Csir Net Mathematical Sciences Solved Paper 2011 2016

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“Dain tes. faye Lnowledye fours in coment foron ANAND INSTITOTE SOLUTIONS - | CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION QU. What will be the next figure in the following se- quence? A be B c ea; fe 2. PSS 4 fey form What is the length of the platform? 1.120m 2.280m, 3.40m 4,160, Q7. When a polynomial J (2) isdivided by x~5 ot x~3 or x=2 it leaves a remainder of 1. Which of the following would be the polynomial? 3S Q2. For a certain regular solid , number of faces + mm- ber of vertices = number of edges +2. For three such distinct (not touching each other) objects, what is the total value of faces + vertices - edges? 1. Two 2. Four 3.Six 4, Zero ‘Q3. Abdul travels thrice the distance Catherine which is also twice the distance that Binoy travel. Catherine’s’ speed is 1/3 of Abdul’s speed ; whieh i also 1/2 of Binoy’s speed . If they start at,the s time then who reaches first? 1. Both Abdul and Catherine 2. Binoy 3.Catherne, MP MY Q4. It tates sud ‘for Tiyiart ‘ane Deo to do‘a job. “Tiwari and Hari take 3 fours to-do the sane and Hari take 6 hours to do thesame. Job, _Whichios the following statements is incorrect? 5 1. Tiwari alone can do the job in3, 3 hours i 2. Deo alone can do the job in 6'hours 3. Hari does not work at all ry 4, Hari is the fastest worker us ‘QS. Eiquilatera triangles are drawn one inside the other as shown, What isthe ratio of the two shaded areas? Pos 1. x3 10x? 431x431 3. 8-10? 4312-31 2. 3 10x? 431x-29 4.3 10x? 431x429 4 ue ge raeereancrneen Oe Rie ae AE ante ee ee fe ne oe Naw Get mi neo16 snstesrs 485 see oll ae cane Q8. The diagram (not to scale) shows the top view and ., _set0ss section of a pond having a square outline and equal sized steps of 0.5 m width and 0.1m height. | hati Be the volume of water (in m?) in the pond eal itis coripletely filled? - net 1.8 2.6 3.3 44 Q10. A notebook contains only hundred statements as vnder: 1. This notebook contains | false statement 2. This notebook contains 2 false statements. 2. st 4, nd QUL. The function f(x) is plotted against x as shown. ‘Extrapolateand findthe value of he function at x=— 1. 100} 40 1 o4 1. -0.01 2-01 3.0.01 4.0.1 Q12. Actrog hops and lands exactly 1 meter away at a time, What is the least number of hops required to « reach a point 10 cm away? ul 2.2 3.3 4, It-cannot travel such a distance QI3. Choose the four digit number, in which the of the first & fourth digits is 40 and thous middie digits in 28. The digit as the hundreds d less than the tens digit. 1.5478 3.8745, 2.5748 QI4. A,B,C are points of. circle, with ABH 5 em, BC=12cm, AC=13cm and @AD=7em. Thenthe closet approximationofCDis i 1. 9em we 3. Lem as ot QIS. The difference between the square of the ages-(in complete years) of a father and his son is 899. The- age of the father when his son was born 1. cannot be ascertained due to inadequate data. ‘Lis 27 years 3.i8 29 years 4.is 31 years Q16.Water is slowly dripping out of a tiny hole at the bottom of ahollow metallic sphere initially full of water ignoring the water that has flowed away, the centre of mass of the system 1. remains fixed at the centre of the sphere 2. moves down steadily as the amount of water decreases. moves up QU7. A chocolate bar having mxn unit square title is given, calculate the number of cuts needed to break itcompletely, without stacking into individual titles. 1. (nxn) 2. (m-1)x(n-1) 3. (mxn)=I 4.(mxn)+1 18. An experiment leads to the following set of observa tions of the variable ‘Y’ at different times'?” rol 23 4 5 6 vy 5 61 91 13.7 206 308 414 Allowing for experimental error, which of the follow- ing expressions best describes the relationship be- _ tween fand v? 2@-syarP h ae approximate volume of water (in ec) wey to. completely fill the tube assuming that it 2.1200% 4.1800 x i@ ingome tax at the rate of R% for the 5 2 lakhs, and at the rate of (R+10)% for in- come exceeding Rs 2 lakhs Ifthe total tax paid is (R + 5)% of the annual imcome, then what is the an- nudtincome 2,Rs 3.0 lakhs “4. Rs 5.0 lakhs Q21.Consider the improper Riemann integral fj y""?ay ‘This integral is: 1 continuous in [0,0 ) 2. continuous only in (0,00) 3. discontinuous in(0,co ) 1) 4, discontinuous only in (+) Q22. Which one of the following statements is true for _ the sequence of functions. rr “pin ae New Be aa 2. The sequence is not monotonic but has 1 SO)=Z as the limit as neo 3, The sequence is monotonic and has (+) as the limit as. n> 00 4, The sequence is not monotonic but has 0 as the Q24. Consider the interval (-1, 1) and a sequence {6 of elements in it. Then, 1. Every limit point of {a} isin 1, 1) 2. Every limit point of {a} isin [-1,1} 3. The limit points of {ct} can only be in { (ales R Be Besa fiction Then} 2.Fhasonly nly OR ie 3.Fean haveatmost countabley many disconinites. ‘Fem armen gd ue 4. The limit points of {a} cannot be in { au 2 The derivative of the function at (I, 1) along the di- (5,9) =2eslxy)ef/2,3/2)(U2SP