruous. There are no point source standards for CO in the 2006 draft standards.

Or up to 150 if justified by environmental assessment.

Or up to 100 if justified by project specific considerations, e.g., economic feasibility of using lower ash
content fuel, or adding secondary treatment to meet 50, and available environmental capacity of the site

24-hour mean (for PM). As (unlike for other pollutants) there are no qualifiers regarding equipment,
capacities or fuels, this standard is assumed to apply to all. In Tanzanian regulations, “as total organic
carbon” is specified for the hydrocarbon standard.

2006 draft standards only. Standards in point source emission column of schedule 2 of draft air quality
regulations 2013 require clarification.

The Tanzanian standards are duplicated in the East African Community standards.

4.8.2 EU Medium Combustion Plants Emission limits (DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2193)

Emission limit values (mg/Nm3) for new medium combustion plants other than engines and gas turbines.

Note: All emission limit values set hereunder are defined at a temperature of 273,15 K, a pressure of
101,3 kPa and after correction for the water vapour content of the waste gases and at a standardised O2
content of 6 % for medium combustion plants using solid fuels.

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Figure 4-3: EU emission limits for medium scale thermal power plants

4.8.3 Vyncke’s Emission Guarantees

Figure 4-4: Proposed emission values of Vyncke

The emission guarantees proposed by Vyncke is very high. Fichtner recommend the adoption of the EU
medium combustion plants emission limits (DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2193) for this project. The required
emission limits under the EU directive is presented in Section 4.8.2.

4.8.4 Waste Water Effluent limits

The Nile Brewery has been granted a waste water discharge permit for the water quality fulfilling
following quality requirements;

Table 4-4: Wastewater discharge conditions of the brewery

Number of existing Discharge 1

Type of discharge Industrial Waste
Nature of discharge Trade Waste
Means of discharge Pipe
Water body to which waste is discharged Rivel Nile
Volume discharged <3000m3/day

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BOD Load <5186kgO2/year
Instantaneous rate of discharge <34.722lsec

It is expected that the waste water from the biomass plant will be treated to fulfil the same limits as
required for the brewery waste waters, and can then be discharged together with it. The amount of waste
water from the biomass plant is expected to be small (in the range of 1m³/h) compared to the allowed
discharge of the brewery (120m³/h).

For the following determinants in any series of samples of the final effluent taken over a twelve month
period shall be:

Table 4-5: Wastewater discharge quality limits

Parameter Unit Limit Value

BOD mg/l <501
Suspended solids Mg <1002
Turbidity NTU <300
pH - 6-8
COD mg/l <100
Sulphates mg/l <500
Total phosphorus mg/l <10
Nitrogen mg/l <10
Sodium mg/l <250
Alkalinity mg/l <500

measured after 5 days at 20oC
measured after drying for 1 hour at 105oC

Please see “ Waste discharge permit” for further information.

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5 Plant Concept

5.1 Process Description

A biomass grate fired steam generator comprising of but not limited to the grate, steam drum,
membrane walls, evaporators, economisers, superheaters, headers and main steam pipework up to the
inlet of the steam turbine for combined heat and power production is proposed as suitable and reliable
concept, which is in line with Vyncke’s scope description.

The boiler is required to supply steam at 18 tph at 40 bar(a) and 400 °C with feedwater temperature
between 100 - 130 °C. The produced high pressure steam shall be used to produce electricity through a
steam turbine. The bleed steam, varying between 0 and 16 tph at 10 bar(a) will be available for the
process in the brewery.

Fichtner foresee a configuration of the water-steam system of the proposed CHP as presented in a
process flow diagram shown in Figure 5-1 below; a schematic representation of a boiler-steam-turbine
system with LP steam extraction from the steam turbine. An alternative concept would be the LP steam
extraction from the boiler drum directly vial let-down station as shown in Figure 5-2. In this case the,
steam for export would not contribute to the power generation in the steam turbine.

Figure 5-1: Schematic - CHP boiler and steam turbine system

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Figure 5-2: CHP boiler and steam turbine system, alternative concept

The biomass steam boiler should be designed to burn a combination of feedstocks as described in
Section 3.7. The boiler and water-steam system shall be designed in line with the combustion diagram
and steam conditions as specified and will be designed for unattended operation.

An on-site feedstocks storage with a capacity to hold up to 7 days at 100% CHP plant load is foreseen.
Biomass feedstock will be transported to the combustion chamber via the fuel hopper and feeding
system which continuously pushes the fuel on the grate. In the process, the fuel will undergo drying,
ignition, combustion and char burnout on the grate. For the combustion on the grate to be sustain, a
fraction of the total combustion air is supplied through the primary air plenums beneath the grate
assembly and the air will be supplied by a primary air force draught fan. The remaining combustion air,
called secondary air, will be injected into the combustion gases above the grate to ensure a complete
combustion of the volatile mater and CO but also entrained combustible particles. The secondary air will
be supplied by a secondary air forced draught fan.

After combustion on the grate, the grate ash drops off into a water-bath, called wet ash extractor, via an
ash hopper at the end of the grate. The wet ash extractor continuously evacuates grate ash or slag out of
the wet ash extractor and transport them to an ash storage bin by conveyor system.

After combustion, the hot flue gas travels through the radiative and convective paths of the boiler and
transfer its energy to the water-steam cycle. The flue gas is drawn by an ID fan which is installed
upstream of the stack. The generated steam shall be deployed as process steam or sent to the steam
turbine according to off-taker demand.

Equipment for air quality control system (AQCS) including - dedusting system (e.g. multicyclone and
baghouse filter, deNOx system) are normally installed at the outlet of the boiler, downstream economizer
heat exchanger, to ensure that the emitted flue gas complies with the legislative emission requirements,
e.g. NOx, SO2, dust etc.

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Additionally, for a complete functioning of a CHP plant, other supporting equipment e.g. balance of plant
(e.g. compressed air, water supply, waste water treatment, cranes and hoist, vacuum cleaning system,
etc.) and deaerator but also air cooled condenser (ACC) shall be required.

5.2 Redundancy Concept

5.2.1 CHP plant level

For biomass boilers firing feedstock as described herein, Fichtner is of the opinion that, redundancy on the
feedstock handling and transport systems is advisable, especially the following equipment, to ensure
increased plant reliability:

1. Feedstock crane(s), if applicable, and

2. Feedstock conveyors (between storage and feed hopper of the fuel launch station).

Redundancy will be considered also for other main equipment like feedwater pumps, condensate pumps,
electrical systems so that the impact of any single piece of auxiliary equipment will not cause any
reduction in the Plant output, except for main equipment or systems such as steam generator (furnace,
pressurized water and steam parts) , STG set together with condenser , bag house filter and air cooled
condenser, step-up and main auxiliary transformer which are not redundant, or their outage impose
shutdown in case of a failure.

I&C and electrical systems will be also provided with sufficient redundancy to allow plant output to be
maintained on failure of single component. Stand-by component will be supplied from a different
switchboard from running component.

5.2.2 Process Steam Supply

Redundancy of steam supply to the brewery is understood to be covered by the existing HFO plants. That
is during planned/unplanned outages of the CHP plant, the HFO boiler shall be capable to fully restore
steam supply to the brewery. This is seen as a 2x100% redundancy configuration for steam supply.

Fichtner recommends further to utilize the existing biogas boiler (capacity of max 3 t/h, constantly 1 t/h)
to cover peak steam demands. To maximize flexibility, it is recommended to add a biogas storage within
the brewery area.

5.3 Plant Performance

5.3.1 KPRO
Fichtner uses its in-house calculation tool KPRO for the calculation of the thermodynamic performance of
the proposed plant. The program system for the simulation of cycle processes incorporates all required
tools for power plant operators, planners, utilities, engineering offices and universities for plant
optimization and the calculation of operating costs.

The main fields of application of the program system are characterized by an exact and rapid calculation
and a user-defined set-up of heat flow diagrams.

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The KPRO® thermodynamic cycle calculation program operates according to the principle of a closed
process. In mathematical terms the cycle is described with the aid of a system of non-linear equations,
which is made up of the individual equations belonging to the elements contained in the configuration.
Within the framework of the implemented set of elements, this approach allows any desired power plant
configuration to be modelled and any conditions of state which are physically plausible and which can be
brought about by control actions to be input. Because inputs such as fixed mass flow rates and pressures
are made directly in the piping sections, modelling of closed-loop control is a very simple matter for the
user. Apart from the mathematical solution of the system of equations as such, there is no need for
iterative loops.

5.3.2 Plant Performance

The following input parameters are affecting the plant efficiency and need to be defined for the
determination of the plant performance:

 Steam Parameters: pressure and temperature

 Cooling system: defining the efficiency of the water steam cycle at the “cold end”
 Steam generator efficiency
 Export steam to the brewery
 Auxiliary power consumption: electrical load of systems and equipment in the plant

Table 5-1: Input data for KPRO model

Parameter Value for biomass boiler

Steam generator Efficiency 88.6%

Ambient Temperature for Cooling Air 28°C

Steam Output 18 t/h

Live steam Pressure (boiler outlet) 40 bar (a)

Live Steam Temperature (boiler outlet) 400 °C

Export Steam Flow to brewery 4 (min)/ 7.5 (aver.)/ 16 (max)

Export Steam Pressure 10 bar(a)

Export Steam Temperature (at turbine 250 °C

outlet, desuperheated to about 185°C at
Terminal point)

Design Feedstock LHV 13,500 kJ/kg

The results of the KPRO modelling for the investigated cases are presented in the following table.

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Table 5-2: Key Performance Parameters

Performance Parameter Value for biomass boiler

Steam generator Efficiency 88.6%

Gross power output (at low steam extraction) 3.3 MW

Plant Gross Electrical Efficiency (at low steam 22.0%


Plant Feedstock Consumption 3.8 t/h

(at boiler full load, design feedstock)

Annual Feedstock Consumption (at 7900 full 30,000 t/a

load hours, design feedstock)

Auxiliary power consumption (expected) ~12%

Net Power Output 2.90 MW

Net Electrical Efficiency (low steam 19.3 %


Net Utilisation (steam + power) Rate (av. 47.3 %

steam extraction)

The internal electricity consumption of a biomass plant is typically in the range of 12% of the plant gross
output. Major power consumers are:

 Feedwater pump: 45 kW
 ACC Fans: 70 kW
 Boiler (incl. fans, grate, ash extraction): 90 kW
 Flue Gas Treatment: 70 kW
 Others: 125 kW
 Chiller, when operational: 150 kW (considered as not operational, as feedstock cost is assumed for
wood chips not requiring further chipping at site)

5.3.3 Degradation
Degradation for biomass fired plants is mainly a question of slagging and fouling in the steam generator.
The fouling process will lead to increased flue gas temperature downstream regenerative air preheater
and to increased pressure loss of the flue gas path (and thus to increased power demand of the ID fan.)

Deterioration can be measured by monitoring the pressure loss in the boiler and increased flue gas
temperature and countermeasures will be initiated when pre-set limits are reached.

After cleaning of the steam generator / flue gas system (mechanically and vacuum cleaner) the original
efficiency of the steam generator should be reached again. Even after 20 years there should be no major
degradation. Fan blade deterioration will result in higher self-consumption and is not part of steam
generator efficiency calculation as such. The fan shall be cleaned during outage of the steam generator
and the flue gas path as regularly for overall plant performance.

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Steam turbine degradation may be neglected if steam purity and allowable temperature changes are
obeyed during operation.

Based on experience and available degradation curves, the overall plant degradation for biomass fired
power plants is in the range of 0.1% per year in terms of heat rate and power output. For a 3 MW unit,
the power output drop over a 20 years period would be about 0.1 MW, i.e. 2% of the nominal power

5.3.4 Availability
High availability is one of the most important commercial assets for the Owner (Xylo), as the Owner will
not be able to gather revenues in times of unavailability.

Plant availability and plant reliability highly depend on the mode of operation, maintenance frequency
and accuracy as well as on the quality of the installed equipment.

The calculation of average annual operating hours is based on the following definitions:

Table 5-3: Definition of Available and Unavailable Periods

Period Hours (PH)

Available Hours (AH) Unavailable Hours (UH)

Service Reserve Scheduled Unscheduled

Shut Down Outage Outage
Hours (SH) Hours (RSDH) Hours (SOH) Hours (UOH)
Forced Forced
Reliable Hours Maintenance Outage
Hours (FMH) Hours (FOH)
Availability Factor Reliability Factor
AF = AH / PH RF = (PH - UOH) / PH
AF = [PH - (SOH + UOH)] / PH UOH = FOH + FMH

Availability is mentioned as 8000h/year in Vyncke offer with 2000h period between 2 preventive hot
stops. Vyncke recommends preventive maintenance every 2000h to have favourable effect on the

8000 h availability corresponds to a 91.32% availability. Vyncke mentions that this availability is
guaranteed if the “premium availability” is taken.

Availability starts with the COD and Fichtner expects availability between 7800 and 8000 hours per year
as realistic scenario, with 5% unplanned and 4% planned outages during a regular operational year.
During years with major maintenance events, which will be in the interval of about 4 years, the expected
planned outage time will increase to about 10%.

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5.4 Steam Generator

5.4.1 Combustion Diagram

Following review of Vyncke’s initial assumption on the feedstock range, Fichtner is of the view that, the
plant should have the capable to serve a wider feedstock range to ensure operational flexibility. As such,
the combustion diagram has been revised to cover a wider feedstock range which shall be expected
during operation of the plant. Figure 5.2 shows a revised combustion diagram to serve an extended
feedstock range with LHVs between 8 500-16 000 kJ/kg.

For the sake of comparison and clarity, Vyncke’s combustion diagram has been red-marked in Figure 5-3
to show the proposed extended area in the combustion diagram.

Figure 5-3: Revised combustion diagram - Fichtner proposal

5.4.2 Steam Generator

The steam generator comprises of but are not limited to the following; water-steam drum, downcomers,
evaporator walls, super heaters and economizers. The steam generator of the CHP will feature a natural
circulating design. Feedwater will enter the drum via economizer after being preheated with HP/LP steam
to attain the required temperature setpoint at economizer inlet. Downcomers (large diameter pipes) from
the drum supplies water to the evaporation walls in the boiler. The water after taken up heat in the boiler
partially evaporates (water-steam mixture) and rises by virtue of its lower density as compared to water.
The mixture is discharged into the drum where the steam is separated from the water. The water
circulation repeats itself again and again. The steam above the drum is extracted from the top section of
the drum and is sent to the superheaters (SH) to be superheated before it goes to steam turbine.

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Process steam is also extracted from the top section of the drum. Alternative process steam can be
acquired through turbine bleeding.

Downstream the ST, the steam is condensed by an air cooled condenser. The condensate is sent back to
the boiler after deaeration. The condensate flow to the economizer will be measured. The steam flow to
turbine can be attemperated by adding injection water mass flows.

To maintain high steam generator availability, the control of slagging of the furnace and the heating
surfaces is of fundamental importance.

The whole steam generator train with its auxiliaries will utilize a prudent redundancy concept to avoid
plant outage due to minor equipment faults.

The steam generator will be designed according to international codes and standards.

Components, which are calculated using time-dependent strength characteristics, i.e. components used
in the creep range, will be monitored automatically. The design of pressure part components will be done
on the basis of ASME or EN codes typically of 200,000 hours stress values, design pressure and design
temperature above operating values according to codes.

During a start-up procedure or during load changes, different pressure parts can limit the admissible
temperature changes.

5.5 Flue Gas Treatment

The local legislative flue gas emission limits shall require the following flue gas treatment configuration:

 Primary measures for NOx prevention - through air stagging between primary air and secondary.
 SNCR to reduce NOx if primary measures are not sufficient
 Multicyclone and baghouse filter for dust reduction
 Semi-dry desulphurisation unit (e.g. NID), if applicable due to feedstock parameters, currently not
considered to be required based on the available feedstock specification

This configuration allows meeting the required emission limits for NOx, SO2 and Dust as per the EIA. The
common understanding shall be that the strictest limitations (either local or WHO/IFC or EU limits) will

5.5.1 Measures for NOx Prevention

It is recommended the supplier should completely exploit the possibility to only use primary measures to
meet the NOx emission limit. A fallback position would be the deployment of selective non catalytic
reduction (SNCR) system, a proven technology, to reduce nitrogen oxides in the flue gas. Here, a
reducing agent ammonia NH4OH or urea CO(NH₂)₂ will be injected in the exhaust gases at a temperature
range between 850 to 1100 °C. The agent breaks down the NOx in the exhaust gases into water and
atmospheric nitrogen (N2). NOx reductions of up to 70 percent are achievable.

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Figure 5-4: SNCR process (Source: M&S SNCR Umwelttechnik)

5.5.2 Baghouse Filter

Biomass CHPs plant of this capacity employ baghouse filters, the state-of-the art technology, to reach
very low dust emission limits. Also Vyncke’s proposal incorporate multicyclone de-duster to separate
coarse particles upstream of the baghouse filter. The baghouse filter can achieve emission limit value <20
mg/Nm³. At least the installation of a baghouse filter would be required to ensure that dust emission are
below the legislative limits.

As description by Vyncke, the following is the working principle of the baghouse filter system. Gas
containing solid polluting particles enters into the lower part of the hopper or into the side part of the
filter casing where, due to the slowdown of the gas flow the primary separation of rough dust particles
takes place. The polluted gas then rises up to the vertically hung filtration bags, passes through them into
the clean gas collector. Dust particles entrap on the outer surface of filtration bags and create a continual
layer of dust, which is regularly removed with pulse-jet cleaning. The actual cleaning is done through
short pulses of compressed air that is driven into the inner parts of the bag. By the pulsating effect of the
compressed air on the inner sides of the bag, the separated dust layer is torn off from the outer surface
of the bag. The dust is gradually falling into the hopper and from there it is taken outside the baghouse
filter area through an airtight discharge device.

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Figure 5-5: Vyncke’s baghouse filter

5.5.3 Stack
Stainless steel stack is preferred.

5.6 Steam Turbine Generator and Water Steam Cycle

The water steam cycle consists of steam turbine as the central component, condenser, condensate
extraction pumps, feed water tank with deaerator, pre-heating system, boiler feed water pumps and the
steam generator itself. In addition; a turbine bypass system, vents and drains are the equipment which
are present in the water steam cycle.

Superheated steam is generated in the steam generator and directed to steam turbine, where the
superheated steam is expanded. Steam for export to the brewery and for internal preheating processes is
extracted from the steam turbine, the remaining steam is passing through the low pressure section until
the condenser, where it is converted back to liquid phase.

Steam Turbine Types

There are two types of steam turbines: non-condensing (back-pressure) steam turbines and extraction
steam turbine.

The primary type of turbine used for central power generation is the condensing turbine. These power-
only utility turbines exhaust directly to condensers that maintain vacuum conditions at the discharge of
the turbine. An array of tubes, cooled by water or air, condenses the steam into (liquid) water.

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The condensing turbine processes result in maximum power and electrical generation efficiency from the
steam supply and boiler fuel. The power output of condensing turbines is sensitive to ambient conditions.

Non-Condensing (Back-pressure) Turbine:

The figure below shows the non-condensing turbine (also referred to as a back-pressure turbine)
exhausts its entire flow of steam to the industrial process or facility steam mains at conditions close to
the process heat requirements.

Figure 5-6: Non-Condensing (Back-Pressure) Steam Turbine

This type of turbine would be principally suitable for the supply of steam to the external consumer, the
brewery. However, the power output is directly related to the steam demand of the consumer. With the
fluctuating load profile of the brewery processes as indicated in Chapter 4.5, the load of the steam
turbine would follow accordingly. Eventually, also the steam generator has to follow the load profile
accordingly for backpressure steam turbines.

