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Grape Leaf Disease Identification using Machine


Mr.G.Samrat Krishna Ch.Vinay Kumar Sk.Ameer Sohel

Assistant Professor MCA Student MCA Student
Department of Computer Science P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts &
P.B.Siddhartha College of Arts & Science,Vijayawada,Andharapradesh Science,Vijayawada,Andhrapradesh

ABSTRACT : The Indian economy heavily relies on the agricultural productivity of the nation. Grapes are a highly profitable fruit in
India and can be cultivated in various climatic regions, including tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate zones. India's diverse geography,
encompassing different climates and soil types, underscores the significant socio-economic importance of grape cultivation. However,
grapevines are susceptible to diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects, rust, nematodes, and more. These diseases can adversely
affect crop yield and growth. Traditionally, farmers rely on their experience or consult experts for disease identification through visual
inspection, a process that is both inaccurate and time-consuming. Therefore, there is a pressing need in the agricultural and horticultural
sectors for early disease detection to enhance crop yields. Our proposed system aims to address this need by detecting and identifying
diseases in grape plant leaves.


The Indian economy heavily relies on the agricultural productivity within the nation. Grapes hold significant commercial value in India
and can thrive in various climatic zones, including tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate regions. India's diverse geographical landscape
results in varying climates and soil types across the country, rendering grapevines a major crop propagated through vegetative means,
carrying substantial socioeconomic importance. However, the grape plant's susceptibility to diseases can lead to reduced yields and
hindered growth. These diseases, caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and transmitted by insects, rust, nematodes, and more, are traditionally
assessed by farmers based on their experience or with the assistance of experts through visual inspection. This manual observation process
is both time-consuming and prone to inaccuracies. Hence, there is a pressing need for early disease detection in agriculture and horticulture
to bolster crop yields. We have introduced a system designed to detect and identify diseases in grape plant leaves.


Prior endeavors have proposed web-enabled disease detection systems [8]. One such system introduced a segmentation method employing
a mean-based approach for threshold computation. Textual features were extracted, and classification was performed using Support Vector
Machines (SVM). In a comprehensive survey by Vijai et al. [12], various disease classification techniques for plant leaf diseases were
explored, accompanied by the use of genetic algorithms for image segmentation. Additionally, an integrated methodology combining
particle swarm optimization and SVM was presented for the detection and classification of plant leaf diseases [10].
Existing System

The existing system featured a segmentation technique that relied on a mean-based approach for threshold computation. Textual features
were extracted, and classification was carried out through SVM. Vijai et al.'s survey delved into diverse disease classification techniques
for plant leaf diseases and incorporated genetic algorithms for image segmentation. Furthermore, an integrated approach merging particle
swarm optimization and SVM was proposed for the detection and classification of plant leaf diseases.


To Identify the grape leaf disease first we can check the leaf of the grape branch and The spots of black rot are nearly round with
a dark brown middle and brown edges. The yellow-green disease spots gradually appear on the fronts of the grape leaves with downy
mildew, and white frosty mildew appears on the backs of the leaves. Leaf blight produces dark brown patches on the surface of grape
leaves .and Collect the few leaf and check it how they are.

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification



We have evaluated the proposed system using 5675 grape leaves which have been downloaded from the plant village website and also
from web. We have used 80% of the images for training and others for testing.The global thresholding method used for segmenting leaf
disease part was found to be more suitable for training the model as it segments the precise diseased part of the leaves which leads to
improved classification results. Training accuracy obtained using different machine learning techniques are summarized in Table. From
the results it is evident that good training accuracy is achieved when the features are extracted from the diseased part of the images using
global thresholding and trained using SVM classifier with tuned parameters since SVM performs good when the data is highly non-linear.
The overall accuracy obtained is 93.035% for 1135 test images

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification


Use of Simulation software

The System is developed with the Python, Machine Learning, Flask frameworks and some Machine Learning Algorithms i.e.,
Random forest Algorithm, K-Means Algorithm, and some detection Algorithms to detecting the spam the process of Algorithms working
process is given below
Random forest algorithm which is used to classification, in this paper we are going to identify the undisease firstly we have to
categorized the undisease after that we are going to identify the undisease.

Here comes the most crucial step for your research publication. Ensure the drafted journal is critically reviewed by your peers
or any subject matter experts. Always try to get maximum review comments even if you are well confident about your paper.


In order to develop accurate image classifiers to diagnose plant diseases, a large verified data set of images of diseased and
healthy plants is required. Until very recently, such a dataset did not exist, and even smaller datasets were not freely available. So,
researchers had to create datasets by themselves. In this study, the Plant Village dataset, as a freely-available dataset, was used. The
present study involved three types of plant diseases in addition to healthy leaves, which made four classes in total .

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification



We can easily identify the Grape leaf disease by using this Logistic regression
source of the data. The Diseased leaves to come black dots on Logistic regression is named for the function used at the core
that leaf then we can conform it is caused grape leaf disease. of the method, the logistic function.
Another leaves are safe remaining leaves are the undiseased Where e is the base of the natural logarithms (Euler’s number
leaves. And also we have some techniques to identify the or the EXP() function in your spreadsheet) and value is the
disease by using machine learnings algorithms. We can upload actual numerical value that you want to transform. Below is a
the leaf image. Then the machine learning algorithms can test plot of the numbers between -5 and 5 transformed into the range
the image what we are trained they can perform on this time. 0 and 1 using the logistic function.
They can Show Accuracy result.

