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There are political parties with goals and aspirations, groups of

youth, groups, various partnerships and also groups closely linked to

each other by ties of blood and ethnicity between peoples, and they
also exist in an endless variety of ways. There is a great diversity of
population in many modern countries and in some ancient countries
as well as differences in language, religions, moral codes and also
beliefs. From this point of view, there are many unimportant political
units, and also one of our large cities, for example, there are groups
of loosely connected communities, rather than a comprehensive and
pervasive community of action and thought).look on page 20.

Thus corporate organizations and society become increasingly

ambiguous. They feel both descriptive and normative perceptions
based on praise; in the legal and actual sense as well.

In social philosophy, the previous meaning may always be the

highest in its belief. The society that we have envisioned and
imagined as a society that is unique in nature.

It has been confirmed that the qualities that attach to this nation,
that it is a praiseworthy society with a purpose and social importance
as well as its loyalty to until the end of peoples, as well as the
exchange of emotions for emotional participation.

But when we look at the facts that indicate the term instead of
restricting the pressure to its essential connection, we do not find
unity, but a multiplicity of societies that are either good or bad.

They may include men who carry out gang operations in criminal
A collection of actions that may be the prey of the public while
serving it, and political machines that may be held together by the
desire to plunder and steal.

If interests are a factor of social control, The other meanings were
not only Highly interconnected freedom between social groups (once
isolated as much as the intention to maintain the separation can be
maintained) but changing the habit of society as a habit of constantly
adjusting and modifying it in a new way by confronting the new
situations issued through the many diverse relationships.

It is precisely these two characteristics that distinguish it

democratically constituted society.

We are not the first to understand, from the educational aspect, that
awareness is our concept of social life in which interests intersect as
an essential element in the discipline of society in terms of progress
or discipline and modification of behavior.

It is an important consideration to make a democratic society more

interested than other societies and make it a reason to be in an
educational situation with it.

The ability to make decisions and also has the ability to develop a
correct approach. Democracy's dedication to education may be a
familiar reality.

The government relies on the superficial interpretation of popular

vote, which could not have been achieved if those people had not
applied the force of their educated rulers to them.

Since the democratic society rejected the main official of external


It is necessary to find an alternative in voluntary and self-interested
behavior; this can only be created through education. But there is a
deeper explanation. That democracy is better than the system of
government; it is primarily a way of life based on shared
communicative experience.

Following nature was a political doctrine. This means keeping goals,

customs and institutions against the revolution. (Look at page 91).

Rousseau's statement that all is well because it comes from

innovative hands is only significant in its contradictions in the
concluding part of the same decision:

“Here is what he said again”: A true man has absolute value; it may
be described with the numerical unit, he has complete integers, and
he has no relationship except with himself or with his fellow man.

But it is described but the civilized man is described only by relative

unity and also by the numerator in the decimal fraction, the value of
which depends on what he controls, and its relationship to the
integrated individual of society.

“The good political institutions are those which make a man

careless.” It is on this artificial and harmful conception of organized
social life as it exists that the idea is based that nature not only
provides the primary forces that initiate growth but also initiates its
plans and its objectives.

Most institutions and bad habits operate automatically to give faulty

education which the most careful education which is sufficiently
correct cannot make up for; but the conclusion is not about
education in isolation from the environment, but about providing an
environment that has the original powers that are put to best use.
Social efficiency as a goal is understood to make nature provide the
end of education and society the end of evil, it is difficult to be.

Intellectual opportunities are available to everyone on fair and easy


A society divided into classes needs to pay special attention only to

the education of its ruling elements.

A mobile society is full of channels for spreading change that is

happening anywhere, and must ensure that its members have
learned how to be personally innovative and adaptable.

Otherwise, they will be overwhelmed by changes surrounding them

that are of great importance or connections that they are not aware
of. The result will be confusion in which some people take control of
the results of the activities of blind people directed by others.

Platonic educational philosophy Subsequent layers will be devoted

to clarifying the implications of democratic ideas in education.

