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SERANGOON GARDEN SECONDARY SCHOOL WEIGHTED ASSESSMENT 3 2023 CANDIDATE NAME rablneoy kaur INDEX cLass sce NUMBER 15 @ ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1190/02 Paper 2 3 August 2023 Secondary 3 Normal (Academic) 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question Paper. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST This Insert contains Text 1, Text 2 and Text 3._ This Insert consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page. [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner Section A Text 1 ‘Study the extract from 2 website (Text 1) and the extract from a blog (Text 2) and answer Questions 1 - 4 in the Question Paper. Text 1 is adapted from the World Wiidlife Fund website. Overfishing is the result of how we consume seafood. Do you know that 90% of fish populations are already fully fished or overfished? 75% of the seafood we consume in Singapore are not caught sustainably. We are talking about fish such as “ikan Kuning in our favourite nasi lemak, silver pomfeet in Teochew porridge and red snapper ‘fish cury. Ifnothing is done soon. such fishes might not exist one day. Let's begin consuming fish in @ sustainable way now! LZ wetormal Text 2 is taken from a biog which comments on lifestyle trends. rc Time is Running Out, Act Now! Itis time to seriously consider being a vegan. Veganism involves us not consuming any form of animal products, including fish obviously. By doing so, we allow the fish population to increase ‘once again. Being a vegan is also good for our environment. Livestock, such as cows, produces greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. If all of us do our part, we can protect our ‘environment not only for us, but for our future generations too. Let's act quickly because we can. * Yellowtail scad - a type of fish that is deep-fried when served with nasi lemak. Scanned with CamScanner Suma LbEeNEE TS OF Naving pasifve 3 Tole models Ly the ways to sect suitane Tole models +o -follovs- Section B Text3 ‘The text below is about the impact of role models on youth. Read the text carefully and answer Questions 5 - 8 in the Question Booklet. 1. Assubstantial number of studies have shown us that humans learn through modelling others ‘As these experiences accumulate throughout adolescence, teenagers decide what ‘acceptable behaviour is and whats not. Additionally, they also leam methods to achieve their {goals by observing people whom they look up to. While most people tend to think of role rodels as people who possess outstandingly good qualities, the truthis that ole models can § have positive or negative impacts on young people. There have been cases in which teenagers found themselves in trouble because they emulated people who were detrimental to their lives. 2. Researchers have discovered why some teenagers are drawn to positive role models and ‘others to negative ones. The answer lies in the mindsets they adopt. Young people are more 10 likely to be inspired by positive role models when they have, - when they see themselves as leamers who accomplish goals through hard work and perseverance. ‘growth mindset can be contrasted to @_prevention mindset. A youth with a prevention mindset will tend to be attracted to role models who will help them learn ways to avoid ‘Setbacks, such as cheating or using vices. —— ~ 15 astétm Nhan those w ticularly when they know Their rele odels personal These youth are also more likely to makelbealthy Iestyle choices FBaaiding nutrition andy; 20 | exereiseyFor instance, compared to their peers who do not Rave a role model, these youll ‘are more likely tofparticipate in greater physical activity and Hive a healthy welghtAnather reason why positive role models are important is that th such as drug abuse and violeage. Finally, ghts when theyre faced with challenges’ 25 can youth be guided to select appropriate role models? Firstly, BarBnfs can teach ‘en that failure is necessary for success Thislreduces the likelinood of children ese heroes| will show children how to overcome a vanely of challenges and encourage @ ‘Growth mindset} 30 from a young age. Another way would be to engage youth in prosocial behaviours with adults. For example, adolescents and adults can work together on projects that lead to the betterment} of their community. This draws their attention to positive adult role models. Lastly, youth] Should be encouraged to ciscover their inner strengths, whichjgglude empathy, curiosty and resilience| fRecogni ising these strengths wil enable them to fi sh in school and identify role} 35 5. Adolescents develop because of many experiences and relationships. Positive role models show young people how to live with integrity, optimism and determination, Role models play an essential par in a youth’ life, and teenagers should therefore select them with care. ‘Adapted trom btips Jeducationandben vor com/assess-ho-ralve-of positive sole-modols-on-ones-behavior Scanned with CamScanner SERANGOON GARDEN SECONDARY SCHOOL WEIGHTED ASSESSMENT 3 2023 CANDIDATE NAME Pravinoer Kaur INDEX class ep NUMBER ENGLISH LANGUAGE Paper 2 ‘Secondary 3 Normal (Academic) Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: Insert 1190/02 3 August 2023 ‘hour READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST ‘Write your name, index number and class in the spaces at the top of this page. ‘Write in dark blue or black ballpoint pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, glue, correction fuid or highlighters. Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in the Question Paper. ‘The Insert contains the texts for all the sections. The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question or part question. For Examiner's Use sean a3 Section | ( zy 25 Total This paper consists of printed pages and 1 blank page [Turn over Scanned with CamScanner { 2 Section A [5 marks] Refer to the extract from a website (Text 1) and the extract from a blog (Text 2) on page 2 for Questions 14. Le must aescribe 4 Look at the image and heading in Text 1. How does thelimage support the heading? is ely WS. of the Insert O) is decreasing 2 Look at Text 2. Tick (v) the statement which best summarises the main idea of Text 2 ‘We eat too many types of fish. x Fishing is harmful to the environment. ‘We need to change our eating habits fast. Ale 9 ing rT at 0up of words (net o ventence 3 ‘Let's nna ‘suggests a sense of urgency seen in Text 1. So ennce,- len Soin ed a 1s the game i tensity a firasein Tes 2 Yhat suggest ca, Ie...2h fing out ; a) a act. quidtieys 4 Look at Texts 1 and 2 and statements (a) and (b) below. Decide whether the statements refer to Text 1, Text 2, both texts, or neither text Circle the answer you have chosen for each statement, (a) The intended audience of the text are generally for those who live in Singapore. aor 1 Both I Neither (b) The text encourages people to have a sustainable diet. Text 1 /CEA2) | @SBS Neither 2) 3 Scanned with CamScanner = \ v 3 Section B [25 marks] Refer to Text 3 on pages 3 and 4 of the Insert for Questions 5-8. 5 Read the text and match the paragraphs with the appropriate headings. Write the correct letter (A~G). The first one has been done for you. There is one other letter you will not need to use. DO NOT USE ANY LETTER MORE THAN ONCE. Paragraph 1 nA Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 XD Ways teenagers leam different behaviours - Advantages of following good role models. © Consequences of negative role models on youth * 3” Importance of considering which role model to folow 4 Impact of youth's way of thinking on ther choice of role models A Methods that help youth lear to select positive role modets (4) 6 From Paragraph 1, (2) identify a phrase that suggests that there have been lots of research done on how humans learn. me. A sunantnt ante ef ss84udiess coed oeee ttt (b) name two things that teenagers leam as their “experiences accumulate throughout adolescence". Teenagers. dlecicte whether tepe hay aXe accertatbig ret. they. learn ow, to, achieve ¢heir goals by observing pedele, whom a hey look Up +e; stney Nearn What acceptable behavovioy anoliv mor Scanned with CamScanner 7 According to Paragraph 2, {a} how are teenagers attracted to their role models? Twey are ott rected. bpu..te...mind ser snes PALE nn {1 (b) how is growth mindset different from prevention mindset in terms of the'role models youth seek? A. growth mindser...18._ when, hey ernselUes...aS...6annens...2h0, acromolish gens snogh ard werk. and, esrseVerdnce,..but..o. prevention, randset 2} is when the Tele model helps them learn lays to veil Setbacks, Such as cheating. ss 8 Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the benefits of having positive role models on youth and the ways to select suitable role models to follow. Use only information from Paragraphs'3 to 4 of Text 3. Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). It must not be longer than 80 words (not counting the words given to help you begin). | ‘One benefit of having positive role models on youth is 49, ine Tease....Aeeth'S... CAMPLAENES. 2 FWATAS SUCcESS.and this will reSuMt In. a... increase, iin marks aud higher. suit = Deticewee: Secondly goths. veil ASO be Ahle, tP. choose... nude us dict-Resuttingte..a..nealtaier Self avd o more fitter sate... Tyraty vine perceitage. of se doing OF dangerous. acts.....will. decrease- Air a ON guide Youtins when tines face, probIems..nadifianally.... @) VOSVE. snig yoil “decrease tne, development. of...\bad mindsets ote’ Will Me lp, tne. find the SeEilly. theg...018.. Capable oF. (i oe i Ut sage some tat : folie. areas, He). Youths with Grower MindsehT ave dicawn Ww” Pas HNe rie Wectels. / “Indy ave move [likely fo be imgpied by Pocifive L Tote tmed els Youth with prevention thindsets are otawn tl gravitate tomavar hegAnVE role madels- Scanned with CamScanner

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