EF rection (1,1) is: 1.0 21 32 42 2 pi Q27. Givena nxn matrix B, define <8 by © “han Let p be the characteristic polynomial of B Then the matrix gp(@)is? Ve Lpey 2: Open Atlan 3. len Q28. Let A be a nxm matrix and b be a nx1 vector (vith real entries). Suppose the equation ie N ear ia s. oe nee 1gg56o8 © CSIRJUNE 2016 QUESTION ‘3.n=m 4n>m Leman 2. n2m Q29. Let be the vector space of all reat polynomials of degree <10. Let Tp(x)= p's) for peV bea linear transformation from V to V. Consider the basis {.x,27,.., x19} of V. Let A be the atria of T with respect to this basis. Then 1. Trace A= 1 2.det A=0 3.there is no meN, such that, 4” 4, Ahas a nonzero eigenvalue Q30. Let x= (1,22 93)" = 01592593) ER? be linearly independent. Let 8 = 273 -92%3-82 = 4193 — 13 42 ~ 42. IEV is the span of x,y, then Au, v,):8u~8yy + 83w= 0} a a oe 83 =O} Gaiters baron ) obit yf se ae (real symmetric non-singular matrix shone exists xeR" such that x'Ax <0. we ‘can conclude that 2.B=—Ais positive definite Let f:R?xR? +R be defined ni by Los zal SE elev: Fed 1, There exists an eigenvector v of A. such that Avis perpendicularto v {Pike sbecqmpet statement fom 2. The set {ve R? | F(v,») =O} is anonzero subsapee, of R? 3.1f y,we R? are nonzero vector such that Foye 4. For every ye”, there exists a nonzero w¢ R* such that f(0,)=0 fom, then vis a scalar multiple of w. Q33. Let P(2),0(2) be two compl non-constant poly CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION 1. min {m,n} 2, maxim, n} FxF, ae ee nana 4, Thering F, xf, isa field Q34, Let D be the open unit dise in © and H(D) be the set : collection of all holomorphic function oniit.Let a ee hee ‘ sing(with unity) of cardinality p does the field F,x have? fren: 12} 2 and 10) 21 3p 4p Q41. Let », and yy be two solutions of the problem nee renn -49 “1 fa). ( 1 ) where a and b are real constants. Let w be the Fan) aa ‘Wronskian of yy and yy. Then 1. Both S, Tare singleton sets 1. ne =0,veeR 2. Sisa singleton set but 7=$ 3. Tisa singleton set but s=$ 4, Both S,7 are empty YOra+bX= 0, a HOD /e constant ¢ aoe is nonconstant positive famction ‘of the following statements is true? e solution u exists for all t> 0. Q36-The residue sete sion gatas” Lise! ca 3. net ens 5 Q37. Which of the: followiig tate exists an integer x such that 1. x= 23 mod 1000 and x=45 mod 6789. 4 mod 6789 =32mod 1000 andx= 44 mod 9876] Q43. Let f (x)=x? +2x-+1and the derivative of f at x is approximated by using the central difference for- Q38, Let G=(Z/252)* be the group of units (i.e. the mula elements that have a multiplicative inverse ) in the f04)-f0-1) ring ((Z/252), Which of the following is a generator fo oh with =>) Te a4 as 7 Then the absolute value of the error in the approxi- ~ mation of f'()isequal to Q39. Let p25 bea prime. Then 1a 2.12 3.0 412. clea eee eae ore Q44. Consider the equations of motion for a system oF lamer einen ~ CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION per—p| With Pgididas Kinetic energy Q49. Let X and Y be independent and identically distrib- ° ra uted random variables’ such that and V(tq;)as potential energy 1 the generalized coordinates, and g, the generalized ve- anc + LetZ=x+yand locities. Then the equations of motion in the form as W =|X-Y|. Then which statement is not correct? above are . 1, X and W are independent. | necessarily restricted to a conservative system but, 2.¥ and W are independent. there is no unique choice of L 3. Z and W are uncorrelated. 2. not necessarily restricted to a conservative system 4. Z and W are independent. and there is a unique choice of L. 3. necessarily restricted to a conservative system and there is a unique choice of L. eC ae 4. not necessarily restricted to a conservative system X,-2sX <2 and there is no unique choice of L X= X, otherwise 21 0 nO) Rago statement, 45.Let A=] 0-2 1 |x| 9 amt ( Xj5X2)= . 0 0 -2 a a a f dethaveNO, 1) distribution a 3 an ee a 6ST and [sD OFO +3 + FO’? 3) 8 ‘hot have a bivariate normal distri- ‘Then any solution of the first order _ = oxdinary differential equation {Xoo denote a random sample from a = NG@o?) distribution. Let weR be known and og be unkdwn. Let 73.2 be an upper 013 Fe pin ofay? distribution. Then a 100 < Rsoiene interval for ,2 is given by - 1. Bgiat eb he La, ere 3. BbOR2 FO Z Cente lee noel ° {yn 2 " 2 1 always hyperbolic 2. always parabolic SEi-w? yew) 3. never parabolic 4.never elliptic -DiRe-@/2 O-Dkr-al2 } G47. The curve of fixed length /, that joins the points (xray -3P crx. -2P (0,0) and (1, 0), lies above the x-axis, and encloses 3 2 che maximum area between itself and the x-axis is a Mngt eee segment of | ee 1. astraight line 2. parabola Eli? (La? -¥) nellipse 4. acirele mean Q48.Consider the integral equation, Ol seta fy +B, are unknwon parameters. The best linear un- biased estimator of By + Bais Ly 2%+% 1 1 3. 