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Mã môn học: ENG 167

Giảng viên biên soạn: Th.S. Võ Nguyên Dạ Thảo


Đà Nẵng, năm 2014


Tables of contents Pages


Lesson 1: Compound sentences (with conjunctions) 4
Lesson 2: Compound sentences (with conjunction adverb) 10
Lesson 3: Adverbial clauses 1 (time, place) 17
Lesson 4: Adverbial clauses 2 (manner, distance, frequency) 22
Lesson 5: Adverbial clauses 3 (reason, result) 28
Lesson 6: Adverbial clauses 4 (purpose, concession, contrast) 34
Lesson 7: Review test 39


Lesson 8: Explaining a Problem 45
Lesson 9: Making Suggestion and Requests 47
Lesson 10: Commands and Soft Commands 50
Lesson 11: Review 52


Lesson 12: Developing the thesis statement 57

Lesson 13: Using connectors between key ideas 60
Lesson 14: Making outline from key ideas 68
Lesson 15: Review 71


Lesson 1: Compound sentences (with conjunctions)

Lesson 2: Compound sentences (with conjunction adverb)
Lesson 3: Adverbial clauses 1 (time, place)
Lesson 4: Adverbial clauses 2 (manner, distance, frequency)
Lesson 5: Adverbial clauses 3 (reason, result)
Lesson 6: Adverbial clauses 4 (purpose, concession,
Lesson 7: Review test

I. Structure
A compound sentence is two or more independent clauses joined together. A compound
sentence can be formed as follows:
Independent clause, + coordinator + independent clause

II. Coordinators
There are seven coordinators, which are also called coordinating conjunctions. You can
remember them by the phrase FAN BOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). The following
sentences illustrate the meanings of the seven FAN BOYS coordinators.

To add a reason
for Japanese people live longer than most other nationalities, for they eat healthful diets.
To add a similar, equal idea
and They eat a lot of fish and vegetables, and they eat lightly.
To add a negative equal idea
nor They do not eat a lot of red meat, nor do they eat many dairy products.
Note: Nor means “and not.” It joins two negative independent clauses. Notice that question
word order is used after nor.
To add an opposite idea
but Diet is one factor in how long people live, but it is not the only factor.
To add an alternative possibility
or However, people should limit the amount of animal fat in their diets, or they risk getting heart
To add an unexpected or surprising continuation
yet Cigarette smoking is a factor in longevity, yet Japanese and other long-lived Asians have a very
high rate of tobacco use.
To add an expected result
so Doctors say that stress is another longevity factor, so try to avoid stress if you wish to live a
longer life.
Note: - There is a comma after the first independent clause.
- But and yet have similar meanings: They both signal that an opposite idea is coming. But is
preferred when the two clauses are direct opposites. When the second clause is an unexpected
or surprising continuation because of information given in the first clause, yet is preferred.
(But is acceptable for both meanings; yet for only one meaning.)
I want to study art, but my parents want me to study engineering, (direct opposite)
I am very bad at math, yet my parents want me to study engineering, (surprising continuation
after “I am very bad at math”)

Use correct coordinator:
1.Jaewon was cold, ___so____ he put on a coat.
2. Maria tried to read a novel in French, ___but____ it was too difficult.
3. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, ____or___ you can ride the ferry.
4. I bought a bottle of wine, __so_____ we drank it together.
5. The waiter was not very nice, ___but____ the food was delicious.
6. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD, ____but___ the shop didn't have it.
7. Anna needed some money,___so___ she took a part-time job.
8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it's because of El Nino, ___or____ maybe it's just
9. Julie has a guitar, ____and___ she plays it really well.
10. The concert was cancelled, __so_____ we went to a nightclub instead.

I. Building Language
a- Give nouns, verbs or coordinators which may be used to describe pictures 1-6.
Compare with your friends.
b- Complete the following pictures 1-6 with the given words:

so and stops so
talking listening hung and sold

1. The girl wants to get off, so the 4. An agreement has been reached,
bus…………………. ………....………….they are shaking hands.

2. The merchant uses ice, ………….he 5. The man is listening to the information,
can keep the fish fresh. ….................. he is taking notes.

3. The clothes are ………on the street, 6. The businessman is ……… the woman,
and a woman is choosing an item. and she is ……………..carefully to what he is

II. Tactic Practice

1. Put the words in the correct order
1. stopped/ got/ girl/ off / school bus/ 4. listening to/ is/ the woman/ the man/
the/ the/ and and/ explaining/ her/ is.

2. got/ the girl/ medals/ for/ the/ gold/ 5. come to/ the teacher/ talk/ wants to/
she/ won/ races/ three/ all. students/ so/ they/ class.

3. kinds/ many/ of clothes/ are/and /on

for sale/ them/ there are/ labels.
6. writing/ down/the information/ the
man/can’t/ or/ he/ is/ it / remember

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words

1. set up/ for/ come It’s sunny, so I open the window.
the train is late, so they have to wait a
long time
4. late/ wait/ so

The table is set up, for guests

come are coming
……….. The train is late so people are
waiting for it
2. expensive / but / buy ………………………………………

5. hot/ park/ so

The shirt is expensive, but I still buy

this shirt is expensive, but I still have It’s hot, so they are going to the park
enough money to buy it.. it is hot outside , so we go to the park
6. over/ and/ class
3. sunny/ so/ open

break time is over,and children go class…………………………………
to ..

III. Test Practice

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each
picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can
change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.
1. birthday/ so/ celebration 4. break/ and
Today is her birthday so she's throwing a
party's celebrate

they have the break time , and they are fishing

on the sea
2. famous/ come / so 5. outside/ for/ phone

This place is very famous so many people

he stood outside the car to answer the phone
come …………………………………

3. dirty/ wash / and 6. hold/ write/ and

there are a lot of dirty clothes and it need to be
she is holding paper and the boy is writing
These clothes are so dirty, and we should wash
I. Structure
A second way to form a compound sentence is as follows:
Independent clause; + conjunctive adverb, + independent clause
Ex: Salt water boils at a higher temperature than freshwater; therefore, food cooks faster in
salt water.
II. Conjunctive adverbs

To add a similar, equal idea

also Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations;
besides also/besides/furthermore/ in addition/moreover, they prepare students to transfer to a
furthermore four-year college or university.
in addition
To add an unexpected or surprising continuation
however The cost of attending a community college is low;
nevertheless however/nevertheless/nonetheless/still, many students need financial aid.
To add a complete contrast
on the other hand Tuition at a community college is low; on the other hand/in contrast, tuition at private
in contrast schools is high.
To give an alternative possibility
Otherwise Students must take final exams; otherwise, they will receive a grade of incomplete.
To add an expected result

accordingly Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs; accordingly/as a result/
as a result consequently/hence/therefore/thus, most schools provide separate English classes for
consequently each group.
To add an example
for example Most colleges now have a writing requirement for graduation; for example/for
for instance instance, students at my college must pass a writing test before they register for their
final semester.
Note: Put a semicolon before and a comma after the conjunctive adverb.
Several transition signals, such as on the other hand, as a result, and for example, act like
conjunctive adverbs; they can also connect independent clauses with a semicolon and a comma.

