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Choose the correct spellings

1. Mr Patrick is our new (principle/principal).

2. The company (excepted/accepted) all the terms.
3. Please don’t keep your dog on the (lose/loose).
4. The (later/latter) is my best friend.
5. I need some (stationary/stationery) products for my craftwork.
6. The actor (excepted/accepted) the Oscar.
7. I will call you (later/latter) in the evening.
8. Covid (affects/effects) the lungs.
9. The (council/counsel) of the ministers were sworn in yesterday.
10. Robert (too/to) wants to accompany us to the park.
11. Mia will (council/counsel) me about choosing fashion as my career.
12. The (bear/bare) at the zoo was very playful.
13. The sheep have a lot of (fur/far) that keeps them warm.
14. The hot spring is at the (furthest/ farthest) corner of the street.
15. Can you (advice/advise) me on how to study for exams?
16. The team will (loose/lose) the match if they don’t play well.
17. Can you go (to/too) the market for me?
18. The teachers asked the students to keep (quite/quiet).
19. The (heap/hip) of garbage should be cleaned immediately.
20. This is (there/their) house.
21. Rose is a beautiful ___. ( our/ ower)
22. All ____ Nandini came to the program. (except/accept)
23. The ____ is very gloomy today. (weather/whether)
24. You have to ___ a bit longer. (bear/bare)
25. That was an _____ answer. (excellent/excelent)
26. ___ you present there? (where/were)
27. The dress is ____ in color. (beige/biege)
28. The police got ___ from the crime scene. (prove/proof)
29. The teacher ____ the parents that she will look into their child’s performance. (ensured/assured)
30. Sahara is the largest ____ in the world. (dessert/desert)
31. This cloth is very ____. (rough/rhough)
32. The patient was _____ after the surgery. (conscious/ conscience)
33. A bee’s ___ is very painful. (sting/stinge)
34. The movie is just _____. (beginning/ beggining)
35. The baby was ___ with his mother. (talking/taking)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions

1. This shop doesn’t have the books we were looking __. (up/for)
2. The governess distributed chocolates ____ the two brothers. (between/among)
3. Simone did not score good grades__ his nal semester. (in/at)
4. Dogs are always loyal __ their master. (to/for)
5. My birthday is __ 20th January. (on/in)
6. The girl working __ the departmental store is pretty. (at/on)
7. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was born __ 23rd January. (at/on)
8. My little boy is not fond __ milk. (off/of)
9. The cat jumped ___ the table to the sofa. (from/above)
10. Humpty Dumpty sat __ a wall. (on/at)
11. The IAS of cer was posted __ the rural of ce (at/on)
12. The Sun will not rise __ 8 o’clock today. (before/since)
13. Mary has known Penelope ____ she was a baby girl. (for/since)
14. Priya’s house is ___ Rahul’s. (next to/after)
15. The people sitting ____ us ordered a pineapple pizza. (opposite/behind)
16. Is the new teacher aware ___ her duties? (of/to)
17. Kalpana Chawla went ___ space. (to/in)
18. I was stunned ___ her graceful performance. (with/at)
19. There’s a crack ____ the walls of the room. (between/among)
20. I will wait ______ the bus stop. (in/at)
21. Jenny was being impolite ___ everyone at the party. (to / with / at)
22. Mrs Robinson searched the entire house ____ her favourite necklace. (for / of / to)
23. Suzan apologised ___ her parents for her rude behaviour. (to / at)
24. Always be polite and gentle ___ everyone. (to / with / at)
25. Raj’s dad met with an accident yesterday. I truly felt sorry ___ him. (for / about)
26. I am so sorry ___ disturbing you at such an odd hour. (for / about)
27. Did you know Mr. Timon has been suffering ___ tuberculosis for two years? (with / from / of)
28. “What is the matter ___ you?” asked the teacher to Ravi. (at / with / of)
29. The dog ran ____ the street while the car was coming from the opposite direction. (across / into / at)
30. Do you know ____ what time you have to arrive there?(with / to / at)
31. The kitten fell ___ the pool. (into/under)
32. The peon will come ___ the afternoon. (by/in)

Use ‘A Few’ or ‘A Little’

1. Sam had ___ friends growing up.
2. Can you please give me ___ water?
3. There are ___ people who speak the truth.
4. Can you give me ___ owers from your garden?
5. Sally has ___ money left in her account.
6. ___ people came to the rally.
7. The gravy needs _____ more salt.
8. Yusuf has ____ time left for his exams.
9. ____ drops of rain can’t ruin our plans.
10. Raj spent ___ extra dollars on the new PS5.
11. There is ____ pudding left in the fridge.
12. Can you give me ___ chocolates?
13. ___ students participated in the debate competition.
14. Can you wait ___ minutes till I arrive?
15. Please take ___ rest before you go back to work.