Extraction (condensing) Turbine:

The extraction turbine as shown in below figure, has opening(s) in its casing for extraction of a portion of
the steam at some intermediate pressure before condensing the remaining steam.

Figure 5-7: Extraction type turbine

In a condensing steam turbine, the maximum amount of energy is extracted from the steam. This is
achieved by passing the exhaust steam into a condenser. The steam is condensed by surface contact with

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bundles of tubes through which cooling water is passing. As the steam condenses, its volume, on
changing to water, decreases by about 1,800 times. This great decrease in volume causes a vacuum to
form in the condenser. Due to this, the pressure drop across the turbine and therefore the turbine power
is maximized.

The steam extraction pressure may or may not be automatically regulated. Regulated extraction permits
more steam to flow through the turbine to generate additional electricity during periods of low thermal
demand by the CHP system. In utility type steam turbines, there may be several extraction points, each at
a different pressure corresponding to a different temperature. The facility’s specific needs for steam and
power over time determine the extent to which steam in an extraction turbine is extracted for use in the
process. This turbine type allows to continue the boiler operation at stable load even with varying
demands in the steam flow by the external consumer, which is advantageous for a biomass grate type
boiler, which is not suitable to accommodate sudden load changes.

5.6.1 Steam Turbine

A steam turbine is a device that extracts thermal energy from pressurized steam and uses it to do
mechanical work on a rotating output shaft. The turbine generates rotary motion, which in turn drives an
electrical generator. The steam turbine is a form of heat engine that derives much of its improvement in
thermodynamic efficiency from the use of multiple stages in the expansion of the steam, which results in
a closer approach to the ideal reversible expansion process.

Steam turbines are made in a variety of sizes ranging from small <2 kW units used as mechanical drives
for pumps, compressors and other shaft driven equipment, to 1,500 MW turbines used to generate
electricity. There are several classifications for modern steam turbines, all well proven.

Parts of a steam turbine

All steam turbines have the same basic parts, though there's a lot of variation in how they're arranged.

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Rotor and blades:
Running through the centre of the turbine is a sturdy axle called the rotor, which takes power from the
turbine to an electricity generator (or whatever else the turbine is driving). The blades are the most
important part of a turbine: their design is crucial in capturing as much energy from the steam as
possible and converting it into rotational energy by spinning the rotor round. All turbines have a set of
rotating blades attached to the rotor and spin it around as steam hits them. The blades and the rotor are
completely enclosed in a very sturdy, alloy steel outer case (one capable of withstanding high pressures
and temperatures). For small scale turbines as applicable in this project, fast running rotors with a
gearbox are applied to reduce the internal leakage losses in the gap between the rotor and the casing.
Larger scale turbines mostly run directly at the frequency of the grid they are feeding.

Figure 5-8: Steam turbine rotor

Other parts

The further main components of steam turbine set are;

 the bearings (thrust and journal type), which support and position the turbine rotor properly with
respect to the stationary turbine parts,
 the stop and control valves to regulate the steam flow to the turbine
 The lube oil system for lubrication and cooling of the turbine and generator bearings
 The turning gear and jacking oil system to support the rotor shaft at low speeds, and to serve as
driving media of the hydraulic turning gear
 gland steam system to ensure sealing

The ST is operated at different loads in conjunction with steam generator system, which can vary
between minimum stable load and maximum continuous rating.

The STG units will be arranged indoors in the turbine building in which all parts of the steam turbine units
will be within the reach of the turbine hall cranes.

The main technical data for STG is listed in the table below, which are extracted from the preliminary heat
mass balances (HMB) prepared based on average site conditions (ASC) and maximum steam flow
through the turbine, i.e. minimum steam demand by the brewery. HMB models are preliminary models
and not final studies in that the indicated water steam data are tentative and can change depending on
the design inputs provided by the OEMs. The preliminary heat and mass balance diagrams are presented
in Annex 5.1.

Table 5-4: Main Technical Data of the steam turbine

Item Unit Value

Number of Steam Turbine 1
Rated output at generator terminal MWe 3.3
Live Steam Flow (at ASC) t/h 18
Live steam press. at inlet to main stop bar(a) 38
Live steam temp. at inlet to main stop °C 398
Extraction steam pressure bar(a) 10
Exhaust steam press. at condenser Mbar 143
Turbine speed (depending on ST rpm 6,000 to
model) 12,000

5.6.2 Generator
The generator will be designed and manufactured as per IEC 60034 and other relevant international
standards like IEEE, EN, etc. Fichtner suggests below technical characteristics to complied as a minimum
and detailed generator datasheets including efficiency curve to be submitted before the contract signing.

Table 5-5: Key performance parameters of the generator

Parameter Value
Type Synchronous, 3 phase
Frequency 50 Hz (±5%)
Electrical Power 3300 kWe
Capacity 3667 kVA (Subject to change acc to grid connection agreement)
Power Factor 0.90 (shall comply with Uganda Grid Code)
Output Voltage 11 kV (Subject to Manufacturer availability of such generator)
Speed Acc to steam turbine / gearbox
Efficiency ≥96.5 at full load, PF=1.0
Insulation Class F
Temperature Rise Class B
Duty Class S1

The generator shall be designed in accordance with the best modern practice with safety factors and
shall be suitable for operation under abnormal conditions. Insulation shall be designed for long life with
due consideration being given to the expansion of the coils under the varying conditions of operation.

Generator shall be designed to assume its complete and proper coordination and satisfactory operation
with the associated turbine.

Each generator will be able to withstand the project site earthquake accelerations.

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Generator shall be capable of delivering full rated MVA at rated power factor and frequency through a
range of ±10% of the rated voltage in balanced phase distribution.

The telephone harmonic factor of the line-to-line voltage as specified in IEC 60034-1A shall not exceed

The generator shall be capable of operating continuously at rated load, rated voltage ±10%, rated power
factor and frequency with the temperature rise of the stator windings not exceeding the 80oC with
cooling air entering the generator at not more than 40oC.

Temperature detectors will be installed in the generator to permit measurements at the stator winding,
air temperatures, etc.

The plant design must ensure continuous operation between 49 Hz and 50.5 Hz. The plant is to be
designed to operate between 47.5 and 52.5 Hz for the specified periods in the Grid Code under instable
operation conditions. The plant design will allow to produce its rated power output with a power factor
between over-excited and under-excited. The power plant will be capable to supply primary and
secondary frequency control services.

Excitation system will be brushless rotating diode exciter but static type excitation is also acceptable.

The generator/transformer electrical protection systems will be of the numeric type including all essential
protection functions like over current, negative sequence, differential current, stator earth fault, reverse
power, etc.

5.6.3 Governor
Governor system will be supplied for the purpose of responding to grid frequency changes. Governor will
be electronic of the at least PID type complying with Uganda Grid Code. The design will have a proven
record of reliable commercial operation of not less than three (3) years.

The governor will be designed and completely equipped for individual or point operation of the unit
under local and remote control. The governor will be able to match the existing control and supervisory
equipment. The governor will be designed for manual control and for the automatic operation off and on

Protective devices of the governing system shall be effective under all operating modes. The governors
shall be provided with a built-in failure detection system and with at least all the indicators specified in
the annexed list.

The governing system shall guarantee stable control within the whole range of the controlled system

5.6.4 Reduction Gear

The steam turbine set will be operated at elevated rotating speeds to minimize the internal steam leak
losses. It will therefore be supplied with a gearbox, including the required couplings to bring down the
rotor speed to 3,000 rpm at the generator. The gearbox will be mounted on one common base plate with
the steam turbine and must be properly aligned with the generator and steam turbine shafts.

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The rated power of the gear unit will be selected according to the mechanical power generated at
maximum load conditions of the turbine and a service factor of at least 1.4. The gear casing will be of
welded or ductile cast iron construction.

5.6.5 Water Steam Cycle (other equipment)

This section focuses on the main equipment other than STG existing in the water steam cycle, each of
which are described below in more detailed.

The main condensate is pumped by the condensate extraction pumps with a configuration of 3 x 50% or
2 x 100% from the condensate tank (hotwell) to the deaerator and feed-water tank.

The condensate arriving to the feed water tank (FWT) equipped with deaerator is deaerated and further
preheated in the tank, before being pumped by the boiler feed water pumps (BFWP) to the steam

The BFWPs, which are multistage pumps provide the pressure required for the process including all
pressure drops of steam generator and pipelines. They are the biggest power consumers of the power
plant. Easily maintainable electrical driven pumps are applied. Frequency converter or hydraulic coupling
system will be used to have a capability of variable speed operation at different load operation of the

2x100% or 3x50% configuration redundancy concept will be followed based on the capacity figure.
BFWPs have to continue operation in case of black out (neither power production nor power feeding
from the grid) in emergency mode to protect the steam generator pipes from overheating. The common
diesel generator of the biomass plant will supply power to all essential loads, including the BFWP for safe

5.6.6 Turbine Bypass Systems

Steam reducing stations will be provided between each of the steam pressure levels for 100% of the
applicable maximum steam flow - Live steam pressure to steam export pressure, and steam export
pressure to the condenser. The latter is required to allow operation during the turbine in shutdown and
to adapt for sudden steam demand drops. Steam bypass stations will be equipped with reducing valve
and with water injection valve, motor actuated isolation valves, associated actuating and hydraulic control
system, piping from the station(s) to the respective lower pressure level and from the feedwater line to
the injection points.

The steam reducing stations will be fully redundant with 2 x 100% of the maximum steam capacity.

The steam exported to the brewery will be desuperheated to reach saturated conditions by spraying of
feed water until it reaches a temperature of about 185°C, as required for the brewery.

5.6.7 Chemical Dosing

The purpose of chemical dosing system is to provide the chemicals for oxygen scavenging and pH-
control for the condensate water and feed water to prevent corrosion and scale formation at the inner
wall of the boiler, the steam drums and the steam turbine.

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The system consists of following sub-systems as follows:

 Ammonia or soda dosing system to control carbon dioxide and pH, which causes corrosion. Ammonia
acts as corrosion inhibitor by adjustment of pH range to required optimum range around 8.8 to 9.5.
 Phosphate dosing system to control calcium hardness, which causes a calcium scale on boiler tubes
and drums. The phosphate prevents this scale deposition on boiler tubes and drums by formation a
free flowing sludge that is readily removed in the blow-down water.
The chemical dosing system must be designed to prevent any contamination of the food products.

5.7 Ash Handling and Utilisation

5.7.1 Grate Ash Handling

Maximum daily total estimated ash amount is expected to be about 5 t/d for 18 TPH boilers (refer also to
Section 3.7.5, Table 3-6. In grate firing plants, about 80% by mass of the total ash is estimated to be
extracted as bottom ash or grate ash.

A wet extraction system is a state-of-art technique in the industries, and was also proposed by Vyncke.
The wet ash extractor which constitute a closed water bath and a chain conveyor continuously evacuates
grate ash that has falling into it to a dedicated ash container. Typical illustration of wet ash extractor is
shown in Figure 5-9. The extractor should be design based on the maximum ash flow plus at least 20%

Figure 5-9: Typical illustrations of wet ash extractors

The bottom ash including slag will be discharged at the end of the grate into a wet ash extractor
assembled. The wet ash extractor, which is typically used for grate fired boilers, contains water to cool
down the hot ash falling off the grate and comprise a running mechanical drag conveyor (scraper/chain

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conveyor) to transport the bottom ash to a storage container via belt conveyors, crusher and screening
system. The mechanical drag conveyor is inclined at its outlet run for dewatering the bottom ash by

Large size agglomerated sintered ash particles have to be crushed to prevent damage and blockage of
downstream systems but also to homogenize the ash. Therefore, screen and crushing equipment should
be implemented in the grate ash handling concept.

5.7.2 Fly Ash Handling

The fly ash accumulated in the hoppers of multicyclone dust collector and baghouse filter could be
humidified (Figure 5-10) to prevent dust emissions and transported by conveyors to a common ash
container for grate ash and fly ash.

Pneumatic conveying system for fly ash transport is not foreseen. Such as system would consists of
pressurized pneumatic tanks, pipelines, compressed air station including compressors, drier and air
receivers and associated instruments and valves. Typical required compressed air pressure would be in
ranges of 6-8 bar.

Figure 5-10: Typical humidifier illustration (source: Catalogue of United Conveyor Corporation)

5.7.3 Common Ash Container Capacity

Fichtner propose a common storage bin to host both wet ash from the wet ash extractor and the fly ash
extracted along the flue gas path. (2nd pass, horizontal pass, vertical eco pass, multi-cyclone de-duster,
and baghouse filter). Our estimation results presented in Table 5-6 indicates that storage bins with
volume capacities about 3 m3 and 5 m3 for 10 TPH boiler and 18 TPH boiler, respectively, will be needed
to admit slag/fly ash daily.

Table 5-6: Ash storage bin capacity

Worse Best Worse Best

Ash Flow
feedstock feedstock feedstock feedstock
CHP live steam t/h 10 18
Total Ash Flow t/d 2,6 0,5 4,7 0,9
(incl. grate sifting and 3%
unburned carbon in ash) t/a 853 164 1549 289

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Worse Best Worse Best
Ash Flow
feedstock feedstock feedstock feedstock
CHP live steam t/h 10 18
Bulk density wet slag ash
t/m3 0,9
(0.9 - 1,8 t/m3)*, assumption
Daily ash storage bin capacity
m3 3,0 0,6 5,2 1,0
* Lower limit for volume estimation, upper limit for static estimation.

5.8 Cooling System

5.8.1 Main Cooling System

Once steam has passed through a turbine, it is cooled and condensed, to close the Rankine cycle. When
the saturated steam from the steam turbine condenses in a cooler environment, the volume is reduced
substantially, resulting in a vacuum, which in turn forces more steam passing the steam turbine
increasing power output and efficiency.

There are several well proven technologies available in the power generating industry to provide this

For the Jinja biomass project, a direct dry cooling system by applying the Air Cooled Condenser (ACC)
technology is considered due to following advantages:

 Large portion of the steam is exported to the brewery, reducing the need to optimize the cold end of
the steam turbine.
 Flexible operation by switching on/off cells of the ACC
 Low maintenance requirements compared to wet cooling system
 Reduced need of chemical dosing and reduced risk of hygienic issues

In a direct dry cooling system, the turbine exhaust steam is ducted from the turbine exit to a main steam
header feeding several vertical risers. Each riser delivers the steam to a steam distribution manifold that
usually runs horizontally along the apex of a row of finned tube air cooled heat exchangers arranged in
an A-frame configuration to minimize the footprint of the arrangement. Motor-driven axial-flow fans
provide the required cooling airflow across the tube bundles.

The entire ACC consists of several rows which again consist of several cells. Each cell consists of several
bundles of finned tubes in a parallel configuration installed inclined in both walls of the A-frame cells.

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Figure 5-11: Structure of an Air Cooled Condenser [Source: SPX Cooling]

The steam from the horizontal distribution manifold enters the tubes at the top, condenses at the inner
tube walls and flows downwards to the condensate headers at the bottom of the bundles. One cell in
each row, -typically the centre cell, is acting as a reflux-cell which removes the non-condensable
components from the condenser and drains them along the condensate header to the bottom of the
reflux-cell bundle. Additional condensation takes place in this cell and the condensate runs down in
counter current to the entering steam, into the condensate header and the condensate receiver tank
from where it is pumped back to the feedwater tank.

Any non-condensable gases, that accumulate at the top of the second stage condensing bundles, are
extracted by an air removal system. This system may be either a two-stage steam jet air ejector or a liquid
ring vacuum pump. The system contains a hogging system to rapidly evacuate the ACC during start-up.

The condensate receiving tank is generally located beneath the ACC and supported at ground level.

Tubes in the ACC are of finned type to increase the heat transfer area. Finned tube geometrics have
evolved from circular tubes with wrapped, round fins to elliptical tubes with plate fins. The longer the
tubes and the grater the number of tube rows, the less expensive the surface on a square meter basis.

Large axial low speed fans with a diameter of about 5-meters (for larger installations even up to 10 m),
installed in the floor of the cells, providing forced draft air cooling to the finned tube bundles. the design
depends considerably on the allowable noise levels at site.

Wind walls are installed around the perimeter of the ACC and extend from the fan deck to the top of the
tube bundles. The wind wall has the function to reduce the negative wind effects on the air flow as well
as to minimize potential hot air circulation to uniform heat transfer.

Table 5-7: Cooling System Technical Data

Parameter Unit Value

Ambient air temperature °C 28.0
Condenser back pressure (at max steam throughput) mbar 143
Total thermal load MWth 9.2

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Parameter Unit Value
ACC height m approx. 15
Total auxiliary power demand (ACC Fans) kW 70

5.8.2 Auxiliary Cooling System

The auxiliary cooling system consists of a closed circuit (CCCW), which is supplying cooling water to the
equipment (feedwater pumps, generator, lube oil coolers etc.), and from there to fin fan coolers/dry
cooling towers, which cool down the CCCW via air cooling.

The fin fan coolers shall consist of several cells and the flow is generated by induced draft fans assembled
on the top of each cell. The fan speed and the number of cells in operation can be adapted according to
the needs of the auxiliary cooling system.

The auxiliary equipment coolers receive cooling water from a common supply header and discharge the
heated water to a common discharge header. Then the heated water is cooled by fin fan coolers.

Besides the fin fan coolers and the piping system, the CCCW system mainly comprises circulation water
pumps, expansion tank, chemical dosing system and water sampling system. Make up water requirement
will be below 0.1 m³/h.

5.9 Water Supply and Treatment

5.9.1 Water Supply

Water is mainly required for the water-steam cycle of the steam generation process. The needed water
will be supplied from the river Nile at the exit of the Lake Victoria.

As per the water usage permit, water allowance is 4200 m3/day which has been supplied from River Nile
Upstream of Owen Falls to the brewery. The CHP plant will use about 60 m3/day (21265 m3/year) from
existing water supply of brewery.

Main technical data of the pre-treatment (already existing) and treatment system (new installation
required) are as follows:

Table 5-8: Water treatment system overview

Consumer Unit Data

Water Intake System

Pre-Treatment Process - Coarse filtration,

Coag.+ flocc.+ sedim.

Number of lines - Already available at intake

owned by the brewery

Demineralization plant

Process - Reverse Osmosis + EDI


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Consumer Unit Data

Capacity - 2 x 100%

Demin water tank capacity m3 1x150 or 2x75

Potable water system

Process (Remark: analysis no - Active Carbon + UV Sterilizer

information about organic
components like TOC or BOD,

Potable water tank capacity m3 1x20 or 2x10

Service water system

Service + fire fighting water m3 1x150 or 2x75

tank capacity

5.9.2 Water Pre-Treatment

The pretreatment is conventional already existing at the brewery and the related water intake, which will
be used for this process. Currently it is not known whether the quality of pre-treated water is good
enough to feed the demineralization plant (Reverse Osmosis) directly. In the further course of the project
additional parameters like SDI-value (Silt Density Index), TOC (Total Organic Carbon), COD (Chemical
Oxygen Demand) or BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) after existing pre-treatment should be analyzed to
enable a clear statement about the quality of the pre-treated water. If it is of sufficient quality further
treatment steps will be not required. Otherwise, dual-media filtration or ultrafiltration might be required.
Pre-treated (softened) water is expected to be received from the brewery, but no detailed analysis of the
softened water was made available so far.