Choose the correct conjunctive adverbs
1. The work was new to me………. , it did not seem difficult. (Consequently, Nevertheless)
2. He is old…………. , his mind is still active. (Nonetheless, Therefore)
3. It was very misty. ……….., we could not get a clear view of the mountain. (Hence, However)
4. We had walked several miles……….. , we did not feel tired. (Accordingly, Still)
5. She is a talented actress…………. , she is very beautiful. (Moreover, Thus)
6. We take the bus every day………. , we are familiar with the bus route. (Nevertheless, Thus)
7. The child was sleepy………… , we went home early. (Otherwise, Therefore)
8. The food was delicious………… , the service was excellent. (Likewise, Nevertheless)
9. We looked everywhere. ………, we could not find the keys. (However, Thus)
10. The book is long…………… , the vocabulary is difficult. (Consequently, Furthermore)
I. Building Language
a- Give some nouns, verbs, conjuctive adverbs which may be used to describe pictures
1-6. Compare with your friends.
b- Complete the following about pictures 1-6 with the given words:
therefore however meeting suitcase empty got out of

1. The restaurant is open; however, it 11 2. There is a conference; ………….; there

are many cars in front of the building.
is .....................................
3. The tables are set up;…………, there is 5
no one in the restaurant. . The man is walking; besides, he is holding
a ……………….

4. The man wanted some fresh air; therefore,

he …………..…the car. 6. They are in the ………….; therefore, they
are wearing formal suits.

II. Tactic Practice

1. Put the words in the right order.

1.It was foggy this morning. However, there were many cars on the street
2. The autumn is coming. as a result, yellow leaves are falling down

1. foggy/ however/ many/ it/ was/ cars/

there/ were/ on the street/ this morning.

4. are/ sale/ the goods/ on/ hence/
customers/ are/ the shop/ in/ there/
The goods are on sale. Hence, there
are many customers in the shop

2. The autumn/ coming/ as a result/

yellow leaves/ falling/ is/ down/ are.

5. explain/ trying to/ the woman/ is/

nevertheless/ understands/ no one/ her.
the woman is trying to explain
nevertheless, no one understands

3. many/ tools/ it/ has/ workshop/ small/

the/ however/ is.
the workshop is small. however,it has
many tools .

6. focusing on/ the exam/ the students/

otherwise/ on time/ can’t/ finish/ are/ they

6.The students are focusing on the exam; otherwise, they can't finish on time.

1. tree/ therefore/ damage

the tree was broken. Therefore,
causing damage to the car

2. vegetables/ besides/ price
Vegetables are very fresh.Besides, the
price is cheap

2. Make sentences about the pictures
with the suggested words

5. break/ fix/ as a result

3. close/ thus/ late The bike is broken . As a result ,the
man is fixing it

It's so late. Thus, the shop is closed ……………………………………

…………………………………………. ………………………………………

4. exercise/ therefore/ help 6. hold/ talk/ also

The exercise is so difficult. Therefore, she is holding an umbrella. Also, talking
the teacher helps them ………….. on the phone …………………………
III. Test Practice: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given two words or
phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.
1. work/ therefore/ stressed

there is a lot of work to do.

Therefore, he is stressed
2. cold/walk/ however it's cold .however he's walking with
the dog

3. winter/ trees/ hence 5. excited/ thus/ agreement

the weather is winter.hence, the trees are Get the agreement. thus, they are excited
covered with snow
The boss's agreement. Thus, they are excited
the agreement is very successful. Thus, the
men are so excited.

…………………………………………… …………………………………………
…………………………………………… ………………………………………

4. taxi/ however/ stop 6. outside/ weather/ therefore

she beckons a taxi. however it the weather is very nice. therefore
doesn't stop they are drinking tea outside

……………………………………… ………………………………………………
………………………………………. ………………………………………………


I. Time clause:
A time clause is introduced by one of the subordinators in the following chart. A time
clause can come before or after an independent clause.
Time Subordinators
when: a specific time When people had to hunt for food, they moved from
place to place.
whenever: at any time Whenever food became scarce in one area, they moved
to another area.
while: at the same time The men hunted game while the women gathered plants.

as soon as: soon after Eating habits changed as soon as people stopped moving
from place to place in search of food.
after: later After people learned how to grow their own food, they
settled in villages.
since: from that time Since the United States changed from an agricultural to
an industrial society, eating habits there have changed.
as: at the same time People in the United States started eating more processed
convenience foods as their lives became busier.
before: earlier Before people in the United States moved to cities, they
grew most of their own food.
until: up to the time Women had time to cook meals “from scratch”1until they
went to work in factories and offices.

II. Place clause:

An adverb place clause tells where the action described by the main verb took place. The
subordinators wherever, everywhere, and anywhere are similar in meaning and are
interchangeable. You can begin a sentence with wherever, everywhere, and anywhere clauses,
but usually not with a where clause. (Expressions such as the following are exceptions: Where
there is lightning, there is thunder. Where there is smoke, there is fire.)
Place Subordinators
where: a specific place Most people shop where they get the lowest prices.
wherever: any place 1 pay by credit card wherever 1 can.
everywhere: every Can you use an ATM card everywhere you shop?
anywhere: any place Anywhere you go, you hear people talking on their cell
Fill in the gaps
1. Travelers can use credit cards in foreign countries__________they are accepted.

2. Tonight I will go to bed after I _________________________my homework.
3. Ever since I was a child, I ____________________________________ afraid of dogs.
4. Jacquie's contact lens popped out while she _____________________basket ball.
5. Be sure to reread your composition for errors before you _________________ it in to the
teacher tomorrow.
I. Building Language
- Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-6. Compare with your
- Complete the following about pictures 1-6 with the given words:
while while as soon as came before until

1. The restaurant employees have to wait

…………customers start arriving. 3. Before they ……………, it rained

2. ………the show starts, the lights are 4. The employees are looking at the
turned on. man………….he is explaining something.