7014 +25) 450+ +H) Q53. Consider a series system with two independent com- ponent .Let the component lifespan have exponential distribution with density a ne ,2>0,2>0 "1 0, otheriwise Ifmobservations X;,X2,--» X_ on lifespan of this com- temis given by 1 (rev 3, uF ane We : Faye wines tape , ‘Upon being served a customer with probability 04, independently of new ar a returning customer's service time is th that of a new arriving customer. Customers behaye independelly ofeach other Let X(1)= number ofus': tomer in the queue at time . Which amorg the folk ing is correct 1. {XO} grows without bound with probability 1. 2. {(X(} has stationary distribution given by w-(f ra 3. {(X(} has stationary distribution given by p= (0.10.9)" , k= 0,1,2, 4, {(X(9} has stationary distribution given by Hy = 0.4V(0.6)' k= 0,1,2,.. 55. Hundred (100) tickets are marked 1,2. 100 and the ticket with the smallest value (among A,B,C,D)? 1 soa at ag Q86. Let (¥,} and (0;} be two independent pure birth processes with birth rates 2y and iy respectively. LetZ, =X; +¥,."Then 1. {@;}is not a pure birth process. 2. 2; is a pure birth process with bisthrate 2y +22. 3.(@,}isapure birth process with birth rate min(,2.). 4. {Z,) i a pure birth process with birth rate 2y2y Q57. Let Xj,...,X, be a random sample from N(@,1), (where 6 ¢ {1,2}. Then which of the following state- an yut the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) “Of 0 is correct? MLE of 6" does not exis. neiple leads to the most powerful test 2 * test ing simple hypothesis Hy against an ve sitnple hypothesisis, ® splaccepting Hy | Hy is tue}1 3. For testing a simple hypothesis Ay against an alternative simple hypothesis H, randomized test is used to achieve the desired level of the power of the test. 4, UMP tests for testing a simple hypothesis Hy against an alternative composite #,, always * exist. ce poy Bet independent is 12 Om 32) 4d Q60. A sample fo size n(2 2) is drawn without replace- ‘ment froma finite population of size N, using an arbi- ‘rary sampling scheme. Let 1, denote the inclusion pmbebility of the ith unit and my the joint inclusion probability ofunits andj, 1 0 forall i j,15is js 4, mx) -my >0 forall i,j,1R be a continuous function and f(x+1)= f(a) forall xe R. Then’ i. f is bounded above but not bounded below is bounded above and below but may not attain its bounds 3. £ is bounded above and below and f attain its bounds 4. isuniformly continuous oe The value of ¢ such that Xp and —X, +X» ~X3 are eee ie 7 Cee. a (CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION is not complete [0,1] with the ‘sal topology adits metre which isnot complete [0,1} with the usual topology admits metric which iscomplete Q64, Let 2 =0,x9 =1, and for n23, define Zl. Which ofthe following is/are tue? 1. {3,} sa monotone sequence. 1 2, lity su 3. {44} is a Cauchy sequence 4 Tiny or 2 65. Take te closed interval [0,1] and open interval ie 213) Bet -Ke{0,1M1/3.23). Forxe(0,1) define Te) = sp here dCs) = inf(|x—yllyeX}. ve 1} R is not differentiable at 1/2 Be Be fli. 1,1,) and (0,1,)¢ m2. Let 4 =00,0.,x (61,0) and 15 =0,0,0). Which of a the eon are cor 1. \WyUf0,0, LO)is not connected, TG gee \wyb fein = (10) 00St = this connected 3.(R? \ VU (tu + (1=t)up 10.5 ¢ <1} isconnected 4. (R° \V)U{(t,2t,2t) :t © R} is connected Q67.Which ofthe following function is/are uniformly con- tinuous on the interval (0,1)? 1 1 a Ly 2,sin = 3.xsin~ Q68. Let V be the vector space of all complex polynomi- als p with deg psn. Let 7:y-y ve the map PX), E 0). §. Which ofthe pais, are eee Q69. Let A be an nxn real matrix. Pick the correct answer(s) from the following 1. A has at least one real eigenvalue 2. Forall nonzero vectors v, w,¢ R™,(4w)" (Av) > 0. fp -Flende Jp Sede= > where ft feoe and fi pede are the lower and upper tiemann inte- grals off (Q74. Consider the real vector space V of polyniomial of 3. Every eigenvalue of 47 4isa nonnegative real number. 4. 14474 isinvertible Q70. Let T be a nxn matrix with the property 7" =0, Which of the following is/are true? 1. Thas n distinct eigenvalues 2. Thas one eigenvalue of multyplicity n 3. 0 is an eigenvalue of T 4, Tis similar to a diagonal matrix veR",(4v, oe 4, det A>0 2, Let A be any set. Lap that is the set ofall subsets of 4; P(4)=(B: Bc 4), “Then which of the following is/are true abouttie set. PLAY? P(A) = @ for some A. 2. P(A) is a finite set for some A. 3. P(A) is a countable set for some A. 4, P(A) is a uncountable set for some A. degree less than or equal to d. For peV define Lal, =max{| 2041 PPO -»1 PD. p() is the j* derivative ofp evaluated at 0. Then where lly defines a norm on Vifand only if Leed- Qed kad 4ked-1 aia nxn real matrices such that det 4>0 For sisi, consider ‘invertible for only finitely many 1 €[0,1] Jad (2b) betwo bases of pr \ixa Matrix with real entries such that suppose that every eigenvalue ofP iseither I orl. Let q=1+2P. Then which of the following statements ate trie? , 1. {a +28 f=1,2,-nl} is also a basis of V 2. Qis invertible. 3 Every eigenvalue of Q is either 3 or -1. 4, det Q>0 if det P>0 Q77. Let A be an nxn matrix with real entries define a? if x is rational 73. Define f on [0,1] by S)=) x? if x is irrational Then 1..f isnot riemann integrable on [0,1] (sy), =(45,4y),4,¥ER". Then (2.7), an inner-product if and only if 1. Ker A= (0}. 