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Hagkol, City of Valencia, 8709 <I> Philippines

Tel No.: (088) 828-6569
Email Add: pcfofficial1988@gmail.com Website:

Off-Campus Practice Teaching Portfolio

In Partial Fulfilment of the Teaching Internship Program


MAY 2024
Hagkol, City of Valencia, 8709 <I> Philippines
Tel No.: (088) 828-6569
Email Add: pcfofficial1988@gmail.com Website: www.pcf.edu.ph

Off-Campus Practice Teaching Portfolio

In Partial Fulfilment of the Teaching Internship Program


MAY 2024
Table of Contents

I. Preliminaries
Career Plan
Teacher’s Prayer
Teacher’s Creed
II. Cooperating School

III. Practice Teaching Experiences

Compilation of Checked and Taught Lesson Plans
Compilation of Teaching Demonstration Evaluation
Problems Encountered and Action Taken

Reflection on Off-Campus Practice Teaching

IV. Pictorials with Caption

V. Appendices
Certificate of Completion
Demonstration Teaching Evaluation Result Summary
I would like to thank you to our most gracious and heavenly father, for the

guidance and protection always father God doing my practice teaching and now I am

doing my portfolio. To Philippine College Foundation School.

To my school, Philippine College Foundation, to my Instructor Phebe

Antiquina and our program head Mr. Eric Heretape, Thank you for all this remarkable

opportunity you have given us.

To my family, friends and classmates Thank you so much for all the blessing

and support of my Practice Teaching Portfolio. Thank you for all Encouragement and

can reach my journey I also thank you for all being part of this meaningful experience

in completing my portfolio.
Welcome to my portfolio! I am happy and excited to present my

portfolio about my experience of Practice teaching. Practice teaching

provides crucial real-world experience for educators. My teaching

philosophy emphasizes student-centered learning and ongoing growth.

Beginning teachers should set clear goals, use diverse teaching

methods, and collaborate effectively. Their roles include creating

supportive environments and advocating for students. Practice teaching

equips educators with essential skills for success.

In summary, My practice teaching is an great component of

teacher preparation, equipping educators with the knowledge, skills, and

dispositions necessary for success in the classroom. My teaching

philosophy underscores the importance of student-centered learning,

inclusive practices, and continuous professional growth. As a beginning

teacher, I am committed to embracing my roles and responsibilities with

enthusiasm, compassion, and a lifelong dedication to fostering the

success and well-being of all students.

My Career Plan I want to put all my effort into my future, I

want to improve my skills so that my potential can be achieved.

After I graduated in my course a Bachelor of Elementary

Education, I want to develop the skills that will help me

accomplish the success I've always wanted to accomplish. I

will work as hard as I can, and I will do what It takes to get

there. I am going to approach everything in life with a positive

attitude and a lot of Excitement. I strongly believe I am going to

be true with my bachelor's Degree and achieve my goals, and

also help my family and my future of my daughter and achieve

all of my dreams.
Dear lord

I know that I am not perfect, I know sometimes I forget to

pray, I know I have questioned my faith, I know sometimes I

loose me temper, But thank you for loving me, unconditionally

and giving me another day to start over again. Thank you for

the gift of life, and the lives of my family. Thank you for all your

blessing given to me. Thank you for the strength and the

wisdom health you've given us. Thank you for protect me

always. We thank you we give you all the glory and adoration

for all that you do for us. I am humbled by your grace and your

over lasting love for me .

In the name of Jesus Amen..

As a future Teacher, I dedicate myself to the noble

profession of teaching. I vow to ignite the flame of knowledge in

the hearts of my students, guiding them towards academic

excellence and personal growth. I pledge to uphold the values

of integrity, empathy, and respect in all my interactions. With

unwavering commitment, I will strive to make a positive impact

on the lives of those I teach, fostering a love for learning and

give a memorable experience to them, that help them to

achieve their learning journey in future.

The problems I experienced as a student teacher was adjusting to the duties

my cooperating teacher asked me to do, especially in handling the class. I have

realized that preparing a lesson, making lesson plan was very easy, but as I perform

the lesson in front of the class, I have the struggle to put confidence on myself that I

felt so much stress. As the days go on, I was so thankful that I was able to cope up

with that kind of insecurity and challenge myself to do my best as my cooperating

teacher believed that I can do it little by little. And with her help, guidance and

advices, I have faced it with full of positivity that I can do it because I also believed in

saying that "If others can do, why can't I?"

As the days go on, I also experienced the difficulty of how to handle the

learner's behavior, how to get their attention to listen ti our discussion even though

we already agreed with our classroom rules and guidelines, so what I did was, I

came up giving rewards to those pupils who will listen and participate in our class

discussion, even by simply giving additional points or giving candies and I can say

that with this strategy, the learners were very active in participating with the class

As I step on the journey of becoming a teacher is a path laden with

challenges, happiness, and invaluable lessons. My internship as a pre-service

teacher has been a memorable experience, shaping my understanding of how to

teach a students, classroom dynamics, and the profound impact educators have on

shaping young minds. Throughout this reflection, I will share into my journey,

highlighting my moments, challenges overcome, and the profound joy derived from

nurturing students' growth and learning. The journey of pre-service teaching is a

symphony of growth, discovery, and profound connection. As I reflect upon my

internship experience, I am reminded of the transformative power of education in

bridging divides, fostering growth, and nurturing the seeds of lifelong learning. In this

reflective essay, I delve into the mosaic of experiences that have shaped my journey,

culminating in a memorable encounter that embodies the essence of my pre-service

teaching internship.

