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Learning Objective:

LISTENING COMPREHENSION To reinforce listening skills in students in order to identify specific and
general information in an audio.

Grade: 4to medio A/B Teacher : Jessica Carminatti Date:18 –03 -2024


AUDIO N°1: ‘A healthy lifestyle’ (intermediate) USA.

I.-Multiple choice: answer the following questions about the audio.

1.- The man wants to ______. 2.- The woman is worried that ______.

a) join a soccer club a) her husband is becoming a fitness freak

b) run a mountain marathon b) the man works too much
c) try out for the company basketball team c) her husband's health isn't good
3.- First, the woman suggests that her husband 4.- Her husband should ____.
a) eat more protein
a) visit with a fitness trainer
b) consume less salt
b) see a doctor
c) eat less fatty foods
c) start with light workouts
5.- Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?

a) It helps strengthen the heart.

b) It helps develop mental toughness.
c) It is good for improving muscle tone.

II.-Gap fill: listen to the audio and complete the conversation with missing words.

Man: Honey, the basketball game is about to______________________. And could you bring some chips and a
bowl of ice cream? And . . . uh . . . a slice of__________________________from the fridge.

Woman: Anything else?

Man: Nope, that's all for now. Hey, hon, you know, they're organizing a company basketball team, and I'm
thinking about joining. What do you think?

Woman: Humph

Man: "Humph" What do you mean "Humph." I was the________________________ player in high school.

Woman: Yeah, twenty-five years ago. Look, I just don't want you having a___________________ attack running
up and down the court.

Man: So, what are you suggesting? Should I just abandon the idea? I'm not that__________________ of shape.

Woman: Well . . . you ought to at least have a physical before you begin. I mean, it HAS been at
least_______________ years since you played at all.

Man: Well, okay, but . . .

Woman: And you need to watch your__________________ and cut back on the fatty foods, like ice cream. And
you should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Man: Yeah, you're probably right.

Woman: And you___________________ take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles or perhaps
try cycling to build up your cardiovascular system. Oh, and you need to go to__________________ early
instead of watching TV half the night.

Man: Hey, you're starting to sound like my personal________________ instructor!

Woman: No, I just love you, and I want you to be around for a long, long time

AUDIO N°2:’A team meeting about diversity’ (intermediate) UK.

I.-Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8).

1. …… a charter

2. …… to promote

3. …… isolation

4. …… diversity

5. …… to pay attention to

6. …… equality

7. …… a venue

8. …… inclusion

II.- Are the sentences true or false?

1. The team has grown and become more diverse in the past year.

2. Everyone in the team respects and values everyone else.

3. They’re going to create a workplace charter to encourage diversity,

equality and inclusion.

4. They’re going to involve the whole team when creating the charter.

5. They have already run some successful workshops this year.

6. Nina has already shared some positive research.

III.-Multiple choice: circle the correct answer according to the audio.

1. Stefano is going to … 2. Brenda is going to …

a. talk to colleagues who feel isolated. a. talk to people about their different opinions.
b. look for a trainer who specialises in running b. look for a trainer who specialises in running
diversity workshops. diversity workshops.
c. look for an unusual venue for the workshop and c. look for an unusual venue to run the workshop
team-building event. and team-building event.
3. Nina is going to …

a. write the workplace charter before the workshop.

b. also look for an unusual venue for the event.
c. research other organisations and their diversity.
Audio n°3 : ‘Suicide prevention’ (difficult) USA
I.-Multiple choice: listen the conversation and choose the correct answer.