Exercise 2: Use ‘Little’ and ‘Few’

Fill in the blanks with ‘little’ and ‘few’.

1. There’s ___ chance that the team will win.

2. There were ____ students in the seminar.
3. I have ___ knowledge about computers.
4. __ people know about the history of India.
5. Tia had ___ food the entire day.
6. I have seen ___ people on the road during this time.
7. ___ is known about this famous artist.
8. I have left ___ things behind.
9. She uses ___ sugar these days.
10. There are ___ chocolates left.

Use ‘on’, ‘in’ or ‘at’

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions of time.

1. The parent-teacher meeting is ___ 10 A.M.

2. I do not have any classes ___ Sunday.
3. This year it started to snow ___ November.
4. Yasmin’s birthday is ___ 31st December.
5. The stars twinkle brightly ___ night.
6. I’ll meet you ___ Thursday.
7. The principal is not present __ the moment.
8. My mother will come back ___ minutes.
9. Dimple will visit her grandmother ___ March.
10. ___ 1857 the Sepoy Mutiny took place.
11. Yash’s uncle passed away ___ Monday.
12. __ the winter, we prefer staying indoors.
13. ___ Sunday, they’ll talk about the Pyramids on the National Geographic channel.
14. My uncle will arrive ___ the dinner time.
15. Tina had learnt to speak French ___ 6 weeks.

Underline the preposition of time

Read the sentences and identify the preposition of time.

1. My grandparents got married on 31st December 1957.

2. I will meet you at 6 o’clock on Sunday.
3. On a Christmas evening, we met in Amsterdam.
4. The train will leave at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning.
5. My vacation ends on Tuesday.
6. On 25th January, at 6:30 p.m., my niece was born.
7. Migratory birds y to warmer places in the winter.
8. On my birthday, my mom bakes my favourite cookies.
9. “At 12 o’clock, the magic will start to fade,” said the fairy godmother.
10. In the summer you should keep water bowls for birds.

Use ‘Has’ or ‘Have’

Fill in the blanks with ‘has’ or ‘have’.

1. Rima ___ a function to attend.

2. Draco ___ a dog named Max.
3. The girl ___ curly brown hair.
4. The child ___ a beautiful bicycle.
5. Rita ___ your bag.
6. Do you ___ Sam’s contact number?
7. I ___ a little box of jewellery.
8. They __ a little house by the beach.
9. The house ___ no extra rooms.
10. The children ___ their own dresses.
11. Rio and Ira ___ watched Avengers Endgame.
12. The boys ___ a big basketball.
13. I ___ a brother and sister.
14. Tina ___ a superhero toy.
15. The girls ___ arranged this party.
16. The dog ___ been serving the police for years.
17. The tree ___ grown very big.
18. They ___ gone to the amusement park.
19. He ___ not slept the whole night.
20. I ___ completed my homework.

Use ‘Has’ and ‘Had’

Fill in the blanks with either ‘has’ or ‘had’.

1. The boys ___ a ght yesterday.

2. The baby ___ a blanket.
3. The dog __ an injury, but now he’s ne.
4. I ___ rabbits when I was young.
5. Tia ___ an ear infection.
6. India ___ many states.
7. My uncle ___ a white coat which he used to wear.
8. The tiger ___ sharp claws.
9. The girl __ broken her leg a few months ago.
10. Natasha ___ a sweet smile.
11. The children ___ a lot of fun last night.
12. His grandparents ___ passed away a long time ago.
13. William Shakespeare ___ written many plays before his death.
14. ___ the baby fallen asleep?
15. The girl ___ a purple dress that she wears every Monday..

