The Trading Plan@Infinity Course

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@riz.viper, @cal.viper,

THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,




This Trading Plan will be the heart of your trading journey and the reason you build
as a trader. Through this plan you will leave no room for error and will build an
extreme level of discipline.

With this high level of discipline, you will find the consistency that you need to trade
the financial markets. Use this plan to keep you accountable on every single trade
that you place. Each trade needs to follow this plan so that your profitable edge can
play out. Keep this plan next to where you trade in order to use it as a reference for
the validity of the trade you’re going to place.


• I am successful at being a disciplined trader.

• I have a set of rules that make sense to me that are easy to execute and easy to
obey, and I obey these rules.

• I trade for Pips & Percentages not money.

• I trade from a neutral standpoint.

• If I cannot find a trade then I am patient and will wait until the market meets the
criteria of my trade and after each trade I always WIN, through either Pips or

• I will always do my best; if I make a mistake I accept it, learn from it and move on.

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,


Select the pairs you will trade for the rest of your time on this program. A maximum of 5
pairs can be chosen for analysis; 3 are to be traded and 2 are backups in case there isn’t
a clear set up to be made. If you only trade 1 or 2 pairs that is fine.

Primary Pairs (Maximum of 3):

Secondary Pairs (Maximum of 2):

Risk Per Trade

Please select a strict risk per trade that you will follow. Anywhere between 0.25%-2% risk
per trade would be ideal but choose to your suited risk appetite. The only room for
change is when counter trend trading and you wish to lower the risk involvement e.g.
Trend trading using 1% risk, counter trend trading using 0.5% risk.

Fixed Risk Per Trade:

If Applicable Counter Trend Risk Per Trade:

Risk To Reward

Please choose a minimum Risk to Reward to make a potential setup valid. Ideally I would
suggest 1:3 as a optimal minimum, to allow your profitable edge to play out. However 1:2
should be an absolute minimum.

Minimum Risk to Reward per trade:

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,

Trading Strategy

Please explain if you’re using a Swing Trading, Day Trading or Scalping approach. There
is no wrong way of trading as long as you’re sticking to the plan. If you trade multiple
strategies such as Day Trading and Swing Trading then please put down both and explain
how and why you do this. Try to highlight how long on average you hold trades for. Based
on this strategy how many trades per day/ week/ month are you taking.

Strategy Used:


Please state the timeframes you use for analysis and which timeframes you use for taking

Analysis Timeframes:

Entry Timeframes:

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,

Entry Criteria

Please list below all of the confluences you will look for when it comes to making a bias
and looking to enter the market. This can be; the overall Trend, Fibonacci, Candlestick
formations/patterns, supply + demand, order blocks, key levels etc. Then please choose
your minimum confluences for an entry ( I would suggest an absolute minimum of 3
confluences) and then also the amount for a confident trade set up ( I would suggest 5 as
a confident set up).

Entry Criteria:

Minimum Confluences for Entry:

Minimum Confluences for confident set up:

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,

Trade Management

This will require the whole page as I want you to cover all possible management
scenarios. This will include your breakeven strategy (Is breakeven set after X number of
pips or after break of structure), your taking partial profits strategy (Is breakeven set after
X number of pips or after break of structure & are profit targets all set before entering the
trade), Your closing the trade entirely strategy (Has trade reached your TP or have you
identified a reason for the trade going against you and thus should cut short). Also include
how often you will check the charts so you can start to focus on routine. Remember to be
as detailed as possible.

Breakeven Strategy:

Partial Profits Strategy:

Closing Trade Entirely:

How Often Are You Monitoring The Trades:

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,

Compounding Strategy

What is your strategy for compounding/scaling in on a trade? Do you want to be risk free
on your original position before entering again? Do you enter with the same level of risk
as your original entry? Or do you just stick to your original entry? My advice on
compounding is be risk free on the original entry and you can re enter with the same risk
that way so you’re still sticking to your risk rules. When do you compound? After break of
structure? or after X number of pips?

Compounding Strategy:

Hedging Strategy

What is your strategy for hedging a trade? This is where you have for example a long
trade running and see an opportunity that fits your rules for a short but also have more
upside potential so you have both a short and long running at the same time. Is hedging
going to be in your rule set? If not you can ignore this section. If it will be, what will be
your rules?

Hedging Strategy:

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,

Winning Streak Strategy

After a winning streak (this could be a good day, week, month etc) what will be your rule
set to keep those profits in the account and not lose them back to the markets? How will
you stay balanced and not allow greed or ego to kick in? Will you step away from the
markets for that week or day? Will you continue to stay disciplined to your ruleset and
respect the law of probability?

Winning Streak Strategy:

Losing Streak Strategy

After a losing streak (this could be a bad day, week, month etc) what will be your rule set
to keep those losses limited and not lose more to the markets? How will you stay
balanced and not allow fear of loss or revenge trading to kick in? Will you step away from
the markets for that week or day? Will you continue to stay disciplined to your ruleset and
respect the law of probability? Will you have a set max possible losing trades per day?

Losing Streak Strategy:

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,

Weekly Routine

What will be your weekly routine for trading the financial markets? What day/time will you
analyse for the week ahead? When will you go through your journal to recognise any
patterns? When will you backtest? When will you have a break from the charts? When will
you set time for learning?

Weekly Routine:

Daily Routine

What will be your daily routine? Where are you trading from? How long will you spend on
the charts? How often should you check the charts? Hourly closures or 4 hour closes?
Will you check the end of day close? Will you monitoring any news announcements?
Have you made your routine manageable for any work or family commitments?

Daily Routine:

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THE TRADING PLAN @riz.viper, @cal.viper,

Any Questions

Please, at any point you have any questions or feel you need to go over anything make
sure to write it down and let me know so that I can research if I need to but also arrange
time to go over anything with you. My aim is to help you grow and build as a trader. That
can only be done if I know what it is that you need as an individual. You can also use the
group if necessary and if you think it will help others.

Remember this Trading Plan is to be followed very strictly. I will be checking your trading
journal sheets to make sure you are following YOUR plan. The reason you’ve made this
plan is because you know that’s how you need to trade in order to be consistent and
profitable so there is no excuse to not be following it. Yes, it may take an adjustment
period to get there but I need you to put in the effort to try your best to stick to it. I cannot
make you do it, I can just show you the path and you will have to choose to walk it or not.

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