In the remaining parts of this chapter, we will look at educational

theories that developed in three eras in which the social dimension
of education was particularly evident.

The first thing to consider is the palate.

Plato No one can express the truth that society is stably organized
when each individual performs what he has by his natural abilities so
as to be useful to others (or to the credit of all to whom he belongs);
and that the task of education is to discover these dispositions and
gradually train them for social use.

Absorbing new presentations, its personality is all important; the
effect of new presentations is strengthening the groups that were
previously formed.

First, the teacher’s job is to select the appropriate material in order

to determine the nature of the original interactions.

Second, to arrange the sequence of subsequent presentations on the

basis of the stock of ideas included in the previous interactions.

Control looks back at what happened in the past instead of

discovering an idea to set a higher goal.

Third, Specific formal steps can be established for all methods of


Obviously introducing a new topic it depends on the fundamentals,

but since knowledge lies in the way this interacts with the contents
already submerged under consciousness, the first thing is the step of
preparation - that is, the call to special activity and excellence.

On the ground of conscience, those old offers are to accommodate

the new offer.

Then, after the presentation, processes of interaction between the

old and the new follow; after that the newly created content
application to perform some tasks come, everything must pass
through the path.

Therefore, there is a completely uniform approach to education in all

subjects for all students of all ages.

Herbert's great service lies in removing the work of teaching from a

trivial and insubstantial province.

To say that to someone who knows what it is or can mean certain
consequences is to say, of course, that he can better anticipate what
is going to happen and can, as a result, be prepared to proceed and
ensure beneficial consequences and avoid something undesirable. A
real educational experience, then, one of the instructions is
transmitted and able to be increased, and on the one hand it is
contradicted through fluctuating activity.

(a) Finally, he did not care what happened. “One only allows himself
to let go and avoids being associated with the consequences of
what one does with this behavior (and the appearance of signs of
its connections to other things).
(b) It is usual for him to be frowned upon as if he were a random,
aimless person, and to be treated as if he were intentionally
hurtful, neglectful, or chaotic.

But there is a tendency to seek reason, such aimless activities and

the desire of youth itself, and isolation from everything as well.

But in reality, it is like an irritable activity, due to a lack of adaptation

to the surroundings.

Individuals act capriciously, as if they were acting under a firm, non-

essential command or statement, without having a goal of their own
or realizing the implication of an action over other actions.

A person may learn by doing something that he does not

understand; even in smarter work, we do more of what we don't
mean to do, for the most part in connection with work; we
consciously intend not to be perceived or expected. But we are just

Now for discipline, an activity takes time, as many meanings and
consequences lie between its beginning and its end, which require
deliberation and perseverance.

It is clear that a very large part of daily life depends on the will to
deliberate control or the conscious disposition to endure
perseverance and perseverance in adverse appeals. A man with a
strong will to use words is neither described as a man who
contradicts himself nor as a person who lacks enthusiasm in
achieving desired goals.

His executive ability may be to strive persistently and actively to

implement or achieve goals.

A weak will be as unstable as a sea wave, it is clear that there are

two worlds in the will.

One of them has to do with looking at the results, and the other has
an in-depth understanding of the outcome of the person’s expected

(I) Stubbornness is perseverance, but it is not willpower.

Stubbornness may just be an animal deficiency and lack of feelings.

A person continues to work hard because he has begun the work in

fact, the obstinate man generally steps back (although he is not fully
aware of his refusal) and makes clear to himself what his proposed
end is; and he has the feeling that if he allows himself to get a clear
idea, It may not be worth the effort and trouble.

Stubbornness manifests itself even more on the external level.

They change things where there is no ideal reward, and they are not
accompanied by any emotional or intellectual enrichment.
Others contribute to preserving life, its appearance and its external
decoration. It undermines both our existing social activities, as well
as industrial and political activities in both systems.

Neither the persons who have the power to occupy them nor those
who are directly affected by them are attending their work in an
active and free manner.