2.rank A=n, 3. All eigenvalues of A are positive 4. All eigenvalues of A are non-negative i BG8ehe defines . CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION. rect statements in the following 4. Any Sylow subgroup of S39 is a subset of 4j9 1. »..4, are mutually orthogonal. 2. {o4-%q) is a basis for pe Q83. Let R be a commutative ring with unity such that + REX] is a UFD. Denote the ideal (X) of REX] by I. 3, Yjsnes¥y arenot mutually orthogonal Pick cach correct statement from below : 4, Atmost a-1 of the elements in the set {y,...%} y He prime | fe . ea . If] is maximum then R[X] is a PID 3. IFR[X] is a euclidean domain, then I is maximal. 4, IER[X] is a PID then it is a Euclidean Q79. Let H ‘+iyeC:y>0} be the upper half g4. Consider the smallest topology t on ¢ in which all plane and D={z¢C:|z\0,such that 1.1, @ arepoles of GQ) a i 2.02,» arepolesof Ge) A. fie {s€ bean entire function . Si ose Ht © spmrimbiganeto one SiB+A f=u-+ iv where u,v are the real and imaginary parts ~ aot aati Teton : respectively. Then fis constant if. 4. There is a nonconstant analytic function f: 4—> B 1, fu(x,9):2=2+07¢C} is bounded 2. ((@ y):2=x+H€C) is bounded Q87. Consider the integral A = [5x" 1-2)" dx .Pick each Stubs, y)+ vs y)iz = x+iy € C} is bounded correct statement from below 4. WG, )+v2(a,y):2= 2449 €C) is bounded 1.Aisnot a rational number 2.0 2, Pick each correct statement from below 1. If f(x) is irreducible in 2x] then itis irreducible in Os} . 2. TE f(x) is imeduciblein Qf], then itis irreducible Ba. Hlx,y)20 on xtyet tek! Then 1. The Charpit’s equations for the ites 5, et me ad ae ™% at dt dt 2. The Charpit’s equations for the differential equa & ay nay, & . tionare 2p, © 0. 3 lua 4.u(ivi)= (62. let H(x) be the cubic Hermite interpolation of f(a) = x4 +1 onthe interval J =[0,1] interpolation at x20 and x=1. Then 1 3, ase Lf)-HOD PE 4, The maximum of |/@)-H(a) = isattained — - “a aired, Q93. Let y: RR bea solution of the ordinary differ- ential equation 2y"+3y'sy=e*, xeR satisfying 19m (2) =0 Then 1 2. 10=55 4.y(0) =0. 1. Fim yn ey) = 0 3. y is bounded functionon R- SEPA Pon’eR, consider the differential equation Pe Abin(x+ yA), 70 ‘Then this initial value mR if|AKL ‘neighbourhood of 0 y"dta)y=ay, xe (0,0) ( Te 0) = y= | hus anoa, 2a sation 1 a alla ned. 4 2.forall %¢ (0,1). © Q96.Let w:Bx[0,.0) > R bea olution ofthe initial value problem ty Hae =O, for (2, Rx, u(x,0)= f(x), xeR (60) g(a). seR ‘Suppose f2) = g(x) =0 for x¢ (0,1). thenwealways ”. have 1. u(x, =0 for all (x1) € -2,0)x(0,0). : 2.u(xy1)=0 for all (x50) €(,0)%(0,00) 3.u(syt)=0 forall (xf) satisfying x+1 <0 CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION ~ Q97.Let ube the solution of the boundary value problem Ugg tty, =0 for 0<%y< 2slope of the extremal at (%,») is -3) u(x,0)=0=u(x,2) for Os xem 3 . 3.point (29) lies on the extremal u(x, y) =sin y-+sin 2y' for OS ye 5 4. extremal is orthogonal to the curve ¥=5 QUO0. A particle of unit mass moves in the direction of ah 2). (inb(Q)) sink) x-axiz such that it has the Lagrangian a.n( 2} caer! sin) Fe (iahy! sinh(2) a ) ini ())" sinb(a) 2+ (6iuh(2nyy sinb(n, potential) acting on the particle in the x-direction. If a R i, Orla =~ then the valué of xis 1.s0menon, .-zer0 finite value at x= 0 form Inst = In aR +k Wn In) oo 2 =H Uy tah, Py +Bhy) to approximate the Solution, :oinitial value problem yon y@ = S@Y)- ea) = = Yo. sources approximation of of fers which of the | following statements are true? a 1. The-composite trapezoid rule with three equal sub- nlevahis east 2. The composite midpoint rule with three equal sub Intervals is exact composite eapezoidixale ith four equal sub- “Intervals in exact 4.The composite midpoint rule with four equal subintervals is exact. 99. Let y= y(2) be the extremal of the functional + Q102.The curve, y= (a), passing throught the point y JLP@1= tee) a, (¥3,1) and defined by the following property (voltera Lo)dv integral equation of the first kind) fo od ay, subject to the condition that the left end of the extremal movesalong y=.x2, while the right end moves along x—y=5. Then the T i shortest dinstance between the parabola and the whre £0)= |l+— is the part ofa y BiNstiture offtiicues De sao Be eu Dein nee mt 01142969804, S871906070, 9594879909 CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION QU03. Let (0,F,P) be a probability space and let A be anevent with P(A)>0. Inwhich of the following cases does Q define a probability measure on(Q,F)? 1.0W)=P(AUD) | V DeF 2.QW)=P(40D) Vv DeF (P(A|D)if DeF with P(D)>0 .00-| 0, if PWD)=0 4.Q)=P(D|4) Der Q104. Suppoe X and Y are independent and indentically distributed random variableand let Z=X+Y. Then the YifXis 1. normal 2. Exponential 3.umiform A.binomial. lowing statement are correct? 1. The method of moment estimators of nor It exist. a ad @ 2. The method of moment estinta isa consistent estimator of 0» 3. The method of moment estimators of Wexist and its isa consistent estimator of 4. The method of moment estimator of both o.and exist, but they are not consistent. 106. Suppose X is a random variable with following pet +2- pe; x>0, mace ae 0 p<1. Then the hazard function of X is a | constant function for p= 0 and p= 2.constant function forall 0< ps1 3.decreasing function for all 0

