SOP-TRIC Procedure

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TRIC (Toolbox Risk Identification Card) HSEQ-D

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TRIC (Toolbox Risk Identification Card) HSEQ-D
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1.0 Purpose:
This procedure describes the purpose and function of TRIC (Toolbox Risk Identification Card) in line with
Dupont action plan & NEPRA power safety code.

2.0 Scope:

This procedure applies to all activities/jobs being undertaken in BU-Distribution

2.0 Abbreviations:
- AE: Assistant Engineer
- AM: Assistant Manager
- DM: Deputy Manager
- DGM: Deputy General Manager
- HOD: Head of Department
- GM: General Manager
- CM: Corrective Maintenance
- TRIC: Toolbox Talk Risk Identification Card
- IBC: Integrated Business Center
- HSE: Health, Safety & Environment
- AOC: Area Operation Center
- MSA: Management Safety Audit

4.0 Responsibilities:
4.1 HOD/Cluster Head:

 Shall ensure compliance of TRIC procedure.

4.2 GM/DGM CM/GM/DGM IBC/GM/DGM Allied Departments:

 Shall ensure compliance of this SOP

 Shall randomly check TRIC to ascertain appropriate filling

4.3 Manager/DM/AM CM/IBC/Allied Departments:

 Shall ensure and verify record of TRIC is properly maintained

 Shall ensure appropriate format of TRIC is used by respective teams
 Shall ensure TRIC are appropriately filled
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4.3 Cluster/IBC/Allied Dept. Safety Coordinator:

 Shall impart trainings to create better understanding of TRIC amongst field staff
 Shall check and verify the record of TRIC is properly maintained at AOC/IBC and all dispatch
 Shall conduct MSA to ascertain appropriate filling of TRIC in the field.

4.4 HSEQ-D Team:

 Shall impart trainings to create better understanding of TRIC and its appropriate filling
amongst field staff through HSE trainings
 Shall conduct MSA to ascertain proper record keeping of TRIC at AOC/IBC and all dispatch
 Shall conduct MSA to ascertain appropriate filling of TRIC in the field

4.5 AE/Site Supervisor/ Team in-charge:

 Shall fill TRIC completely before start of every job

 Shall communicate to the team the work scope of assigned task.
 Shall identify and communicate to the team about the hazards and their controls to manage
the risk.
 Shall submit the record of TRIC at the center after end of shift/duty.

5.0 Procedure:
Previously on-site TBT was being conducted verbally by field staff. In order to streamline the
process and make it more efficient, TRIC is introduced whose main purpose is to document
on site TBT and serve as a reminder to the field staff to assess the hazards and identify their
controls before start of job.
 TRIC (Toolbox Risk Identification Card) is to be carried out and recorded at site before start of
every job. The purpose is to document the onsite TBT.
 There are two types of TRIC, one is for multiple jobs (05 jobs) whereas the other is for single job.
 TRIC has 06 sections which serves as a memory aid for the filler so that each aspect is covered
during the team’s discussion. All sections of the TRIC are to be filled completely in sequence.
 AE/Site Supervisor/Team in-charge to discuss the entire TRIC step by step with the team and not
just fill it for the purpose of record keeping. The purpose is to communicate to the team the
hazards involved while performing a task and how to manage these risks.
 TRIC shall discuss in detail the hazards, risks, and control measures associated with tasks /
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5.1 Steps for filling TRIC:

5.1.1 Step#1:(General Information)
 In this section, date, department, location (e.g.
PECHS block 2) and details of task (e.g. HT main
jumper repair) is to be written.
 Relevant PTW# as applicable needs to be written
 Site Supervisor must sign for each task

5.1.2 Step#2: (Name of Team Members)

 Names of all team members is to be written once.
 Site Supervisor must tick against the names of
team members for each job
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5.1.3 Step#3: (Identification of Hazards & Controls)

 Possible hazards and their
controls are mentioned in this
 Site Supervisor must brief
these hazards and controls to
the team members and
accordingly must fill the
 Other than mentioned
hazards, there might be some
site-specific hazards which the
supervisor must discuss with
his team and mention it in the
provided space of “Other
 Public Safety Hazards are
explicitly mentioned. Pole
grounding at the work
location is to be visually
checked. If it is missing, then
pole ID is to be written in the
TRIC and report it to
concerned line manager.
 Similarly, HT double earth &
guard wire are to be checked
and if found missing must be
reported to concerned line
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5.1.4 Step#4: (PPE/SPE, Line Isolation & Tools)

 In section 4A, availability and condition of

PPE/SPE must be checked and recorded in

 In section 4B, all relevant operations,

isolations and coordination with AOC must
be addressed.

 In section 4C, availability and condition of

tools must be checked and recorded in
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5.1.5 Step#5: (Team talk)

In section site supervisor must talk to his team and

 What harm can occur during the work?

 Emergency rescue procedure
 Briefing about hazards and controls
 Roles and responsibilities of team
 In case of any missing control regarding
an identified hazard, the work must be
stopped and concerned line manager must be reported.

5.1.6 Step#6: (Sign off)

 In this section site supervisor must write
his name, employee number and sign off.
Subsequent to which work shall

6.0 Documentation and Record keeping:

 At the end of shift, TRIC must be submitted at the AOC/IBC/dispatch location of allied dept.
 Record of TRIC to be maintained and made available at all time at the AOC/IBC/dispatch
location of allied depts.
 Record to be shown to HSE teams/line management during their visit to AOC/IBC/dispatch
locations of allied depts.
 06 months record of TRIC is to be retained at AOC/IBC/dispatch locations of allied depts.

7.0 Forms / Documents:

Annexure A – TRIC for multiple jobs

Annexure B – TRIC for single job

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7.1 Annexure A – TRIC for multiple jobs

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7.2 Annexure B – TRIC for single job

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