Executive Summary

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Challenge: Limited access to education, skills training, and employment


It’s well known that Nigeria boasts a large and vibrant youth population, yet many
face significant barriers to reaching their full potential. The most pressing
challenge hindering youth development is the lack of access to quality education,
relevant skills training, and viable employment opportunities. This combination
creates a cycle of unemployment and underemployment and hinders economic
mobility. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reports that the unemployment
rate for young people aged 15-34 is alarmingly high. This issue is compounded by
a mismatch between young people's skills and the labour market demands. Limited
access to quality education and vocational training exacerbates the problem,
leaving many youths without the skills to secure meaningful employment.

Proposed Solutions:

1. Skill Development and Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship: To address

the skills gap and high unemployment rates, the client can invest in comprehensive
skill development and entrepreneurship programs - a youth-focused business
incubator program. These programs should focus on providing technical and
vocational training aligned with market needs, fostering entrepreneurial skills to
empower youths to create employment opportunities, training in business
development, financial literacy, and mentorship opportunities. By equipping young
people with the skills and resources to launch and manage their businesses, the
program can create jobs and foster economic empowerment.

2. Bridging the Skills Gap: The client can partner with vocational training
institutions and technical colleges to develop a curriculum aligned with current
industry demands. Additionally, internship programs can be established to connect
young people with practical work experience and networks with successful
professionals and mentors; the client can facilitate knowledge transfer, inspire
confidence, and provide guidance to help young people navigate their career paths.
This solution equips youth with the skills the job market requires, increasing their

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