2. 2. The inéguilify 6 PHOIGS feed, 3. The Vatistice Of the best lifiear unbiased estimator (BLUE) ofa nome et a a constant. a thogonal treatment contrasts is 0 — ree types of components are used reg! te 1,2,3.as shown below c Circuit 1 eae ae CSIR JUNE 2016 QUESTION a} cvcuta ‘Suppose that each of the thrre components fail with probability p and independently of each other.Let Prob(Circuit i does not fail); i=1,2,3. For 0

3m>4. da>as 3x+4y subject to 1 xsi brtysd xtyss 5 ee tiomal value is 19. iilvalueis 18. {treme point of the feasible region | is an extreme point of the deasible region, I. Let india be a random sample from a oe a tcibation on the interval (010+). Let ‘be: inal ‘of.9. Then which , They asim of the following statements are correct 1.7; is consistent for 9 2Both 7; and % are more efficient than 3.All the three estimators are unbiased foro 4. 1 isa sufficient statistic for 9 QUIS. The joint probability density function of (X.Y) is =[30-17, Fey) {3 Which of the following are correct 1.X and Y are not independent O1. Then which of the 1 following are truc? 2 p(o-4y ): o 2. UMP test is of the form 2.47 <4n with dy 0. quence of independent. cally istibtirandom variables with common density. fietion fact 8) {« also {X;},{¥)} are independent families Let’ eX be szandom sample from a Poisson distri- «rain f3); wee . Zp =%q~3X,k=1,2,... Which among the following 0, otherwise. are conect $7, under the squared error loss function which of the 1. Pz >0)>0 2. F.% + with probsblity ——_llowing tateet are comect? 1. The Bayes’ estimator of ¢ is 241 oat ptr eanst is 22 3 The osteo diintion fs gam 4,The Bayes’ estimator of 2 is 22+) : | eee ts oe CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION 1 Sol. anti clockwise rota- yo 8-8 hours tion of dot is done => Hari does not work = incorrect option is hari is the fastest worker. 2.3 5.-3, Ratio of the two shaded areas below is 4:1, as Sol. Such regular solid is tetrahedron , so for three Jength of line segment joining mid points of wo sides such objects 3(faces + vertices - edges ) = ofa triangleis half ofthe length of the third side 344+4-6)=6 and also it is parallel to it 3.-2 Abdul travels...reaches first? Let distance Abdul travels = 6x or 6 >: " Catherine» = 2x or 2 >” " Binoy Let speed of Catherine 4-4 Sot. Let tiwari do work in (PARES + 1OY0.1) 29-4 ee owe =x day - 6 ea Sol, 12/8= 5. > BD=T> 10.-3 99/4 statement is correct in the notebook 1: Sol. Functional value 100, 10, 1, 0-1 next term=0.01 12-2 Sol. frog.will take triangular root to get {Gem 13.-1 Sol. all condition satisfy option 5478 14. -3 PEs Given, Al AC = 13 this is ight angle triagle 15-3 16.-3 ; If water is slowly dipping ot outta inyhole atthe. bottom of'a hollow metallic sphere initially full. of water, ignoring the water that has flowed away, the centre. of mass of the system moves down for some time but eventually retums to the centre of the sphere 17.3 ; A chocolate bar having mn unit square tile is given. then the number of cuts needed to break it completely, without stacking into individual tiles is (on) * (a) ~1, a5 each cut gives 1 smaller tile, 18.-2 Sol. option 2 satisfy all entries in 19. -4; Ifa bicycle tube has a mean circumference of 200 cm and a circiuar cross section of ‘diameter 6 20.- 3 Sol. Let income is x Fl sor, 16= [a= 2[ fo] = 29% whichis contin Q24. Q) Sol. Ifx is l;imit point of the set (-1,1) then there exits a 200000 x: PART B a2. @ ‘ous on [0,<). sequence (ay) from the set (-1, 1) which converges to the point x. but the set ofall limit points of the set _R__, (£=200000)(R +10) 100 (R+5) 100 Gulie, = E10), Soa sequence (c,) in (1,1) can have limit point in Ch _ vanes x “CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION erate x aay tion 26. a) " =x" adrtax [Since Ais symmetric] Kar <0 13 so. /(9)= r)e{ 3.3] clearly f isdifferen- Therefor y»¢1 <9 forsome yeR" tiable on the given domain there for 932. 1 1 10 DY D=fy tag + a aye (« ars S +) Sol. a) S]rte oe be defined by Fowy=w dv {& 28 BS BP 5 Sol. ¢” = & “Fy. Since p be the characteriste ploynomia] q. @ io of B, p(B) = 0. Therefor e%(®) 28. 2) Sol. dpm X= admits a unique solution = column of Apo are linearly independes = rank (Apa) = = ms Ye Cle)-and degree of P(z)=m =O), and degree of Q(z) =n 29. 