Identify the collective nouns

Read the following sentences and underline the collective nouns.

1. The captain guided the team to play better.

2. The ock of sheep was grazing in the elds.
3. My father brought a bouquet of lilies for my mother.
4. A pack of wolves howled at night.
5. A swarm of bees ew into the garden.
6. The hunter carries a quiver of arrows.
7. Our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens.
8. The army marched forward on the battle eld.
9. Can you pass me the bunch of keys?
10. The French destroyed the Armenian eet.
11. Do you know about the cast of this movie?
12. The crew struggled to lead the ship past the stormy waves.
13. The board decided to appoint Riya as the Manager.
14. Please clean the pile of garbage.
15. The entire medical staff got infected by the Coronavirus.
16. The Beatles is a famous band.
17. The troupe performed the Macbeth drama.
18. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands comprise a group of 573 islands.
19. The jury passed a unanimous decision.
20. A cloud of dust swirled up during the storm.

Guess the collective noun

1. A number of people listening to a lecture/concert
2. A group of people who sing in the church or public platforms
3. A number of judges who are engaged in a case
4. A collection of tools
5. A collection of poems
6. A collection of different types of books
7. A number of grapes or nuts on a bunch
8. A collection of ducks, chickens or fowls
9. A number of directors of any institution
10. A number of lions
11. A number of stars in the sky
12. A group of bacteria
13. A group of penguins
14. A group of sh
15. A number of cards

Fill in the blanks

Read the following sentences and select the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

1. Rita ___ a mile every day. (run/runs)

2. The dogs ___ all night. (barks/bark)
3. The cat ___ the snake. (catch/caught)
4. We ___ in the park in the evenings. (play/plays)
5. Mia __ school yesterday. (went/go)
6. Sheela ___ to be a Police Of cer when she grows up. (want/wants)
7. Mahesh ___ back to his mother. (ran/run)
8. Amy ___ very fast. (walk/walks)
9. You can ___ with us. (come/came)
10. They ___ to a picnic together. (went/go)
11. Have you ___ the baby? (see/seen)
12. Hannah Montana ___ so well. (sing/sung)
13. The bird ___ away from the cage. ( ew/ own)
14. I __ a letter for my friend. (write/wrote)
15. The friends ___ back from the trip. (drove/drive)
16. Did you ___ anything? (do/done)
17. They ___ till late evening. (plays/played)
18. Can you __ well? (swim/swam)
19. Cheetahs ___ very fast. (run/ran)
20. My brother and I ___ every day. (talk/talks)

Use helping verbs

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of helping verbs (is/am/are).

1. Penny __ my sister.
2. I __ very interested in the new project.
3. We ___ best friends.
4. Vinit __ my friend since class 2.
5. __ you happy here?
6. __ this your book?
7. I ___ going to meet my granny today.
8. ___ you aware of this poem written by William Shakespeare?
9. India ___ a secular country.
10. The children ___ studying for their exams.
11. The boy __ very mischievous.
12. I ___ feeling very sleepy.
13. The dog __ barking at the stranger.
14. The cats ___ ghting for food.
15. ___ you sure what you said is true?

Use Has/Have/Had
Read the following sentences and use has/have/had appropriately.

1. Bernie ___ a meeting yesterday.

2. Do you want to ___ an ice cream?
3. The lion ___ a big mane.
4. My parents __ gone to a party a few days back.
5. ___ you seen Reema?
6. __ he not moved to a new city he wouldn’t be sick.
7. All the members of the committee ___ arrived now.
8. __ you seen my new scooter?
9. Raj __ to go back home.
10. My sister ___ her nal exam tomorrow.
11. I ___ a Husky.
12. They do not __ a bicycle.
13. We ___ not visited the new park yet.
14. Lady Macbeth __ a lust for power.
15. Rita ___ a seminar before.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns
Read the following sentences and use the appropriate pronouns.

