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08/07/2024, 17:34 Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India.

Academic programs at CSE department

The Department offers the following acedemic programs:

Course-work oriented programs

4-year B.Tech. program

2-year M.Tech. program
5-year Dual Degree program

Research programs

M.S. program
Ph.D. program

The degree awarded is in "Computer Science and Engineering" and has no specilaization as such.

Course Oriented Programs

B.Tech. program: The B.Tech. program is a four-year course oriented undergraduate program. The course work is spread accross all the semesters. See here for the detailed curriculum. The
set of core courses offered by the department, a set of departmental electives and some free electives. In total, the academic activities include 7 department electives and 8 free electives. A B
optional and the student can take 2 additional department electives in lieu of the B.Tech project.

M.Tech. program: The M.Tech. program is a two-year course oriented graduate program. The student has to take a set of core courses and a set of electives. The course work is spread accro
semesters with an option of taking one elective in the third semester. This is followed by a project in the third and fourth semester in which the student can take up a project of his or her inte
a faculty member.

Dual Degree program: The Dual Degree program is a five year program. At the end of five years, the student is awarded both a B.Tech. and M.Tech. degree.

Postgraguate Research Programs

M.S. and Ph.D. programs: The M.S and PhD. programs are postgraduate research oriented programs. The scholar works in an area of his/her interest under the supervision of a faculty mem
has to obtain a minimum number of credits by taking courses. The highlight of the program is the independent research work taken by scholar, leading to a dissertation at the end of the prog
duration of an M.S. program is between two to three years and that of a PhD. program is between four to five years. In the fourth semester, an M.S. scholar has an option to upgrade to the Ph
without having to go through the admission procedure.

Relevant links

Research Areas Page

Frequently Asked Questions

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