6. The teacher wants to talk to students
5. The man is speaking on the phone ………….they come to class.
…………….he is standing in front of a
II. Tactic Practice
1. Put the words in the correct order
the flowers are grown where people often
walk by

1. tied/ dock/ as soon as/ the/ arrived/

ship/ was/ to/ the/ it
the ship is tied as soon as it arrived to the 3. the/ winter/ ground/ covered/ with/ when/
dock snow/ comes/ the/ is.
when the winter comes, the ground is
covered with snow

2. often/ are grown/ people/ the/ walk

4. in the taxi/ chatting/ she is/ cell phone/ on/
by/flowers/ where.
while/ she/ beside/is sitting/ a colleague/
she is chatting on cell phone while she is The woman is holding her the glasses
sitting beside a colleague in the taxi while man is writing

6. arrivals department/ the tourist/when/her

belongings/were falling/ out of/she/ got to/
the/ noticed/ that/ her/ open baggage.
5.glasses/ is/ holding/ the/ man/ The woman/
her/ is/ writing/while.

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words

1. boats/ until/ untie

It's been 3 days since the painting started
3. after/ prepare/ ready

the boats will stay until they are untied

TLĐ + until + HTĐ
2.since/ start/ painting
the meeting is ready to start after the
meeting room is prepared.

4. as/ phone/ secretary

the secretary is writing something as she ………………………………………...
is talking on the phone 6. newspaper/ while/ wash

5. stand/ while/ down

a man is standing while everyone is sitting

The man is reading the newspaper while

he is waitting to wash clothes (sai hình)

III. Test Practice

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With
each picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence.
You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.
1. after/ curtain

4. baggage/ until

After the audience arrives, the curtain is

the show begins after the curtain opens …
2. over/ before ……………………………………………

5. when/ passenger

when the train arrives, the passengers are
3. sale/ until waiting
When the train is coming, the passengers are
6. order/ after

The clothes are on sale until they are

out of stock
the clothes are on sale until the fair ends they order after they see the menu
I. Adverb clauses of manner
Adverb clauses of manner answer the question “How?”
Manner Subordinators
as: We mixed the chemicals exactly as the lab In
instructor had told us to. very
as + adverb + as: Our instructor asked us to fill out the questionnaire
as carefully as we could.
as if, as though: The bus’s engine sounds as if/as though it is going
to stall at any moment.
formal written English, the verb takes the same form as it does in conditional clauses
when the information in the as if/as though clause is untrue (or probably untrue).
However, many English speakers use normal verb forms in this situation.
FORMAL: John acts as if he were the Prince of Wales.
INFORMAL: John acts as if he is the Prince of Wales.

Pattern Verb form in the if Verb form in the

clause independent clause
1. Present time, true present present
condition If (when) you have a you earn more money.
college education,
2. Future time, true present future
condition If you get at least 90% you will get an A in
on the final exam, the course.

Conditional Subordinators
If If you study, you will get good grades.
The mayor would have lost the election if the labor unions had
not supported him.

Unless Unless you study, you will not get good grades.
The mayor cannot govern unless the labor unions support him.

II. Conditional clauses

Unless= “if not.”
You cannot get a refund unless you have a receipt.
(You cannot get a refund if you do not have a receipt.)
Unless you get at least 90% on the final exam, you will not get an A in the class.
(You will not get an A if you do not get at least 90% on the final exam.)

I. Put the given verbs in brackets in the right form.
1. The house is quiet as though nobody ________ (be) home.
2. The room was very messy as if there ________ (be) a bomb explosion.
3. Don't talk to me as if I ________ (be) a child.
4. Don't look at me as though it ________ (be) my fault.
5. As it ________ (be) stated on the manual, you should turn off the machine before
cleaning it.
6. He walked into the furniture as if he ________ (be) drunk.
II. Match sentences beginnings 1-5 with the most appropriate ending a-e
1. If you go out,…
2. They can’t go in….
3. As long as you study hard, …
4. Even if it jumps high, …
5. The man can go on the boat …

a. the dogs can’t reach the bone.

b. I’m sure you’ll pass the test.
c. could you lock the door?
d. only if he wears a lifejacket.
e. unless they buy tickets.

I. Building language

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

a- Give some nouns and verbs which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare
with your friends.
b- Complete the following about pictures 1-3 with the given words:

carry damaged come breakfast cold bored

1.If the man drop the box, it will be ………….
2. If the box isn’t heavy, the man can ………….it easily.
3.If the ice melts, people won’t ………… skate.
4. Unless it is …………, they won’t skate.

5. The girl looks as if she doesn’t want to eat ………………
6. If her father pays attention to the girl, she won’t look ……….
II. Tactic Practice
1. Put the words in the correct orders
Picture 1 3. is/ will/ buy/ the/ high/ not/boys/ the/
the boys will buy jeans if the price is not
4. boys/ the/ jeans,/ If/ the/ mother/ like
/their/ buy/ will/ for/ them.
If the boys like the jeans their mother will
buy for them

Picture 3
1.woman/ The/ unless/ expensive/ will/ this
shirt/ choose/ the/ it/ is/ very.
The woman will choose the this shirt unless
it is very expensive

2. is/ beautiful, / If/ the/ choose/ shirt/ the/

another/ woman/ will/ one/ not.
If the shirt is beautiful the woman will
not choose one another
Picture 2
5. He/as though/ has/ worked/ just/ sleeps/
he/ hard.
He sleeps as though he has just worked hard

6. He’s/as/ tasks/ though/ there/ are/

tired/asleep/ and/a lot of.

He's tired and asleep as though there are a lot

of tasks

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words

Picture 1 If you practice regularly, you can become a good piano player
if/ practice/ good



Picture 3: she opened her eyes wide to

look as if she see something very scary
look/ as if/ see
1.……………………………………………. loo



Picture 2 it won't be fixed unless an

electrician's help
unless/ help/ fix



III. Test Practice

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each
picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can
change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.

1. if/practice/ result
If she practices a lot, she can achieve the
results she wants

2. buy/ as long as/ like
I can buy her anything as long as she
likes it
i will buy those things as long as they
suits me


5. check/ if/break


3. unless/ fail/subject
She fails the test unless she studies
the outline of her subject carefully

two men check the car if it breaks down.


5. happy/ as if/ project

they are happy as if their project is


4. as long as /graduate/ job

he gets a good job as long as he graduates

He is so happy as if the project is

successfully signed
I. Reason clauses
An adverb reason clause answers the question “Why?” A reason clause can come before or
after the independent clause in a sentence.

Reason Subordinators
because He lost his job because he was often late.
Since Since they live in the city, they feel very
As As the library is closed, the children won’t be
able to get any books.
Now that Now that the bus has arrived, he can get
 Note:

II. Result clauses

Result Subordinators
so + adjective/adverb + that Her business is so successful that she hired three new
employees last week.
More orders are coming in so rapidly that she has
expanded her production facilities.

such a(n) + noun + that Joanne’s cookies are such a success that she is considering
expanding the business.

so much/many + noun + that Doing business takes so much time that Joanne has little
time for herself.
There were so many orders for her holiday cookies that
her workers were working 24 hours a day.

so little/few + noun + that She has so little free time that she has not taken a
vacation in months.
Her cookies contain so few calories that even people on
diets can enjoy them.