Because of the lack of any purpose in the work for the one who does
it, or because of the personality that restricts its purpose, it is also
unable to participate in the exchange of information in an adequate

Many people are forced by the same circumstances to return to

themselves. They resort to an unclear method that is sensitive and
full of whims.

They are described as having aesthetic appeal but not having the
prowess of artistic taste, since their emotions have been turned

Their goals are on themselves, rather than having ways of taking

actions that change their circumstances. Their mental life is
emotional; enjoying the indoor landscape.

Even the pursuit of the world becomes a refuge from difficult life
circumstances and not a temporary withdrawal in order to feel a
sense of recovery and clarify the vision in future dealings with the

The artistic world may become associated not with a specific

transformation of things, making them more important to the mind,
but with the stimulations of whimsical fancy and emotional

The separation and mutual contempt of the character of a rational
and practical man and a man with a theoretical side of science or
culture, the fine of separation and the skills of industry are indicators
of this condition.

They only get rid of the artificial restrictions imposed by man.

He believed that education in harmony with nature would be the

first step in securing this most special society.

It is clear that economic and political restrictions ultimately depend

on the restrictions imposed on thought and feelings.

The first step in freeing men from external chains was to free them
from the internal chain of false beliefs and ideals.

What was called social life, and the existing institutions, were too
false and corrupt to be trusted in this work.

How could she be expected to do so when the undertaking meant

her own destruction? “Naturalism” must be the force that will be left
to the establishment of even the extreme sensationalist
epistemology that was currently derived from this concept.

Insisting that the mind is essentially negative and empty was one
way to glorify the possibilities of education.

If the mind were a wax tablet on which things were written, there
would be no limits to the possibility of education through the natural

Since the natural world of things is a kaleidoscope of harmonious

“truth,” this education would undoubtedly produce truth-filled

Educations as a national and social issue, Once the initial enthusiasm
for freedom won, the constructive weakness of the theory became

Just leave everything on earth thus he confirms that life and instinct
are a kind of miracle anyway.

Thus, we notice what is the basic characteristic of the event which is

the importance of the temporal place of all the elements and their
arrangement, and the way by which each previous event leads to us
reaching the end which was a summarizes of the process and its end.

Since goals are always linked to results, the first thing to look at
when it comes to goals is whether the specific mind involves
essential continuity.

Or is it just a sequential set of actions, first doing one thing and then
doing something else? When you talk about the educational goal,
almost every work done by each student is supervised by the
teacher, and when the only order in arranging his thoughts may
come from lesson assignments and giving directions by someone
else, talking about it may be something worthless.

It is equally important for the purpose of allowing erratic or

disjointed action in the name of spontaneous self-expression.

It includes the goal of an organized and systematic activity, in which

the arrangement is the gradual perfection of the educational

Given that there is an activity that has a period of time and
cumulative growth within the chronological process, the goal means
foresight before the end or possible termination.

If the bees anticipate the results of their activity, if they perceive its
end with imaginative foresight, they will have the essential element
of purpose. Hence the comprehensive “disciplinary” submission to
existing institutions is meaningless.

The extent of the transformation in educational philosophy that

took place in Germany can be gathered in the generation occupied
by the struggle against Napoleon for national independence, from
Kant, which so well expresses the previous universal individualist
ideal, and in his treatise on the science of education, which consists
of lectures given in recent years From the eighteenth century,
education has been defined as the process through which man
becomes an end in himself.

Humanity may have begun its history immersed in nature, not a

human being created with reason, while nature provides instinct and
talent. Nature simply provides the generations through which
education is developed and completed.

The true peculiarity of human life is that man must create himself
through his own voluntary efforts; He must make himself a moral
being with reason and absolute freedom.

This creative effort is carried out through educational activities for

the later generation. It depends on accelerating the efforts and
awareness of young people to educate their successors, not for the
sake of the current situation, but in order to accelerate the best
possible future for humanity.