1. Murat is a good boy. __ always listens to__ teacher.

2. Amit and Sumit are twin brothers. ___ take the same bag to school.
3. Milly and I are very good friends. ___ have known each other since childhood.
4. The mangoes are very sour. Where did you buy ___?
5. I love watching Tom and Jerry. __ reminds me of my childhood days.
6. I bought this book for my sister. __ often read it together.
7. This is Steve. Do you know __?
8. There are many windows here. But all of ___ are jammed.
9. The army has reached __ destination.
10. My aunt and uncle live in Delhi. ___ often visit ___.
11. While playing basketball, I hurt ____.
12. The children locked ___ up in the cupboard while playing hide and seek.
13. I bought __ owers for my anniversary.
14. All the boys participated in the race and ___ one of them got a prize.
15. ___ of the witnesses were present in the court.
16. I met Peter ___ just returned from Belgium.
17. Raju set for ___, a target which was dif cult to achieve.
18. The criminals ___ admitted their crime.
19. This is the girl __ identi ed the burglar.
20. The book is Anne’s. It is __ favourite book.

Use the correct form of pronouns

Choose the correct pronoun and use it in the sentence.

1. (Me/I) feel like taking a short trip to the Maldives

2. (I/me) think you should participate in the debate.
3. Wuthering Heights is (her/hers) favourite book.
4. Those papers are (mine/my).
5. The box was lying around. Is (it/its) yours?
6. The dog almost choked (himself/itself).
7. Natasha was all by (yourselves/herself)
8. I got (me/myself) all wet.
9. (That/this) book lying here is mine.
10. (Each/neither) of us were given a gift hamper.
11. Do you want (that/it) pen?
12. I lost the toy you gave (me/myself)
13. This house is (ours/our).
14. It was (their/theirs) car.
15. Do you know (his/him)?
Identify the Adjectives
Read the given sentences below and circle the adjectives.

1. The homeless beggar hasn’t eaten in days.

2. The fox is a sly animal.
3. Mary had a little lamb.
4. The sel sh giant didn’t allow the children to enter his garden.
5. The foolish dog barked at its re ection and lost its food.
6. The family didn’t have enough food for the winter.
7. The girl is a state-level boxer.
8. The brave army marched through the streets.
9. I had no idea such a fantastic place existed.
10. Some oranges are pretty sour.
11. The ship sustained heavy damage.
12. I have called Sam several times.
13. The teacher called your name twice.
14. Naomi won the second prize.
15. I haven’t seen Mr Thomas for several days.
16. The soldier died a glorious death.
17. I had an eventful day.
18. King Solomon was a wise king.
19. Penny saw the accident with her own eyes.
20. What colour shirt do you like?
21. Sharon will clean her messy room today.
22. My sister brought some French pastries.
23. The miser lost all his money.
24. There haven’t been suf cient crops to sell this year.
25. Collecting coins is an interesting hobby.
26. The boy did not have any soup.
27. There’s no milk left in the bowl.
28. Either boy was present there.
29. This bag is heavier than the suitcase.
30. The white pomeranian is very uffy.
31. The food was delicious.
32. Whose pencil box is this?
33. These apples are pretty sweet.
34. Shiv came second in the marathon.
35. I saw it with my own eyes.
36. What a splendid piece of art!
37. Emily Bronte was a Victorian novelist.
38. The Atlantic Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.
39. Most children are playing.
40. I did not nd those books.
Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form of the verbs given in
1. The Principal ____ to speak to Raj. (want)
2. The Earth ____ around the Sun. (revolve)
3. The baby ___ all day. (cry)
4. The ight ____ at 8 o’clock in the morning. (leave)
5. What ____ so good? (smell)
6. Hema ___ badminton every evening. (play)
7. Tony ___ to guitar lessons every Sunday. (go)
8. If it ___ today, we will get stuck. (rain)
9. The nurse ____ of my grandfather. (take care)
10. There ___ the topper of our school. (come)
11. I ___ up at 7:00 a.m. every day. (get)
12. Amy rarely ___ her room. (leave)
13. Cows ___ us milk. (give)
14. My granny ___ delicious lasagne. (cook)
15. The birds ___ all day long. (chirp)
16. The boys ___ hard to get good grades. (study)
17. The teacher ____ the parents today. (meet)
18. The movie ____ within a few minutes. (start)
19. The uffy clouds ___ around. (move)
20. The dogs ___ at night. (bark)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles

Use ‘an’, ‘a’ or ‘the’ appropriately in the sentences given below.