An adverb result clause expresses the effect or consequence of the information in the
independent clause. A result clause follows the independent clause in a sentence.

I. Complete the sentences with “so/such”
1. She is ……so…..funny! She always makes me laugh.
2. Sarah and Ed are ……so…crazy people! I never know what they are going to do next.
3. James has …so……much money that he could actually buy that Ferrari.
4. Martha is…such….. a good cook that she is writing her own book of family recipes.
5. The movie was…such…… good that I saw it five times.
6. Terry speaks English……such.. fluently that I thought he was American.
7. There was ……so…little interest in his talk that the room was half empty by the time
he stopped speaking.
8. That new song is …such… that it hit the top ten within a week of being released.
9. She has …so…..many hats that she needs two closets to store them all.
10. That takes……so…. little time and effort that you might as well do it yourself.

II. Read each clause below. Then write another clause to complete the sentence using the
words in parentheses.
1. The woman has taken off her shoes (because/ tight)
2. The weather is so cold that…………………………………..(children/ swim)
3. She can’t print her document (as/ out of paper)
4. (Now that/ spring) ……………………………, most of the snow has melted.
5. We ate in the garden (because/ nice day) …………………………………………….

I. Building language
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

a- Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare with your
b- Complete the following about pictures 1-3 with the given words:
conference cleaned overtime time finish late

1. The room is……………………….. because it is right before an important meeting.

2. Since there is a………………….., the meeting room is arranged.
3. Now that the man understands his manager’s instruction, he can…………his work without
4. They have to work……………. because there is much left to do.
5. He is checking the…………. because the train is late.
6. The man is so…………..that he is worried.

II. Tactic Practice

1. Put the words in the correct order.

Picture 1

3. finish/ they/meeting/ have to/ the/the time/
soon/ because/ is/ up.

4. they/ overtime/ they/ work/ / because/

work/want/ to finish/ soon/ their.

Picture 3
1. the/congested/ airport terminal/park/ that/
is/ so/some/ cars/ can’t.

the airport terminal park is so congested that

some cars can’t.

2. lined up/ on/ the left/ since/ many/ airport

terminal/ cars/ are/ at/ easy/ move around/
the/ it is/ to.

Picture 2

5. shaking/ now that/ they’re/ hands/reached/

the/ has been/agreement.

6. so/ both/ successful/ the/ comfortable/

meeting/ is/ that/ sides/ feel

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words

1. run/ because/ need

Since the weather is nice, they are in the

3. such/ beach/ come

she runs because she needs to be on time

The women are running because they need
to go home soon

3. since/ nice/ park

since they're camping at the park, they

feel nice It is such a beautiful beach that many people
come here

III. Test Practice

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given two words or phrases
that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.
1. fix/ since/ break The man is fixing his bicycle since it’s

2. award/ because/ excellent

since the bike broke down, he had to fix it


5. class/ so/ fall asleep

she received the award because she was

3. carry/because/ heavy

The class is boring so he falls asleep

6. vegetable/ such/ buy


4. help/ because / draw

it is such lush vegetable that the people are

want to buy it.

I. Purpose clauses

An adverb purpose clause states the purpose of the action in the independent clause. A
purpose normally follows the independent clause, but you may put it at the beginning of a
sentence if you want to especially emphasize it.

Purpose Subordinators
so that Farmers use chemical pesticides so that they can get higher crop yields.

in order In order that consumers can enjoy perfect fruits and vegetables,
that farmers also spray their fields.

- In order that is formal.

- The modals may/might, can/could, will/would, or have to usually occur in a purpose clause.
- We often use the phrase in order to + a base verb or simply to + a base verb when the subjects
of both the independent clause and the purpose clause are the same person or thing. We prefer to
+ verb over in order to + verb because it is shorter. The first example above could be written as
follows because the two subjects (farmers and they) refer to the same people.

Ex: Farmers use chemical pesticides in order to get higher crop yields.
Farmers use chemical pesticides to get higher crop yields.
In the second example, the two subjects (farmers and consumers) are different, so it is not
possible to use an in order to + verb or a to + verb phrase.

II. Contrast clauses

There are two types of adverb clauses that express contrast: direct opposition clauses and
concession clauses.
In this type, the information in the adverb clause and the information in the dependent clause are
in direct contrast.
Direct Opposition Subordinators

whereas San Francisco is cool during the summer, whereas Los Angeles is
generally hot.
Concession Subordinators
While While most homes in San Francisco do not have air conditioning, it
although Although I had studied all night, 1 failed the test.
is a necessity in Los Angeles.
even Our house is quite comfortable even though it is small.
though Though the citizens had despised the old regime, they disliked the new
government even more.
1. Although, even though, and though have almost the same meaning. Though is less formal.
Even though is a little stronger than although.
2. Be careful about which clause you use the subordinator with. Sometimes you can use it with
either clause, but not always.
Incorrect: He loves sports cars, although he drives a sedan.
CORRECT: Although he loves sports cars, he drives a sedan.
I. Match sentences beginning 1-5 with the endings a-e
1. Although he is standing on a ladder, b a. they still go for a walk.
2. The people seem to enjoy themselves,c b. he still can’t reach the book.
3. Even though it is raining heavily,a c. though the weather is terrible.
4. The woman is dressed formally,e d. they still won the competition.
5. In spite of the fact that they lost the last e. whereas the man’s clothes are more
game,d casual.
.II. Fill in the gaps with “so that (in order that)/ to (in order to)/ not to (in order not to)”
1. I'm studying very hard at the moment ……….pass my exams next month.
2. I bought a dictionary……… help with my vocabulary.
3. I went to bed early……….. I wouldn't be tired in the morning.
4. I have to get up early. I set the alarm for five o'clock……….. oversleep.
5. I waited for an hour ………….I could meet her.
I. Building language

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

a- Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare with your
b- Complete the following about pictures 1-3 sentences with the given words:
tries others discuss drive inside getting
1.Three employees have gathered together around an oval table to .…………something.
2. The man is standing, whereas the two ……….. are sitting.
3. He is …………out of the car so that he can get better reception.
4. Though he can listen to the phone ………… the car, he gets outside.
5. A man is clearing snow away from his car in order to………………
6. Although there is a lot of snow, the man still………to clear it.
II. Tactic Practice
1. Put the words in the correct order
Picture 1 though it takes a long time to get the
buildung , many people are standing in line
4. in line/ People/ are/ get/ into/ waiting/ so
that/ they/ can/ the building.