As I stepped into the role of a pre-service teacher, the initial days were a

whirlwind of excitement and apprehension. The orientation sessions provided

valuable insights into classroom management, lesson planning, and the intricacies of

student engagement. Armed with pedagogical theories and a passion for teaching, I

eagerly anticipated the challenges and rewards that lay ahead. I encountered the

multifaceted realities of classroom dynamics. Each day brought forth new challenges

– from managing diverse learning needs to fostering a positive learning environment.

One memorable experience was the journey of connecting with a shy, introverted

student who struggled to engage in class discussions. Through patience, empathy,

and personalized support, I witnessed a remarkable transformation as the student

gradually found their voice and confidence. The classroom served as a crucible for

continuous learning and growth. Collaborating with mentor teachers, attending

professional development workshops, and seeking feedback from peers enriched my

pedagogical toolkit. One invaluable lesson was the importance of flexibility and

adaptability in responding to the dynamic needs of students. Whether modifying

lesson plans on the fly or implementing innovative teaching strategies, I learned to

embrace the art of pedagogical improvisation. The daily routines and academic face,

one particular moment stands out as a poignant reminder of the profound impact

teachers wield. During a reflective session, a student shared their struggles with self-

confidence and academic performance. In that vulnerable moment, I realized the

transformative power of genuine connection and empathetic listening. Through

supportive guidance and encouragement, the student embarked on a journey of self-

discovery and resilience, transcending perceived limitations to achieve academic


Throughout this Portfolio, I will delve into my journey, highlighting pivotal

moments, challenges overcome, and the profound joy derived from nurturing

students' growth and learning. Transitioning from theory to practice, I encountered

the multifaceted realities of classroom dynamics. Each day brought forth new

challenges – from managing diverse learning needs to fostering a positive learning

environment. One memorable experience was the journey of connecting with a shy,

introverted student who struggled to engage in class discussions. Through patience,

empathy, and personalized support, I witnessed a remarkable transformation as the

student gradually found their voice and confidence. Amidst the daily routines and

academic rigors, one particular moment stands out as a poignant reminder of the

profound impact teachers wield. During a reflective session, a student shared their

struggles with self-confidence and academic performance. In that vulnerable

moment, I realized the transformative power of genuine connection and empathetic

listening. Through supportive guidance and encouragement, the student embarked

on a journey of self-discovery and resilience, transcending perceived limitations to

achieve academic success.

The classroom served as a crucible for continuous learning and growth.

Collaborating with mentor teachers, attending professional development workshops,

and seeking feedback from peers enriched my pedagogical toolkit. One invaluable

lesson was the importance of flexibility and adaptability in responding to the dynamic

needs of students. Whether modifying lesson plans on the fly or implementing

innovative teaching strategies, I learned to embrace the art of pedagogical

improvisation. As a Pre-Service Teacher who face the challenges and giving my best

to survive, I strive to demonstrate excellence in teaching by setting clear learning

objectives, implementing innovative instructional practices, and fostering positive

relationships with students. I recognize the importance of ongoing reflection and

professional development to refine my teaching skills and adapt to the evolving

needs of students. Additionally, I am committed to advocating for equity and

inclusion in education and serving as a mentor and advocate for my students.

Practice teaching plays a vital role in preparing educators for the challenges

and opportunities of the classroom. By embracing a student-centered teaching

philosophy and demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement, beginning

teachers can make a meaningful impact on student learning and contribute positively

to the field of education. Additionally, I am committed to advocating for equity and

inclusion in education and serving as a mentor and advocate for my students.

Undoubtedly, the off-campus journey presented its fair share of challenges. From

managing classroom behavior to differentiating instruction, navigating the

complexities of teaching required resilience, adaptability, and creativity. However,

each obstacle served as a catalyst for growth, prompting reflection, refinement, and

newfound strategies for addressing similar situations in the future. Through

perseverance and determination, I emerged from each challenge with greater

confidence and competence as an educator. Every day brought forth new lessons

and insights, shaping my understanding of effective teaching practices and

pedagogical approaches. Whether it was designing engaging lesson plans,

facilitating meaningful discussions, or assessing student progress, each experience

provided valuable feedback and opportunities for refinement. Moreover, witnessing

the transformative impact of education on students reaffirmed my passion for

teaching and commitment to fostering academic success and personal growth.

I reflect upon the milestones achieved and the growth experienced. From

navigating classroom challenges to fostering meaningful connections with students,

each triumph and setback has shaped my identity as an educator. I am grateful for

the unwavering support of mentors, colleagues, and most importantly, the students

who have enriched my journey with their curiosity, resilience, and boundless

potential. In internship journey as a pre-service teacher has been a transformative

odyssey of growth, discovery, and profound learning. Through navigating classroom

challenges, forging meaningful connections, and celebrating moments of triumph, I

have emerged with a deeper understanding of the art and science of teaching. As I

embark on the next chapter of my journey, I carry with me the invaluable lessons

learned, the indelible memories forged, and a steadfast commitment to nurturing the

hearts and minds of future generations. The off-campus journey during my internship

as a pre-service teacher has been nothing short of transformative. It has challenged

me to step outside my comfort zone, confront obstacles head-on, and embrace the

inherent complexities of teaching. Through perseverance, reflection, and continuous

learning, I have emerged from this experience with a deeper understanding of myself

as an educator and a renewed sense of purpose in shaping the future of education.

As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I carry with me the invaluable

lessons, experiences, and memories gained during this transformative off-campus


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