1. Sheldon is ___ honest man.

2. King Arthur was ___ just king.
3. ____ lion let go of ___ mouse.
4. I have xed ___ appointment with ___ doctor.
5. Will you take ___ picture of us?
6. I broke ___ vase my brother brought.
7. My mother has ___ polka-dotted umbrella.
8. The team organised __ friendly match with ___ Presidents of both ___ countries.
9. We had __ mulberry tree in the garden.
10. ___ Eiffel Tower lights up at night.
11. ___ huge building turned to dust due to __ earthquake.
12. ___ famous band Beatles is coming to Texas tomorrow.
13. Charles Babbage is considered as ___ father of computers.
14. __ famous poem ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ is written by __ Romantic poet John Keats.
15. __ Paci c Ocean is one of __ ve oceans of __ world.
16. __ painter drew __ life-sized portrait of Mrs Mary Poppins.
17. My son is ___ apple of my eye.
18. ___ history professor who taught us is retiring today.
19. ___ oranges I brought were very sour.
20. Sharon will take __ train from __ next stop.

Complete the sentences with the right determiners.

Complete the sentences given below with the suitable determiners given in brackets.

1. Meg used ___ sketch pens to complete her project. (this/these)

2. I had ___ rice today. (enough/all)
3. ___ picture was painted by Picasso. (that/those)
4. The book belongs to ___. (her/hers)
5. Can you give me ___ notebook? (the/an)
6. Sam stood ____ in the class. ( rst/one)
7. Mave is ___ honest man. (a/an)
8. ___ students were called to the principal’s of ce. (any/some)
9. Do you know ___ scarf this is? (whose/their)
10. ___ Qutub Minar belongs to the Sultanate Period in India. (an/the)
11. __ box of chocolates belongs to Rachel. (these/that)
12. Is there ___ food left in the fridge? (many/any)
13. Can I get ___ hot bowl of soup? (a/an)
14. There aren’t ___ boys in the park. (some/any)
15. Freya got ___ beautiful souvenir from Paris. (a/an)
Identify the prepositions in the following sentences
1. I went to a lovely Christmas party.
2. The death of 40 jawans was shocking.
3. He lives in a village in Ranikhet.
4. She got a new guest in her house.
5. It is very humid in the Summer.
6. She gave a rose to her mother.
7. He was preparing for his examination.
8. He used to visit his friend in the hospital every evening.
9. The land of the Bisnois in Rajasthan is known for the conservation of wildlife.
10. Large numbers of otters are found in the marshes near Basra, a town in Iraq.
11. We were too tired to go to the market.
12. 40 paramilitary personnel were killed in the bombing.
13. The Nile is said to be longer than all the other rivers in the Eastern hemisphere.
14. The incident took place in Bawamohatra, a village in the Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh.
15. The villagers were emotionally attached to the reptile.
16. Even the kids of the village could swim around him.
17. People keep unusual pets for pleasure.
18. The following is a story of a baby civet cat that fell from a tree and was raised by humans.
19. Through his photo stories, he seeks to inculcate in children a love for nature and wildlife.
20. Civet cats are found in most parts of India.
21. I am taking a nap with my brothers.
22. My home is a little thatched hut by a river in a small village in Assam.
23. One night I slipped and fell to the ground.
24. I sleep during the day and am active at night.
25. It helps me balance on tree-tops and branches.
26. I mostly live on trees, though I do come down to the ground.
27. Things were piled on top of one another.
28. They are kept in a pan of water to keep them alive.
29. He caught me and threatened to dip me in water.
30. It is time for me to play with Mama.
31. Mama always leaves a midnight snack by the lantern.
32. Around the world, as communities expand and natural wild places are reduced, people and wildlife are
increasingly coming into con ict over living space and food.
33. Every being with a will to live has the right to live free from exploitation and suffering.
34. You have read the story about Nelson Mandela in your textbook, First Flight, and the struggle of the people of
South Africa.
35. He states that freedom comes with responsibilities.
36. I must thank you for the affectionate and warm welcome.
37. I wish to place before you a few thoughts which occur to my mind as incidental to our hard-won freedom.
38. Freedom has come to us through sacri ces.
39. In India today, there is no time for useless controversies and unnecessary debates and disputes.
40. The great university of life is full of experiences.
41. Whatever trials and troubles we might have passed through, there is no denying the fact that we have a
precious inheritance and the teachings we have received from the departed leaders are great assets for us.
42. You should draw a curtain over it.
43. It was a bitterly cold night, and even at the far end of the bus, the east wind that travelled along the street cut
like a knife.
44. The man with a great vague grievance against everything and a particular grievance against passengers came
and sat in his seat while he shivered at the door.
45. He had the law on his side and the whole bus full of angry people under the harrow.
46. The conductor came to the door.
47. They took out a pocket-book with a gesture of terrible things.
48. The conductor took another turn on the pavement.
49. That brought the driver round to the door.
50. He went away and took his stand a few yards down the street, where he was joined by two more constables.