2) / Sol. T:V(R)—>V(B): T pla)= pe) = TQ=0 = Ker? # (0) = Tis singular = Aie,, matrix of T is singular = det A=0 SO=Z, °8={fF:/@)=4 936. (1) Sol. If 8=(5,,-8),53) then we have 6=xxy with X sera s(t) 1 os fie)=2 and the cross product. Because of the properties of the one cross product, 6 is orthogonal to both x only. 1)a 2 i.e. 8 is @ normal vector of V if a plane (asi) an? =z which is not possible inas(8,,~82,53) as a normal vector then it satisfies 7 T= the equation 5,u~8,v+8,w=0 @35. @) CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION » ments of order 20 say 3. wwe (2) =() Q39. (1) G= Fx, number of elements of order p in Fi, x, F, x, = 6 -1. total number subgroup of or- (r+) =prl o-d if p25 then FF, has at least 5 +1 subgroup of order p. Q40. (2) Sol. 2 isa field then Fz ~G#(p*) number of sub go GF(p?) subring pis GF(p!) where pansion of fat z= Q37. @) Sol. (@__gcd(4000, 678 x= 54(mod 279 im ny ine theorem iii gcd(1000,9876) = 4and4}54—32 then x= 32(gn0d 1000) and x= 54(mod_9876)has no so- u(no)=x, eR & tation “ (iv) g0d(1000,9876) =4 and 4444—32 then pemune x=32(mod 1000) and x=44(mod 9876)hassolution Q43 (3) Sol. f(x)=x7 2x41, /(Q)= 2x42 38. (1) ° True value, f'(I) =4 (@ Sol G= (2) = (22s) =U@s) sd) (1-4) ml Therefore solution u exist for all t <1 and breaks down at t= 1. Q44.* None are correct Sol. Q4s. (1) Sol. As eigenvalue of the matrix A are -2, -2, -2 there is term ¢~2 outside of the solution Te (0) Q46. (4) Sol. 2 Ven? a a(x, y)—+ (x, yy (congeners 5? -4RT = (ad +e)? ~genba) = es +8704 Dabed bed. +B —2abed - oe 20 047.04) 2 The cicle (4) +)? =} passes throught (0,0) and (1,0) and encloses maximum area above the x- axis 048. (4) ee ear We New ‘Delhi ee YG) =3x2 + feast) y(dl+y"Q)= Ore? 0 ABs 2 -0--00 y=(a tex) =qtex Peete ok 7 “gerne independent and identically dis- variables such that 51.-45 Let Xy,..%, denote a random sample from a N(u,02) distribution. Let peR be known and o?(>0) be unknown. Let x2q)2 be an upper (a/2)" percentile point of a2 distribution. Then a 100(1~)% confidence interval for g? is given by inal? z Mn gnal2 CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION {EO5)=6y.(%)=Py and £005)", +Bp, where py +0 +35 IEX,,..X,be a random sample from (0,1), * are unknwon parameters. The best linear unbiased where @ ¢ {1,2}. Then the maximum likelihood esti 1 mator (MLE) of 9 exist but it not ¥ estimator of 6, +Bis 5 (i +¥2 +28) 58.-15 When testing a simple hypothesis Hy against an alternative simple hypothesis #; thelikelihood 53.-3; A series system with two independent component an 5 ue to prin the most powerfi “Ifthe component lifespan have exponential distribu- ratio principle leads to Powerful test tion with density 59-33 Let X~Ny ne ,2.>0,x>0 FOV 0, csherinise nue Zt 3 ¢ a a ee teal =) where w= (1,1) and ponent are available and ‘mum likelihood estimator ofthe reliability. ata tem is given by 21/8 5 54.- 15 Customers arrive at an ice cream parlour ‘cording to a Poisson process with rate 2. Seryiee time distribution has “bo . eae Upon being served a customer may rejoin the queue ‘withprobabilty 04, independently of new arrivalsalso a returning customer's service time is the saime as tof a new arriving eustomer, Customers behave! ependally ofeach other Let X(Q)=sumber of cus- tomer in the queue at time . Then {(X(O}. gfows with- ’ out bound with probability}. = [ay|? m,9> p. (? is egt by comparision tests 1 isegt but Z| i is not convergent 1x2! x i a (iii) Not true by first option ' : (iv) an then S']x,[* is convegent Sx, |*is 56.-2; If {X,} and {¥,} be two independent pure birth ANAND. respectively convergent by. THe e isciver 282. G,4) Sol. f:R—R be continuous such that f(x)= f(x+1) that is f continuous and periodical on . Therefore nature offfon B is same as on the interval [0,1]. So, fbounded and unifonnly continuous on R, “falso attain its bounded as any continuous function on{0,1] will attains its bounds 263. (1,2,4) Sol. 1 OF:@)>R xortma(x-2) isa bijection which al- lows you to define a complete metric 4(x.¥)=[¢(2)-F()| on @,1) induced by usual to- pology Clearly (x4) is not a monotone seqeunce of di fiaiae ences is 4-54) gr gr whichis GP, with come. sume of (+2) nertore 2 ‘Cauchy seqeunce and convergent to > Q65. (2, 3) Sol. f:[0,1]>R is deinfed as .on ratio -1/2 and given seqeunce is séqemec-of sy / this GP © CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION F() +5):4,b€R}, which is a plane yorigintherfore B'/’ is disconnected ~(®//)Ute.1-19:05051};s connected as put gig point of V correcponding\o -0 (Rf )Ul6.252):+68} is amnected as by t= 0, we get a point (0,0,0) which is a point of z)rloarberd) a CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION Sol. For any set |P(4)|>1 i.e. Power set P(A) is ~ always non empty For any finite set A with n elements |P(4)]=2". i.e, for any finte set A P(A) is also a finite set If we consider the definition of a contable set as it is ig sin! 1 stent > S(t ) isnot U.c. ‘on (0,1) 1 ind SSon* Sin= exist = * Sin is UC on (0,1) nx Sin x ae Be exist isuc. on) similar the set N then for any contable set APCA|=2%° =|R| ie., for any set A, P(A) is never countably infinite Q68. (1, 2) Forany infinite set A, P(A) is always uncountable as Sol. 7:V >V,dimV =n+1 above point (tp) @)= p'M,¥ee€ Q73. (1,4) Rank (T) = {p'"@): peV} = 2? ifx is rational =>dim Rank 7 =\ ¢ |x? ifx is irrational =dim Ker T=n, Q69. (3, 4) Sob MAK = IX, X40 = XA AX = IXY Daks|saen} and f is