1.- Daniel has been depressed for ____ months. 2.- One of the signs of Daniel's depression is that he
a) four
a) spends a lot of time on Facebook
b) five
b) plays video games by himself
c) six
c) doesn't get out of bed

3.- What problem happened at school? 4.- Daniel's girlfriend ____.

a) Other kids bullied and picked on him. a) moved away to a new city
b) He lost his backpack with all his books. b) broke up with him for some reason
c) Daniel failed several of his classes. c) was very sick in the hospital

5.- Another sign that Daniel is suicidal is that he 6.- The man and woman noticed ______ on Daniel's
____. arms.

a) wrote some disturbing messages on Facebook a) scary words

b) started drinking alcohol and taking drugs b) cuts
c) is giving away all his things to his friends c) tattoos

7.-The woman suggests ______ to help Daniel.

a) taking Daniel to the emergency room

b) trying to talk and listen to his feelings
c) reading books on suicide prevention

II.-Discussion: answer the following questions.

1.-What are some of the reasons why people consider taking their own lives?




2.-What are some warning signs of suicide?




3.-What are three things friends and family can do to help someone who might are thinking about suicide?



AUDIO N°4: ‘Teen going veggies’ (difficult) UK.

I.-PREPARATION: Circle the correct option to complete the sentence.

1. Your diet is … 2. To ‘go on a diet’ is …

a. what you eat. a. to combine healthy eating with exercise.

b. what you eat when you want to be healthy. b. to stop eating meat.
c. how often you eat. c. to try to lose weight by eating less food or certain
types of food

3. A vegetarian is someone who … 4. A vegan is someone who …

a. doesn’t eat meat. a. doesn’t eat meat.

b. doesn’t eat meat or fish. b. doesn’t eat meat or fish.
c. doesn’t eat any animal products, including eggs c. doesn’t eat any animal products, including eggs
and milk. and milk

5. If a diet is nutritious, it contains … 6. Protein is a substance in food which is needed by

the body for many biological processes. It can
a. more protein than carbohydrate. be found in high levels in …
b. all the elements that the body needs.
c. lots of vitamins a. meat, eggs, cheese, fish and nuts.
b. apples, oranges, lemons and mangoes.
c. olive oil, vegetable oil, butter and margarine.

II.-Check your understanding: matching. Match the sentences to the speakers and write a–h next to the
numbers 1–8.

1…….. Speaker 1 a. Is vegetarian because they were influenced by a famous person.

2…….. Speaker 2 b. Became vegetarian because of their family.

3…….. Speaker 3 c. Is vegetarian for health reasons.

4…….. Speaker 4 d. Is vegetarian because they dislike meat.

5…….. Speaker 5 e. Is vegan because they follow social media trends.

6…….. Not said f. Is vegan for ethical reasons.

7…….. Not said g. Is vegan for health reasons.

8…….. Not said h. Is vegan because they love vegetables.

III.-Check your understanding: multiple choice. Circle the best answer to these questions.

1. Speaker 1 says she has noticed an improvement 2. Speaker 1 doesn’t cook because …
in …
a. she needs to study instead.
a. her energy levels. b. her family eat a lot of takeaways.
b. her physical appearance. c. her mum enjoys doing it.
c. her school marks.
3. Speaker 2 says there are … 4. Some of speaker 2’s schoolmates …

a. 5,000 vegans in the UK. a. are unsupportive.

b. 500,000 vegans in the UK. b. are also vegans.
c. 1,000,000 vegans in the UK. c. have changed their opinion on veganism.

5. Speaker 3 … 6. Speaker 3 makes …

a. is not strict about eating meat. a. no effort to eat healthily.

b. likes fruit but not vegetables. b. some effort to eat healthily.
c. doesn’t eat enough nutritious food. c. a lot of effort to eat healthily.

7. Speaker 4 found it most difficult to be a young 8. Since leaving home, speaker 4 …

vegetarian …
a. eats a less varied diet.
a. at home. b. is not so strict about being vegetarian.
b. at social events. c. finds it easier to be vegetarian.
c. when people at school found out.

9. Speaker 5 disagrees with … 10. For speaker 5, the downside of vegan food is …

a. eating any living thing. a. the time spent on preparation.

b. the treatment of animals by the food industry. b. the lack of variety.
c. cruelty to intelligent creatures like cows. c. the texture


1.-Are you vegan or vegetarian?




2.-What do you like or dislike about your diet?




3.-Which of the speaker’s points do you agree with?




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