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1 What is function? Explain different classification of user defined functions based on

parameter passing and return type with examples
2 Explain the syntax of Function Declaration and Function Definition with example
3 Write a C program to swap two integers using call by value method of passing arguments to
a function.
4 Describe different types of storage classes with example
5 Define Recursion .Implement Recursion function to print Factorial of a number.
6 With example illustrate two parameter passing techniques of functions.
7 Write a c-program using functions to generate the Fibonacci series.
8 Define the following
1.Actual Parameter 2.Formal Parameter 3.Global Parameter 4.Local Variable
9 What is an array? How a single dimension and two dimension arrays are declared and
10 Discuss any three operations that can be performed on arrays with example.
11 Demonstrate the different methods of passing single dimensional array to a function with
12 Write an algorithm and develop a C program to search an integer from N numbers using
binary searching technique
13 Write a C program to find transpose of a 3x3 matrix.
14 Demonstrate one-Dimensional array declaration and initialization with syntax and
example.Write a program to sort the numbers in descending order using selection sort
15 Demonstrate two-dimensional array declaration and initialization with syntax and
example.Write a C program to find transpose of matrix.

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