Gravitation AIO Class 9

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Gravitation ighasbeen observed that an object dropped from a height falls towards the earth. Newton aenlied this idea and said that not only the earth but every object in the universe ganas every other object. This force of atraction between two objects is called the force s{gaviation or gravitational force, In this chapter, we shall learn about gravitation and taivesal law of gravitation. Gravitation tis defined as the force of attraction between any two bodies in the universe. The earth aac (or pulls) all objects lying on or near its surface towards its centre. The force with shich the earth pulls the objects towards its centre is called the gravitational force of the auth or gravity of the earth. Universal Law of Gravitation livasgiven by Isaae Newton. According to this law, the attractive force between any two bodies in the universe is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely Broportional to the square of distance becween them. The direction of the force is along theline joining the centres of two objects. Consider two bodies A and B having masses m, Aad, whose centres are ata distance d from each other. m + —— i a 8 The gravitational force between two bodies is directed along the line joining their centres Ther the force between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses, ‘- Fomm, i) Oe, Oe hae Newton was born in Woolsthorpe near Grantham, England in 1642. In 1665 he observed an $5 lang on ne gure whe prompled Newon 10 expo the posbly of connecting gravy *® he orce that kept the moon in its obit, This led him tothe universal aw of gravitation © Gravitation + Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion + Free Fall * Mass and Weight + Thrust and Pressure + Pressure in Fluids * Density « Archimedes’ Principle * Relative Density Ces a i 10 and the force between two bodies is inversely proportional the square of the distance between them, i. fel (ii) where, G= 6.67x 10" N. gravitational constant. Its value does not depend on the medium between the wo bodies and the masses of the bodies or the distance between them. Suppose the masses of two bodies are 1 kg each and the distance d between them is I m, then FeG@ f. m) =1 kgand d=1m) Hence, the universal gravitational constant is defined as the Gravitational force between two bodies of unit masses and Separated by a unit distance from each other placed anywhere in space. The SI unit of Gis N-m? kg?.The value of G was found out by Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) by using a sensitive balance, s called the universal m Importance of Universal Law of Gravitation The universal law of gravitation successfully explained several phenomena given as below: (9 The force that binds us to the earth, (2) The motion of the moon around the earth, (Gi) The motion of planets around the sun, (iv) The occurrence tides is due attraction of moon, (2) The flow of water in rivers is also due {0 gravitational force of the earth on water, Motion of Moon Around Earth and Centripetal Force to the gravitational force of ‘moving along the circular path i Gains towards the centre is called centripetal cen centripetal force. The centripetal force ig Bravitational force of attraction of the earth, such force, then the moon would pursue a un motion. Provided by the Tf there were ng form straight ling ALHONE Science tational for 1. Find the gravil ce Example in object of 2 Kg Ass placed gn mass of the earth = § 19% th =64 x 10° m) earth and ai surface. (ene of the e ue en, mass of the earth, m, = 6 10™ kg Sol. Given, i n object, m, = 2 Meech anh wal ue earth, R= 64 x10°m, Gravitational force, F = aig ay Uby universal aw ofa 6.67 x10"! x6 x10" x2 (64 x10°? =195 y Example 2. The mass of the mars 18639 x 1gu and that of the jupiter is 189 x10” kg. If the distance between mars and jupiter is 749 y 10° Caleulate the force exerted by the jupiter on he mars. (G = 67 x10"! Nm? kg~) Sol. Given, the mass of the mars, M,, = 639 x19 kp ‘The mass ofthe jupiter, M, = 189 x10” kp The distance between the mars and jupiter, 4 =7.49x10° m Gravitational constant, G = 6.7 x10"!" Nm? kg The force exerted by the jupiter on the mats, * 18910" (749x109)? =144x10" N Thus, the force exerted by the jupiter on the mas s 144x10” N, check Point Ot 1 Whyis Newton's law 2 Fillin the blanks, The numerical value of @ is Of gravitation called as universalat” and its SI unitis 3 What isthe force of Gravity between the eatn and mst Blaced on its surface? ee . oe Ine Sue of centripetal force thatthe moon eo Ole around the earth ’ 5 lithe distance between Masses of two objects ise Ive tes, by what factor would the mass of one Wout cne"9ed0 maintain the same graaons® there be an