Support Vector Machine

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification

 Project Development Modules: to predict the probability of a target variable. The
 Modules nature of target or dependent variable is
 Upload data dichotomous, which means there would be only
 Reading Data two possible classes.
 The train_test_split() K-Nearest Neighbor:- The k-nearest neighbors
 All Classifiers algorithm, also known as KNN or k-NN, is a
 Model Comparison non-parametric,
 Predict supervised learning classifier, which uses
Upload Data:-Uploading refers to transmitting proximity to make classifications or predictions
data from one computer system to another about the rouping of an individual data point.
through means of a network. Common methods Artificial Neural Networks/Deep Learning:-
of uploading include: uploading via web An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a
browsers, FTP clients], and terminals machine learning model inspired by the human
(SCP/SFTP). Uploading can be used in the brain's neural structure. It comprises
context of (potentially many) clients that send interconnected nodes (neurons) organized
files to a central server. into layers. Data flows through these nodes,
Reading Data:-is an action performed by adjusting the weights of connections to learn
computers, to acquire data from a source and patterns and make predictions.
place it into their volatile memory for processing. Support Vector Machine:- Classification
Computers may read information from a variety algorithms are particularly common in machine
of sources. learning because they map input data into
The train_test_split():- method is used to split predefinedClassification algorithms are
our data into train and test sets. First, we need to particularly common in machine learning
divide our data into features (X) and labels (y). because they map input data into predefined
The dataframe gets divided into X_train, X_test, categories, making the process easier for the user.
y_train, and y_test. X_train and y_train sets are They analyze data automatically, simplify
used for training and fitting the model. You can operations, and obtain useful information.
use train_test_split() to solve classification categories, making the process easier
problems the same way you do for regression for the user. They analyze data automatically,
analysis. In machine learning, classification simplify operations, and obtain useful
problems involve training a model to apply labels information
to, or classify, the input values and sort your Model Comparision:-Multiple model
dataset into categories comparison is also called Cross Model
All Classifiers:- Validation. Here the model refers to completely
Naive Bayes:- Naïve Bayes classifiers. The different algorithms. The idea is to use multiple
Naïve Bayes classifier is a supervised machine models constructed from the same training
learning algorithm, which is used for dataset and validated using the same verification
classification tasks, like text classification dataset to find out the performance of the
Decision Tree:- Decision trees are a rule-based different models.
approach to classification and regression Predict:- the output of an algorithm that has been
problems. They use the values in each feature to trained on a historical dataset. The algorithm then
split the dataset to a point where all data points generates probable values for unknown variables
that have the same class are grouped together in each record of the new data. The Predict can
Logistic Regression:- Logistic regression is a do the prediction of the data it shows the
supervised learning classification algorithm used predictable data.

1. Data Collection:Collect sufficient data samples 2. Feature Extraction:For each image extract the
and legitimate software samples. features ubsing image processing and save in ‘.csv’

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification

3. Train and Test Modelling: Split the data into
train and test data Train will be used for
trainging the model and Test data to check the
4. Modelling: SVM Navie bayes, Random
FOrest,KNN,Ada boost, Decision tree, Ada boost
with randomforest . Combine the training using
machine learning algorithms and establish a
classification model.
5. Execution Steps:
1. Open anaconda Prompt
2. Conda activate tf
3. Goto Project Directory 7. Import the data and Preprocess
4. Python
5. Python

Upload the data and read the basic data

information will be shown on the screen

Above screen will be opened. 8. Now click on “Train and Test model”. split
the data into train and test and traain will
6. Now click on “Upload data be used for training and to tets the
performace we are using test data

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification


10. Accuracy Comparision for all the models

9. Now click on “Run Algorithms”.
Mentioned algorithms will be run on the data

11. Predict:

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification


In this leaf disease prediction The Random

Extension Bagging algorithm is performed forest algorithm performs the highest
well compared other ml algortithms accuracy result of leaf disease. Random forest
is a commonly-used machine learning
algorithm trademarked by Leo Breiman and
Adele Cutler, which combines the output of
multiple decision trees to reach a single
result. Its ease of use and flexibility have
fueled its adoption, as it handles both
classification and regression problems

Research On Grape Leaf Disease Identification


In this project, we performed a review of techniques used for detecting spammers on Twitter. In addition,
we also presented a taxonomy of Twitter spam detection approaches and categorized them as fake content
detection, URL based spam detection, spam detection in trending topics, and fake user detection techniques. We
also compared the presented techniques based on several features, such as user features, content features, graph
features, structure features, and time features. Moreover, the techniques were also compared in terms of their
specified goals and datasets used. It is anticipated that the presented review will help researchers find the
information on state-of-the-art Twitter spam detection techniques in a consolidated form.

We are extremely thankful to our project guide G. Samrat Krishna Assistant Professor, Department of
Computer Science, PB Siddhartha College of Arts & Science, Krishna University, Machilipatnam for his timely
cooperation and valuable suggestions throughout the project. We are indebted to her for the opportunity given
to work under her guidance. We are extremely thankful to Dr. T. S. Ravi Kiran, Head of the Computer Science
Department and Dean Rajesh C. Jampala, PB Siddhartha College Of Arts &Science, Vijayawada for providing
good environment and better infrastructure facilities. My sincere thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staff
of Department of Computer Applications for their support throughout my project work. Finally, I am very much
indebted to my family for their moral support and encouragement to achieve higher goals


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