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b l ~ on 08.U.202Q £732.

Rttiripts <D.00
Costs C-362.80
PerCffltS (D.06
811anc• on 23.CM.2020 (369.97

Cttdit c.d opetatlonl Nt 4377 72'' •••• IJ47 (JOHN CITIZEN) Cott•:< 351.00
Date and time Bank processin1 Tran~tion Transaction
oflhe opeu1tion dale amount amount Oesc:ription
23.01.20 24.01.20 051.00 (351.00 P!'(l"'l!flt in £TORO INTERNET Ci

Cttditc.dopetatlonl Nt 4377 72•• .... 2172 IJOHNCITl2.EN)

Costs: CO.IO
D•te •nd time Bink protessin1 TranSKtion Tnansaction
oftheoper•tion date DHcriptlon
13.02.20 13.02.20 (60.00 P~nt in PP'9142COOE Frano

Credit canl opttatlons NI 5536 91" .... 1551 I JOHN CITl2.EN)

Costs:c 1.00
Date and time Bank protessin1 TranSMtion Trans.action
ofthe~tion date amount amount DMcriptlon
07.03.10 07.03.20 +o.06 c+o.06 lntetfftonauounl balance
07.03..20 07.03.20 Cl.00 1.00 Tl"ilnsKtion Alert Ftt

oecil card operations Nt 5536 91' ' •••• 4464 ( JOHN aTIZfN) COSts: 040.00
Date and time Bank processing TranQCtion Tr;insaction
oflM:ope<ark>n date amount amount Oeicriptlon
U.04.20 13.04.20 +040.00 +040.00 Refunds on P!Y"!ffl! transactions £TORO INTEltNET AUS

Credit card op«atlons NtS53691u " " '464(.JOHNCITIZENI Cotb: 050.00

Date and time Bank processing Tr.anSKtion Transaction
oftheope.-ation dale amount amount Description
21.04.20 23.04.20 050.00 (350,00 P!(rrl!nt on £TORO INTERNET AUS


VAIMA CENTER Account lllmber: 123456789
4 RUE JEANNE D'ARC Ctedij Card number. 1234 ........ 4321
98714 PAPEETE, Stalement dote: 21.04.2020
FRANCE Statement period: 23.01.2020 lo 21.04.2020

La Banque postale
3 Cours Saint-Louis, 33300 Bordeaux, France • www.laban:ue::ostale.t

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