increase ora decrease ne ai (as, 25 as jer's LOWS of Planes iM tion a Kepler proposed three laws of ! ary The three laws are pj lanet, Biven as below.” TOtion in eo opler’s First Law at the path of any planet in an otbi it es noo Os 1308 he shape of an ellipse with the sun at 90nd the sun Planet oe OF the foci, erinelion fastest motion Aphetion slowest motion, An ellipse showing Kepler's first law in the orbit of a planet nearest to the sun is called the point i é and the point farthest from the sun is called ion apielion. epler’s Second Law sas that an imaginary line from the sun to the planet sweeps urequal areas in equal intervals of time. Thus ifthe time of travelling of a planet from A to Band from C Dis same, then the areas AOB and COD are equal. x 8 et ( 5 ae patel A D Areas showing Kepler's second Ist Kepler's Third Law ce ofa planet from the Nsates A ates that the cube of the mean distance © es sod Te Stisdirectly proportional to the square of its orbical perio Sexpressed as PeT?, p=ikxT? .d the s' time period of the planet oe from adius as mean distance ° = Kepler constant. MoT = the sun ms Ke : sper could not give nets, Newton show motion j ist i them, the gravicat a theory to explain the motion of that the cause of the planetary ional force that the sun exerts on Newton used Kepler’ erevtional ache third law to calculate the velocity is v an aa of attraction, Suppose the orbital ea Yana he radi of the oxbit sr Then, the 8 On an orbiting planet is given by BE mv a whe i ue the mass of planet. T denotes the time period, then _2nr = vei) > pale r=% (2) =4n?m—; r\7 r But according to Kepler's third law of planetary motion, mkt? ¢ i k Putting this value into Eq, (ii, we get 4ntmor _ 4m") r r (") ve between the sun and the planet 1 to the square of the distance Thus, gravitational fore is inversely proportional between their centres. Free Fall When objects fall of earth's gravitational freely falling objects Acceleration due to Gravity (9) towards the earth under the influence | force alone, then these are called ad such a motion is called free fall, Whenever an_ object falls cowards the carth, an celeracion is involved: 7 acceleration is due to the acts gravitational pull and ‘called acceleration due att i Br Ieis denoted by & to gravity 2 i /s?. eas that of acceleration, i.e. te ee ‘an object falling freely 3 een centres of the earl The SI unit of gis the 5 Ler mass of the earth ‘i cowards it be m. The distance becws and the object is From Newton's law of gravitation, oie ei) Re ‘Also, from second law of motion, force exerted on an object, F=ma Since, a= g (ie. acceleration due to gravity) Famg Equating RHS of Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get From the formula, it is clear that acceleration due to gravity docs not depend on the mass of a falling object. It depends only on the mass of the earth or celestial bodies. Note + As distance of an object from the cenire of the celestial body increases, the-value of y decreases, + Earth is flattened at poles. Thus, radius of the earth is less at poles than at equator. Hence, the value of gis less at equator than at poles. Calculation of the Value ofg To calculate the value of g, we should put the values of GM and Rin above formula, ic. g =GM /R?. “Mass of the earth, M=6x10™ kg Radius of the earth, R=6.4x10° m Universal gravitational constant, G =6.67 x10" Nm? fg? GM _ 667% 10" x6 x 19% Rg 64x10)? - =9.8 m/s? ree equations of motion ¢ ious podies under free fall as ‘oat be 4 : * apy for the moe equations Equations for bog oy Stmotion _ a oun: vane ‘ : 1h a Phuph pile ae 2. saurtsa b were oe v? =u? +2gh ‘ a a2 ‘ i hich the obj is the height from whi oye he ee wis the inital velocity and vis the pn i then he body accelerates at g a In solving numerical problems, we should Femembe, following points: ; a ieee an object fills vertically downwards acceleration due © gravity is taken “ay pth Since its velocity increases while falling. siting 7 ject is thrown verticall (i If an object is Lvettically “upwards, acceleration due to gravity is taken’ aye) Hea since is velocity decreases as it moves upwarg 8% Example 3. A car falls off a ledge and drops to t, ground in 06 s. The value of g is 10 m/s? (for ie simplifying the calculation). (i) What is its speed on striking the ground Gi) Whatis its average speed during the 06 s2 ii) How high is the ledge from the ground? 0. Acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 mi/s?, Time,¢ = 0.6 s @ Speed, v =u ge »=0+10x06 v=6mis (vege spend = A ~(22) Sol. Given, initial velocity, 3.0 m/s (i) Distance travelled, 5 93 suet lg A= fp? ez + x10%(06)? 