Experiment No 2.docx

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Names: Abanico, Lyndshane Honeymae Score:

Cueto, Adina Andrea .

Cabsaban, Xairah Elisha .
Deleon, Andrea Jean .
Hungoy, Ayanna Erin .
Taluban, Lana Zashrell .

Date Performed: July 1, 2024 Section:. ChE-1303 Group No: 7

Date Submitted: July 1, 2024 Instructor: Engr. Grace R. De Castro

The objective of this lab experiment is to observe and compare the cellular structures of
plant tissue, cheek cells, and onion cells using swabbing techniques and microscopic observation.

1. Microscope
2. Glass slides
3. Coverslips (3pcs per group)
4. Cotton swabs (sterile)
5. Distilled water
6. Iodine solution
7. Onion
8. Cheek swabs
9. Fresh leaf (e.g., spinach or other leafy greens)

1. Preparing Slides:
o Collect a fresh leaf from a plant (e.g., spinach) and an onion slice.
o Gently swab the inner cheek with a cotton swab.
2. Mounting Specimens:
o Place the swabbed material (plant tissue, onion cells, and cheek cells) on
separate glass slides.
o Add a drop of distilled water to each slide to prevent drying.
3. Staining (optional for onion cells):
o If staining onion cells, add a drop of iodine solution to the onion cell slide.
4. Covering Slides:
o Carefully place a coverslip over each specimen. Gently press down to remove
air bubbles.
5. Microscopic Observation:
o Place each slide on the microscope stage.
o Start with the lowest magnification (e.g., 100x) and focus on finding cells.
o Switch to higher magnifications (e.g., 400x) to observe cell structures in detail.
6. Recording Observations:
o Draw and label the observed cells from each specimen.
o Note differences in size, shape, and arrangement of cells between plant
tissue, onion cells, and cheek cells.
o Record any observations of cell walls, nuclei, and other organelles.
Lab Report Requirements:

I. Introduction:


II. Materials and Methods:

III. Results:

Plant Cell Onion Cell

Cheek Cell

IV. Discussion:

V. Conclusion:


VI. References:
● Handle microscope slides and coverslips carefully to avoid breakage.
● Use proper microscope techniques for focusing and adjusting light intensity.
● Take time to observe and sketch cells accurately.
● Clean up your workspace after completing the experiment.

Additional Notes:
● Ensure all procedures are conducted in a safe and responsible manner.
● Consult with your instructor if you have any questions or concerns during the lab.

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