People are waiting in line so that they can

get into the building
Picture 3

1. examining/ The people/ are/how to/ the/

so that/ they/there/ can/map/ check/ get.
the people are examining the map so that
they can check how to get there

2. the way/although/ time/ a map/ they/

spend/ have/ they/ much/ looking for.
although they have a map they spend
much time looking for the way
Picture 2

5. The/ written/ specials/ are/ on/ so that/read

about/the board/ diners/ can/ them.
the specials are written on the board so that
dinner can read them

6. comes/ though/is/ beautiful/ no one / the

restaurant .

no one comes though the restaurant is

3. takes/ Though/ it/standing/ a long time/ beautiful
many/in line/ people/ are/ to get/building/ to

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words

1. so that/ sit/ portrait

he wears a big shoe whereas his feet are

3. food/ though/ want

Two little girls sit so that the artist can paint

a portrait

2. big/ whereas/ foot

He is eating though he doesn't want to eat

this food

III. Test Practice

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each
picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can
change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.
1. even though/ bag/ help 2. although/ wet/ fast

no one helps her even though she is carrying Although the road was wet, the car drove
a lot of bags very fast.
Even though she has many bags, she
doesn't ask for help

3. modern/whereas/ / ancient Even though the store is opening, the
customers don’t come

5. although/ vacation/ work

There is a modern building here whereas

next to it are old houses
The left side of the picture is a modern
scene, whereas the right side of the picture Although he's on vacation, he still has to talk
is an ancient scene about work on the phone
4. although/ open/ come 6. laptop/ whereas/ look

he talks whereas he is looking at his laptop

even though the store was open, the
customers didn't come


Mini-test 1

Question 1 of 5

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

sit/ whereas/ stand

they sat whereas he was standing
The students are sitting whereas the teacher is standing

Question 2 of 5

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

Explain/ so that/ understand
he explains so that the kids understand
2. The teacher is explaining math to stundents so that they can understand it

Question 3 of 5

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

look/ while/ presentation

they look at the board while he slides his presentation
Question 4 of 5

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

jump up/ although/ catch
Although he jumped, he didn't catch the ball
Question 5 of 5

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

because/ meeting/ discuss

Mini-test 2
Question 1 of 5

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

guest/ and/ serve

the waiter is standing whereas the guest are sitting

Question 2 of 5

Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

although/rain/ walk
Although it's raining, the girl is still walking outside
Question 3 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

k làm
full of activities
Question 4 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

talk/ while/ lunch

she is talking while she is eating luch with friends
Question 5 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

Discuss/ and/ sit
they are sitting and they are discussing together

Chapter 2:
Lesson 8: Explaining a Problem
Lesson 9: Making Suggestion and Requests
Lesson 10: Commands and Soft Commands
Lesson 11: Review


A. FOCUS: Giving explanations, descriptions.

In this part of the test, you will be asked to respond to an email giving explanations and
descriptions. You will be given specific explanation and description on what to include in
your response.
For example: Look at the e-mails and answer the questions below.
Read the e-mail

1. Who wrote the e-mail?  Peter Wands, Manger, Hardwick Hotel

2. What is the main purpose of the e-mail? To ask the reasons why Ms. Hardwick
wrote a complaint about his hotel room.
Respond to the e-mail as if you are Melanie Furmark, the recent guest at the Hardwick Hotel.
In your e-mail, describe TWO problems and make ONE suggestions.

1. Who will receive this e-mail? 
2. Why was this e-mail written? 
When you are giving explanation and description, you should become familiar with the following

I. Match the useful phrases (in bold ) in sentences 1-4 to their uses in a-d below.
1. The main reason I am transferring my membership is the price change.____b
2. I think the best way to solve the problem is by discussing the situation with all
3. The problem is that we haven’t received any of the last six deliveries on time._____c
4. I’m pleased to let you know that your order will reach you today._____d

a. Explaining a possible solution
b. Giving an explanation
c. Describing a problem
d. Giving information
II. Write sentences based on the information in parentheses. Use the phrases in bold I.
I would like to let them know that they will receive their annual bonuses next month.
(inform employees that they will receive their annual bonuses next month.
(explain that the solution is for everyone to work harder for a while)
(say that the problem is that the part is unavailable at the moment)
(the reason for not attending the meeting is a very tight deadline)
III. Read sentences 1-3 and match the conjunction in bold to its use, a or b
1. I will not be able to come to class on Wednesday because I have to visit my mother in the
2. The extra expense in May is due to an increase in fuel prices._______
3. I hired three new workers so that we can increase our production.____
a. giving a reason
b. explaining a purpose

FOCUS: Making Suggestion and Requests

In this part of the test, you will be requested to respond to an email making suggestions and
requests. You will be given specific suggestions and requests on what to include in your response.
For example: Look at the e-mails and answer the questions below.

Read the e-mail

1. Who wrote the e-mail?

2. What is the main purpose of the e-mail?

Respond to the e-mail as if you are looking for a house or apartment to buy. In your e-mail, ask
TWO questions and make ONE request.

Read the response e-mail:

1. Who will receive this e-mail?

2. What is this e-mail about?
-When you are making suggestion and requests, you should become familiar with the
following phrases and verb forms.


I. The sentence beginnings (in bold) in 1-6 show common phrases for making polite
requests. Match the beginnings to the endings a-f. The first one is done for you. The first
one is done for you.

1. Please send us… c__

2. Could you tell me where… ___
3. Would it be possible to have a … ___
4. I was wondering if it would be possible to… ___
5. I would appreciate it if you could have… ___
6. Would you mind… ___
a. repair person come to fix the air conditioner?
b. get some samples of your product.
c. three boxes of white letterhead paper.
d. your delivery staff use the black entrance.
e. postponing our meeting until the end of May?
f. I could have my car repainted?

II. Write the number of each completed sentence (1-6) from I next to the matching
description and recipient (a-f) below.

___a. A request for a recommendation of an automobile service ( to the representative of an auto

____b. A request to change a scheduled appointment(to a coworker from another department)
____c. An order for office supplies ( to a stationery store)
____d. A request for examples of a company’s products ( to a manufacturing company)
____e. A request for repairs ( to the superintendent of your apartment building)
____f. A request about how a delivery should be made ( to a supplier’s shipping department)
III. Use phrases 1-6 in I to complete requests 1-3. Change the period to a question mark if

1. Making ONE request for information about a course you are interested in taking ( to a
community college).
_________________________________________ information on schedules and costs
for your certificate course on network management.
2. Order ONE product from a catalog ( to a garden supply company)
________________________________________ one 25 kg bag of garden fertilizer
3. Make ONE request for details on the advertised job ( to a company hiring new
________________________________________ the training opportunities offered by
your company?


