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DAILY School Grade Level 11/12

LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
The learners understands the interplay between the individuality of human beings and thier social context.
A. Content Standards
The learner evaluates the formation of human relationship and how individuals are shaped by thier social contexts.
B. Performance Standards

Recognize how individuals from societies and individuals are transformed by society
C. Learning Competencies /
Write the LC code for each

II. CONTENT Human Being’s Social Dimensions Human Being’s Social Dimensions How Society transforms an Individual How Society transforms an Individual
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

Review from the Previous Discussion The students differentiate the views of Plato,
Rawls and Kant about society. The students are asked to recap the lesson on
social contract by defining, identifying, and
A. Reviewing yesterday’s lesson or
differentiating its various philosophical
Presenting the new lesson

B. Establishing purpose of the new At the beginning of the class, preceeding the
lesson Video clip – man as a social being (5mins) Students will be asked to chooose from three presentation of the new lesson, the teacher
Let students’ give their observations options (eg flags, colors,etc.) by lining up at will set some radical classroom policies that
the center of the room after which each will take effect for the duration of the session.
respective group will gather. These new and seemingly odd classroom
- Man’s social dimension
- All human acts have social dimension rules will set the standard for acceptable
5mins behavior of each students, and will later be the
basis for the evaluation of learning at the end
of the meeting.

Present different pictures of people in various

cultural settings, emphasizing how cultural
DAILY School Grade Level 11/12
LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
factors and characteristics influences human
behavior. The students, while viewing the
pictures, take note of their observations.


Group Act. Picture analysis (10mins) Group Act. 10mins Each of the group formulated will be At least Three to five students are selected
 Group the class into four  Group the class into four instructed to sit as a unit and will be randomly to articulate their observations
 Provide each group a pictures that  Present a Spider Graphic Organizer and let tasked to formulate a informal society of through class recitation.
portrays Man as a Social Being students’ contribute a word that they think their own based on the following
 Ask them to list down as many answers as will be of use in defining Society. 2mins
they can come up with the given picture.  Base on the words gathered within the A. Government
C.Presenting examples/ instances B. Norms and laws
(5mins) group let them come up with their own
of the new lesson C. Culture
 Each group to present by reading the list of understanding or definition of the word
their answers. 1 min per group (4mins) society 5 mins
 Let them Present their work (1 mins each) 5min of preparation & a 2min 5mins
presentation for each group

D.Discussing new concepts and  Teacher to discuss the Concept Note:  Teacher to present and discuss the concept From the given activity, the teacher will
practicing new skills #1 note discuss the concept of the Social Contract
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1) based from the following philosophical The teacher discusses the concept of Total
Man as a Social being
CONCEPT NOTE: 5MINS proponents: Determinism, emphasizing the importance of
(Use the appropriate keywords provided A. Jean Jacques Rousseau – Society cultural traits and characteristics as
by the students on the Group act Picture is established based on the idea
Society is a group of people living in a definite determining factors for individual and social
analysis) that man by nature is good, and
territory having the government of their own, sharing thus man basically surrenders his
CONCEPT NOTE: (10) mins same culture, interdependent and interrelated to individual will to the will of the
oneanother people.
 Aristotle – Man is a Social Animal B. Thomas Hobbes –individuals must
 Immanuel Kant – Therefore the state is surrender a part of their freedom to
 Thomas Acquinas – Man is essentially the state or sovereign. He calls the
good, thus Society as man’s construct is committed to the protection of his dignity,
sovereign Leviathan. It stands on
good by uncompromisingly ensuring his basic the assumption that human nature
freedom no matter what is basically selfish.
 “NO MAN IS AN ISLAND” C. John Locke - He stands on the
 John Rawls – Each person possesses an
inviolability founded on justice that even assumption that human nature is
not on a state of war between good
the welfare of society as a whole cannot and evil and the aim of government
override (mining at the expense of tribal : is the preservation of liberty,
FILIPINOS: War against Drugs property, life, and well-being in 10mins
 Plato – Society should have the virtues of general.
DAILY School Grade Level 11/12
LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Wisdom (Ruler), Courage (Soldier), and 15min
Temperance (Merchants) to attain justice.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery 1. Group Activity: 15MINS

(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Ask the students these:
 Are you a Social Being?  List down the six important 1. What is the social contract? And Ask the students the following:
 Relate the concept of Social Being elements in defining society how do you think the social contract
to the saying “NO MAN IS AN o Group of People is formed? 1. How do you think society transform
2. Differentiate the social contract of the individual human beings?
ISLAND” (10mins) o Living in a definite Territory Jean Rousseau from that of
o Has Government Thomas Hobbes. Which social
o Sharing same Culture contract do you think is better?
5min 5mins
o Interdependent
o Interrelated
 Divide the class into 3 groups, and
designate two elements of society
per group and let them provide the
importance of each.

Processing questions: Will the society

exist if one element is absent? Justify
your answer

G. Finding practical applications of Knowledge in understanding Man as a Social Appreciation of your own brgy which will lead to Which of the three social contract ideas do Let the students identify personal
concepts and skills in daily Being allows you to appreciate and realize the active participation in social work for the you think the philippine government/society characteristics that they think is culturaly
living is founded upon? influenced. Let them identify further the exact
that we need the help of the people around us betterment of the society.
Considering the current administration, to cultural components responsible for these
even how reach or poor we are. where do you trhink philippine society is influences.
headed to in terms of:
DAILY School Grade Level 11/12
LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
- Why do I need others? A. Moral standards
B. Law implementation 5mins
*Humanity is shared 5mins
G.Makinggeneralizations Let students summarize the lesson “ Being a Social Let students summarize the lesson of the definition of The teacher asks series of questions that The teacher asks series of questions that will
andabstractionsaboutthe lesson being, betterment of your society is both your Society, and the imprtance of each elements: will draw from the students the general draw from the students the general
responsible and an obligation. (5mins) “Society should uphold the protection, equality, statement: statement:
social justice, freedom for the welfare of its people.” The society, together with its system, is Social behavior is directly influenced by the
( 5MINS) created based from the common interests of cultural characteristics of a given popullation /
its constituents area.
5mins 5mins
H. EVALUATING LEARNING Group act: Slogan making – either Tagalog/English Definition of Society (3mins) Using a word web, the students provide the Based from the new set of classroom policies
which will reflect Man as a Social Being (15mins) words which they think will explain the given to the students at the beginning of the
concept of social contract. session, the teacher now instructs his
studentds to evaluate themselves as to what
extent these set of rules have affected their
Content: individual behavior as well as their class
Relevance: behavior. This could be accomplished through
any of the following:
1. Essay
2. Group discussion
7mins 3. Class recitation
I. Assignment List at least 2 major challenges in your brgy, and how Create a collage of your society through taking Write a reflection paper on the impact of The students create a picture clip illustrating
will you be of help. And two best practices that your pictures of your community. society in their personal life. his/her timeline from childhood to the present,
brgy is implementing. Rubrics pointing out the various changes he/she
experienced brought about by cultural
 Creativity
 Relevance
 Beauty and Neatness

A. No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe
formative assessment

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