But there is a great difficulty that each generation educates its young
so that they fit into the present world rather than the goal related to
education procedures and to work to achieve humanity as an end in
itself in the best possible way.

Parents educate their children so that they can rise officials teach
those who refuse to criticize the ends that present themselves more
than preserve and energy in using the means to achieve the end.

The truly responsible person is the one who thinks about his goals
and also makes his ideas about the results of his actions as clear and
complete as possible.

People whom we call weak-willed or lenient are always deceiving

themselves about the consequences of their actions. It selects some
acceptable features and ignores all accompanying ambiguities when
they start taking action; the bad consequences they ignored begin to
manifest themselves.

Or they complain that their difficult fate frustrates them in achieving

their good purpose and they turn to the path of regular work

That the essential difference between a strong and a weak will is

rational thought, which consists of the degree of firmness and
firmness with which consequences are thought about, cannot be

(ii) There is of course what is called speculation in following the

results. The endings are then expected, but they do not place a deep
grip on the person it is something worth aspiring and curious about
but there is no such thing as overthinking.

There is what is called one-sided thinking, “emanating from man,” as

we say when considering the results of proposed courses of action.
There is a certain slackness in the fibers that prevents the meditating
being from grasping it and engaging it in the work and most cases of
human relations On the one hand, science, commerce and art
transcend national borders.

It is very international in character and style as it involves

interconnection and cooperation between peoples inhabiting
different countries.

At the same time, the idea of national sovereignty has never

emerged in politics as it does at the present time as every citizen
lives in a state of pent-up hostility and imminent war with his

It is assumed; of course each of them has its own unique interests to

question this is to question the idea of national sovereignty, which is
supposed to be fundamental to political practice and political

It is this contradiction (no less) between the broad scope of related

and mutually beneficial social life and the narrower scope that is
identical in exclusive and therefore potentially antagonistic aims and
purposes, that the concepts of educational theory constitute a
clearer conception of the meaning of “sociality” as a function and
test of education than has been achieved.

Until now, is it possible for a national state to manage to restrict and

corrupt the entire social goals of the educational process?

Internally, the question must be confronted with conflicts, due to the

current economic conditions that have divided society into classes,
some of which have become tools of the upper class with
indifference and diversity in every detail it focuses on everything that
has an impact on the effective pursuit of your profession.

Looking to the future means that we notice existing facts because
they are factors in achieving the existing outcome insofar as they are.

You have to know what your resources are and what circumstances
you control.

What are the difficulties and obstacles?

This insight and investigation with reference to what is expected by

reason as actions that do not involve such prediction of outcomes
and examination of means and obstacles either it is in a distinctive
way or it is poorly worded, and in both cases he is a person with a

Ambiguity and uncertainty regarding what is intended and

negligence in monitoring the state of the circumstances to achieve it
mean in this degree stupidity or partly intelligence if we return to the
case in which the mind is not concerned with the mental
manipulation of tools, but rather with what one intends to write, the
case is the same.

There is an activity being processed, one is occupied with the

development of the subject unless one writes as a photographer
speaks, and this means intelligence, that is, keenness to anticipate
the various conclusions to which current data and considerations
tend, along with constantly renewed observation to obtain the
subject to which it relates when communicating to a conclusion.

It is assumed that the goal of education is to enable individuals to

continue their education - or that the goal and reward of education
are continuing ability as such.

In our investigation of the goals of education, we are not interested

in discovering a goal outside the scope of the educational process
since education has the right of priority.
We are somewhat concerned about the contradiction that exists
when goals belong within the process in which you are working and
when they are established from the outside.

The recent situation must be improved as social relations were

somewhat unbalanced. In this case you will find that some aspects of
social groups whose goals have not shown the free growth of their
own experiences and their customary goals will be means to the
more hidden ends of others rather than their ends in reality.

The importance of education presented by our predecessor

organizations anticipates the results reached in discussing the
purpose of education in a democratic society.