NOT eigenvalues of 414 aren’ hence p44 isimvertiabe a ed | Rierients ite corable Q70.2, 3) . ee Sod, 7* <9 = Tisnilpotent matrix => eigé er) QM G) oy Henne a6 0,0,.0 Sol. We =n 0) (Odeo (0) ll, isa n0m if 720 and 7 —¢ then T cannot be diagonalizable in that case A.M (0) #G.4(0) I] iff (P|, =0 <> p=0 (as all other properties of norm are obvious) QTL 23.4) Now |p), = 0 <> Sol. f;(x)=*/ for Us jSm ay = fof (x) fj (ae p(0)=0,7'(0)=0,...p* (0)=0 early dim (R)=n#1> 1. + ply -0 p=0erk2d as if kaa then 0” Since (fi..f;)> [afi (x) (Olas defines an inner- become a roots of p(x) of multiplicity > @ = deg p(x), product and A being the matrix of this inner product, spaces. ger Spelt) 0.050 ispostivedsine.. SIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION det A> 0,det B <0 c(t (1-12. C(t):[0,1] > M, (R) isa continuous function det :M, (R)-> R is also acontinuous function Therefore det 0(t):[0,1]—> R is also a continuous function Now c(o}}=l21<0 “Thereofore by Intermedia. \ereofore by Intermediate prop- |=l4>0 7 pee erty of continuous function there exist 3 to ¢(0,1) such that |C (to )|=0 that is matrix C(ig) s isnot in- vertible 4 ‘Again dt(c(0)) iscontinvous on [0,1] soit can'tbe ‘ero foral but finitely many values of [0,1] i.e.,G}is wells invertible for only finitely many ¢¢ [0,1] “7 Q76. (1,2,3,4) Sol. Q=/+2P, and eigen values of P are -1 or => Eigen values of Q is either 3 or-1 = Qis invertible and det Q>0,if det P> 0 as tums . ber of positive and nevative sieetvalues of P and Q are same in multiplicity srry Again Q=1-+2P is inveriabe pit will ma basis | Hence {(1+2?)ay, = 0720 |e basis of V ee O77, Sot. (x,y) = (4x, dy),,9.R” .To form (x,y) an inner ‘product all property except positive definiteness are trivial fx.9)=(Ax,49) = (47) 45 a5 at isalwayssymmetricwith ead As20 non-negative eigenvalues. Therefore for positive defi- roperty we must have eigenvalues of 414 are tive ie,Aisinvertiable oy hand = Qt. ie, P(dy=n Q78.(1,2) Sol. Take — {y,%),-5%} ={e,e2.-0e0} Where 4 =(0,0,.1,0..0). Then clearly 1,22,.09ty are naturally orthogonal and form a bais for Q79. (1,2,4) Sol. The most genral Bilinear transformation f which maps upper half to unit disc with f(2i)=0 is given by Payne 2224 242i f ine. ara ae mee a viy Ch ‘x(/ © )iis bounded => wand vare bounded = fis bounded, 82.014) Sol, AyoSo9 ao) H— 7- sylow subgroup of Ago [Azo] = (In [Spo], the highest power of 7 which divides 20! is 72 so sylow-7 subgroup of Sy is of order 49. CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION Q83, (1,2,3,4) 1 Sol. => F is constant, whichis a contracdiction RX se pet 0 i => 1 is prime () f:A>B f(2) =e? isnon constant analytic fune- > tion - . RIX] _,. Gi Tis maximal = ~~ = R isa field. a 987. @,4)* => R[X] is aPLD 1 8 RIX} is ED = Risa field Sol. 4 J X"(1-x)" de js Beta function with value as RIX] = Tismaximal as 21. p, cnint . T Gavi Which is a rational number and (iv) REX] isa PLD. Risa field >R[X]isED (Qn+1)! a which is a natural number nial 084.23,4) Sol. Smallest topology on ¢ in which all singletior are closed is the co-finite topology on ¢. Inco-finite topology (C,x) any infinite set So z is dense in (C,r) (FG be’ finite abelian group and d| 0 |G then G has __. subgroup of order d fe abe hag rio element of order 8. = Ey xEnis abelian group and every proper sub- group of Gis cyclic but G is not eyclic. (iy)_Since’G is abelian then all subgroup of G is normal and ifd | 0|G then G has subgroup of order d which is valueof @, Xq Q86. (1,2,4) "normal. Sol. A ={zeC| 2[>1} B={zeC| z#]} If H is subgroup of G then 0(0)|0|(G)-Let @ e# : AB isacontinuous onto function 0(G) _ SEG (i) f: BoA oH) then G has normal subgroup of order K such that .Let N is normal subgroup of G of then (co 5 continuous one-one function of )-00) San : (iii) ff : B > A is non-constant analytic 1 Q89.(1,2,4) <1 and ‘F is analytichaving removeable sin Sol. “CSIR JUNE 2016 SOLUTION ZpxZp 3x is u(x) = eye + ge + — (iil) Finite LD. are fields and any field of order p? iso- 10 morphic $5 .e%y(x)=0 Cayo if q =c =0 Sol.i€ f (x) ¢ Z[x] and f(x) isimeducibleinthen f(x) suo - 10 is irreduciable in Q[x] Z(x) because every reduc- ; : : ; ; (0) = 2 Bie yx) <0 ible polynomial in Q(x) is also reducible polynomish = UC) = Tore ey in Z(x) ~ 91.2,,4; Forthe Cauchy problem forthe Eikonal equa- 294 2:3) Sol. y'(x) = ASin(<+ ¥),y(0)= F (sy) = ASin(x+y) nt? fon Bean pat, gad u(x,y)=0 on x+y=l, (x,y) eR? ‘The Charpit’s equations forthe differential equa a ion are =2, tion are = 205 = G2 Sok ay"ay+y = Ay are countable and 4, <2 for n eR eo with 23.0e*y(x) =o AE. is given by 2x? +3x41=0 Q96. (3, 4) Sol. DAmbert’s solution of the wave equation ie, (x+1)(2x+1)=0 Ur — Ue = 0, for (x,t) € Rx<(0,<0) u(x,0) = Of (x).xeR u, (x40) = g(x), xe R is givenby u(et)=2fple+e)+ sx-0] +4] s@)ez oe Now itisigiven | ae Now If xvt0 then x+t>0 xt => f(x+t)=f(x-t)=0 and J a(@)-0 Q97.1 3) Sol. Laplace equation Ue Hy =0, OS KY u(x,0)=0-u(xz) for osxsx u(0,y) =0,u(2,y) = Siny+sin2y for O and 0 at x=, ofxislatx=1; V5 at x= Qu01. (4, 2) Sol.Since|l linear polynomial in Ix-2) is [0,1], [1,2], [2.3] and in subinterval [0,2], [2,3] and. ‘Trapezoid rule give exact value of integration. forbes jal of degree <1 ee only option () and (2) are correct oneages 102.