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions

1. The little dog blinked ____ the lights.
2. The conductor walked _____ the pavement.
3. The Pekinese party was passing _______ every stage.
4. ____ some parts ____ our country, there are frequent reports ______ Unidenti ed Flying Objects (UFOs).
5. They were believed to be space ships carrying aliens _______ other planets.
6. People have given evidence _______ support of their observations.
7. They had seen unusual objects ying ______ the sky.
8. A farmer returned ________ the market.
9. He cannot leave the goat alone ________ the cabbage.
10. The enemy was _____ the gate.
11. Things did not spread instantly _______ the whole nation.
12. It is the story ____ a young girl.
13. She joined school _______ an American town.
14. The children _______ the school found her different.
15. There are many people who have prejudices _______ others _____ the basis of social, economic, racial, and
ethnic differences.
16. He was born ______ 8 January 1942, exactly 300 years __________ Galileo died.
17. She sprinkled sugar and cinnamon _____ the apples.
18. Joey had gone bicycling up Shingle Hill ______ Chet Pudge.
19. She skipped ________ the house, ______ the gate, and climbed _______ the fat old hitching post in front.
20. She looked up the New Dollar Street and down the New Dollar Street _____ a sign of Joey or Rufus.
21. These germinate ______ the elds _______ the rst rain.
22. She went home ______ several hundred seedling trees.
23. These techniques developed ______ the women became extremely helpful.
24. The festival begins _______ the mud walls _____ the home painted.
25. Women gather _____ the courtyard, cleaning the seeds _______ the husks and chatting ______ each other.
26. He would use this opportunity to tell them ________ the advantages of shifting _______ Delhi.
27. _________ festive gatherings, the women went to town ________ the food; outside catering was unheard of.
28. Teatime was special ______ our home.
29. The journey of Araku Coffee from a livelihood initiative ______ the Naandi Foundation, to a globally appreciated
product, has been in the making for over a decade.
30. A walk _________ the rope bridge leads to the sixty-four acre island of Nisargadhama.
31. The journey to the Valley of Flowers begins about 16 km _____________ Joshimath.
32. ________ the past few years, thousands of visitors have ‘discovered’ this idyll.
33. Intelligence is accompanied _______ human affection and compassion.
34. Father Gilligan was overworked and extremely tired as he kept attending ______ the sick.
35. A ock ________ wild geese passed overhead.
36. It was wounded and fell just _____________ Siddhartha.
37. He lifted it, and he drew the arrow very carefully _________ its body.
38. The fascinating and world-famous Sanchi stupa is located ______ a hilltop in Sanchi town.
39. The original construction work of this stupa was supervised _____ Ashoka.
40. The Great stupa _____ Sanchi is one of the oldest stone structures ____ India.
41. These events are explained ______ the Jataka tales.
42. Our grief is different from those _______ you.
43. The ultimate cause lies ______ the human mind.
44. The discussion turned _______ a quarrel.
45. Anger is nothing but the absence of peace _______ oneself.
46. We express it either ______ being assertive or aggressive.
47. Realising your own shortcomings can become one of the greatest strengths of character _________ the years
to come.
48. There is a great deal ______ violence in the world.
49. Education is supposed to help you to go ______ all that.
50. Vanka raised his eyes _______ the dark windowpane.