A combination of both cases, hence, the subject of research is

considered a complete thing in itself; it is merely something that can
be learned or known either through a voluntary program of the mind
for that matter or through thoughts left in the mind.

Self-interested facts show that these concepts are fanciful when the
mind manifests experience as an ability to respond to the
presentation of stimuli, on the basis of anticipating possible
consequences in the future, and with the aim of controlling the type
of consequences that are scheduled to occur.

Everything that is recognized as having an influence on the course of

events is too formal to be largely understood.

An illustration may explain its importance while you are bound to a

specific profession, such as typing on a typewriter.

If you are an expert, you may give up your habits of physical

movements and give up your thinking with the logic of freedom to
express your main idea.

It is assumed, in any way, that you are not skilled, or that you are
the opposite, even if you are, a machine that does not work well.
Then you have to use intelligence.

You do not want to randomly discover keys and leave the

consequences as they are; He was trained to write down specific
words in a specific order to get the meaning.

Observation may be the key to the codes, the sequence of your

movements, the tape and the technique of the instrument. Your
feedback may not be distributed.

Because after we take action, we may notice results that we did not
record before however, the work in many schools applies rules that
students may have a role of this kind even after the students carry
out this work.

They did not have a role in examining the connection between the
outcomes as they had a role between the answer and the direct

They may be interested, as far as I know that it depends on the trick

and as a kind of amazement where such a procedure may be
inherently volatile and lead to volatile methods.

Routine work and doing work may be automatic and may increase
the proficiency of performing an action with a specific idea and so far
it can be said that it has an educational impact.

But it did not lead to new perceptions of behaviours and

relationships since the environment changes, our way of behaving
must be modified to achieve success in maintaining a balanced
connection with things.

A standardized, isolated way of behaving may become disastrous at
some critical moments as the vaunted skill becomes a gross

The basic contrast of the idea of education as continuous

reconstruction processes in this matter and that part has been
criticized in advance, as it may distinguish the desired end (goal) and
the course of the educational process.

This is verbally contradictory in itself, but it is based only in an oral


This means that it takes time from the experience is like presenting
an activity, and the previous part may be completed in the previous

This highlights the interconnectedness of the work centres but the

idea that education is actually closed to the past; basically, it looks at
the past, especially the literary derivatives related to the past, taking
into account that it may be sufficiently problematic to the extent that
it is shaped on the religious heritage related to the past.

This idea had great influential factors to a high degree of guidance in

particular, as valuable interrogations in their exaggerated

First of all, it is based on a wrong biological basis.

The fatal development of the human infant may be preserved,

although there may be some interspecies identity in life but keep in
mind that it is a very precise passing of the previous stages If there is
any resumption, (the law) is subtle, evolution clearly has not
occurred as each new generation has simply been repeating its
ancestral way of life.

Evolution may occur in short through shortcuts and changes in the
previous developmental project.

This suggests that the aim of education may facilitate In itself,

through short-term growth, in an indirect way, the greater
advantage of an inexperienced speaker based on educational
teachings may enable us to liberate young people from the need to
live in the out-dated past, so that young people living in and passing
through the past are required to do away with this The matter has
created a social environment for young people through participation,
activities and ways of thinking.

There is a desire to take into consideration what is dear to adults and

to provide for their goals regardless of the abilities of the learners.

There is also a desire to put forward specific goals that neglect the
specific powers and requirements of each individual, and only
control all knowledge and education about what happens to the
individual in a specific place and time.

The greater scope of an adult's awareness is of great value when

observing a young person's strengths and weaknesses and
specifically what they can become.

Thus the artistic abilities of adults show precisely what certain

inclinations of the child can do; if we do not have the achievements
of adults we should be without assurance about the importance of
special activities in the use of colours, design, reasoning and planning
during childhood.

Therefore, without adult language, we should not be able to see the

importance of the child's motives.