Furthermore, it must be considered that the river Nile water quality can change significantly over the year
depending on the individual weather situation. Long raining periods can increase the suspended solids in
the river dramatically. A clear statement is needed that the existing pre-treatment facilities are designed
in a way to be prepared for such events and to guarantee a stable quality of pre-treated water even if the
load of suspended solids is high.

5.9.3 Water Treatment

The following water qualities shall be produced by adequate treatment facilities all based on the feed of
pre-treated river water treated by the existing pre-treatment plants:

 Service water
 Fire Fighting water
 Potable water
 Demineralized water

Water treatment equipment will be located in the container type structures. Please also see “5.14.2
Wastewater Treatment” for further information.

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Service water system

The received pre-treated water will be directly used as service water, which provides service water for all
consumers like wash water for boiler, flushing water for buildings, make-up water for HVAC.

The service water will be stored in a 24 hours service water tank, which will also include one dedicated
section to be used for fire fighting water storage.

Fire Fighting Water system

The pre-treated water/service water will be directly used in the fire fighting water system, which provides
fire fighting water for the fire fighting system. The fire fighting water will be stored in a separate
dedicated section of the service water tank and to ensure that a reserve capacity for 2 hours supply of
fire-fighting water is always kept in accordance with NFPA 850. There will be 1 electrical driven, 1 diesel
driven and 2 jockey pumps to supply the fire fighting water.

Potable water system

The pre-treated water from the brewery will be used to prepare potable water. It is pumped to the
potable water system. The system will be designed for the needs of the operation and maintenance staff.
The received pretreated water will be disinfected by dosing of sodium hypochlorite or other disinfectants.
Depending on the quality of the pre-treated water it can make sense to treat the water by active carbon
filter in case organic compounds should be removed out of the pre-treated water, but this can only be
decided if parameters indicating the concentration of organics in the pre-treated water are analyzed.
Potable water will be stored in a tank with a capacity of being equivalent to the demand of 3 days. For
each person a demand of 174 liter per day is assumed, in total 6 t/day as peak demand calculated for 20
staff (at site) plus 15 staff (external). Water quality control and monitoring of the potable water will be
performed at the potable water tank.

RO-feed conditioning and further pre-treatment steps

The reverse osmosis requires a certain quality of the feed water otherwise the correct function of the RO
is jeopardized. As the quality of the feed water after the existing pre-treatment plant is unknown it
cannot be definitely said if further treatments steps like dual media filters or ultrafiltration are needed. A
reliable parameter to characterize the feed water quality is the SDI (Silt Density Index) - value. It is
recommended to determine this parameter to get an idea about further needed treatment steps.
Following RO-pre-treatment cartridge micro filters will be provided in order to protect downstream
equipment like high-pressure pumps and reverse osmosis membranes. The cartridge filters will have the
function of a protective filter for particles after the pre-treatment system.

Furthermore, dosing of anti-scalants and correction of the pH-Value will be provided. In case disinfection
agents like chlorine, sodium hypochlorite etc. are used sodiumbisulfite (SBS) is needed to convert these
agents in smoother substances which do not destroy the RO membranes.

Demineralization plant

In order to meet the required water quality for the water steam cycle a combination of pre- and final
demineralization is needed. It is expected that the pre-demineralization will consist of a single reverse
osmosis stage. One portion of the RO permeate will be further treated to produce demineralized water

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required as feed mainly for the water steam cycle and other minor consumers like closed cooling circuits,
dilution of chemicals, for the laboratory at site or for the sootblowers. The final demineralization plant
could be a mixed bed ion exchanger or an Electrodeionization plant (EDI).

The mixed bed is based on ion exchanger technology removing cations and anions out of the RO
permeate. After the mixed bed is exhausted a regeneration with hydrochloric acid and caustic soda is
needed. The produced regenerates must be neutralized before they are discharged. This technology is
well proven and robust. However, it needs a lot of chemicals for regeneration and neutralization.

The EDI technology consists of two different kinds of membranes, one is permeable for cations and the
other type for anions. Setting an electric field leads to a movement of the ions through the membranes. It
results a diluted and a concentrated fraction. The diluate represents the demineralized water with the
quality requested by the water-steam cycle. The EDI almost needs no chemicals, only two or three times
per year it must be cleaned with adequate chemicals.

The RO and EDI equipment will be arranged in individual, separate N+1 trains. Each train shall be capable
of operating independently. Each of the RO and EDI trains will comprise 1 x 100% high pressure pump.

The effluents from chemical cleaning of RO and EDI will be discharged to a neutralization tank.

The demin water tank covering 24 hours will be fully covered and equipped with a CO2 trap and venting
will be done using a filtration system.

The existing HFO boilers, which will be used as backup equipment in the future, shall be operated with
the demineralized water, too, in order not to negatively impact the water/steam/condensate quality in
case of parallel operation with the biomass plant. For this, a pipeline from the demin water tank to the
feedwater system of the HFO boiler is required.

5.9.4 Water Balance

For a better overview of the water and wastewater management it is referred to the water balance
diagram which is presented in Annex 5.2.

5.10 Electrical System

5.10.1 Basic Electrical Design Criteria

The main objective of the biomass plant is to provide steam to the brewery under safe and reliable
operation conditions. Although electricity production is a by-product, it shall also be produced in a safe
and reliable manner. For this reason, the following general design criteria are to be considered for the
basic design of the electrical installations:

 Electrical redundancies will be at least as good as the mechanical ones

 Electrical equipment will be selected that types and ratings match mass-produced electrical
equipment for ready purchase on the free market, with long-term security of spare parts availability.
 Low-Maintenance, easy-to-service equipment of the modular, indoor, easy interchangeable type like
motor control centers (MCC), gas-tight batteries, etc. will be utilized.

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 Indoor type switchgear, MCCs, etc. and load centers will be located close to each other as far as
practicable in order to reduce erection costs through short cable runs.

5.10.2 Voltage Levels

The criteria applied for selection of the voltage levels are the following:

 All used voltages must be according IEC 60038 newest edition.

 The voltage levels present an economical grading for power plants of this size.

Based on these criteria the following voltage levels will be provided:

Table 5-9: Voltage Levels in the Power Plant

Voltage Level Criteria

Nile Brewery grid connection level and preferred steam
turbine generator voltage output
standard voltage for power supplies to
- small electric power consumers and motors below
415/240 V
200 kW
- lighting and domestic power outlets
voltage for emergency users of electricity, like
110 V DC - turbine emergency oil pumps, circuit breaker
control, inverters, etc.
UPS system, voltage supplies to consumers, which
240 V, 50 Hz require uninterrupted infeed like DCS components,
control actuators, burner control panels, VDUs, etc.
24 V DC for power supplies to the DCS system

5.10.3 Electrical Concept

A preliminary Single Line Diagram can be found in Annex 5.3 for the overall configuration of the
electrical system of the Plant.

Generating Units

Steam turbine generator characteristics for such kind of a unit is shown below.

Table 5-10: Generator Characteristics

Criteria Value
Type Synchronous, 3 phase
Frequency 50 Hz (±5%)
Electrical Power 3300 kWe
Capacity 3667 kVA (Subject to change acc to grid connection agreement)
Power Factor 0.90 (shall comply with Uganda Grid Code)
Output Voltage 11kV (Subject to Manufacturer may offer other alternatives availability
for such generator)
Speed Acc to steam turbine
Efficiency ≥96.5 at full load, PF=1.0
Insulation Class F
Temperature Rise Class B

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Duty Class S1

Fichtner suggests generator characteristic values, efficiency curves, power capability graphs to be
reviewed and compared with local regulations and requirements before the contract signing.

If possible, an 11 kV generator level is preferable to prevent the need of a step-up transformer, which will
be required for increasing the generator voltage from any other voltage level than 11 kV to Nile Brewery
grid connection level of 11kV. Biomass Plant 11kV MV switchgear will be composed of 5 cubicles, 1
generator incoming cubicle, 1 station service transformer for biomass plant needs, 1 metering cubicle
and 2 outgoing cubicles for connecting to Nile Brewery 11kV MV switchgear.

The outgoing MV switchgear cubicles of Biomass Plant will be connected to new 11kV MV switchgear
cubicles of Nile Brewery. Nile Brewery existing MV switchgear room does not have sufficient space for
these additional cubicles so the wall of the existing MV switchgear will be demolished and two new 11kV
cubicles will be located in Nile Brewery MV switchgear room. The Nile Brewery existing MV switchgear
will be connected to Jinja Biomass Plant MV switchgear by proper cables.

According to site visit findings, while some cable trays have space for additional cables while some of
them not. Fichtner recommends cable trays and their capacities to be checked and new cable trays to be
designed and installed if needed during detail design.

Figure 5-12: Existing cable trays of the brewery

The Nile Brewery auxiliary consumers, such as motors, auxiliary systems, warehouse, administration
building consumers are already be supplied through existing LV Switchgear Panel 0.4kV busbars. A
separate LV switchgear system will be designed and installed for Biomass Plant needs. An emergency
diesel generator will also be supplied for Biomass Plant for a safe and reliable operation.

In case of failure Biomass Plant generator, all consumers will be fed from the grid via Brewery Plant
MV/LV Switchgear busbars. If there is a failure in Biomass Plant and the grid at the same time, HFO
Boilers will be taken into operation. If all these systems fails, then emergency diesel generators will be
operated to shut down the system safely.

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All Biomass Plant DC consumers will be supplied from110 V DC via newly manufactured 110V DC panels.
The 110/24 V DC/DC converters (2x100%) shall serve as supply for I&C cabinets and other consumers
requiring 24 V DC supply. Each DC/DC converter shall be supplied via coupling diodes from both sections
of the 110 V DC main distribution.

Sensitive AC consumers that cannot accept an interruption shall be supplied from an uninterruptable
power supply system (UPS) at 230 V AC, 50 Hz.

Mode of Operation

Biomass Plant will be designed for base load operation and main focus will be to provide steam for the
brewery. Electricity production will be evaluated as a sub-product and produced electricity will not be
exported to the grid. It shall be capable of operating under different scenarios based on the Brewery
Plant power and steam needs. Extended short-time operation and longer periods of part load down to
synchronized minimum load must be possible without restrictions.

The synchronization of Biomass Plant will be implemented on Biomass Plant 11kV MV busbars. There will
be grid voltage on brewery and Biomass Plant 11kV busbars. After taking into operation of biomass plant
generator, voltage amplitude, frequency and the phase difference will be compared and when they come
to an acceptable limit, the biomass plant generator circuit breaker will automatically be closed and the
synchronisation will be implemented. Biomass Plant shall be able for both, automatic and manuel
synchronisation processes.

All the equipment and facilities must be suitable for continuous and also for short-time operation under
the extreme ambient air conditions.

The Plant design will be capable for assumed operation according to the Grid Code requirements.

5.10.4 Arrangement of Electrical Equipment

Biomass Plant LV Switchgear Panels will be located close to the generation unit of the plant.

The generator will be connected to the MV switchgear by appropriate class, copper or aluminium XLPE
cables. All cables will be designed according to current carrying capacity, voltage drop and short circuit
withstand capability conditions.

The steam turbine generator and Biomass Plant MV Switchgear will be so arranged that connections to
generator via XLPE cables are as short and straight as possible.

An Electrical/Control Building or room will house the Biomass Plant MV/LV Switchgear systems, at least
all general/common 0.4 kV electrical auxiliary switchgears, DC and UPS installations, etc. The same
building will also accommodate the central control room and all relay rooms for the I&C and DCS

Unit related equipment will be located in Steam Turbine Building.

In general, concrete cable ducts between the Electrical/Control building and the consumer groups will be

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 83 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study Description of Electrical Equipment
The individual system and components for each power plant unit are described below in brief with their
main features.

Generator and Generator Auxiliaries

Please see 5.6.2 for detailed explanation.


Main step-up transformer (if required) will be three-phase two-winding oil-immersed transformer of
standard design. In order to match local grid voltage conditions, the transformer will be equipped with
off-load tap changers on the high-voltage side.

Cooling of the generator transformer will be achieved by the ONAN principle with natural air and natural
oil cooling.

Station service transformer will be three-phase, two-winding, dry type of standard design. In order to
match local grid voltage conditions, station service transformer will be equipped with off-load tap
changers on the high-voltage side. Cooling of the station service transformer will be achieved by AN

MV Switchgear

The MV switchgear will be of the indoor, metal enclosed/clad, air insulated design, equipped with a single
busbar. The switchgear will be equipped with withdrawable plug-in modules with vacuum or SF6 circuit
breakers. The switchgear comprises individual compartments for circuit breakers, busbars, and cable
connection compartment and shall be a fault arc proof and type tested assembly.

High speed transfer switches (HSTS) between infeeds of the related switchgears shall consider to transfer
loads smoothly without any interruption in case of a need.

The withdrawable design guarantees high availability. In case of a failure, the affected modules can be
quickly replaced.

The MV switchgears will comply with the standard IEC 62271-200 with proven fulfilment of internal arc
classified IAC=AFLR (arc duration 1 sec) and IAC criterion 1 to 5. The switchgear will be designed to
withstand the rated short time current for duration of 3 seconds.

The switchgear will be category LSC 2B according to IEC 62271, Part 200.

0.4 kV AC Switchgear

The low voltage main switchgears will be of indoor, sheet steel and compartmented type using the draw-
out principle and a single busbar system, normally subdivided into two half busbars. Automatic quick
change-over devices (automatic transfer system - ATS) between feeders of two half busbars and bus
coupler will be included. Also, the LV switchgear will be a fault arc proof and type tested assembly.

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Battery, Rectifier and Inverter System

In the event of a system failure the fully charged batteries are capable of supplying for about 2 hour the
DC emergency consumers and the UPS system. 2 x 100% low- maintenance lead-acid batteries or
maintenance free nickel-cadmium batteries and the necessary 2 x 100% rectifiers for floating purposes
are considered.

To maintain an uninterruptable no-break supply in the event of a power supply outage 2 x 100% three-
phase or single-phase inverters with electronic changeover equipment will be considered.


Asynchronous electric motors of the squirrel cage type will be used, designed in accordance with IEC
60034-1 and 60034-5. The rating of each motor will be adequate to meet the requirements of its
associated load, without infringing upon the service factor. The service factor is defined as the ratio of the
installed motor output to the required power at the shaft of the driven machine at its expected maximum
power demand plus a margin in the range of about 10%. The service factor employed will be at least 1.

The electric motors will be designed for class F insulation. During operation at rated power of the driven
machine, the motor insulation must only be stressed in accordance with the requirements of class B

Electrical Installations, Earthing and Lightning Protection

For earthing, protective earthing, functional earthing, potential equalization and lightning protection-
potential equalization, a common system will be established. All buildings, including those with steel
structure, will be equipped with foundation earthing. The foundation earthing will be installed in addition
to reinforcement that is likewise connected together with braided conductors. Biomass Plant newly built
buildings grounding systems will be connected to the existing Brewery Plant grounding system at least in
4 points, as the total grounding system resistance will be lower and will be safer for both plots. A
common grounding system will also prevent interference between two separate grounding systems.

All buildings and structures will be equipped with lightning protection systems which comply with IEC

Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG)

The emergency power supply system will include all related systems and will facilitate a safe shutdown of
all units as well the common systems and to maintain safe auxiliary power supply in case of blackout
conditions. EDG shall be provided as a complete package in a container. Emergency power requirement
is expected to be in the range of 100kVA and subject to change during detail design.

5.11 Instrumentation and Control

The instrumentation and control system permit the safe and efficient operation of steam generator-
turbine-generator units together with their associated auxiliary control equipment. The I&C system
should be designed with maximum availability, reliability, operability, maintainability, and extendibility.

The automation system shall meet the following objectives:

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 consistent start-up and shutdown of the plant under all operational conditions
 minimum run-up and loading times consistent with pre-set thermal stress limits
 minimum fuel consumption during start-up, shutdown, and normal on-line operational cycle
 maximum plant life
 straightforward operation.

To achieve this, the control protective and supervisory functions required for the central operation of all
the plant facilities shall be implemented in a Distributed Control System (DCS). The general architecture
of the DCS is shown in Annex 5.4 “Preliminary DCS Architecture Diagram”. EPC contractor shall further
study and develop the detailed DCS control system architecture.

The configuration of the Instruments and Control Systems includes following key systems:

 Field Instruments
 Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
 Fail-Safe-Systems
 Programmable Logical Control Systems (PLC)
 Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) (Note: CEMS is recommended, but no obligatory for
this scale of the plant according to the EU regulation)
 Cyber Security

No single I&C component failure shall result in the partial or total loss of production of any unit and /or
disturbance to the plant operation or make a standby unit/equipment or plant auxiliaries unavailable.

5.11.1 Field Instruments

All instrumentation will be heavy-duty as well as of proven and reliable design with all materials of
construction suitable for the intended application. The design will facilitate an easy maintenance and
repair of the components. All field instruments, erection and mounting shall follow a uniform standard
throughout the entire plant.

Piping, tubing, fittings, and wiring should be arranged so that any instrument or device may be removed
or serviced without disturbing the piping, tubing, or wiring associated with other instruments.

For plant protection functions like steam generator protection, Burner Management System (BMS) and
Turbine Protection System (TPS) the variables have to be measured by three independent devices. The
devices used should meet the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) categories according to the applicable

The control valves will be accessible and follow the rules and guidelines in the mechanical section.

All actuators should be of protection class IP 65 or better and will be designed for operation in ambient
temperatures of +60°C or better.

5.11.2 Distributed Control System (DCS)

The DCS will have a high level of availability as required to preserve security of production. It will employ
redundancy of hardware and facilities at the supervisory/ Man Machine Interface (MMI) levels and must
be unitized at the automation level to match the mechanical plant redundancy.

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Distributed Control System (DCS) fulfils the following tasks:

 Automation of the Process

 Control of the Safety Systems
 Visualization of the Process (HMI)
 Collecting and storing of Process Data
 Protocol of Operations and Failures

There should be one common and consistent DCS used throughout the Power plant. The main control
functions will be executed by the Process Stations (PS) and the Operator Workstations (OWS) which
support through the Human Machine Interface (HMI) the communication of the operator with the plant.
Multiple workstations will be available. Each workstation will be able to execute all the different
applications. For the exchange of process data process stations are connected to each other via a highly
reliable, redundant process bus/network. For data exchange with data servers and workstations running
the HMI software, the process stations will be connected via a redundant process bus, communication
bus or network.

Measuring devices, control valves, actuators, and switches will be connected to process stations via
individual cables, or via bus cables.

Each steam generating equipment, and other related equipment will be monitored and controlled in the
Control Room. The Plant will be controlled by Distributed Process Control Units and Remote Input
Output located around the Site. A redundant high-speed fibre optic data highway to connect on all of
the control field equipment (instrumentation, actuators) around the Facility in order to control and
monitor them in the Control Room will be provided. The DCS will provide monitoring and control of the
overall Facility, display alarms, and provides reports.

Operator workstations located in the Control Room will provide overall monitoring and control of the
Plant. The monitoring system will provide all necessary information for control of the Facility installation
and systems and shall provide a central location for overall alarm management and data acquisition. The
system will have redundant communication. Overall process control will be carried out by distributing the
control for the respective combustion units and common areas. The Distributed Control Unit will be
configured to perform the control of equipment for the Steam Generator units, including all necessary
protective functions such as the safe (IEC 62061, IEC 61508) and orderly shutdown of equipment or
system during emergencies.