A. FOCUS: Commands and soft command in the response e-mail.

In many cases, the e-mail requesting information will essentially ask for instructions. Therefore,
you will need to respond using commands. The following are commands: go to bed! And Be
Commands are easy to form in English. They are simply the infinitive form of the verb, without
to. For example, the command form of the verb to go is go. The command form of the verb to be
is be. Commands do not have a subject with them- they always refer to the person you’re talking
In addition to straight commands, native speakers often use soft commands, or slightly more
polite ways to suggest that someone do something. Some common ways of suggesting that
someone go to the store include:
 Will you please go to the store?
 Why don’t you go to the store?
 Could you go to the store?
 You should (probably) go to the store.
 You could go to the store.
 You might try going to the store.
Although the question forms are very common in spoken English, they don’t quite as well in e-
mail because they implicitly ask for a response from the other person. Therefore, for the
remainder of this chapter we will use only the final three forms from above:
 You should (probably) go to the store.
 You could go to the store.
 You might try going to the store.
1. Convert each command below into a soft command using one of the forms above.
1. Take a trash out.
2. Make an appointment with the secretary.
3. Buy a guidebook.
4. Pay the phone bill today.
5. Talk to Mary at Bon Voyage Travel.
6. Speak French while you’re in Paris.
7. Start the engine again.
8. Give it to me.
9. Put your coat on.
10. Go to the bathroom before we leave.

2. Look at the e-mails and underline soft commands.

The response e-mail
To: James Gordon
Re: presentation
Dear Mr. Gordon,
Thank you for your work.
I read through the copy you sent me but there are two things I do not like.
First, I think you should use shorter sentences in your presentation. Long ones could make
listeners confused.
Second, we need some more graphics to show that we want to say in a clear and simple way.
Apart from those, you did a great job.
Please correct what I have suggested and sent the new version of this presentation until
Thank you and regards,
Michelle Kurt

- Explaining a Problem
- Making Suggestion and Requests
- Commands and Soft Commands
I. Write one request to each person or company below.
1. an office supply company ________________________________________
2. a client who owes you money______________________________________
3. a school where you would like to study___________________________________________
4. a company where you would like to work _________________________________________
5. an employee who is late submitting a project_______________________________________
II. Write one suggestion for each person or company below.
1. the manager of a restaurant with a rude waiter_____________________________________
2. a person who wants to hire an office assistant_______________________________________
3. a company that delivers orders late________________________________________________
4. the manager of a store with long checkout lines______________________________________
5. An out –of –town colleague needing a place to stay in your city_________________________
III. Write two or three possible explanation for each problem.
1. A health club manager wants to know why you canceled your membership.

2. A customer wants to know why your company delivered the wrong merchandise.
3. Your neighborhood dry cleaners wants to know why you no longer use its service.
4. A painting company wants to know why you have not made the final payment for its service.

5. A job applicant wants to know why he has not received a response to his application.
IV. Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an e-
Your response will be scored on: the quality and variety of your sentences, vocabulary, and
[You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each e-mail]
Directions: Read the e-mail below.
From: Carla Sondheim
To: Edward McCurdy
Subject: Car for sale
Sent: May 2, 8:26 a.m
I am interested in the 94 Toyota you have for sale. Could you tell me when the last maintenance
work was done on it? Does it need any repairs now (including body work)? Also, when would be
a good time for me to come and see it?
Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Edward McCurdy. In your e-mail, answer Carla’s
questions. Your e-mail should include at least THREE pieces of information and ONE question.
(write your response here)

Directions: Read the e-mail below.
From: James Cohen
To: Briana Nelson
Subject: Apartment for rent
Sent: April 13, 1:11 p.m.
Ms. Nelson,
I am interested in the apartment you have for rent. Can you tell me how big it is, and if it has any
yard? Also, what is the neighborhood like, in terms of nearby stores and safety? I am free any
day next week to come and see it, so let me know when is a good time for you.

Thank you!

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Briana Nelson. In your e-mail, answer James’s
questions. Your e-mail should include at least THREE pieces of information.

(write your response here)


Directions: Read the e-mail below.

From: James Cohen

To: Briana Nelson
Subject: Apartment for rent
Sent: April 13, 1:11 p.m.

To whom it may concern,

I am interested in adopting a dog, and saw one on your website that I’d like to know more about.
It’s the 4- year- old male golden retriever mix. Can you tell me when I could come in to meet
him? Do I need to bring anything with me when I come? And how do I get to the adoption

Thanks in advance!

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are a manager at Four Paws Adoption Center. In your
e-mail, answer Carton’s questions. Your e-mail should include at least THREE pieces of
information and ONE question.

(write your response here)


Lesson 12: Developing the thesis statement
Lesson 13: Using connectors between key ideas
Lesson 14: Making outline from key ideas (1)
Lesson 15: Review

The thesis statement

- states the main topic

- lists the subdivisions of the topic
- may indicate the method of organization of the entire paper
- is usually the last sentence in the introductory paragraph

The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the introduction. It states the
specific topic and often lists the major subtopics that will be discussed in the body of the
essay. Furthermore, it may indicate the method of organization such as chronological
order of importance.

Here are two examples of thesis statements. Each subdivision will itself become the topic
of a separate paragraph in the body of the essay. The topics of each paragraph are

1. The most recent significant discoveries to benefit humankind in modern times are
in the fields of television and computer technology.

The possible topic sentences for each topic underlined are:

- A popular form of instant communication all over the world is television.
- In the last few decades, computer technology has made tremendous
progress in the world of communication to benefit humankind.

2. Aggressive drivers react foolishly toward others in several dangerous ways.

The possible topic sentences for the topic underlined are:

- An angry driver may react is to cut off another motorist.
- An angry driver may tailgate the other car.
- Aggressive drivers often use rude language or gestures to show their anger.

Practice 1 Write the topic sentence for each subdivision from the following thesis
statements. The first one has been done for you as an example.

1. Sports encourage people to get exercise, they provide opportunities for interacting
with others, and they give a sense of belonging to a group.

Topic sentence 1: An interest in sports encourages people to get exercise.

Topic sentence 2:
You can increase your opportunities for interacting with others by playing sports

Topic sentence 3:
Sports give a sense of belonging to a group.

2. In my opinion, employers should not allow workers to listen to music at the office
because it is distracting, it hurts teamwork, and it can lead to disagreements.