Identify the prepositions in the following sentences:

1. We must tackle the root of the problem.
2. The ultimate cause lies within the human mind.
3. He opened the letter and was happy to nd the money with it.
4. The postmaster collected about 70 pesos from his colleagues and sent them to Lencho.
5. A trader swore that even with a hundred attempts, the tailor would not be able to take a coil of thread from him
without his knowledge.
6. The trader lay awake troubled by the situation and could not sleep a wink.
7. He put a piece of satin cloth under his arm and went to the bazaar.
8. The tailor sprang up from his seat and welcomed the trader.
9. He ung down the piece of silk.
10. He was snipping away with his scissors rapidly.
11. The trader closed his eyes in joy.
12. The trader fell over on his back with laughter.
13. The tailor continued to tell funnier and funnier tales and jokes until the trader was completely within his power.
14. With his eyes shut and his reason vanished, the bewildered and boastful trader was drunk with joy.
15. Eventually, the tailor became bored with the whole story.
16. He supports his family through farming.
17. The entire land is wrecked by catastrophe.
18. Raavi is an engineer in a manufacturing rm.
19. This is one of the convocation speeches delivered by him.
20. My brother was hiding under the table.

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. Gifts are ____ many kinds.
2. _____ present, I cannot say anything.
3. You have to think about whether you have done everything to deserve the freedom that you have attained
_____ such a bitter and sustained struggle.
4. The foundations _____ freedom have to be well and truly laid.
5. We have to re ect _____ our place in this broken and destructed world and what our duty and obligations are!
6. I would like to urge _____ those who train citizens of tomorrow and to those citizens of tomorrow that we have
yet to stand on our feet.
7. When we took over _____ them, the administrative fabric was _____ tatters.
8. The great university _____ life is full _____ experiences.
9. India abounds _____ the resources _____ nature and manpower.
10. This you can do only if you work _____ single-minded devotion _____ the cause _____ the country.
11. _____ the far end _____ the bus, the east wind that travelled _____ the street cut like a knife.
12. The young woman was dressed _____ sealskin.
13. His eyes rested _____ old malice _____ the beady-eyed toy dog.
14. This was the opportunity _____ which he had been waiting, and he intended to make the most _____ it.
15. He stepped _____ _____ the pavement and waited.
16. He had the law _____ his side and the whole bus full _____ angry people _____ the harrow.
17. Two or three passengers got _____ and disappeared _____ the night.
18. That brought the driver round _____ the door.
19. There was no hope _____ that quarter.
20. He returned _____ his seat and resumed beating his arms _____ his chest.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions

1. This shop doesn’t have the toys I was looking __. (up/for)
2. The teacher divided the sweets ___ all the children. (between/among)
3. Bruce did not fare well __ his examination. (in/at)
4. The dog is grateful __ its owner. (to/for)
5. My brother’s anniversary is __ 5th November. (on/in)
6. The boy __ the store is quite young. (at/on)
7. Mahatma Gandhi was born __ 2nd October. (on/in)
8. Rupert is fond __ muf ns. (of/off)
9. The dog jumped __ the sofa. (on/in)
10. Humpty Dumpty sat __ a wall. (on/at)
11. The police of cer is __ the station. (at/on)
12. The Sun will not rise __ 6 o’clock. (before/since)
13. I know Jack ___ he was a little boy. (for/since)
14. Priya’s house is ___ mine. (next to/after)
15. The opponents sat ____ to each other. (opposite/behind)
16. The scientist looked ____ the microscope. (through/in)
17. I met Suhani when I was __ college. (in/on)
18. I will have completed my task __ Friday. (till/by)
19. There’s a rift ___ these two kids. (between/among)
20. The soldiers are ___ war. (in/at)

Insert commas wherever necessary in the following sentences.

1. Princy bought a red dress a pair of blue jeans a denim overcoat and a oral frock.

2. Mintu at the end of her second year was given a job at the ISRO.

3. During the summer holidays they have planned to go to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

4. Nivin my brother was born in 1989.

5. Varunika made pasta momos and sandwiches for her friends.

6. Once all students have submitted their documents make sure you check if every student’s details are correctly

7. During the pandemic many people lost their jobs.

8. Last week we decided to go on a trip to Hampi.

9. Raimy Mazeeka Glint and Gowtham will be travelling to Delhi next month.

10. Yesterday at the hotel we met our school friends unexpectedly.

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