All OWS and process controllers will be located in clean, climate-controlled environment, electronic room.
All DCS hardware shall be capable of being removed and inserted under power-on conditions. Upon loss
of power, the DCS hardware will perform an orderly shutdown sequence. Upon restoration of power, the
hardware shall automatically restart, and resume control provided the power fail over timer has not timed
out. For extended power failure conditions, control of the equipment shall require a manual restart from
the operator workstation.

The following operational sequences relating to steam generator and steam turbine generator will be fully
automated, requiring the minimum of operator intervention under normal conditions as there are:

 Normal cold start

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 Warm start
 Hot start
 Normal and emergency shutdown

The essential common plant systems including the steam export, condensate return, the boiler feed water
system, feedstock and ash systems shall be automated to the group level, which leaves the overall control
co-ordination of these areas in the hands of the operator to ensure maximum flexibility of operation.

5.11.3 Communication interface with the brewery control systems

Proposed DCS control system will provide an interface to communicate with brewery control systems. All
necessary hardware/software will be considered to have seamless integration and must ensure to avoid
any loss of communication. Detailed interfacing plan of brewery system will be further studied and
developed during the detailed engineering.

The brewery main PLC systems are based on Siemens S7, to which the biomass plant needs to be

5.11.4 Fail-Safe-Systems
For each of the main plant items and for the common systems, independent protection shall be provided
as follows:

 Protection of equipment groups (e.g. pumps and fans) will be provided at the drive control level
 Protection of steam turbine will be implemented by means of their own segregated hardware
 An integrated fail-safe and type-approved control system shall be employed for the steam generator

Protection of the entire power plant shall be ensured by an independent Emergency Stop System with
pushbuttons in the CCR.

The plant protection system will be part of the plant DCS, however, it will be physically and functionally
separated from the DCS and will be separated system-wise.

All protection functions will be fully automatic and activated during all operating modes: manual, partial
automatic and fully automatic.

The primary functions of the plant protection system will be to disconnect selectively faulty sections of
the systems in order to protect other systems from damages. Protection systems will be triple redundant
up to the final actuating elements with 2-out-of- 3 selection. In case of faulty channels, the voting will
automatically change to 1 out of 2 selection.

Plant protection systems will be certified by a notified body and will conform to SIL 3 according to
IEC 61508.

5.11.5 Local Control Systems (PLC)

Local Control Systems (PLC) may be supplied for components or auxiliary systems which are usually
closely integrated with the corresponding mechanical equipment like:

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 air compressors
 water and wastewater treatment
 Feedstock handling
 Ash Handling
 CEMS, if installed
 etc.

The same redundancy and reliability requirements as for the DCS will apply for PLCs and the features will
be similar. The PLCs used will be compatible with the DCS and all individual process alarms and system
status alarms will be forwarded to the DCS. Protection signals will be made available as hardwired signals.
The systems should be monitored on the DCS workstations with own mimics. The diversity of makes and
types should be kept to a minimum.

Local controls should be limited to the necessary minimum and be applied only in systems which do not
require direct control during start-up, normal operation, and shutdown regimes; others will be equipped
with actuators for remote control.

5.11.6 Central Control Room (CCR)

The following main operations will be performed from the CCR:

 normal operation of the power plant will be performed from the workstations at the operator desks
 operation and monitoring of common systems and electrical auxiliary systems
 control and supervision of electrical power supply will be coordinated with the brewery.

For operation of the complete plant, a sufficient number of operator desks with flat screen monitors in
will be provided. Large screen projection panels (LSPP) will be provided for plant overview displays in
front of the control desks.

The control and instrumentation system shall be designed in a way that full control and supervision of
the entire power plant is possible from the Central Control Room (CCR). The control cabinets shall be
installed in separate Electronic Room (ER). In addition, there might be a limited number of Local
Electronic Rooms (LER) adjusted to the individual plant systems.

During normal on-line operation of the plant, the main operator functions as carried out from the CCR
shall be those of supervision and selection of the appropriate pattern of running plant reliably with steam
supply as required by the brewery while meeting air emissions limits.

The essential plant operational management functions of start-up, shutdown and keeping the target
generation setting shall remain directly under the operators control whilst the on-line regulation of the
plant components including air emissions control shall be fully automated.

5.11.7 Engineering, System Diagnostics, Documentation

Adjacent to the CCR engineering consoles for program generation and modification, system diagnosis
and documentation of the DCS will be installed in a separate engineering room.

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5.11.8 Local Monitoring and Controls
Permanent manned local electronic rooms will be avoided for such small scale project.

Generally, the steam turbine and generator are equipped with an own control system for the related
internal functions. The control system will include all necessary control functions such as governor
control, start-up/shut-down sequence control, auxiliary equipment control, etc. Protection of steam
turbine and generator shall be implemented by means of their own segregated hardware. Local
monitoring and control of the steam turbine and generator shall be possible from the local control panel
beside the steam turbine.

5.11.9 Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS)

It is recommended installing a CEMS at the stack, although the medium combustion plant regulation EU)
2015/2193 does not require continuous monitoring for such small-scale power plants. The CEMS

 flue gas analysers at each unit’s stack for NOx, SO2, Particulate Matter such as dust, dirt and CO; for
the reference parameters O2, flue gas flow, flue gas pressure and flue gas temperature.
 sample conditioning equipment.
 calibration gas bottles.
 data acquisition module, data evaluation and visualisation equipment for the measured emission data.

The evaluated emission concentrations will be made available for the DCS of the plant for the analysis,
correlation with operational parameters and assessment of environmental impacts.

Facilities will be provided for the transmission of the CEMS measurements to the Local Authorities.

5.11.10 Cyber Security

The vulnerability of control systems by cyber-attacks will be minimized without loss of functionality and
stability. Intentionally caused damages at IT systems within the automation system via malware or direct
manipulation through unauthorized access must be prevented. Especially unauthorized, manipulative
access to the process could lead to an immense damage for plant and environment up to a risk for life
and limb from employees and other persons.

To reduce the risks state-of-the-art measures are required in the design of the I&C systems of the Plant.
DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) design shall be implemented in the Control system network for secured
communication and interfaces.

5.12 Plant Layout

A layout study is developed for the investigated case, a 3 MW power plant in the area determined by the
Client in agreement with NBL. The preliminary layout is presented in Annex 5.5.

The access road is planned to be in the east of the power plant site close to main road. Another access
road in the north of the power units can be realized as an alternative from the brewery site.

After entering the site, there is an alternative road to bypass weighbridge which can reduce the traffic by
separating cars with trucks.

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Feedstock will be unloaded by trucks to Feedstock Storage Building which is directly connected to the
boiler by belt conveyor. The belt conveyor is fed by a wheel loader operating in the feedstock storage for
stacking and feeding purpose.

Both steam and condensate tie in points will be located in the HFO Boiler area of the brewery. Also the
raw (softened) water supply will come from this area. Exact coordinates have not been given yet. The
electrical tie in point will be in the existing switchgear room of the brewery.

The layout was defined considering the process requirements and reduction of distances between the
systems belonging to the same functioning group:

 ACC is located close to the steam turbine to minimize the steam loss in between
 Feedstock handling is located close to the site entry to minimise traffic through the plant
 Boiler and flue gas systems are aligned in a row
 Installation of the water tanks and treatment close to the boundary to the brewery.

Furthermore, noise emissions to the neighbour resident areas are tried to be minimized by placing the
ACC and turbine northmost corner of the plant. The prevailing wind direction is from south, which brings
further advantage regarding the noise emissions.

5.13 Civil Works

5.13.1 Fundamental Civil Design Criteria

Design of all buildings and structures will be mainly carried out such that the stability and functionality of
biomass plant will be ensured as well as all required installation, operation, maintenance and disassembly
works can be sufficiently and safely performed.

Civil design and construction works will be carried out as per the latest versions of the European or
American and Uganda standards, codes, regulations and norms. Besides, it should be noted that, to meet
the national/local requirements, Uganda standards, codes, regulations and norms will be fulfilled as
minimum requirement.

Fundamental requirements for the design of civil works (but not limited to these) will be:

 Basically, all equipment, dead, live, thermal, earth, hydraulic, wind, dynamic and seismic loads will be
considered in the design (but not limited to these). Unless stated otherwise, the design loads will be
combined to ensure the most critical loading for each structural component. Furthermore, the most
critical loading positions and arrangements of loads for example considering the alternative
arrangement of equipment, live and moving loads, will be considered.
 Seismic parameters to be used for the design of each component of biomass plant should be
separately selected considering the criticality of structures and corresponding return periods and sub-
soil conditions.
 Limitation of deflections, displacements, differential and normal settlements will be defined and will
be considered in the design in accordance with the accepted regulations and standards. While
ensuring this, requirements of all design aspects, namely the civil, mechanical, electrical and
architectural disciplines will be considered in harmony.

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 The civil design will be in accordance with all site-specific conditions (e.g. seismic, geological,
geotechnical, hydrogeological, meteorological, topographic etc.). In addition, interaction with
neighbouring projects and buildings will be assessed and their operations and activities will not be
 The civil design will be applicable in the field and will be in harmony with the mechanical, electrical
architectural design.
 Required spaces and impacts of landscaping, material supply, transportation, stockpiling, construction
camp, erection bays, emergency meeting areas will be considered in the design.
 Each component will be designed in such a way that their performances will fully meet the
requirements during the construction, operation and maintenance phases of the biomass plant.
 Design of all buildings and structures will be such to provide adequate space and access for the safe
and proper installation, operation, maintenance, repair, dismantling and re-assembly works of the
entire plant and equipment.
 The design will meet the requirements of the health, safety and environmental regulations as well as
emergency plans.
 The design will conform to the rules and regulations of all relevant state, federal and local authorities.
 The Civil design is to include a stormwater management plan in compliance with ESIA

5.13.2 Geological & Geotechnical Assessments and Proposed Concept for Foundation Design
Currently, no site-specific subsurface and ground water investigation is available for the biomass plant

Principally, the structures and buildings will be constructed on sufficiently improved soil layers and/or
deep foundations. In case expansive soil layers will be encountered during the soil investigations, the soil
improvement will be performed under the light weight structures such as roads, pavements etc., too.

5.13.3 Site Preparation Works

The first step of the site preparatory works comprises the creation of safe working areas with temporary
fences and gates. In a next step, the site needs to be prepared by construction of temporary roads. The
third step comprises the removal of any structures in the site area, e.g. the existing workshop/warehouse
structure. The debris resulting from these works will be removed from the site at a location
determined/chosen later during construction. In a fourth step, the topsoil usable for landscaping and
recultivation of the not built-on area will be shifted to places inside the plant boundaries not used during
construction works for later revise. The fifth step of site preparation is the equalization of the site level to
the future site level of the plant (plant zero level). The final level (plant zero level) will be decided in due
consideration of the structural and functional needs of power plant, preventing from the inundation, as
well as the optimization of the excavation-fill and soil improving works. In the final step the soil
conditions of the site shall be improved as required.

5.13.4 Temporary Site Installations and Buildings

For temporary site installations such as temporary offices, site camp, storages and lay down areas,
preferably areas inside the site boundaries will be used.

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5.13.5 Infrastructural Works Drainage System

The storm water system for the direct area of the biomass plant items will consist of underground pipes
including all necessary gutters, pipework, gullies, traps, catchments pits, manholes, etc. inside the plant

The storm water collected on site from roofs and paved areas in the areas of the biomass plant items will
be discharged via open ditches and drainage pipelines of suitable dimension and material to an
approved discharge point. At this point environmental and local requirements should be followed.

Temporary and/or permeant dewatering measures and drainage channels, which may be necessary to
prevent flooding of excavated areas, need to be considered during project execution.

Storm water drainage for all buildings as well as cut-off drainage around the boundary of plant, roads,
paved areas etc. will be based on calculations and assumptions in accordance with the local rainfall
conditions, if possible, by gravity only, so that lifting or pumping stations can be avoided. Maintenance
manholes in convenient distances and at all changes of direction and/or junctions will be considered. Sanitary Sewage Drainage System

Sanitary sewage from administration, control, workshop buildings and rest areas etc. will be treated in a
package type sewage treatment at site and then discharged to the brewery. Roads and Pavements

An adequate internal road system will be provided and to be connected to the existing access road at the
north eastern side of plant area. An additional road connection to the brewery will be installed and shall
serve as emergency gate.

Culverts, pipe drains, ditches, slopes, etc. will ensure the controlled discharge of rain water as described

The road system will be arranged in such a way that traffic is guaranteed without obstruction. Asphalted
roads will be provided as follows:

 Access road to the plant (min 7.5 m width)

 Main plant roads in 7.5 m width and min. radii of 10 m
 Secondary plant roads in 6.0 m width and min. radii of 8 m.

Access roads to all buildings and structures will be provided in a minimum width of 6-7 m in such a way
that easy maintenance and repair is guaranteed. All the areas with the possibility of maintenance
equipment work will be paved with reinforced concrete of 20 cm thick (reinforced both at top and
bottom). All access roads to either form a ring or receive an equivalent way of turning facility for the
trucks necessary. Walkways of min. 1 m width will be provided around the buildings and along all main
roads with access footpaths to the buildings and structures.

Road lighting will be considered accordingly. Parking areas will be provided throughout the plant site.

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The roads and pavement will be laid to falls leading the storm water to gullies and to the discharge
system. Open Storage Area

Close to the Workshop and Store building an open storage area will be paved with reinforced concrete of
20 cm thick (reinforced both at top and bottom).

The area will be fenced off by means of a chain link fence with pedestrian and vehicle gates. Landscaping
After finishing of all construction works, the area of and around all buildings will be cleared, levelled and
graded. New plantation will be foreseen.

All other open areas of the plant which are not covered by buildings, structures, roads, lay down areas,
gravelled areas, etc. will be graded as long as existing trees and bushes will not remain in place. Initially
removed topsoil can be reused for landscaping. Pipe Bridges

Pipe bridges will be provided for supporting and routing of mechanical pipes and electrical cables
between different structures of the plant and to the terminal points within the brewery. They will consist
of galvanized or polyurethane finish steel girders and supports, and will have sufficient clear headroom
considering construction and maintenance equipment/cranes at road cross areas. Walls and Fencing

The following fences and gates will be foreseen:

 Internal fence around different plants (i.e. transformer compounds, storage area, etc.).
 Boundary wall with barbed wire
 One electrically operated sliding gate and barriers at entrance with a separate guard house
 One-two wing manually operated gate as emergency exit

5.13.6 Main Buildings and Structures

The main features of buildings and structures are described below. Currently no geotechnical information
is available, so the potential soil improvement and foundation types that can be applied are assumed
according to the general engineering practice.

Boiler Building

The steam generator will be placed on reinforced concrete foundations located in a sperate building. The
structures will mainly consist of steel structure (as main structural frame) to be installed on reinforced
concrete foundation.

The steam generator unit will be supported by steel structures as an open structure, with enclosing roof
together with all associated facilities and ancillary plant installations. Trapezoidal metal cladding will be
applied for the roof as well as for the walls (partially) for noise emission reduction and protection of
equipment from rain.

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Sound insulation, ventilation and fire protection requirements will be strictly observed for all structures.

The boiler building can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to be constructed on
sufficiently improved soils.

Turbine Hall

The steam turbine will be placed indoor. The building will consist of steel structure (as main structural
frame) to be installed on reinforced concrete foundation and insulated metal sandwich panels for walls
and the roof. The ground floor will be of reinforced concrete with oil resistant coating of hard wearing

Measures will be taken to avoid the transmission of vibrations due to equipment and rotating machines
to the building structure.

The building will be served by an overhead travelling crane of suitable capacity to permit the safe
handling of the equipment during the erection, maintenance and repair.

A sufficiently sized temporary lay down area will be provided inside the building for the maintenance and
repair works.

The turbine hall will be ventilated. The type and capacity of the ventilation equipment will be determined
during project execution.

A fire detection and suppression system will be provided in the Turbine Hall.

A Control room will be provided in the Turbine Hall. Sanitary facilities and locker rooms will be part of the
Turbine building

In order to profit from day light, a strip of windows will be provided along and above the crane rails on
each side of the building.

The main structure and the turbine foundations can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to
be constructed on sufficiently improved soils.

Feedstock Storage Building

The covered storage building will consist of steel structure (main structural frame) installed on reinforced
concrete foundation, reinforced concrete walls up to a height of about 4 meters and insulated double
galvanized steel structure above, with metal cladding roof. In the tipping area of the feedstock delivery
trucks, the roof must be high enough to allow safe unloading. Ground floor will be of reinforced concrete
with slopes to gullies, drainage and coating. Columns/pillars in within the feedstock handling are need to
be prevented for safe maneuvering of the wheel loader for fuel mixing and feeding. The feedstock
storage building can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to be constructed on sufficiently
improved soils. A fire detection and suppression system will be provided in the Feedstock Storage

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Ash Handling Facilities

The civil portion of the ash handling facilities consists of reinforced concrete foundations, weather
protecting metal roof on steel structures, junction tower, etc., and structures for the hoppers, conveyors
and the like. The container filling location will have a reinforced concrete foundation which will be
accessible from the road network for exchanging full containers with new empty ones.

The ash handling facilities can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to be constructed on
sufficiently improved soils.

Foundations of Various Tanks

The tanks shall be founded on reinforced concrete ring beams. The foundations can need to be
supported by deep foundations and/or to be constructed on sufficiently improved soils.

Air Cooled Condenser (ACC)

Air Cooled Condenser (ACC) will be constructed on reinforced concrete foundations. Main frame of the
building will be steel structure. The foundations can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to
be constructed on sufficiently improved soils.

Administration Building

The administration building will be designed for the organization of the plant operation. The
administration building will be provided with individual management staff rooms and some large office
rooms for the administration, procurement, and maintenance sections.

Other than the above office rooms, a communication, an archive, a medical room, a conference room, a
canteen, and sanitary units on each floor will be provided as minimum.

The administration building will be a multi-story building founded on reinforced concrete foundation and
will be of reinforced concrete construction with columns, beams and floor slabs.

Covered and open-air car parking facilities will be provided at the outside of the administration building.

The administration buildings can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to be constructed on
sufficiently improved soils.

Workshop and Warehouse

The workshop and warehouse will be single-story steel framed building and will be founded on
reinforced concrete foundation. The building consists of a steel structure with insulated trapezoidal metal
sandwich panels for external walls and roof. The floor is of reinforced concrete with an oil proof and hard
wearing surface treatment.

The floor area will be divided into three areas, namely mechanical workshop, electrical workshop and
warehouse area. Each area is separated by a partition wall, one overhead crane will serve for all three

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The warehouse will be provided with sufficient space for the storage of various kinds of small size and
heavy spare parts and materials necessary for a safe and reliable operation of the biomass plant. Separate
storage rooms for sensitive electronic spares will be provided.

An office room is provided in a corner of the warehouse for organization and bookkeeping.

A fenced outdoor area for voluminous weather-proof parts will be located directly adjacent to the

The workshop and warehouse building can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to be
constructed on sufficiently improved soils.

Electrical Control Building

The electrical control building, the switchgear, the battery room and other installations will be
accommodated in a single floor building with cable basement. This building will be designed and built by
use of reinforced concrete structures and roof and brick work walls.

The electrical room building can need to be constructed on sufficiently improved soils.

Ash Silos

The fly ash silo will be a steel silo on columns, which will be arranged to discharge to the bottom ash
system. Structural steel stairs with platforms at the points of access for maintenance of the silo will be

Ash silos can need to be supported by deep foundations and/or to be constructed on sufficiently
improved soils.