It is quite another matter to set it as a fixed goal regardless of the

concrete activities of intellectuals.
The goal must be transferable to a method for cooperating with the
activities of those who deceive for instructions.

It must suggest the type of environment necessary to liberate and

organize their abilities if the same does not allow for it.

But it is good to remind ourselves that education on this basis has no

goals. Only people, parents, teachers, etc., have goals and do not
have an abstract idea similar to education.

Therefore, their purposes are infinitely diverse and vary widely

among children, and this change is like the growth of the child with
the growth of experience on the part of the person who teaches.

Even the most valid goal can be put into expressions, such that
words are more harmful than actions unless someone realizes that
they have no goals. But instead of the suggestions of intellectuals
regarding how to be under surveillance, how to move forward as
well as how to desire freedom and recommendation for the concrete
conditions of activities in which they find themselves.

As Scott's previously said, "instruct the boy to read novels instead of

Sleuth's old stories, by teaching his daughter how to be good at
sewing, and how to eradicate the idea of bullying from John's
personality and to return to studying medical science.

This is an example for millions of people." Of the goals we already

have before us in the concrete action of education.”

Taking these qualifications into account, we must continue in the

process of stating some of the characteristics found in all good
educational objectives.

The educational objective must be based on the activities and
essential needs (including innovative instincts and acquired habits) of
the individual to be educated.

The purpose of this goal may be like preparing, as we have seen, to

remove existing powers and find the goal in some remote
accomplishments or responsibilities.

In general, adequate interaction between experiences - the more the

action becomes considered by the deprived class, accepted without
purpose and explosive by the class in a materially advantaged

Plato defined the slave as a person who accepts from another the
objects that control his behaviour.

This condition applies even if there is no slavery in the legal sense as

it exists wherever a man engages in an activity suitable for social
service, but they do not understand his service and do not care
about it personally.

Much is said about the scientific management of labour, which is a

narrow view that restricts the world that guarantees the scientific
efficiency of muscle movements.

The main opportunity for knowledge is to discover a man's

relationships with his work, including his relationship with others
who participate in the work, which will attract his intelligent interest
in what he does.

Production often requires efficiency in the division of labour but it is

reduced to mechanical routine unless workers see the technical,
intellectual and social relationships involved in what they do.

Engaged in their work because of the motivation afforded by such
realizations, the tendency to reduce the efficiency of scientific
activity and management to purely technical factors is evidence of
the one-sided stimulation of thought which it gives to those who
control industry.

They provide it with its goals because of their lack of a

comprehensive and well-balanced social character, where there is no

Parents and teachers often rightly complain that children “do not
want to hear or understand” and do not think about the subject
precisely because it does not affect them; this is not their concern.

This is one of the matters that must be treated, but treatment

cannot be achieved by using methods that increase indifference and

Rather, punishing the child for not paying attention is one way to
make him realize that the matter is not neglected; one of the ways it
creates “interest” or creates a feeling of connection.

In the long term, its value is measured by whether it provides merely

a physical stimulus to act in the way the adult desires or whether it
prompts the child to “think” – that is, to consider his actions and give
them purpose.

It is clearer than ever that interest is a prerequisite for executive

stability. Employers do not advertise for workers who do not care
about what they do.

If one has hired a lawyer or a doctor, it would never occur to one to

think that the person hired will commit to his or her job.

More conscientiously if it was inappropriate for him to the extent
that he did it out of a sense of obligation and a measure of benefit—
or rather, the depth of the grip that the expected end had on
someone, which motivates one to work toward achieving it. The
importance of the idea of paying attention to it

The end is laden with the corruption of the past as the mind that is
sufficiently sensitive to the needs and occasions of present reality
will have the most vital impulses of the class in the background of
the present and will never have to look for a way back because it will
never lose touch.

Education in itself is reconstruction. In contrast to the ideas of both

the emergence of latent forces from within, and the formation of
forces from without, whether through material aspects or through
cultural activities in the past the concept of growth leads to the
belief that education is a continuous reorganization or reconstruction
of experiences.

