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Technology vocabulary

1. Access to the Internet – computer programs back cardboard

Able to connect to the onto the computer
Internet 20. Shop online – Shop via eyesore
2. Advances in the Internet
technology – Progressive 21. Shut down – Turn the greenhouse effect
forward movement in computer off renewable energy
technology 22. Social media networks –
3. Back up your files – To Online platforms for wind farm
save your data to another communication between
device people and organisations wind turbine
4. Become rapidly 23. State of the art
obsolete – Quickly technology – The best endangered
become out of date technology available
exhaust fumes
5. Computer literate – 24. Surfing the web – To
Adequate knowledge of a move from one site to resistant to
computer another on the Internet
6. Control remotely – To 25. To click on an icon – To carry out/ conduct
control technology from a use the mouse to click on
distance the pictures to get into evolve
7. Downloading from the programs
Internet – Take data off 26. To crash – To stop interfere in/ with
one computer to another working suddenly
shed a light on
via the Internet 27. To Log in – To sign onto
8. Electronic Funds the computer keep an eye on
Transfer – EFT Payment 28. To upgrade your
via the Internet computer system – To pose a threat to
9. Emerging technology – get a larger, quicker or
Brand new machines and more modern computer tackle problems
software 29. Wireless hotspots – A
10. Glued to the screen – location where the manufacture
Unable or unwilling to Internet is available
production line
leave the digital device
11. Hacking into the digital divide batch
network – To gain illegal
access to the computer to DM assemble
12. Internet access – The
ability to enter the gizmo/ gadget demand
technophobe supply
13. Internet of Things – A
network connecting technophile backlog
machines in a location so
that they can be remotely tech-savvy me-too product
14. Internet-enabled – cutting-edge evaluate
Machines or appliances
that have Internet access outdated modify
15. Keep a hard copy – obsolete survey
Keep a paper copy
16. Labour saving device – computer buff comply with
An appliance that saves
work eminent scientist licence
17. Not rocket science – It is
not very difficult labour-saving device amplify
18. Online piracy – The
downloading of licenced launch emit
media without payment Science vocabulary Idioms
19. Re-install the
programs – To put carbon footprint rocket science
to be on the same wavelength

a cog in the machine- an

insignificant person in a large

well-oiled machine- something

which functions without problems

light years ahead- very advanced

pull the plug- stop

to blow a fuse- to become angry

nuts and bolts- basic details

push one’s buttons- deliberately

provoke somebody

to reinvent the wheel- to waste

time by trying to create
something that's already been

to run out of steam – to lose


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