Transformer Foundations

The transformer foundations will be of reinforced concrete with oil collecting pits and transformer
support rails. The individual oil pits will be drained into a central oil collecting pit with oil separation
facilities. The transformer areas will be surrounded by chain link fences with adequate gates.

The transformer foundations can need to be constructed on sufficiently improved soils.

Guard and Gate House

The guard and gate house is located at the main entrance and will have an office room, a bag checking
and luggage room, a waiting area and a toilet. The gate and guard house will be of reinforced concrete
structure with columns, beams and slabs and with adequate ventilation.

Guard and Gate house will be designed and constructred such that it can fully serve as also a
weighbridge control room.

The guard and gate house can need to be constructed on sufficiently improved soils.

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5.14 Auxiliary Systems

5.14.1 Fire Fighting System

Fire fighting system will provide safety and protection of the personnel, systems, equipment, components
and buildings from the fire hazard by early warning and early suppression in the Power Plant. The fire
fighting system will be designed in accordance with NFPA 850, NFPA 1 and local requirements. The fire
fighting system consists of the following subsystems serving for all the facilities and buildings within the
Plant site:

 Fire water storage for minimum 2 hours period

 Fire water pumping system with 1x100% electrical driven and 1x100% standby diesel driven pumps
and 2 x 100% jockey pumps
 Main fire ring
 Outdoor hydrant and indoor hose reel
 Sprinkler and spray water deluge systems
 Carbon dioxide (CO2) or rather non-toxic gas systems
 Portable and mobile fire protection equipment, fire extinguishers
 Structural fire protection measures
 Fire detection and alarm system with a main panel in the central control room

The Power Plant will be supplied with fire water from the fire fighting water storage in the service water
tanks. It must be guaranteed that at any time the sufficient fire water quantity for the worst-case scenario
is available, e.g. by a “dead volume” in the service water storage tanks. The water demand of the Power
Plant will be calculated considering a worst-case scenario based on above mentioned regulations.

The fire fighting system will cover all plant buildings including fuel supply facilities, steam generator-
turbine buildings, substation, treatment facilities, administration building, laboratory, maintenance
building/ workshops and warehouses. Fire alarms will be received in the central control room and
required actions will be manged from there.

The fire water distribution system will incorporate sectionalizing valves so that a failure in any part of the
system can be isolated while allowing the remainder of the system to function properly.

Firefighting equipment will be located in a container type structure.

5.14.2 Wastewater Treatment

The following wastewater treatment systems are proposed:

 Biological waste water treatment plant for domestic sewage as a package system
 Neutralization for all chemical drains like cleaning effluents from RO and EDI cleaning, from chemical
storage area and from mixed bed regeneration in case this technology is applied and all effluents
where the pH-value is off the limited range
 Oil separator for oily waste waters

The domestic wastewater will be treated separately in a biological package wastewater treatment before
discharge or being reused as service water, for irrigation purposes. The sewage treatment plant is of the

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biological type where all sanitary effluents are reduced from organic matter to stable sediment. The
sewage treatment plant consists of several treatment chambers, including screening devices, aeration,
active sludge treatment, sedimentation, clarification and separation/recirculation of active sludge. Excess
water will be discharged.

Rain water and surface water will be collected in the drainage system and will be passed through an oil
separator to the wastewater pond and then discharged.

Chemical drains require a pH-value adjustment by adding hydrochloric acid or caustic soda to get a ph-
value which is in the range requested by the discharge limits.

Oily water, which has passed through an oil separator before, will be pumped to the monitoring pond.
The oily waste water treatment plant will consist of different oil-water separators located where oil spills
are most likely to occur (e.g. steam turbine area, transformer area). The oil separators are equipped with a
sludge trap, a coalescer, a sampling station and an oily water/sludge tank with automatic stopper.

The treated wastewater will be collected in a monitoring pond, which can be used for final pH
adjustment. The water quality is to comply with waste water effluent limits (see 4.8.4). The treated waste
water will be discharged together with wastewater from the brewery. The final discharge point for the
treated waste water is the Nile River.

5.14.3 Compressed Air System

Compressed air is required for sootblowing, bag filter cleaning, instrument air. A dedicated instrument &
service air system will cater for the compressed air demand by the internal Jinja Biomass plant systems.

Instrument Air will be required by the Project for instrumentation purposes. Plant Air will be required for
several uses within the plant including utility stations.

The Air system will provide compressed air for different usage:

 Air pressurized and delivered saturated at operating pressure

 Utility stations and other various uses (e.g: pneumatic tools and etc),
 Some specific usage within units (soot blowing, pulse cleaning, etc)
 Air pressurized and delivered dried to -20°C dew point at atmospheric pressure
 All actuators, purge enclosures, analysers,
 Process section purging out.

Instrument and service air will be treated to fulfil the following conditions:

 Instrument Air: Dew Point at operating Pressure -20°C; Type de-oiled

 Plant Air: Dew Point at Operating Pressure +5°C; Type de-oiled

The compressed air system will maximise the availability, reliability and efficiency of the Plant. The scope
of supply will include following main equipment: air compressor with sufficient redundancy (1 duty + 1
standby) , air receiver(s), piping, air dryers, filters, lubrication system, cooling system, remote and local
control and instrumentation system, electrical equipment, all other items necessary for proper
performance of the compressed air system.

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The instrument air system and plant air system will be supplied by common air compressors, with the
instrument air being treated further to its better quality.

NBL compressed air system, will be used as emergency air compressor.

5.14.4 Chippers
One chipper will be supplied within the plant boundary to allow also processing of non-chipped wood
for the smoother operation of the plant. With this alternative, Biomass Plant operation will not be
interrupted if forestery chippers are out of operation. Mobile chippers are also a good alternative which
approximately costs 25% higher than the stationary ones, but are not considered in the base scope.
Owner may supply one or more additional chipper for reducing the risks of chipped feedstock
unavailability, however Fichtner assumes one chipper within the boundary of the plant will be sufficient.

Chippers will be procured ensuring they include the expected guards and interlocks for their safe

5.15 Codes and Standards

Boiler, Steam turbine, generator and other auxiliaries have to be designed according to international
standards. Mechanical vibrations, safety of machinery, piping systems, material testing, technical
drawings, and tolerances are described in these standards.

Steam generator and pressure piping will be designed on the basis of EU Pressure Equipment Directive
(PED) and ASME. Pressure part material, manufacture and testing will be as per PED and ASME. ASME
stamp will not be requested.

Applied priority of code and standard for civil and building engineering is as following;

 UG Uganda National Bureau of Standards

 EN (European Norms) Standards
 DIN Standards
 American Standards (ACI, AISC, ASCE, IBC).

The design of the buildings and structures considers all equipment loads, live loads, wind and snow loads
as well as seismic loads. Design load combinations used will be considered as per Local/European

All data shall be calculated and listed in SI units.

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6 Procurement Concept
Client has a strong preference that Vyncke will provide the steam generator and potentially the steam
turbine package. Therefore, Fichtner will consider Vyncke as the Client's preferred vendor for the power

However as per clients request implementation concept with a lot-wise approach, a typical and
reasonable split of works for the different packages are also explained.

The following table provides a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of single and multi-lot

Table 6-1: Advantages and disadvantages of different procurement options

EPC Multi-lot

+ Clear allocation of warranties and liabilities, + early possible tender/ordering of deadline-

provided from one contractor with good determining main component
financial standing
+ in-depth planning and process-adapted
+ No interface coordination processing of the lots according to project
+ Lump-sum price, limited risk of change
orders due to coordination of con-tractors + Favorable individual prices through
exploitation of the market and more
+ Limited risk of delays, as EPC contractor individual competition; better price-
carries the risk of delays of its performance ratio
subcontractors (penalties for delays)
+ Staggered outflow of funds according to
+ Optimization of layout is possible after the project execution
tendering without interface risks
+ High planning security within the lots

+ Preferred for individual/tailor made

solutions, such as industrial CHP systems

- Potentially limited competition due to - Time required for coordination between lot
unwillingness of suppliers to provide EPC contractors
- Risk of warranty gaps at interfaces
- Risk in meeting performance and quality
requirements - Delays of contractors will affect other lots
and might lead to time delays and claims
- Longer planning and processing sequence for change orders
up to the selection of the general
contractor in the competition - Higher planning, ordering and processing
- Restricted planning and participation in
determining components, vendors and - Owner needs an experienced team,
execution variations especially for interface handling

- Handling surcharges of the general

contractor when purchasing components

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The above table is based on practical experiences by Fichtner, which have shown, that a multi-lot
procurement is usually a preferred option only in the case if no single-lot contractor can be found (like in
the cases of large coal-fired power plants or in niche markets). However, in the case that there is a
suitable number of qualified (technically and financially) suppliers in the market willing to offer turnkey
services, the advantages of turnkey services outweigh the advantages of multi-lot procurement.
For the Jinja Biomass power plant Owner (Xylo) listed a selection of potentially suitable suppliers with
respect to availability for turnkey services. The listed companies are as following:

 Steamworks
 John Thompson
 Babcock and Wilcox
 Standardkessel Baumgartner

Only Steamworks is seen as potentially willing to contract a nominated main boiler supplier, Vyncke.

Fichtner suggests Vyncke offer to be revised for covering of all works as an EPC Contractor. Consortium
of Vyncke with a local Contractor may also be a possible solution with a detailed focus on interfaces
between the parties. The Owner (Xylo) also needs to ensure that all entities forming the Contractor act
together and in a consistent manner, avoiding any breakdown in the consortium, which can risk project

However, if no contractor that is willing to work with Vyncke can be found, Fichtner suggests choosing a
multiple lot procurement concept with a small number (3-5) of lots as follows:

 Lot 1 for power island,

 Lot 2 for electrical, instrumentation and control systems supply,
 Lot 3 for BoP equipment supply,
 Lot 4 for civil works
 Lot 5 for mechanical and electrical erection.

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7 Project Cost Estimates and Carbon Offsetting
Client will develop a financial model. Fichtner will determine technical and cost input data for this
financial model, as further elaborated in this chapter.

7.1 General
The project technical key parameters which will be main technical input to the financial model are
indicated in the following Table.

Table 7-1: Key Technical Figures

Item Data
Number of units 1
Total Plant Gross Capacity (low steam 3.30 MW
Total Plant Gross Capacity (average steam 2.27 MW
Internal power consumption 400 kW
Feedstock input 15.3 MW (3.8 t/h at
14.3 MJ/kg LHV)
Plant Full Working Hours (average) 7,900
Power Output Degradation 0.1% per annum
Heat Rate Degradation 0.1% per annum
Steam Export to brewery 54,000 t/a
Annual power generation (gross) 18,500 MWh/a
Plant operational life 25 years

This section provides an overview of the expected Project Cost as well as the results of the financial
analysis performed as part of this Study. All costs have been defined in US Dollar.

Project costs comprise the following cost components:

 Construction Costs as Capital Expenditures (CAPEX), including:

- Assets of the power plant
- Area
- Assets for Out of Fence Works
- Physical contingencies
- Insurance
- Project development, permitting, engineering and supervision
- Financial costs / interests during construction
- Reserve accounts

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 Operational Expenditures (OPEX)
- Fixed OPEX
- Variable OPEX
- Feedstock costs

7.2 Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)

It is common practice to erect complete power plants on an Engineering, Procurement and Construction
(EPC) turnkey lump-sum contract basis, where one EPC company is responsible for all scope including
design, shipment, installation and commissioning. EPC contracts are also common for project-financed
facilities because financing institutes prefer one organization being responsible for the complete erection
phase. Fichtner therefore recommends building the Jinja Biomass Plant under the scope of one EPC
contract for easier and smooth project management.

Existing Vyncke’s offer is limited with design, procurement, supervision of installation and commissioning
of the equipment. It shall be noted that mechanical and electrical installation of the equipment, shipment,
piping works, steel works, flue gas ducting, chimney, supply of water, electricity, compressed air, any civil
works, any interface with the brewery are not included in Vyncke’s offer. Fichtner is of the opinion that
missing scope and works cost could not neglected and shall be taken into consideration before project

Fichtner suggests Vyncke offer to be revised for covering of all works as an EPC Contractor. Consortium
of, Vyncke with a local Contractor may also be a possible solution with a detailed focus on interfaces
between the parties.

Depending on where and when equipment and materials for the power plant are sourced, as well as the
overall power market situation, the capital expenditures (CAPEX) may differ. Thus, the CAPEX estimate
reflects a good average indication of the financial situation for the here described project, however actual
project costs may vary depending on multiple factors, including those mentioned above.

CAPEX estimations are prepared for the selected plant concept including all plant relevant equipment,
works, engineering, construction and commissioning. CAPEX of the EPC part covers the following main
power plant equipment and systems:

 Fuel launch station

 Dynamic watercooled stepgrate
 Chain conveyor for wet ash evacuation
 Water-steam tube steam boiler
 Steam turbine and generator
 Air cooled condenser
 Other required balance of plant systems
 Control and instrumentation including a SCADA system
 Electrical balance of plant systems
 Civil works including all buildings, foundations, civil structures, earthworks, setting up site facilities
 Shipment
 Installation and commissioning works

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Additionally, the following expenditures will be considered and have to be financed by the Owner (Xylo)
prior to Commercial Operation date (COD) of the plant:

 administration costs
 project development costs
 permits, engineering, administrative costs of the Owner
 consultancy services (legal, feedstock, carbon offsetting etc.)
 contingencies
 mobilization for the O&M phase
 fuel during commissioning
 working capital and first stock of spare parts
 lenders expenses; such as placement fees, financial advisory fee and commitment fees
 financing fees; according to the terms of the loans
 interest during construction
 miscellaneous costs and fees including legal advisory fee

It is assumed that:

 Construction period is estimated to be:

- 22 Months after receipt of down payment
 Custom Duties and Fees as well as VAT have not been considered in the CAPEX.
 Project development, permitting, detail design and consultancy works are included in the Table 7-2.
 Insurance during construction is assumed to be 0.5% of the total EPC cost based on experience from
similar projects.
 Contingencies are considered as 5% of the EPC Price at this early stage of the project.

7.2.1 Estimation of EPC Price for the Works

The cost estimations for this project are based on European technology application for the whole
package. According to Fichtner’s previous experiences EPC cost is foreseen as shown in the below table.
Below table is based on general assumptions of Fichtner’s previous experiences, however due to the
Covid pandemic, problems in supply chain and Russia-Ukraine conflict, significant fluctuations in prices
have been observed during recent years. In this regard, Fichtner suggests an updated offer to be asked to
Vyncke and other potential OEM’s to see updated figures.

Table 7-2: CAPEX breakdown

CAPEX Cost (USD) Remarks

1 Equipment 13,300,000 Based on previous experiences.
2 Civil 2,600,000 Accepted as 20% of the sub-total
3 Project development 1,600,000 Based on previous experiences.
4 Administration 300,000 Based on previous experiences.
5 Insurance 80,000 Accepted as 0.5 of EPC cost.
Electrical and Mechanical
6 1,000,000 Based on previous experiences.
7 Shipment 370,000 Based on previous experiences.
8 Sub-total 19,150,000
9 Initial spare parts 320,000 2% of Equipment+Civil

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CAPEX Cost (USD) Remarks
10 Contingency 960,000 Accepted as 5% of the subtotal.
TOTAL 20,530,000

According to the above table, project cost is approximately 6,220$/kWinstalled.

The estimation of Capital Expenditures represent an accuracy level of about ± 30 %, because the price is
highly sensitive resulting from market situation and high demand to renewable energy as explained

7.3 Operating and Maintenance Costs (OPEX)

The operating and maintenance costs (O&M costs) stated in this section are made up of fixed and
variable portions. The fixed OPEX comprises all cost to be paid independent, whether the plant is
operating or not, and the variable OPEX for all consumables, mainly the feedstock (wood chips). The
variable O&M costs for consumables are based on the net electricity and steam production of the plant.
The estimates for fixed and variable O&M costs are based on data received by the Client, rates from
manufacturers as well as from internal data base, reflecting the recent market situation. The operational
cost estimate (OPEX) represents an accuracy of about ± 30 %.

The operational expenditures (OPEX) comprise mainly the following items:

 Personnel cost
 Maintenance cost
 Administration costs
 Insurance
 Feedstock cost
 Other consumables

7.3.1 Fixed OPEX

The fixed O&M expenses are mainly caused by personnel, maintenance cost and insurance. Fichtner
recommends an O&M contract to be signed with OEM if possible.

Personnel Cost

The total plant staff is envisaged to be 21 people and the breakdown of personnel is given in Chapter 8.4.

Average cost of one personnel is estimated to be 25,000 USD/a. Total annual personnel cost is estimated
as 550,000 USD.

Maintenance Cost

Spare parts for routine maintenance, outsourcing cost for maintenance and irregular cleaning works is
estimated to be 2.5 % of the equipment and 1% of civil, which is 350,000 USD annually. During the first
two years of operation, i.e. during the warranty period, this cost item is reduced by one third, resulting in
233,333 USD per year.

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Administration Cost

Fichtner assumes a budget of 120,000 USD annually will be needed as administration costs during the
operation period. It is assumed that management of biomass plant, relations with Nile Brewery, feedstock
suppliers, OEM’s will need some manhours as well.


The insurance cost is estimated as 0.5 % of EPC cost, which is 80,000 USD annually.

7.3.2 Variable OPEX

Variable operational expenditures depend on the actual operation regime of the plant, this portion of
costs are increase with the increase of power output. They are;

 Feedstock cost: This is the major portion of OPEX. According to Fichtner’s previous experiences, the
feedstock cost is assumed as 1,750,000$ annually. Fichtner also reminds feedstock costs will vary on
the brewery steam and electricity demands as well as on the feedstock quality.
 Other consumables: Other consumables are foreseen as 2.5$/operating hours based on previous

Table 7-3: Breakdown of OPEX

No Item Cost ($) Remarks”

1 Personnel Cost 550,000 Calculated for 22 person/25,000$ annually.

2 Maintenance Cost 350,000 2.5% of equipment and 1% of civil works
3 Administration Cost 120,000 Accepted as 0.5 of EPC cost.
4 Insurance 80,000 Accepted as 0.5 of EPC cost.
37USD/t for feedstock, feedstock amount acc to Fichtner's
5 Feedstock Cost 1,750,000
combustion diagram, plus transport costs (10USD/t).
6 Other Consumables 20,000 Accepted as 2.5$/operating hour and 8000 h/a
Note: All costs are rounded up to 10,000$ for easy
TOTAL 2,870,000

7.4 Sensitivity Analysis

Fichtner recommends proving the project’s robustness with a sensitivity analysis for following

 High CAPEX Scenario (+10%)

 High OPEX Scenario
 Fuel Cost Sensitivity
 EPA Term Sensitivity
 Tax Rate
 CO2 price sensitivity
 Low availability scenario
 Increased heat rate (feedstock input) case

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7.5 Competitiveness compared to HFO fired steam generation
The planned biomass-fired facility is going to replace the current existing HFO-fired boiler, but the HFO
boiler will remain as a fallback alternative. This will leave the offtaker ABI with the two options to either
dispatch the required steam from the HFO boiler or from the new biomass boiler. Due to that situation, it
is only the variable cost portion that has an impact on the dispatch decision (as opposed to a
replacement investment decision that requires a full cost analysis).

Variable costs are the following:

 Fuel/feedstock Cost
 Variable O&M cost (e.g. consumables, variable maintenance portion)
 CO2 Emission Cost (if applicable)

In order to compare the competitiveness of the biomass-fired boiler with the HFO-fired boiler the above-
mentioned variable cost are calculated. As a figure of comparison the cost per operating hour is used.