The activity has an urgent end all the time, and as much as the
activity is educational, it reaches a direct transformation of the
quality of experience.

Childhood, youth, and adult life all stand on the same educational
level in the sense that what is truly taught at any and every stage of
experience constitutes the value of that experience, and in the sense
that the main work in life at every point is to earn a living and thus
contributes to the enrichment of sensory meaning by her own.

Hence, we arrive at a technical definition of education: the
reconstruction or reorganization of experience that adds to the
meaning of the experience, and which increases the ability to direct
the course of subsequent experience.

Adding meaning depends on the increased awareness of what has

been said so far is borrowed from Plato's treatment of the world
consciously But the circumstances that he could not control
intellectually led him to restrict these ideas in their application.

He had no conception of the indefinite multiplicity of activities that

might characterize an individual or social group, and thus restricted
his view to a limited number of classes of abilities and social

The starting point with plato is that the organization of society

ultimately depends on knowing the end of existence.

If we knew its end we would be at the mercy of chance and caprice;

unless we knew the best end, we would have no criterion for
rationally deciding neither what possibilities should be promoted nor
how social arrangements should be ordered.

We would have no idea of the correct limits and distribution of

activities, what he called justice as a feature of both individual and
social organization.

But how can knowledge of ultimate and lasting good are achieved?
In our treatment of this issue, we face an obstacle that seems
insurmountable, which is that knowledge can only be achieved
within a just and harmonious social system.

Everything else, the mind is distracted and shaded by wrong

assessments and viewpoints.

An anarchic, sectarian society sets a number of different models and
standards under these conditions it is impossible for an individual to
achieve consistency.

The importance of what has been taught lies in its provision for
further education, and reflects the educator's view of life, an
eloquent philosophy regarding the teacher's duty to teach the

He is almost silent regarding excellence in education. Emphasizing

the influence of the intellectual environment on the mind, it glosses
over the fact that the environment involves personal participation in
common experiences.

It unquestionably exaggerates the possibilities of consciously

formulated and used style, and underestimates the role of
unconscious vital attitudes.

It insists on the ancient past, and simply goes beyond the

unpredictable action of the original novel.

In short, it takes everything educational into account with the

fundamental exception of the pursuit of vital energy and the
opportunity to exercise effectively.

All forms of education have a mental and moral character, but

formation consists of examining and coordinating the activities of the
indigenous people in which the subject of the social environment can
be benefited.

Moreover, formation is not merely the shaping of the activities of

the indigenous people, but occurs through them. It is a process of
reconstruction and reorganization.

Education as its essence and recovery, a distinctive combination of
ideas of external development and formation led to the theory of the
synthesis of biological and cultural education.

There is a difference in giving dynamic values to the natural

variations of growth and their use, that preferring irregularity to the
approximation gained by pruning will carefully follow what is
happening in the body and thus prove more effective.

Natural trends are difficult to observe under restrictive conditions.

They manifest themselves clearly in the spontaneous words and

actions of children, that is, in those in which they participate when
they do not set limited tasks and when they do not realize that they
are being observed.

This does not mean that all trends are desirable because they are
natural; but it follows that it works; it must be taken into account
due to its presence there.

We must ensure that the desired ones have an environment that

keeps them active, and that their activity will control the direction
taken by others, and thus encourage not using the latter because
they lead to nothing.

Many of the tendencies that bother parents when they appear are
likely to be temporary, and sometimes excessive direct attention to
them only rehabilitates the child's interest in them.

In any case, it is very easy for adults to take their own customs and
desires as standards, and to consider all superstitions and whims of
children as evils that should be eliminated.

These assumptions, against which the concept of following nature is
a need, are largely the result of attempts to directly force children to
conform to the mould of adult standards.

Instead of morale and purpose of activity, culture is at odds with


Whether you put culture or all development under the name of self-
identity, the result may correspond to the true meaning of social
competence whenever care is given to what is exceptional about the
individual—and he would not be an individual if there were nothing
inappropriate with him.

