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Create a workbook for creating a simple formula in Excel Application.

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as Exercise1
The formulas are:
a) (-2)-3 - 1/4 + 1 – (-9/40) X (-5/3)

b) [(-4) X (-6) – (-5)2]3 + 7

c) Find the value of Y if Y=5x3 + 3x2 – 2x – 26 for x is 28, 3.2, -0.45, 100 and -7

d) x3 + (2/3)x2 + (1/2)x – ¼ for x is ½ 1 -1/3 ¾ 2/3

e) (a2 – 4ab + a) /(b – 1) (a=1 b=-1) (a=-3 b=-4) (a=10 b=0.2)

2. Create a new workbook and prepare the following table at the position indicated below. The numbers

are integers from -5 to 5(ten numbers total)

In cell B2 create a formula that calculates the Square root of A2.

Copy Your formula to cells B3: B12

In cell C2 create a formula that calculates the Cube root of A2.

Copy Your formula to cells C3: C12.

What do you observe in your result? Which rule is violated mathematically in your formula?.
3. Create the table indicated below and fill the empty columns with appropriate formulas to perform the

calculations. Do not use built in functions. Use only simple formula created by yourself.
4. Create a new workbook as indicated to the right. Use the formula

F = ( oC) X (9/5) + 32 in order to create the equivalence of the Celsius to Fahrenheit.

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