The main cost factor is the fuel/feedstock cost. Apart from the highly volatile market price for HFO at
Mombasa port a surplus for transportation by truck to site is considered. For biomass cost on the other
hand the envisaged price for woodchips as per the fuel supply agreement heads of terms is assumed plus
a surplus for transportation. Already during the calculation of fuel cost, it becomes evident that under the
taken assumptions the operation of the biomass boiler is by far more economical than operating the
existing boiler.

For the other variable O&M cost the variable OPEX estimate from Section 7.3.2 is used. Since there is no
substantial cost difference is expected between a biomass-fired boiler and an HFO-fired boiler similar
cost are applied. This is under the assumption that no additional cost result from ash disposal from the
burnt biomass.

Although a potential cost advantage of firing biomass over firing HFO may result from the CO2 emissions
this aspect is not considered further.

The new biomass facility will be equipped with a condensing steam turbine that allows power generation
from additional generated steam. For the assessment it is assumed that the generated power is entirely
used within the facility to reduce the electrical own consumption. As this reduces the import from the
grid the cost savings are calculated on the basis of the average power tariff for medium industrial
consumers. These cost savings would in fact compensate to a large extent for the supply cost of biomass.

The variable cost components for the two steam generators are summarized in the below table.

Table 7-4: Summary of Steam Supply Variable Cost

[USD/h] Existing HFO Boiler LPG in existing HFO New Biomass Boiler
Fuel Cost 716.2 909.2 187.3
Variable O&M Cost 42.2 42.2 42.2
CO2 Emission Cost not considered
Total Cost per Operating Hour 758.4 951.5 187.4
Power Savings - - -147.4

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Total Cost per Operating Hour 716.2 951.5 40.0
(incl. power savings)

It is evident that the cost for the existing HFO boiler is significantly higher due to the high fuel price, with
even highe fuel cost for LPG. Ceteris paribus, the HFO purchase price would need to decrease to
61.8 USD/t (and LPG to 81.4 USD/t) in order to be the more economical dispatch for the steam offtaker.
Such price is only a fraction of the current price of fuel supply.

The detailed analysis can be found in Annex 7.1.

7.6 Carbon Offsetting, Sales, and Pricing

In the past two decades, numerous greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation projects have been developed and
were implemented in Non-Annex I countries to the UNFCCC under either the regulated framework
(Kyoto Protocol, UNFCCC) or under voluntary schemes (e.g., CDM Gold Standard, Verra, VCS etc.). Under
the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol, the regulated scheme for instance,
project developers and owners of such projects could generate and sell the amount of GHG emission
reductions accruing from such projects after successful verification and certification to entities in need for
these certificates. By this way, CDM projects could generate an additional income stream from carbon
sales helping to make their investments more financially attractive.

Prices for each tonne of CO2e emission reductions were usually negotiated between the seller and the
buyer of these credits in form of an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement, long before these credits
could be issued and transferred. When carbon purchase from CDM projects was organised using public
tenders, indicative carbon prices the buyer was willing to pay were already mentioned and fixed in the
purchase tender. Most information on carbon prices from CDM projects were, however, kept confidential
between buyer and seller.

The Paris Agreement (PA) of 2015 marked a turning point for international climate action. With its
adoption, more flexibility is now given to countries in how to engage with other nations by means of
enhanced cooperations on climate change mitigation, including through market-based approaches such
as carbon pricing. While the Kyoto Protocol structure was top-town (targets and implementation rules
were governed by the UNFCCC), the PA structure is rather bottom-up allowing all countries to set their
own objectives and decide on their priority sectors and projects. Under this new system, both developing
and developed countries have emission reduction targets to contribute to the end goal of the
international agreement.

With the completion of the Paris Rulebook in COP26 in Glasgow (2021), countries are now becoming
more aware of the opportunities to cooperate towards their NDC achievements (NDC - Nationally
Determined Contributions) and the higher ambitions. Under the PA, countries could now voluntarily
cooperate to achieve their NDCs and implement higher ambitions in several ways, for instance:

 Article 6.2. establishes a decentralised approach and accounting mechanism for ITMOs (Internationally
Transferred Mitigation Outcomes) with basic guidance from the Parties. This is a very new approach
giving developing countries the much-requested flexibility in entering into country-to country
cooperation agreements. The private sector proposing carbon offset initiatives might participate
under this Article in dependency of the overall strategy and framework the country (e.g., Uganda)

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jointly with cooperating countries will formulate under Article 6.2. To date, how Uganda will enter into
such cooperations under Article 6.2 are still unknown and a strategy and implementation framework
might be under discussion at Uganda policy level.
 Article 6.4 (also called The New Mechanism) establishes a centralised approach similar to the former
CDM, baseline-and-crediting mechanism, which is subject to UNFCCC governance. Through this
mechanism a company in one country can reduce emissions in that country and have those
reductions credited so that it can sell them to another company in another country, mainly for carbon
offsetting purposes and meeting net-zero emission goals of that company. To some extent these
reductions might also be used for carbon compliance under mandatory schemes. The modalities and
procedures under this mechanism are not yet clear but are expected to build upon the CDM. It is
expected that for instance internationally developed and existing baseline and monitoring
methodologies could be used, and that available validation, verification, certification, and issuance
systems could be used easily. However, as the subsidiary body on Article 6.4 has only started work on
implementation details on Article 6.4 in June 2022, the entire mechanism will not be operational
before 2024. This means that formal validation and registration of e.g., new carbon mitigation projects
cannot take please immediately. But still, project developments under the New Mechanism could
already begin using existing guidance. The GHG emission mitigation under this mechanism can also
be used by Parties other than the host Party to fulfil their NDCs. This provision allows for offsetting
through the trading of emission reduction credits.

In summary, Nile Brewery has the possibility to generate carbon credits under the regulated New
Mechanism of Article 6.4 of the PA. There might also be the possibility to generate carbon credits from
the biomass CHP project under Article 6.2, provided that Uganda as a Party to the PA fulfils a couple of
participation criteria, steps into cooperation agreements with other Parties to the PA covering the type of
sector and project and provided that clear guidelines for private sector involvement are formulated and
included in the Ugandan strategy and framework on Article 6.2 implementation. In additional to these
options, Nile Brewery could also develop this project as a carbon offset project under currently existing
voluntary carbon schemes. Which scheme would be best to use would be subject to more in depth
analysis of the voluntary market.

7.6.1 Procedures and baseline setting for carbon offset projects

Establishing a ‘baseline’ is key to estimate the GHG emission reductions resulting from the biomass CHP
project over a period of approximately the next 10 years. Regardless of the specific mechanism Nile
Brewery might use in the future, this baseline must be defined and will be validated and verified by a
Third Party prior to a formal registration of the carbon offset project and prior to be able to sell the
annual amount of carbon reductions (t CO2e/a).

According to the baseline and monitoring methodology developed under the CDM, “Thermal energy
production with or without electricity”, which seems a suitable basis for conducting the calculations,
information on possible options for setting the baseline is available. Project activities producing both,
electricity and thermal energy could choose the most appropriate baseline scenario from a list of 10
possibilities. From that list and the current understanding of the electricity and heat generation using
HFO boilers and grid electricity supply, we consider the baseline scenarios “Electricity is imported from a
grid and thermal energy is produced using fossil fuels” as the most suitable one.

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The emission reductions are calculated as follows:


ERy = Emission reductions in year y (t CO2e)

BEy = Baseline emissions in year y (t CO2e)

PEy = Project emissions in year y (t CO2)

LEy = Leakage emissions in year y (tCO2)

Based on data and information provided by Nile Brewery during the site visit and other supporting data
from external sources the following input values are used to undertake a first rough GHG emission
reductions estimation. The following table summarises the underlying data and assumptions.

Table 7-5: Input data and assumptions for GHG emission reductions estimation

Item Input value Comment/Assumption

Annual amount of grid 9,600 Assumed constant over an expected crediting period of 10
electricity displaced by MWh/a years
the project

Uganda national CO2 grid 0.137 EF assumed constant over an expected crediting period of
emission factor (EF) tCO2/MWh 10 years. The figure represents the 2019 value for
Combined Margin grid CO2 emission factor for Uganda,
which is the most recent data. (Source: IGES, List of Grid
Emission Factors).

Current amount of HFO 4,800 t/year Assumed constant over an expected crediting period of 10
consumption to generate years.
process heat

Efficiency of the plant = 75 %

using fossil fuels that
would have been used in
the absence of the project
(biomass CHP plant)

Net quantity of thermal 420 TJ Own calculation. Assumed constant over an expected
energy supplied by the crediting period of 10 years.
project activity

Heating value HFO 40.4 TJ/Gg HFO is not explicitly listed in commonly used CO2 emission
(residual fuel oil) factor lists (e.g., IPCC, GHG Protocol). The fuel type
“residual fuel oil” or “bunker fuel” listed in these emission
factor lists would best represent the characteristics of HFO.
To determine the CO2 EF, ‘Residual fuel oil’ is used as

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Item Input value Comment/Assumption

CO2 emission factor HFO 77,400 GHG Emission Factor Compilation (Source: GHG Protocol)
(residual fuel oil) kg/TJ

Project Emissions (PEy) 10% of The quantification of project emissions (e.g., emissions
baseline associated with biomass and biomass residues, and
emissions potential on-site consumption of fossil fuels) is an
important element and will be subject to third party
validation and verification during the approval of the
project under any carbon offsetting scheme. Due to
missing data to perform this element of quantification
project emissions should be quantified in a detailed
analysis. For conservativeness reasons project emissions are
currently assumed in the range of 10% of baseline

Leakage Emissions (LEy) - For project activities utilizing biomass and/or biomass
residues, a separate calculation tool is available under AMS
-I.C. to determine leakage emissions. This is mainly
required for biomass transported from more than 200 km
from the plant. Under the assumption that biomass
transportation length is <200 km to the plant, leakage can
be ignored. In a detailed carbon assessment, leakage
emissions in relation to the length of biomass
transportation has to be considered in more detail.

7.6.2 Initial carbon emission reduction estimations

The results of the initial CO2 emission reductions estimation are summarised as follows. For details on
calculation procedures, the CDM methodology AMS.-I.C., Version 22.0 can be referred to.

Item Calculation formula Result

Annual Baseline emissions for supply 1,315 tCO2e/a

of electricity (displacement of
electricity from the grid)

Annual Baseline emissions for heat 43,344 tCO2e/a

production using HFO boilers

Annual total baseline emissions Sum of baseline emissions (electricity + 44,659 tCO2e/a

Annual Project Emissions (PE) 10 % of baseline emissions 4,466 tCO2e/a

Annual Leakage Emissions (LE) ignored 0 t CO2e/a

Annual Emission Reductions (ER) 40,193 tCO2e/a

The annual CO2e emission reductions are estimate at approximately 40,000 t CO2e. Assuming 10 years
crediting period (this is the number of years where the resulting CO2e emission reductions might be
validated, verified, and certified by a Third Party), a total of 400,000 tCO2e reductions might be available
for sales.

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As mentioned above, measurement procedures, verification, and registration procedures for carbon
emission baseline for the implementation of a project using biomass fuel sources will depend on further
clarifications and modalities under Article 6 of the PA but also under the voluntary carbon offset schemes
currently in place.

7.6.3 Interpretation of results

It should be noted that the outlined emission reductions above represent an initial estimate based on a
very limited number of input data. This estimate helps to understanding the overall magnitude of carbon
abatement that this project might generate. A more detailed carbon assessment would be necessary,
once a decision has been taken to develop this project as an international carbon offset project under
either a regulated or voluntary carbon scheme.

From earlier CDM projects involving biomass it became clear that there is some potential of project GHG
emissions occurring for projects using biomass or biomass residues. Usually, these emission fractions
need to be accounted for and may comprise

 Project emissions resulting from the cultivation of biomass in a dedicated plantation of a carbon
offset project that uses biomass,
 Project emissions resulting for the transportation of biomass and/or biomass residues
 Project emissions resulting from the processing of biomass and/or biomass residues

7.6.4 Consideration of transport emissions

Baseline and monitoring methodologies developed under the UNFCCC (for CDM projects) for stationary
combustion plants do not require an in-depth calculation of the GHG emissions from fossil fuel
transportation (here: HFO), regardless of the distance from which the fuel is supplied. The coverage of
baseline emissions is limited to the stationary combustion plant. The methodology for projects involving
the use of biomass or biomass residues, however, requires a quantification of transport emissions in the
situation that biomass is supplied from a distance more than 200 km to the stationary combustion or
CHP plant. These carbon emissions would have to be calculated as leakage emissions and will be
deducted from the calculated baseline emissions as discussed above.

The established methodological requirements are the major reason why transport emissions from the
baseline fuel supply (HFO supply) are not considered. As per the referenced methodology, they are not
included as emission sources.

In case of preparing GHG emission inventories to understand for instance a company’s or plant’s carbon
footprint, these transport emissions need to be included and calculated as scope 2 emissions. However, a
carbon inventory is different from a carbon offsetting project, where this is not anticipated.

7.6.5 Carbon pricing and sales of carbon credits

Generally, carbon pricing can take different forms and shapes. In the “State and Trends of Carbon Pricing
Series”, published by World Bank, carbon pricing refers to initiatives that put an explicit price on GHG
emissions, i.e., a price expressed as a value per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Considering
different carbon pricing approaches, an emissions trading system (ETS), on the one hand, provides
certainty about the environmental impact, but the price remains flexible. A carbon tax, on the one hand,

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guarantees the carbon price in the economic system against an uncertain environmental outcome. For
example, carbon prices under the EU-ETS had never traded for more than €30 until 2020. But with new
and more stringent EU legislation on reducing carbon emissions, carbon prices have now jumped up
considerably. Prices are expected to continue to rise as the EU strives to meet its emissions reduction
goals and carbon allowances become less available. Other main types of carbon pricing are offset
mechanisms, results-based climate finance (RBCF) and internal carbon prices set by organizations. The
carbon pricing for the planned biomass CHP plant by Nile Brewery will take place under “offset

In the past, GHG emission reductions from such international mitigation/offset projects were sold using
different channels. For most projects under the CDM, individual Emission Reduction Purchase
Agreements (ERPAs) were negotiated between the seller and the buyer, whereas the buyer could be an
Annex-I country to the UNFCCC or a private sector entity. Under larger national carbon purchase
programs, the terms of conditions for carbon purchase were often fixed beforehand and communicated
together with public tenders. Sales of carbon credits under voluntary schemes were usually requiring
separate non-public contracts. During the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, CDM projects saw CER
prices (CER - Certified Emission Reductions) in the range of 8 - 12 €/t and even higher for Gold Standard
CDM, but in line with limiting the use of CERs in the EU-ETS after 2012, prices have dropped considerably
below 1 €/t CO2e.

As carbon markets continue to further evolve in countries or wider regions now under the Paris
Agreement and will connect over time, carbon prices will continue to change depending on supply and
demand. The monetary value of carbon credits resulting from future international offset project cannot
be predicted but some indication is available from open-source literature on average prices paid in the
past. Carbon prices will become much clearer at the point in time when the mitigation project
development advances and once the project owner steps into real price negotiations with potential
buyers. Many international carbon related schemes (e.g., Japan’s GX League, Korea’s ETS, the China ETS
and Singapore) are currently working on rules to accept future international carbon credits, which may
significantly impact the overall demand, drive further fungibility and liquidity across carbon markets. The
below figure shows average carbon credit prices according to latest publication of World Bank (“State
and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2022”).

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Figure 7-1: Prices of standardised carbon credit contracts (Source: World Bank)

It is shown that renewable energy projects could achieve around 5 to 7 USD/credit in Q1/2022. An initial
financial calculation of the biomass CHP plant including carbon revenues might therefore use a carbon
price in that range. Removing the operational uncertainties for implementation of cooperation measures
under Article 6 of the PA but also initiatives to link international carbon credit schemes will have an
impact on future price settings.

In the following a few - non-exhaustive - possibilities for carbon sales are summarised:

 EEX voluntary carbon market (

carbon-markets): With more than 15 years of experience in operating spot and derivatives markets
within the EU ETS, EEX Group, a trading platform, could become a partner. Voluntary carbon markets
allow carbon emitters to offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits emitted by projects
targeted at removing or reducing greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. Carbon buyers and carbon
sellers could meet their needs under assistance of this trading platform.

 Carbon TradeXchange ( Is a global digital spot trading platform for Voluntary
Carbon Credits. CTX has assisted corporates, project developers and brokers to buy and sell carbon
credits for almost a decade. The Sales & Trading Team trades Gold Standard, Verified Carbon
Standard and United Nations CDM credits and EUAAs. An application has to be completed at CTX
before trading is possible. Trades are settled in real time, with cash and credits transferred

 UN Carbon Offset platform (

This is an e-commerce platform where a company, an organization or a regular citizen can purchase
units (carbon credits) to compensate greenhouse gas emissions or to simply support action on
climate. The main feature of this platform is to display UNFCCC-certified climate friendly projects that
reduce, avoid, or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere. These projects are
implemented in developing countries around the world and are rewarded with Certified Emission
Reductions (CERs) for each tonne of greenhouse gas they help reduce, avoid, or remove. Although

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this platform helps buyers to access projects of interest, potential sellers can benefit and step into
carbon purchase negotiations as soon as a buyer voices interest. This platform generally help carbon
sellers and buyers can meet and it is expected that such platform will continue also under the
implementation of the Paris Agreement, in specific on the cooperation mechanisms mentioned above.

 atmosfair ( Is a German NGO that actively contributes to CO₂ mitigation

by promoting and financing renewable energies in many countries worldwide. Carbon reductions are
mainly sold to interested buyers wishing to compensate GHG emissions (mainly flight compensation).
Thus, the NGO relies exclusively on voluntary climate payments from private individuals and
businesses. To sell carbon credits via atmosfair, the NGO tenders for projects by means of established
contracts and international networks. An initial examination, inspections onsite on the quality of a
project and assessment of chances for successful implementation are important prerequisites to be
accepted for a shortlist.

7.6.6 Recommendations for next steps on carbon offset project development

Given the implementation of the PA, marking a turning point for international climate action, given the
several uncertainties still existing for the implementation of future cooperation measures under Article 6
of the PA, and uncertainties linking different carbon schemes (e.g., linking mandatory with voluntary
schemes), a couple of recommendation are summarised below on how to proceed in further developing
this project as an international carbon offset/carbon mitigation activity.

 Clarify and decide whether the biomass CHP plant shall be further developed under the regulated
scheme (Article 6 of the PA) or under a voluntary carbon scheme (e.g., Gold Standard etc.)
 If the carbon offset project should be developed under a voluntary scheme, undertake a detailed
assessment of existing programs. This assessment might include the following parameters: the
eligibility for including biomass CHP plants, the methodological requirements (and complexity) for
GHG emission reduction estimations, efforts needed for compiling carbon offset project
documentations, for project validation, monitoring, verification of emission reductions and details on
transaction processes. Such analysis forms a good basis to support internal decision making for the
most appropriate voluntary scheme, along which the project shall be further developed.
 If the carbon offset project shall be further developed under the regulated scheme of Article 6 of the
PA, step into discussion with the Ugandan Government to obtain more information on details
regarding the cooperation mechanism of Article 6.2. Otherwise follow up further specifications that
will become available at UNFCCC under Article 6.4 over the next year.
 Undertake a detailed baseline and GHG emission reduction calculation following CDM methodology
“Thermal energy production with or without electricity” (Source: UNFCCC. AMS.-I.C., Version 22.0). A
detailed calculation would require the provision and inclusion of project specific data, justifications,
and historic operational data (e.g., historic HFO consumption over the last years, historic electricity
purchase and use, plant efficiency etc.), as well as data, justifications and assumptions for the
quantification of project emissions resulting from biomass transport and use. Making available
plant/project specific related information for the current power/heat generation and the future
power/heat generation will be a key pre-requisite, to get a carbon offset project validated, regardless
of whether it is under a regulated or a voluntary scheme.
 Prepare full carbon offset project documentation that is needed under the selected carbon scheme
and prepare it for validation

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 Further investigate carbon sales possibilities, i.e., starting initial discussions and negotiations with
interested potential buyers, trading platforms etc.