The opposite may be moderate in matters, or consistent in opinion.

The more a distinctive quality is developed, the more character
outcomes are distinguished, and with it the greater agreement with
social service beyond the supply in quantity of material goods.

How can there be a society truly worthy of service unless it is

composed of individuals who possess important personal qualities?

The truth is that the opposition of the high-status personality to

social competence is the product of a society organized feudally with
its strict division into lower and higher status.

These people are supposed to have the time and opportunity to

develop themselves as human beings; they may have previously
been limited to providing external products.

When social efficiency as measured by product or output is

advocated as an ideal in a democratic society, it means that the
consumerist determination of the masses is characterized if an
aristocratic society is accepted and deported but if democracy has a
moral and ideal meaning, it demands from society a social return.

They lived in a silent, unsocial environment where men refused to
talk to each other and used only the barest minimum of gestures
without which they could not exist.

Expressive language would be as unrealized by him as if he had no

individuals to express his opinion. If the opinions he or she makes
occur in an environment of people who speak Chinese, activities that
make similar sounds will be selected and coordinated.

This clarification can be applied to the full range of any individual's

teach ability.

It places the heritage of the past in full relation to the demands and
opportunities of the present.

The theory confirms that the subject of appropriate education is

present in the products of culture in past eras (either in general, or
more specifically in the science of special etiquette, which is
supposed to stop with the gradual development of teachers) and
may provide another example of this in differentiating between the
course of the growth process and the outcomes that have been

To keep the process of activities going, and to keep them alive in

ways that facilitate their survival in the future, it is the function of
the subject of educational research.

But the individual can only live in the present, not just something
that comes after the past; something I produced.

Life may be about leaving the past behind. Studying past products
will not help us understand the present, because the present is

It must be imposed by some external authority to exchange
information, leaving nothing that cannot be done from the past but
taking care in the automatic choice of means.

We talked as if goals could be completely formed before trying to

achieve them. This idea must now be defined.

As the goal first appeared, it may only be a temporary sketch.

Al-Himma's work realizes that this may examine its importance.

If it is enough to direct the activity successfully, nothing more is

required, since its entire function is to set a goal for progress;
sometimes just a reference may do the trick.

But usually, at least in the complex situations you work on, it may
shed light on circumstances that have been overlooked.

This requires changing the appropriate time and must be continued

until the correct decision and what comes from it.

So the goal must be adaptable; it must be able to change to meet


The apparently determined purpose of the activity process may

always be stable.

If it is introduced or rejected from the outside, it is not supposed to

have a working relationship with the concrete circumstances of the

What happened in the course of action is neither confirmed nor

denied, nor even changed from one form to another.

Such a goal cannot be insisted on. Failure may result from a lack of
adaptation that has only to do with insisting on the situation; not for
the fact that the goal may not be logical under the circumstances.
On the contrary, the value of the legitimate goal may lie, but so far it
is unprecedented.

Thus, the outcome reveals, with hindsight, the previous meaning, as

experience as a whole proves the help or inclination toward things
that possess this means.

Every such on-going experience or activity is educational, and all

education lies in obtaining such experiences.

I only remained to draw attention to (what will receive greater

attention later) that the reconstruction of society may be social in
addition to being subjective.

For purposes of clarification, we spoke in the previous sections

somewhat as if educating immature people by filling them with the
spirit of the social group to which they belong, It was a way to attach
the child to the preparations and means of the adult class.

In settled societies, societies that make the maintenance of

established custom a measure of value, this concept apply primarily
but not in developed societies.

They may seek to shape the experiences of young people and so on

rather than reproduce the ways prevailing, and better distinct paths
must be formed, so that the society of young adults of the future will
be advanced on its own.

Men have always had some inkling of the extent to which education
can be consciously used to eliminate apparent social disasters by
starting young men on paths that do not cause these disturbances
Ideas about the extent to which education can be made a tool for


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