~ 1; The curve 103-45 If(,F,P) bea probabil space sal Ae event with P(A)>0, then define a probe mea: sure on @,ryif 00) SP 014) 104, - 1,45 If X and Y are independent and'indént distributed random variable and Z=X:+Y , then the stribution of Zi in the same family as that of X and if X is normal or binomial. 3; The method of moment estimators of ists and it is a consistent estimator of 0. and also the method of moment estimators of # exist and it is -onsistent estimator of 1 106.- 1,3 The hazard function of X is a constant finction for p=0 and p= and decreasing function for all O 2. 117. - 1,3,4 ; IE{;} is a sequence of independent and | * The inequality b> y holds ford. ‘dentcally distribution random variables with common ‘The varianee ofthe best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of a normalized treatment contrast is a yale’, x20 consti, density netion, =|" 9” pen vice ‘The covariance between the BLUE of two or thogonal treatment consteasts is zero. and {Y;} isa sequence of independent identically distri- M2.-13 G>a- bution random variables with common density fiane- se yoo, 1-23 § ion, 8) = pn i 0 Extreme points of the convex region enclosed by Pe rea berysd, yes also {%1},{¥%)} are independent families and are (0,0), (3,2), (2,3) and (0,4) So, 3r+4y at these points are 0, 17, 18.& 16 respee- | hy, tively, so the optiomal value is 18.and (3,2) is an ex?» > (A hy treme point ofthe feasible region a: 24, = Vp ~3X pK = 1,25. then , (Zp >0)>0 ~® with probability 1 ,and P(Zy <0) >0. 114-135 18%, Xp Xayn be arandom samplesroma = form | ba aa diy das forall 2. Fike be iid. M(uI)-.., to test 17, a . ue Foapy-{ 2 Ws Gsr0.and 30-17, O0. 0, otherwise 120.- 1,2,3 ; If X be a random sample from a Poisson distribution with parameter 2, .Then parameter 2 has 116.- 12,4; If X,, be the result of the n-th roll of a fair a die,n21, Sn = 2% and ¥, be the last digit of s,, 2>0 i FE for n21 and % =0. Then {¥, :2 0} isan irreducible markov chain, under the squared error loss function {¥, :n20} isan aperiodic Markov chain ‘The Bayes’ estimator of ¢ is 2¥+!, ANAND’S ~ Developing Excellence. SNAND. INSTITUTE CSIR MATHS QUESTION & SO DECEMBER 2013 & JUNE 2013 DECEMBER 2012) 6 & JUNE 2012 DECEMBER 2011 & JUNE 2011 DELETE OF ANANDS Oolong kacelence... ere knowledge pours in concrete [orem ANAND INSTITUTE _OF MATHEMATICS | DECEMB & JUNE QUESTION PAPER & SOLUTIONS I 8 etait aay eae i : coordinates ofits centre are Hence . @ G7 (b) (87) © 3) (d) (43.5) that aticketlss traveler is caught ® o os during airp 0.1. the traveler makes 4 rips, the oO 9 @ 4 probability thathe/she will becaughtduringatleast 10, Decode one ofthe sips is Ge NW ® Fey Go Pos § § § TY 5 Loo P B © 10509) @ (0.9) L M i t R 3 n The statement: “The father ofmy sonistheonly E EF L 8B Oo Lo child of your parents” TON LT oy pg ¢ ¢§ (@) “can never be true (A) GENTSTUDENT CAUSE LITTLE iste in only HEARTBURNS “© 1 Ceanbe tue fe L216 ‘STUDENTS ARE INTELLIGENT BUT relations” a “PROBLEM IS NOT SOLVAHLE @ cam be tre yi ous Raimily 0) OTHISP a Is UNSOLVABLEBY Mebane ce es bei *anvst diameter at the rim’ oT sO) ‘Gs BRopLem IS SOLVABLBY height. The aio of pty eofthe INTELLIGENT STUDENTS ‘glass is ° — TW) Theeeciv I diameters are placed suet that the fb ake.an equilateral. angle as in fu eee @ © The number Stoned . (a2-gon)is ee a @ 6 ye : Onua PED. . ith, One is requited totile a plane with congentregue : lar polygots. With which ofthe f is this possible? + vea~ Within each circle, points are randomly scattered, @ ~ 6 gon (b) &gon ‘The frequency distri F distances between © 10-gon @ — 12g0n all possible pairs of poias will lookas Suppose three meetings of a group of professors ‘where arranged in Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai. Each professor ofthe group attended exactly two meet- ings. 21 professors attended Mumbai meeting, 27 - ended Delhi meeting and 30 attended Chennai 7 ‘meeting. How Many of them attended both the Chennai and Dethi meeting @ 8 mw © 2% {@) Cannot be found from the above informa- tion e ‘A wheel barrow with unit spacing between its wheels ispushed along a semi-circular path of mean radius 10, The difference between distances covered by the inner and outer wheels is Frequency Distance ee us Gib ie a ST is « e operoeny digityngesbere i coi res inthe dobar ag fa) Three ae © — seven i Es iy Most Indian trop in Bae May. The rn this vj ® “a tion (©) Thehest lows quicginigibuk? 20. © anit hae to Oh eS ? summer Se (®_Gelnpendig gion canditions for propagation) ‘There is an inner circles outer eitole neous square. What isthe ratio, othe outer Gieeto that of he nner ae ae 2 o ® 2 © a2 @ a7 Woited= I degree r= I radianand gt grad. Then which ofthe fllowing is tee? (100 grad = a right = angle) @ cos d.< cos r

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