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8 Project Aspects

8.1 Environmental Aspects (Local)

8.1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment

The National Environment Act, 2019 under Schedule 5 (3)c lists “Thermal power generation and other
combustion installations” among projects for which environmental and social impact assessments are

It is hence necessary to undertake an environmental and social impact assessment with a view of
obtaining approval from the National Environment Management Authourity with a Certificate.

8.1.2 Regulatory Framework

The most relevant regulations are listed hereunder and further explained in the subchapters below:

 National Environment Act, 2019

 The Electricity Act, 1999
 National Environment Regulations
 Water Resources Regulations
 Water (Waste Discharge) Regulations Noise Standards and Control

The National Environment (Noise Standards and Control) Regulations, 2003 Regulation 6 provide as

“ (1) The maximum noise levels from a facility in the general environment specified in Column 1 of Part I of
the First Schedule to which a person may be exposed shall not exceed the level specified in Column 2 of that
Part for the time specified that Part.

(2) The maximum noise levels of continuous or intermittent noise from a factory or workshop to which
person may be exposed shall not exceed the level specified in Column1 of Part II of the First Schedule, for
the time specified in Columns 2 and 3 of that Part.

(3) The maximum noise level from impact or impulsive noise to which a person may be exposed shall be as
specified in column 1 of Part III of the First Schedule for the permitted number of impulses or impacts
emitted per day specified in Column 2 of that Part.

(4) The maximum noise level from a construction site to which a person in a facility specified in Column 1 of
Part IV of the First Schedule may be exposed, shall not exceed the level specified in Column 2 during the
time specified in that Part….”

Further the regulation provides the respective limits as follows:

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 118 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Table 8-1: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels for General Environment

Column 1 Column 2

Facility Noise Limits B (A) (Leq)


A. Any building used as hospital, 45 35

convalescence home, home for the
aged,sanatorium and institutes of
higher learning, conference rooms,
public library, environmental or
recreational sites.
B. Residential buildings 50 35

C. Mixed residential (with 55 45

somecommercial and
D. Residential + industry or small- 60 50
scaleproduction + commerce
E. Industrial 70 60

Day: 6.00 a.m - 10.00p.m.

Night: 10.00p.m - 6.00a.m
The time frame takes into consideration human activity.

Table 8-2: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels (Continuous or intermittent noise) from a Factory or Workshop

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Leq dB (A) Duration (Daily) Duration (Weekly)

85 8 hours 40 hours

88 4 hours 20 hours

91 2 hours 10 hours

94 1 hour 5 hours

97 30 minutes 2.5 hours

100 15 minutes 1.25 hours

103 7.5 minutes 37.5 minutes

106 3.75 minutes 18.75 minutes

109 1.875 minutes 9.375 minutes

Noise Levels shall not exceed a Leq of -

(i) Factory/Workshops 85 dB (A)

(ii) Offices 50 dB (A)
(iii) Factory/Workshop Compound 75 dB (A).

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Table 8-3: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels for Impact or Impulsive Noise

Column 1 Column 2

Sound Level dB (A) (Lmax) Permitted number of Impulses orImpacts per day

140 100

130 1,000

120 10,000

Table 8-4: Maximum Permissible Noise Levels for Construction Site

Column 1 Column 2

Noise Control Sound Level dB (A)(Leq) Sound Level dB (A)Leq

Day Night

Residential 60 40

Commercial 75 50

Industrial 85 65

Day: 6.00 a.m - 10.00p.m.

Night: 10.00p.m - 6.00a.m
The time frame takes into consideration human activity.

Section 7 of the regulation provides that:

“(1) Subject to these Regulations, no person shall, for an activity specified in regulation 6,emit noise in
excess of the permissible noise level, unless permitted by a licence issued under these Regulations.”

If the plant is expected to produce noise more than the permissible levels, then a license from the
National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) will be required. Air quality guidelines

The draft Air Quality Standards for Uganda set out ambient air quality standards for specific pollutants as

Table 8-5: Ugandan Ambient Air Quality standards

Emission Averaging period Ugandan Air Quality Standards for

Ambient Air
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 24 hours 655 mg/m3
10 minutes 2600 mg/m3
1 year 260 mg/ m3
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) 1 year 40 µg/m3
1 hour 200 µg/m3
Nitrogen oxides (NOX) 24 hours (1-year 0.2 mg/m3
arithmetic mean)

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Emission Averaging period Ugandan Air Quality Standards for
Ambient Air
Particulate matter (PM10) 1 year 60 µg/m3
24 hours 100 µg/m3
Particulate matter (PM2.5) 1 year 40 µg/m3
24 hours 60 µg/m3
Volatile Organic 24 hours 20 mgNm-3
Carbons (VOCs)
Hydrogen Sulphide 24 hours 15 mg/m3
Ozone (O3) 8 hours 120 μg/m3
8hour 180 μg/m3

The proposed air quality standards for Uganda limits are extremely stringent, especially for NOx, dust,
ozone, VOC and H2S when apply to a CHP plant. It will be a big challenge for any CHP plant achieve
these limits. Please refer to Section 4.8. Water Permit

The Water Resources Regulations, 1998 under section 3 provide that:

“(1) A person who,

(a) occupies or intends to occupy any land;

(b) wishes to construct, own, occupy or control any works on or adjacent to the land referred to in regulation

may apply to the Director for a water permit.

(2) An application referred to under subregulation (J) shall,

(a) be in the form specified in the First Schedule to these regulations except that,

(i) Form A shall be used for surface water permits:


(ii) Form B shall be used for ground water permits;”

Therefore, if the project needs to abstract surface or ground water for use a water permit should be
obtained from the Department of Water Resources Management. Construction Permit for wells

The Water Resources Regulations, 1998 under section 16 provide that:

“(2) A person who wishes to engage a driller under subregulation (1) to construct a borehole on his or her
land for the purpose of,

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(a) using water;

(b) re-charging an aquifer; or

(c) fitting a motorised pump to a borehole;

may apply to the Director for a construction permit in Form F1 of the Sixth Schedule.

(3) A person who wishes to construct any works for the purpose of,

(a) impounding, damming, diverting or conveying any surface water, whether or not on or adjacent to a
waterway; or

(b) draining any land to fit any motorized pump to such works;

may apply to the Director for a construction permit in Form F1 of the Sixth Schedule.”

Therefore, if the project needs to abstract surface or ground water for use a construction permit should
be obtained from the Department of Water Resources Management. Waste discharge permit

The Water (Waste Discharge) Regulations, 1998 define waste to include sewage and any other matter or
thing whether wholly or party in solid, liquid or gaseous state, which if added to any water, may cause

The regulations provide that:

“(1) A person,

(a) to whom a works approval has been issued; or

(b) who is or proposes to be -

i) the owner or operator of any industry or trade which discharges or which will discharge effluent or waste
into the aquatic environment or on land;

ii) responsible for producing, storing, discharging or disposing of any waste, or any waste containing a
substance specified in the Second Schedule to these regulations;

iii) engaged in any trade specified in the Third Schedule to these regulations;

iv) the owner or occupier of any premises specified in the Third Schedule from which waste may come into
contact with water, directly or indirectly;

may apply to the Director for a waste discharge permit.”

The second schedule of the regulation lists the following substances that such waste may contain:

1) Aldrin
2) Atrazine
3) Arsenic
4) Azinphos-methyl

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5) Boron
6) Cadmium and its compounds
7) Carbon tetrachloride
8) Chloroform
9) Chromium
10) Cyanide
11) Cyfluthrin
12) DDT
13) 1.2-Dichloroethane
14) Dichlorvos
15) Dioxins
16) Endosulfan
17) Endrin
18) Fenitrothion
19) FethionIsodrin
20) Flucofuran
21) Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
22) Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD)
23) Hexachlorocyclohexane (Lindane and related compounds)
24) Iron
25) Lead
26) Malathion
27) Mercury and its compounds
28) Nickel
29) Parathion
30) Parathion methyl
31) PCD’s
32) Pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its compounds
33) Perchloroethylene
34) Permethrin
35) Polychlorinated biphenyls
36) Simaxine
37) Copper
38) Tetracliloroethylene
39) Tributyltin compounds
40) Trichlorobenzene
41) Trichloroethane
42) Trichloroethylene
43) Trifluralin
44) Triphenyltin compounds
45) Vanadium
46) Zinc
47) Sulcofuron
48) Azinphos-ethyl
49) Substances prescribed by other law in force.

The project may hence need to apply for a waste discharge permit especially in respect of the ash

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 123 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study Waste Management Licence
The National Environment (Waste Management) Regulations, 2020 define incineration residue as “any
material generated through the operation of an incineration plant or co-generation plant, and defined as
waste, including bottom ash and slag, fly and boiler ash, solid reaction products from gas treatment, spent
catalysts and spent activated carbon”. Hence the ash produced should also be handled in accordance with
this regulation.

Section 12 (1) provides that “A person who intends to carry out the business of collecting, transporting,
storing, treating or disposing of waste and any other person required under these Regulations shall apply to
the Authority for a licence.”

Under section 81 the regulation further provides as follows:

“(2) Waste incineration plants and co-generation plants shall be designed, built and operated to ensure that

(a) the quantity of incineration residue from the operation of the plant is minimised as much as possible,
and that valuable components in the residue will be recovered;

(b) the content of hazardous substances in the incineration residue is further minimised as much as

(6) Non-hazardous incineration residue may be utilised in accordance with regulation 65, where
appropriate or handed to an authorised waste handler for final disposal.”

If the project intends to manage the ash waste directly then there will be need to obtain a waste
management license from the National Environment Management Authority.

8.2 Permits and Licenses (Local)

8.2.1 Required Permits and License List

In addition to the environmental requirements listed above, the following permits and licenses have to be
obtained. License to Generate and Supply Electricity

The Electricity Act, 1999 under Clause 51 as per amendment of 2022 provides as follows:

“(1) A person shall not construct, own or operate a generating station of a capacity of or exceeding 0.5mega
watts or such other capacity as may be determined by the authority by regulations, without a generation

The Electricity Act 1999 as amended in 2022 under section 51(3) provides that “Notwithstanding
subsection (1), the authority may, by regulations, prescribe the terms under which a licensee may supply
electricity in bulk to a holder of a distribution license, transmission license or directly to a specified class or
category of customers.” The implication is that the project may be licensed by the Electricity Regulatory
Authority to supply electricity directly to NBL.

The Electricity Act under Clause 31 provides as follows:

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“(1) The authority may, not more than thirty days after the receipt of the comments under section 30, issue
a permit in the prescribed form to the intended applicant.

(2) A permit issued under subsection (1) shall allow the intended applicant to carry out studies and any
other activity that may be necessary to enable the intended applicant to prepare an application for a

The developer hence needs to submit a Notice of Intended Application to the Electricity Regulatory
Authority (ERA). Registration of a Workplace

The Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2006 under section 41 provides as follows:

“(1) The Commissioner shall keep a register of all workplaces, in the prescribed format.

(2) A person shall, not less than one month before he or she begins to occupy or use any premises as a
workplace, serve on the Commissioner, a notice with the particulars prescribed in Schedule 3.”

Furthermore Clause 42 stipulates as follows:

“(1) Upon receipt of a notice in accordance with section 40, the Commissioner shall cause, after the
appropriate fee is paid, a workplace to be registered and shall issue to an occupier a certificate of
registration, in his or her name, in the form prescribed in Schedule 4.”

Hence there will be need to acquire a certificate of registration for the construction site as well as for the
operational facility. Physical Planning Permit

The Physical Planning Act, 2010 under Section 33: (1) provides that a person shall not carry out a
development within a planning area without obtaining permission from the physical planning
committee. Hence the project will need to get a permit from the Physical Planning Committee of Njeru
Town Council. Land lease

Depending on the agreement with the landlord and the land tenure applicable the developer may need
to register a lease or a sublease on the land in accordance with the Land Act.

The issuance of permits and/or license in respect of biomass power generation shall be guided by the
following principles:

a) The total licensed capacity to the national grid shall not exceed the approved policy by the Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Development with respect to the thresholds of Biomass and Biogas to be
incorporated in the energy mix of the country.
b) Impact of the project on surface and groundwater resources where applicable
c) An applicant shall provide the authority with satisfactory evidence of the source and continued
sustenance of the Biomass resource/ fuel for generation purposes.

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 125 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study Building and Occupation Permits
The Building Control Act, 2013 under section 34(1) provides that “A person shall not carry out a building
operation unless he or she has a valid building permit issued by a Building Committee.”

The same Act under section 44 provides that:

“(1) Upon the completion of a building, the owner of the building


(a) notify the Building Committee of the practical completion of the building in accordance with the
approved plans and the regulations; and

(b) apply to the Building Committee for an occupation permit.”

The project will hence need to acquire a Building Permit and an Occupation Permit. Investment License and Certificate of Incentives

The Investment Code Act under section provides that “(1) An application for an investment license shall be
made in writing to the executive director and shall contain the following information…”

Furthermore section 23 provides that “(1) An investor intending to avail himself or herself of incentives
under this Part may, if qualified in accordance with section 22, apply to the authority for a certificate of

Hence there will be need to apply for an Investment Certificate and there may be need to further apply
for a Certificate of Incentives.

Facilities and Incentives:

 An investor importing any plant, machinery, equipment, vehicles or construction materials for an
investment project shall benefit from the concessional rates of import duty and other taxes as may be
specified in the Finance Acts from time to time.
 A foreign investor who holds an investment licence and his or her expatriate staff shall be exempt from
the payment of import duty and sales tax payable on the following items imported within twelve months
from the date of first arrival-
(a) one motor vehicle for his or her personal use; and
(b) personal and household effects

A foreign investor who holds an investment licence may in relation to the business enterprise to which
the licence relates obtain credit from domestic financial institutions up to the limit established by the
Bank of Uganda in consultation with the authority, having regard to the amount of foreign capital
invested in the business enterprise. A foreign investor who obtains credit in accordance with subsections
(1) shall ensure that the proceeds of that credit are used solely for the purpose of carrying out the
activities specified in the investment license.

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8.2.2 Available Permits and Licenses
Fichtner was informed that no permits are available for the planned biomass plant. Fichtner recommends
permitting and licensing works to begin in advance for preventing the project from any delays.

8.3 Time Schedule for Realisation of the Project

8.3.1 Introduction
Based on the selected plant concept, a schedule has been prepared at level 1 detail, which indicate major
milestones and main activities likely to be carried out is presented together with estimated durations in
Annex 8.1.

In the schedule around half year preliminary period (Pre-NTP), containing period for the FEED,
preliminary studies, tendering phase, permitting and financial closure.

As soon as the EPC contract is signed, a notice to proceed (NTP) can be issued to start detailed
engineering works as well as mobilization and procurement of major equipment.

8.3.2 Project Implementation Schedule

The activities before the Notice to Proceed (NTP) are; tendering phase, contracts for securing feedstock
delivery and steam/power export, construction permits and licenses, site surveys for geophysical
conditions of the ground, mobilization etc. Owner (Xylo) intends to implement Front End Engineering
Design (FFED) approach in the Project so that the main equipment (long-lead items like boiler, steam
turbine and transformers) specifications will be mostly ready for purchasing process. 6 months is
considered for Pre-NTP period.

The activities on the critical path are; purchasing of long lead items (boiler, steam turbine (ST),
transformers etc.) and erection of boiler and steam turbine. Therefore boiler and ST foundation design
and civil construction works will have a priority. Predecessor activities of foundation design are layout
and load studies which are assumed to be completed in FEED stage.

Total of 9 months is considered for engineering activities. Boiler and ST foundation design works will start
with NTP.

Procurement activities will start immediately with NTP. Long-lead items delivery is assumed to be
completed within 14 months.

Construction works will start with the foundation works of boiler and steam turbine at Month 5 and will
be completed in 14 months. Boiler and ST erection works will start at Month 9 with the partial delivery of
boiler and ST (like steel construction).

Total of 4 months is allocated for commissioning works.

The project EPC contract is estimated to be completed in 22 months after NTP.

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8.4 Operation and Maintenance Staff
Four shifts (three regular shifts plus one spare shift) are proposed for operation and maintenance
functions that require permanent staff. The number of proposed operational and maintenance staff for
the Jinja Biomass plant and their assignment are listed in Table 8-6. The table is based on the assumption
that most activities can be covered by the power plant organization. However, there It is assumed that
some basic services such as security or medical first aid will be provided by the brewery and no dedicated
personnel is required for the biomass plant.

Table 8-6: Operation and Maintenance Staff

Item Team Duty Daytime Shifts

1 Plant Management Plant Manager 1

5 Plant Management Secretary 2
6 Plant Management Operation manager 1
7 Plant Management Maintenance manager 1
10 Maintenance Electrical Technician 1
11 Maintenance Instrumentation Technician 1
12 Maintenance Mechanical Technician 1
13 Operator Operator 8
14 Biomass Fuel handling 1 4
15 Plant Management ESG Officer 1
Total Person 22

Staff for security, canteen services, cleaning and other support services is assumed to be outsourced.

8.5 Waste Management

Waste management will be in accordance with international best practice, fulfilling as well the applicable
Ugandan legislation, refer also to Sections 8.1.2. A waste management plan will be worked out during the
project implementation.

 Ash as main residue will be utilized as fertilizer in agricultural areas (refer to Section 4.7)
 Waste collection, transportation, recycle, reuse and disposal of domestic wastes will be as per local
 Effluents will be treated to meet the discharge limits and discharged (refer also to Section 4.8.4)

8.6 Political, Social and Market Impact (Local)

The proposed site is in Njeru Town Council very close to Jinja which was recently elevated from a
Municipality to a City. Jinja was traditionally the industrial hub of Uganda hence the society quite
frequently interacts with industrial activity in their day-to-day activities.

Jinja is quite a peaceful and laid-back city with international tourism drawn to the source of the River
Nile, wild water rafting and bungee jumping among other attractions.

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 128 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Njeru Town Council is a small urban area across the River Nile from Jinja quite overshadowed by Jinja
City. Both Jinja and Njeru are politically stable with no incidents of concern in the past.

The area is home to two relatively large hydropower generation plants: Owen Falls [180MW] and Bujagali
[200MW]. However, since the proposed project is for a captive plant, there is no competition for market

8.7 Project Risk

The following table indicates the main risks identified during the preparation of this Feasibility Study.

