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Investing in Nigeria's

F.I.T. Advisory Africa

Youth: A Strategy for

Prepared by: Jesse Samson La’ah

Date: 3th July, 2024

Introduction Insights

Nigeria's youth
151 million youths
Let’s strive to better understand 70% of the 217 million according to “Worldometer,” as
at August 25, 2022

Nigerian youth in order to unlock their

potential for national development. 18.1 yrs median age
The unemployment rate among youth aged (15-24
years) was 8.6% in Q3 2023 according to Nigeria
Labour Force Survey Q3 2023

Youth Population in Nigeria: Nigeria has one of the largest youth populations in the world, with over

53.40 %
60% of its population under the age of 25. This demographic presents a significant opportunity for
national development
Importance for National Development: The youth are crucial for driving economic growth, innovation, of youths are unemployed according to youth
unemployment rates released by the National Bureau
and social progress. Investing in their development is essential for harnessing their potential and of Statistics in 2022
ensuring a prosperous future for Nigeria
Biggest Challenge: Unemployment and underemployment among Nigerian youth.

12.6% of youths in the global labor force

are unemployed

Estimated by ILO

A d d r e ss i n g t h e Yo u t h D e v e lo p m e n t C r i s i s i n N i g e r i a

The Challenges

High unemployment rates among youth (15-34 years

The unemployment rate for young people aged 15-34 is alarmingly high, with

recent statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) indicating rates

above 40%

Skills mismatch between education and labor market demand

Many graduates lack practical skills and experience, making it difficult for them

to find employment in their fields of study

Limited access to quality education and vocational training

Vocational training programs are insufficient and not aligned with industry


Rural areas are particularly affected by a lack of access to educational and

training opportunities.
Jesse S. La’ah Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Programs F.I.T. Advisory Africa

Aligning Training with

Market Needs
Identify high-demand skills through labor
market analyses, design relevant training
programs with industry partners, and focus
on TVET for practical, job-ready skills.
Solution 1
Technical and
Empowering Youth Vocational Training
through Skill Development Expand centers, offer courses in high-
demand fields, and ensure quality through

and Entrepreneurship certification and accreditation.

Implement entrepreneurship training,
create incubation hubs for support and
mentorship, and facilitate startup funding
through financial partnerships.

Collaboration with Educational Institutions Government and Private Sector Involvement

Success Stories and Role Models Monitoring and Evaluation
Jesse S. La’ah Youth Empowerment and Mentorship Initiatives F.I.T. Advisory Africa

Developing Essential
Life Skills and
Professional Networks
Create programs to develop
communication, problem-solving,
leadership, and teamwork skills.

Solution 2 Connecting Youths

with Mentors and
Fostering Growth through Successful
Youth Empowerment and Create mentorship programs pairing youth
Mentorship with experienced professionals across
industries to provide guidance and career
advice via online and offline platforms.

Platforms for Youth

Engagement in
Enhancing Leadership Skills and Civic Engagement Establish avenues for youth to actively
engage in community projects, promoting
Creating Safe Spaces for Youth Expression leadership, civic responsibility, and
volunteerism for societal impact and
Monitoring and Evaluating Youth Empowerment Programs leadership development.
J e s s e S . L a’a h I m p l e m e n tat i o n S t r at e gy F. I . T. A dv i s o ry A f r i c a

I d e n ti f y i n g Key

Sta ke h o l d e rs a n d

Pa r t n e rs
Engage government agencies, NGOs,

educational institutions, and private sector

partners to form strategic alliances for

program implementation.

D eve l o p i n g D eta i l ed
Implementing Youth
Pro g ra m P l a n s a n d
Development Initiatives Curricula
Design tailored programs based on

research and stakeholder input. Develop

curricula for skill development,

entrepreneurship training, mentorship, and

community engagement.

S ec u r i n g F u n d i n g a n d

Reso u rces
Identify government grants, corporate
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
sponsorships, and international funds.

Establish sustainable funding models for

Capacity Building and Training
program viability and scalability.

Community Outreach and Awareness

Reduction in Youth Unemployment and Underemploymen
Addressing underemployment by matching youth skills with market demands,
thereby enhancing job satisfaction and economic stability

Enhanced Skills and Employabilit

Expect an increase in youth employability through targeted skill development
and vocational training

Increased Entrepreneurial Activities and Job Creatio

Foster a culture of entrepreneurship among youth, leading to more startups and
small businesses
Generate employment opportunities within communities, promoting economic
growth and innovation.

Expected Impact
Empowering Youth through Skill Development and Entrepreneurshi

Fostering Growth through Youth Empowerment and Mentorshi

Implementing Youth Development Initiatives

Thank you!
Prepared by: Jesse Samson La’ah

Date: 3th July, 2024

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