Topic sentence 1: I think that listening to music at work is distracting for

topic2: i think that listenning music at work hurts teamwork
topic3: i think that listening to music work can lead to disagreement
Topic sentence 2:

Topic sentence 3:

3. There are several advantages to living near the office, including saving time and
money, and being very convenient.

Topic sentence 1: Living near the office can help save time because employees
spend less time driving back and forth from work every day.
Topic sentence 2 : secondly, living near the office can help saving time and money.
Topic sentence 3: finally, living near the office being very convenient.
Topic sentence 2:


Topic sentence 3:

4. Changes in our society in recent years have weakened family life.

Topic sentence 1: Today’s mothers spend much less time with their children.
Topic sentence 2:
Topic sentence 3:

5. There are several factors to consider when you choose a university to attend.
Topic sentence 1: One thing you must consider is the quality of the university’s
educational program.
Topic 2 : Another factor you need to care about is the infrastructure of the
Topic 3: The final thing is that you need to consider is th university's tution .
Topic sentence 2:

Topic sentence 3:

Practice 2 Write the topic sentencefrom the following thesis statements.

1. Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.

2. There are several ways people can conserve natural resources.

3. Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet.

4. Students who learn how to write well will earn better grades in most classes.

5. Student success at university is the result of a number of inter-related factors.



Connectors (Transition signals) are important not only within paragraphs but also
between paragraphs. If you write two or more paragraphs, you need to show the
relationship between your first and second paragraph, between your second and
third paragraph, and so on.
Think of connectors between paragraphs as the links of a chain. The links of a
chain connect the chain; they hold it together. Similarly, a connector between two
paragraphs links your ideas together.
Two paragraphs are linked by adding a connector to the topic sentence of the
second paragraph. This connector may be a single word, a phrase, or a dependent clause
that repeats or summarizes the main idea in the first paragraph


Transition signals can be categorized into three groups by grammatical function.
The three groups are sentence connectors (including transition phrases and conjunctive
adverbs), clause connectors (including coordinating conjunctions and subordinating
conjunctions), and a mixed group called others.


Function Sentence Connectors Clause Connectors
Transition Conjunctive Coordinatin Subordinatin
Phrases Adverbs g g
Conjunction Conjunctions
To introduce in addition furthermore and another
an additional moreover
idea besides
also an additional
To introduce on the other however but although in spite of
an opposite hand nevertheless yet though
idea in contrast instead even though
still whereas despite
nonetheless while
(+ noun)
To introduce a otherwise or if
choice or unless
To introduce a in fact that is
restatement or indeed
To introduce for example an example of
an example for instance
(+ noun)
such as
(+ noun)
To introduce a in conclusion
conclusion or in summary
summary in brief
in short
To introduce a accordingly therefore so
result as a result consequently
as a hence
consequence thus

Useful Language

Functions Examples of Language to Use

Stating an opinion  In my opinion, …
 I feel that …
 Personally, I feel / believe / prefer …
 It is my opinion that …
Showing sequence  First, / First of all, …; Second, …; Third,

 Next, …
 Then, …
 After that, …
 Finally, …
 To summarize, …
 In conclusion, …
Transitioning into a new paragraph  In general, …
 Generally, …
 Overall, …
Adding information  Furthermore, …
 Additionally, …
 Also, …

Study the following model, and notice how the paragraphs are linked by a single word, a
phrase, or a clause.

Paragraph connectors

Aggressive Drivers
Introductory paragraph
The number of vehicles on freeways and streets is increasing at an alarming rate.
This influx of motor vehicles is creating hazardous conditions. Moreover, drivers are in
such a rush to get to their destinations that many become angry or impatient with other
motorists who are too slow or who are in their way. Aggressive drivers react foolishly
toward others in several dangerous ways.
Body paragraph 1
One way an angry driver may react is to cut off another motorist.
(+ supporting sentences) …………………………………………………………….

Body paragraph 2
Another way is to tailgate the other car. (+ supporting sentences)


Body paragraph 3

In addition to cutting off and tailgating other cars,aggressive drivers often use
rude language or gestures to show their anger. (+ supporting sentences)


Body paragraph 4
Although law enforcement authorities warn motorists against aggressive
driving, the number who act out their angry impulses has not declined. (+ supporting
Concluding paragraph
To conclude, aggressive drivers are endangering everyone because they create
hazardous conditions by acting and driving foolishly. They should control their anger and
learn to drive safely. After all, the lives they save could be their own.

Practice 1 Put the paragraphs in this essay in the correct order (1-5). Make sure to
notice the structure of each of the paragraphs.

_______ Firstly, industry accounts for a large proportion of the greenhouse gas emissions,
and this can only be controlled by government action. Measures could be taken to
discourage pollution, such as limiting or taxing the use of fossil fuels. Alternatively,
subsidies could be offered to industries to clean up their production processes. If these
ideas were adopted, I believe that businesses would regard pollution as a financial issue.

_______ In addition, I think individual attitudes to transport need to change. Instead of

making short tips by car, people could choose to walk, cycle, or take a bus. Since cars are
a major source of the problem, changing our behaviour in this area would have a major

_______ Secondly, only discussion between governments can ensure that solutions are
successful. The Kyoto agreement, for example, tried to reach global agreement on how to
address the problem. Without such co-operating, it seems to me that efforts to reduce fuel
consumption are unlikely to be effective.

_______ Recently scientists worried about climate change have urged governments to
introduce measures to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are seen as its main
cause. Simoultaneouslty, politicians and environmentalists have urged individuals to make
changes to their lifestyle. I shall argue that governments and individuals should take join
responsibility for this problem.

_______ In conclusion, I would maintain that only a combination of international

agreement, national policies, and changes in individual behaviour will succeed in
preventing further damage to the environment.

_______ However, national and international policies will only secceed if individuals
also change their lifestyle. For example, people could think more carefully about how

they use energy in their homes. By using less electricity, installing energy-efficient light
bulbs and electrical appliances, or investing in solar panels, individuals can make a real

Practice 2 Complete the following essays with appropriate connectors

Essay 1

Nowadays, technological advances and their rapid and wide applications are
having a significant impact on a nation’s traditional skills and ways of life. Some argue
that such impact is so extraordinary that it would make conventional skills and life styles
obsolete.However,I believe they would continue to thrive by providing alternatives to
modern ways of life, and innovative ideas for modern technologies.

(1) ………………………., traditional skills and ways of life are becoming an

alternative solution to the problems caused by “mainstreamed” ways of life which are
greatly influenced by modern technologies.For instance, a cozy restaurant where
traditional, home-brewed beer is served, offers another experience to people who are
bored with branded beers that have the same flavor and come out of mass production with
new technologies. It is in such a venue where traditional skills are preserved, people
become relaxed and educated. Providing diversity and thus enriching modern ways of life,
such traditional skills and ways of life would continue to have their place.