Table 8-7: Risk Matrix

Type of Risk Risk Description Risk Event Risk Event Overall Risk Mitigation options
Probability Impact Rating

Project Failure to reach  To finalize the power

Execution Power Purchase Low High Medium purchase agreement
Agreement with NBL as earlier as possible
Project No binding bid from  Expression of Interest
Execution the Contractors could be requested
from the potential
 Purchasing Concept
Low High Medium
could be configured
accordingly to
enhance increasing
the number of
Project High CAPEX  Budgetary proposals
Execution could be requested
from the potential
equipment suppliers
and accordingly
purchasing concept
and system conceptual
Medium Medium Medium
design could be
reconfigured to
decrease the CAPEX
 Good risk mitigation
efforts to decrease he
contingency amount.
Project Low profitability  Considering the
Execution development of the
Medium Medium Medium project as an
international carbon
offset project.
Project Rejection by NEMA  Well prepared
Execution to issue ESIA international standard
Certificate due to ESIA all the potential
adverse Low High Medium negative impacts due
Environmental and to the project can be
Social Impacts of the effectively mitigated.

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 129 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Project Objections from the  To share the benefits
Execution stakeholders for the of the proposed
Low High Medium
application for a captive plant with the
generation license shareholders.
Project Failure to reach a  To conclude the
Execution land purchase/land purchase/land lease
lease/tenancy tenancy negotiations
agreement with the with the Owner at a
landlord fair price amount, also
Medium High High
by proposing the
cancelation of the
project will result no
value addition to the
proposed area.
Delay Delayed response  Early application.
from Electricity  Taking necessary
Regulatory Authority measures to expedite
Medium High High
(ERA) to issue permit the permit process
to undertake (regular visits,
feasibility study. meetings etc.)
Delay Delayed response  Taking necessary
(for more than 6 measures to expedite
months) from the the permit process
National (regular visits,
Environment meetings etc.)
Management Medium High High
Authority (NEMA) to
the Environment and
Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA)
Delay Delay for the Project  Establish an integrated
Scope if multi- overall time schedule
Contract. for follow up of all
 Approach bidders for
the long lead items
(power units,
transformers, MV
Medium switchgear etc.) at an
High High
early stage
 Concept Design to
consider standard
equipment/system as
much as possible
 Follow up critical
items with special

Technology Availability  Redundant Systems to

be provided
 Size the auxiliary
Low Medium Low systems’ capacity with
enough margin above
the maximum required

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 130 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Technology Efficiency, Power  Power output and
Output low Heat rate to be
included in the
Low Medium Low performance
guarantees with the
related project scope
Technology Cyber Security for  The control system to
the Control Systems be designed to provide
a robust configuration
against latest cyber
security threats.
 IEC 62443 standard
needs to be followed.
 Long Time Service
Support including
Medium- Cyber Security and
High High
High necessary patch
software upgrade.
 Robust Intrusion
Detection Systems
 Authorized access and
levelized for certain
 Training of Operators
and system users for
latest cyber security
Technology Control Systems  Redundant
Communication communication cable
Low- Medium-
Failure Medium network
Medium High
 Redundant network
interface modules
Infrastructure Water Availability  Design to minimize the
water requirement.
 Water supply
agreement shall be
Low Low Low finalized at an early
stage considering the
previous supply
conditions at the
Infrastructure Site Access,  Road survey to be
Transportation implemented before
packaging of the units
Low Medium Low
for sharing with
Bidders for a smooth
Environment Noise  Configuration of the
plant to be designed to
Medium Medium Medium locate noisy
equipment away from
the plant boundary.
Environment Failure to comply  Alternative
with Environmental Medium High Medium configurations could
regulations be discussed with the

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 131 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Contractors to adapt
with the regulations.

Environment Wastewater  Wastewater pond.

discharge Low High Medium

Environment Ash Disposal  Adequately designed

Medium High Medium
Ash storage area
Force Majeure Fire Risk  Design the plant as per
Medium High High
NFPA 850.
Force Majeure Earthquake  Design the plant as per
earthquake zone
Low Medium Low requirements of the

Civil / Lack of geotechnical  Geotechnical

Geotechnical information investigation before
execution and detailed
design phase (e.g., for
feasibility and/or
tendering level
investigation) will be
performed to reduce
Low High Medium the risk margin of the
 Geotechnical
investigation for
execution and detailed
design phase will be
performed for
geotechnical and
structural design, and
earthwork details.
Civil / Inappropriate  Soil Improvement shall
Geotechnical geotechnical be performed.
parameters  In addition to the soil
Medium High High
improvement, deep
foundations may be
Civil / Ground water  Ground water level
Geotechnical shall be determined by
 Appropriate
dewatering system
Medium Low Low shall be used during
 Waterproof insulation
shall be used for
foundations and
basement walls.

Civil/ Chemical attacks to  Geotechnical

Geotechnical the concrete Medium Medium Medium investigation shall be
elements performed.

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 Concrete mix design
shall be concluded
 Application of
Insulation for the
foundations and the
basement walls.
Civil/ Storm Water  Proper water drainage
Geotechnical Drainage system shall be
Medium Low Low
designed and
Fuel Fuel Supply (Wood-  Fuel supply agreement
chip) shall be done for the
bulk supply of the
 Alternative suppliers
for the risk of loss of
Low High Medium supply and
 Enough storage
capacity (considering
maximum demand)
could be provided at
the plant area.
Fuel Fuel Quality  The fuel specification
has to be considered
by the Boiler
Low Low Low manufacturer
 Fuel suppliers to
confirm delivery of fuel
in the specified range
Power Supply No power interface  Redundant auxiliary
to Plant to the plant. systems and reliable
Medium High Medium
equipment and system
Grid Grid Compliance  Steam Turbine
(Although there is no Generator and
direct grid supply, auxiliaries to be
the plant will be designed to operate as
operated in Low Medium Low per Grid conditions.
synchronization with
the grid as factory
also supplied from
the grid)
Grid Plant electrical  Load Shedding via
supply more than the SCADA. Hardware
Brewery interface with SCADA
requirement. There and plant load output
is no agreement with is required.
the Grid operator for
Low Medium Medium  Grid agreement could
the supply of surplus be revised for the
energy. Future possibility of selling
planned Solar Plant this surplus renewable
also could increase energy.
the chance of being
in that situation.

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 133 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Grid Grid Failure  Steam Turbine and all
the system shall be
designed for the
possibility of island
Low High Medium mode operation.
 Load Shedding at
Brewery to adapt the
load during island
mode operation.
Operation Spare part availability  Two years
recommended spares
of the vendors could
be ordered in advance.
 LTSA agreement could
be made for the power
Medium Medium Medium units in advance
including required
spare parts and urgent
delivery options for
the other major parts
which is not a part of
standard spare parts.

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 134 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

9 Annexes
Annex 3.7 Feedstock Handling PFD.pdf

Annex 4.6 UMEME No Objection Letter

Annex 5.1 Heat Mass Balance Diagram

Annex 5.2 Water Balance Diagram (aver. steam extraction)

Annex 5.3 Single Line Diagram

Annex 5.4 Preliminary DCS Architecture Diagram

Annex 5.5 Preliminary Site Layout

Annex 7.1 Competitivity

Annex 8.1 Tentative EPC Schedule

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 135 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Annex 3.7

Feedstock Handling PFD

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 136 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

RBS (with overhead cranes)













Annex 4.6

UMEME No Objection Letter

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 137 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Rwenzori House I Lumumba Avenue P.O. Box 23841 Kampala Uganda
fax (+256 414346199) tel (+256 414344760) (+256 31 2360600)

Ref: XYLO-NBU2023.05/152

15th May 2023

The Project Manager

Xylo Group
C/0 AF Mpanga Advocates
4th Floor, DFCU Towers
26 Kyadondo Road



Reference is made to your letter dated 2nd May 2023 Ref: XYLO/UMEME/5-2023/001
requesting for a "No Objection Affirmation" from Umeme Limited, in order for the
project to progress to obtaining the requisite feasibility permit for Xylo Combined Heat
and Power Jinja (Uganda) Limited to carry out a feasibility study under contract with
AB InBev, the parent company of Nile Breweries.

In relation to the guidance provided to you by the Electricity Regulatory Authority,

pertaining to seeking a No Objection Affirmation from us, we hereby provide the No
Objection Affirmation.

Yours sincerely,

Sele ino Babung


Copy to: Chief Executive Officer, Electricity Regulatory Authority
Annex 5.1

Heat Mass Balance Diagram

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 138 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

10.0 2946.8
38.0 3214.4 15.0 251.6
10.0 2946.8
18.0 398.5
15.0 251.6

40.0 3214.4 1.0 200.2 Electrical power 3245.7 kW

18.0 400.0 35.47 190.0

1.0 25.0 Furnace heat output 15052.5 kW 1.0 15.1 0.143 2452.8
3.791 25.0 12.72 15.0 15.0 53.0

1.0 60.8
31.8 60.1 1.0 91.2
19.08 90.0 1.0 43.4
1.0 500.0 2201 43.0
0.119 500.0 10.0 2946.8
1.0 15.1 0.576 251.6
19.08 15.0
1.0 28.2
1.0 417.4
2201 28.0
0.576 99.6
10.0 2946.8 10.0 2946.8
60.0 543.5
0.443 251.6 2.999 251.6
18.0 128.4

10.0 2946.8
1.98 251.6
3.0 561.5
42.6 kW 5.0 222.5
0.378 133.5
15.0 53.1

2.5 2946.8
1.5 105.0
2.5 535.4
1.98 238.7
0.065 25.0
18.0 127.4

1.0 237.6
15.95 56.7

FICHTNER Job:FIS0000241 KPRO 5.0

Gross efficiency 21.6 % 18 t/h Biomass CHP
bar kJ/kg Company: Date: Apr 4, 2023
Xylo Group
Heat Input 15.05 MW t/h °C ACC, Average Site Conditions Topology: FIS0000241_Jinja_no_LPpreheat
Gross Heat Rate 16696 kJ/kWh Author:
Jan Glistau Jinja, Uganda Loadcase: Design Case
10.0 2946.8
38.0 3214.4 8.507 251.6
5.672 2946.8
18.0 398.5
8.507 244.3

40.0 3214.4 1.0 200.2 Electrical power 2369.8 kW

18.0 400.0 35.47 190.0

1.0 25.0 Furnace heat output 15051.6 kW 1.0 15.1 0.085 2463.6
3.791 25.0 12.72 15.0 8.507 42.6

1.0 60.9
31.8 60.2 1.0 91.4
19.08 90.2 1.0 37.1
1.0 500.0 2188 36.8
0.119 500.0 10.0 2946.8
1.0 15.1 0.576 251.6
19.08 15.0
1.0 28.2
1.007 418.3
2188 28.0
0.576 99.8
10.0 2946.8 10.0 2946.8
60.0 543.5
7.499 251.6 9.493 251.6
18.0 128.4

10.0 2946.8
1.415 251.6
3.0 561.5
42.6 kW 5.0 179.2
6.376 133.5
8.507 42.7

2.5 2946.8
1.5 105.0
2.5 535.4
1.415 238.7
1.123 25.0
18.0 127.4

1.007 345.8
15.46 82.6

FICHTNER Job:FIS0000241 KPRO 5.0

Gross efficiency 15.7 % 18 t/h Biomass CHP
bar kJ/kg Company: Date: Apr 4, 2023
Xylo Group
Heat Input 15.05 MW t/h °C ACC, Average Site Conditions Topology: FIS0000241_Jinja_no_LPpreheat
Gross Heat Rate 22865 kJ/kWh Author:
Jan Glistau Jinja, Uganda Loadcase: Jahresmittlere Prozessdampfauskopplung
10.0 2946.8
38.0 3214.4 0.954 251.6
0.637 2946.8
18.0 398.5
0.954 235.4

40.0 3214.4 1.0 200.2 Electrical power 1362.4 kW

18.0 400.0 35.47 190.0

1.0 25.0 Furnace heat output 15051.6 kW 1.0 15.1 0.042 2615.9
3.791 25.0 12.72 15.0 0.954 61.8

1.0 60.9
31.8 60.2 1.0 91.4
19.08 90.2 1.0 29.3
1.0 500.0 2188 29.1
0.119 500.0 10.0 2946.8
1.0 15.1 0.576 251.6
19.08 15.0
1.0 28.2
1.007 418.3
2188 28.0
0.576 99.8
10.0 2946.8 10.0 2946.8
60.0 543.5
16.0 251.6 17.05 251.6
18.0 128.4

10.0 2946.8
0.472 251.6
3.0 561.5
42.6 kW 5.0 125.5
13.6 133.5
0.954 29.9

2.5 2946.8
1.5 105.0
2.5 535.4
0.472 238.7
2.401 25.0
18.0 127.4

1.007 528.5
15.13 99.8

FICHTNER Job:FIS0000241 KPRO 5.0

Gross efficiency 9.1 % 18 t/h Biomass CHP
bar kJ/kg Company: Date: Apr 4, 2023
Xylo Group
Heat Input 15.05 MW t/h °C ACC, Average Site Conditions Topology: FIS0000241_Jinja_no_LPpreheat
Gross Heat Rate 39772 kJ/kWh Author:
Jan Glistau Jinja, Uganda Loadcase: Maximale Prozessdampfentnahme
Steam Line

Gas/Air Lines
Fuel Lines

Ash Lines

Water Line Turbine

Feed water tank


Heat Exchangers

Condensate Lines

Pump with Motorr


Heat Sink

FICHTNER Auftrag:FIS0000241 KPRO 5.0

bar kJ/kg Firma: Datum: 10.08.2023

Xylo Group
kg/s °C ACC, Average Site Conditions Topologie: FIS0000241_Jinja Biomass
Jan Glistau Jinja, Uganda
Lastfall: Design Case
Annex 5.2

Water Balance Diagram (aver. steam extraction)

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 139 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study



0.25 1.5

2.65 2.20 2.20 0.26 0.26



Jinja CHP Biomass Power Plant

Water Balance Diagram
Annex 5.3

Single Line Diagram

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 140 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Annex 5.4

Preliminary DCS Architecture Diagram

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 141 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

Large Screen Panels Outdoor GPS
Antenna External interface (Plant Management System)
Emergency Stop push
CEMS station

Operator Work station-1 Operator Work station-2 Engineering Work station

NTP Server DMZ Firewall
Local Electronic Rooms

Local Operator station

Continuous Emission Monitoring System


Local Control PLC system SO2, NOX, CO, Dust substances

- Air compressor
- Ash handling

Notes: 28.03.2023 ARK For Feasiblity Study

1. DCS system shall be designed to perform the Automatic control operation of the Bio-Mass plant.
2. This is typical preliminary system architecture, further to be studied and developed by EPC contractor.
2. Cybersecurity system design shall be implemented in the DCS system network. DMZ firewall shall be provided BIO MASS PLANT
for any external interface from plant automation network.
3. Time synchronization shall be done through Master GPS antenna and with NTP (Network Time Protocol) server.
4. Operator work stations and Engineering work station screen size shall be 24" LED type.
5. Number of DCS controllers shown are typical, controller loading calculation shall be performed by EPC during
engineering stage to get the actual number of DCS controllers.
Annex 5.5

Preliminary Site Layout

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 142 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



005 ID FAN
17 8 1
11 12
15 14 4
2 3 6
1 19
33.18287o E
0.438217o N Roads
Site Boundaries









TP1 Electrical Connection Fire Hydrant Kerb line / Road GENERAL SITE LAYOUT
TP2 Water Supply Overhead Powerline
TP3 Condensate Return Portable Fire Extinguisher Fence CLIENT:
Fire Hydrant
TP4 Steam Supply Plot Boundary Gate NILE BREWERIES LTD
TP5 Wastewater Return Fire Horse Reel
Manhole Security Light
Buildings/Structures Storm water Drain / Trench SCALE:
Tree NTS
Over head Steam / electricity Pipe
Septic Tanks
Water tap DRAWN BY:

Oil Interceptor
Annex 7.1


FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 143 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

01.04.2023 input values in blue colour

Boundary Conditions
Description Unit Value Remark
HFO Retail Price USD/l 0,45 IF180 at Durban, ZA (24.03.2023):
USD/t 500 transportation cost from Mombasa port is <1%, therefore not considered
HFO Price at Site USD/l 0,48 assumptions: truck load: 30,000 l; Diesel cons. 40 l/100 km; Diesel 1.3 USD/l, distance 2000km
USD/t 539
VAT % 18%
Biomass Price USD/t 35,4 Woodchips as per Fuel Supply Terms, incl. 18% VAT
Biomass Price at Site USD/t 47,4 incl. transportation (12 USD/t)
LPG Price at Site USD/l 0,45
USD/t 900

Power Savings USD/MWh 122,8 Medium Industrial:

CO2 emission cost USD/t 0 not considered
USD/USH - 0,00026

Comparison Variable Cost

Description Unit Alternatives Remark
Existing HFO Existing Boiler New Biomass
Boiler with LPG Boiler
Steam capacity t/h 16,0 16,0 18,0
Fuel Heating Value MJ/kg LHV 41,0 46,0 14,3 HFO:
Energy Output MWt 11,36 11,36 13,8
Boiler Efficiency % 75% 88% 88%
Fuel Input MJ/s 15,1 12,9 15,7
Fuel Consumption t/h 1,33 1,01 3,95
Fuel Cost USD/h 716,2 909,2 187,3
Power Generation MWh/h 0 0 1,2
Power Savings USD/h 0,0 0,0 147,4
CO2 spec. Emission tC02/tFuel not considered
CO2 emission t/h 0 0 0
CO2 cost USD/h 0 0 0
Variable O&M cost (annual) kUSD/a 370 370 370 Biomass: 20 kUSD consumables, 350 kUSD maintenance
Variable O&M cost USD/h 42,2 42,2 42,2
Cost per Operating Hour USD/h 758,4 951,5 82,2
HFO, LPG retail break-even price USD/t 61,8 81,4 retail price at which biomass boiler operation becomes the more economic solution

Cost Components
HFO Price Sensitivitiy 1000

Cost per Operating Hour [USD/h]


600 500

400 400

200 300


HFO Price Variation 100

HFO Boiler Biomass Plant LPG Boiler 0

HFO Boiler LPG boiler Biomass Boiler

Fuel Cost Var O&M Cost CO2 emission cost

2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-927 / v0.34
Annex 8.1

Tentative EPC Schedule

FIS0000241/FICHT-2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-1009 144 Jinja Biomass Feasibility Study

EPC SCHEDULE 06.04.2023

No Activity 1st Project Year 2nd Project Year

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

1 Pre-NTP Phase

1.1 Front End Engineering Design (FEED)

1.2 Tendering Phase (including signing contract)
1.3 Financial Closure
1.4 Feedstock and steam export contracts, permits, site surveys and mobilization
1.5 Permitting
1.6 Notice to Proceed (NTP)

2 Engineering

2.1 Mechanical Basic Engineering

2.2 System P&IDs
2.3 Mechanical Detail Engineering
2.4 Boiler and Steam Turbine Foundations design
2.5 BOP Foundations and Buildings Design
2.6 Electrical Basic Engineering,
2.7 Electrical Detail Engineering
2.8 I&C Design

3 Procurement & Manufacturing (including Delivery)

3.1 Boiler and Steam Turbine (ST)

3.2 Feedstock storage and handling system
3.2 Cooling system
3.4 Water treatment
3.5 BOP systems
0.5 Electrical equipment
0.4 I&C equipment

4 Construction

4.1 Boiler and Steam Turbine Foundation works

4.2 BOP foundations and Building works
4.3 Boiler, ST erection and piping
4.4 BOP Erection
4.5 Electrical Installations
4.6 I&C Installations

5 Commissionning

5.1 Precommissioning
5.2 Hot Comissioning / Reliability Run / Performance Test
5.3 Commercial Operation Date (COD)

Process Critical Process Milestone

2H7K2VNUMD7K-810842292-963 / v0.2

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