(2) ………………………, conventional skills provide innovative ideas to the

development of modern technologies.For example, sparkled by how the word “Love” is
traditionally knitted into a sweater by some ethnic minority women in some parts of Asia,
some business managers from textile industry have developed some production lines by
applying the traditional skills to Computer-Aided Designs (CAD). The products have
boosted the companies’ sales which in turn have increased their investment in preserving
traditional skills for further developing their technologies.

(3) ………………………., traditional skills and life styles are increasingly
becoming a useful alternative to the homogeneity brought by global applications of
modern technologies. However, the evolution of technologies is a selection process,
whereby some would become obsolete, but there is no doubt that some would thrive when
their roles are appreciated.

Essay 2

Nowadays modern technology has totally changed our approach to study. In many
countries students no longer have to copy notes by hand from the blackboard; instead the
teacher gives them a photocopy. Rather than messy ink and pen, students present a typed-
up copy of their assignments. Their computer even checks their spelling as they go. In
fact, some people believe that modern technology does a lot of our thinking for us and, as
a result, we are going to lose our ability to think for ourselves.

(1) ………………., spelling skills have definitely deteriorated in recent years.

So many young people use mobile phones to send text messages where speed and
conciseness are more important than spelling or grammar. Some teachers complain that
these students take the same attitude toward their assignments.

(2) ………………, typed assignments are much easier to read and are much
neater. Frankly, I find some notes or texts which are handwritten almost impossible to
read. Doctors, for example, have a reputation for illegible handwriting, which could lead
to disastrous medical mistakes. Perhaps it is time we focused not on handwriting but on
presenting information as accurately as possible.

(3) ……………………………………… access to the Internet has opened up a

new world of learning for us.We no longer have to wait for a book that has already been
borrowed from the library before we do our research. In fact, the Internet can clearly be
used to research information in the same way as a library but more conveniently.

(4) ...……………, rather than holding students back, I believe modern
technology has actually improved standards of education considerably.

Essay 3

It is true that the population ‘explosion’ which has taken place over the last
century, is a very serious problem. One of the main reasons for this unacceptable
population growth is a lack of understanding about the environment. Over-population is
the major reason for water, soil and air pollution. It is also often the cause of starvation
and even wars. Experts have put forward many suggestions to address this problem. The
following are just a few of these.

(1) ………………………………………….. we have to fight population

growth is education. This should start at a very early age i.e. before children even go to
school. TV cartoons and children’s programs can be used to educate the very young. At
high school level, students can be taught about the problem more directly. At university
level, scholarships should be made available to students who wish to study further in this
field. International exchange groups may also help to increase awareness.

(2) ………………………………………… of controlling population growth is

to disadvantage people who have more than one or two children. This can be done, as it is
in China, by means of a higher tax. Although it is controversial, persons who come
forward to be sterilized could be given a sum of money. It may also be possible to make it
advantageous for people to have only one child by giving such couples a special tax

(3) ........................................................................This problem is a very difficult

one to address but we should make every effort to do so. There are many other problems
which are related to over-population such as increasing crime, illiteracy and pollution. So
by addressing one problem we would be addressing the others as well.


An outline is the first step in developing your ideas and organizing your essay. This chart
is a guide for creating your outline.

Parts of the Essay What to include

Thesis Statement Use the one-sentence thesis that you wrote while you were
brainstorming. Remember, this sentence should state your
position on the given topic.
Key Idea 1 Write what the key idea of each paragraph in the body will
Key Idea 2
be. You should also write down any examples and details
Key Idea 3
you might use to support the key ideas of the body
Concluding Statement Restate your position on the given topic.

After you have written a basic outline, check the organization of your respond. Make sure
that the response is logical and that the ideas flow naturally from one paragraph to the
next. Also, make sure that your outline contains all of the information you want to include
in your essay.

Sample Outline 1

Thesis statement: It is my belief that learning an additional language is a great way to

improve one’s chances of getting a job.

Key idea 1: Access to more jobs

Example / Details: many jobs require more than one language

Key idea 2: Create new opportunities

Example / Details: friend who speaks German was able to bring in
new contact with German companies

Key idea 3: Become indispensable to your employer

Example / Details:
- friend is the only one who speaks German in his office
- he’s necessary part of communicating with important clients

Sample Outline 2

Thesis statement: I think that references from previous employers are important to
some bosses for a number of reasons.
Key idea 1: Helps employers understand the applicant’s personality
Example / Details: I’m very helpful and friendly, but there’s no
place on an application for that

Key idea 2: Tests honesty

Example / Details: When my boss was hiring a new employee, she
called the references for one application. Boss found out that the
applicant had lied on the application.

Key idea 3: Explains why person left former job

Example / Details: Employers might not want to hire someone who
was fired from the last job, but someone who was laid off might
work out well.

Practice Make an outline from the following thesis statements

1. Personally, I prefer to work in a small office rather than at a large company for
several reasons.
2. There are several advantages of living near the office.
3. My opinion is that it is a bad idea for employers to allow workers to listen to music
at the office.
4. Encouraging children to go to pre-school is the wrong way to improve our
educational system.
5. Making it illegal to breed pit bulls would decrease the number of very aggressive
dogs without burdening dog lovers very much.


I. Write the topic sentence from the following thesis statements.

1. Students who learn how to write well will earn better grades in most classes.

2. Student success at university is the result of a number of inter-related factors.

II. Choose the correct words or phrases from the box to complete the sample
essay. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

Conversely Personally Next Also

To summarize Lastly On the other hand First of all

Today, people have many choices about where they work. People can work
for large companies with equally large offices or at smaller offices. (1)
……………………, I prefer to work in a small office rather than at a large
company because working in a small office means more interaction with managers,
better relationships with co-workers, and faster promotions.
(2)………………………., I think that by working in a small office, I can spend
more time with managers. This is a good thing because managers have a lot to
teach, and interacting with them often means that I can get better training and
improve my skills. (3) ……………………….., I don’t think that people at
bigger companies have that kind of opportunity.
(4)……………………, working at a small office usually leads to strong, close
relationships with co-workers. I had a friend who worked for a company with
over 100 employees. She told me that she never had any friends there because
there were simply too many people. (5) ……………………, she said that they
were really far away from each other because the building was so big. I like
having friends where I work, so this would be a bad thing for me. Clearly,
working at a small office is much better.
(6)………………………, I’ve found that it’s possible to earn promotions faster at
smaller companies than at huge companies. The reason for this is that there
isn’tas much competition. I had worked at my job at a small office for only six
months before I got my first promotion. (7) ……………, I know people who
have worked at big companies for more than three years and have never gotten
a promotion.
(8) ……………………….., my preference is to work in a small office rather than
at a big one, I think employees have more time with managers, have better
relationships with their co-workers, and get promoted faster. For me, these
three things are really important, and that’s why I’ll always choose a small
office over a big one.


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