2 Exay =5%036=180m and me 4. An object is thrown vertically upwards 0 Calculate” * "ight of 113.07 m © the veloc; upwards” With which the object was throw! (i) the i metaken by the abject to reach the, highest pois — pscanee Regeration due (0 Bravity ¢ = g avelled. = 1307 m; King »” 0 a u+at 30 =16-9; = 8Xr = 1=1635 a { je 5. A ball is thrown vettically y do s i PWards .. velocity Of 25 m/s. 1g is 10 mya ae late er peight it reaches, Gi) time take ‘i Given, initial velocity, «=25 m/s. 6 gl rabody is thrown, upwards, th ee where it avity. ¢=—10 m/s? 0 its Veloc reaches, acc vou a) «Time, ¢ = 24 O- & bag Time taken to return back, T= Time of ascent Time taken to return back, ii 1 State Kepler's first law of planetary motion. + Time of descent = 2¢ T =2x25=55 2 Whatis the difference between perihelion and aphelion? 3 Filin the blank: The distance of a Planet from the sun is 40 times that of the garth, The ratio of their time periods of revolution around the snis ‘ Sippose a planet exists whose mass and radius both ste falotthe earth, The acceleration due to gravity on the surface Sith planet will be double. Justily 5 Site True and False for the following statements: e Acceleration due to gravity of the earth is less at equatc han at poles an (0H an object falls vertically downwards, then accelral locit ue to gravity is taken as negative. Since, its velocity incr reases while falling 8. It * Atody crops down a tower and reaches the ground in fe ®=TOmé*,then find the heightof the tower, (Ane. i & é rhe brat td content of the body which ed at 4 body, Ie is a scalar quantity and its iy ity of matter *ringg fo Other words, mass is the quantity ia body. a Pees in the universe, Rate Of the position of the body ae rniass of the hy .”®95 remains constant everywhere. ~ “Rot be zero, Weight he Weight o towards the Weight ofan obje Fan obj ject is the force with which it is attracted earth, w= mg Where, mass and g acceleration due to gravity oy Min iy Here, ‘M = mass of the earth and R Important points regarding weight Weight is a. wettor: quant lownward direction and. its Weight of 1 kg mass is (1) Weight of an object is place to place, id) In the space, where g =0, weight of an object is zero. (0) At the centre of the earth, weight becomes zero, This is due to the fact that on going down to the earch value ofg decreases and at the centre of the earth, ¢ 0. Note + From the above formula, itis clear that Weight of an object will change on a planet other than the earth * Spring balance is used to measure the weight of a body and pan balance is used to measure the mass of a body Weight of an Object on the Moon Let the mass of an object be m and its weight on the moon be py. Suppose the mass of the moon is M,, and its radius be R,,. According to universal law of gravitation, object on the moon will be = radius of the earth, are as follow: ity, it acts in vertically SI unit is newton (N). 9.8 N. (ie. 1 kg-we=9.8 N) hot constant, it changes from , the weight ofan we Max m he weight of the same object on the earth be w,. Let the ae Cae M, and the radius of the earth be R,. w, wai) GM,,m 2 Ma RE M, Ra Now, M,, =5.98% 10" kg; M, = 7.36 x 10” kg 174x108; R, =6.37 x 10° 710%)? 4 24 Wy _ 598X104 my 736X10™ (174x105)? 6 he weight of an object on the moon is one-sixth of its ‘Thus, the w« weight on the earth. Example 6. Mass of an object is 12 kg Calculate i) its weight on the earth i) its weight on the moon Sol. Given, mass of an object. m 2k (DAcccleration due to gravity on earth, g, = 98 mis" Weight on the earth, w, = mg, =12 x98 =1176N. Weight onshec m008, 1. = m= 12x23 = 982 =196N Example 7. A man weighs 600 N on the earth. What is his mass, if g is 10 m/s*? On the moon, his weight would be 100 N. What is the acceleration due to gravity on the moon? Sol. Given, weight of man on the earth, w, = 600 N Acceleration due to gravity on the earth, ¢, = 10 m/s? Weight of man on the moon, Ww, =100N. Acceleration due to gravity on the moon, gq = ? w, _ 600 As we know, mass of the man, m=“ = 9° - 60 ig «10 = ent larly, for the moon, g = = 100 2 100 = 166 mis se ‘Thus, acceleration due to gravity on the moon, 2 & is 1.66 mis? ue. gq = £. ark Example 8. A particle weighs 120 N on the surface of the earth. At what height above the earth's surface will its weight be 30 N? Radius of the earth = 6400 km. Sel. Given, weight of particle on the surface of earth, w =120'N Weight of particle at height h above the earth's surface, wy The weight of a particle on the surface'of the earth Let w, be the weight of a particle at height / above the earth's surface Allinone scig nee ¢, eT Substituting given values, we get 2 120 (42*) = 4= (Bay z 30 R R) 228 s 2R=Rth = Rah k Height of the eee = Radius of the 400 km, GxnamD 1 Fillin the blank: Abody of mass 10 kgis taken tothe conte ofthe cay, there will be ey 2. Howis weight related to mass? Is Weight ofa boy conse 3. what wil the weight ofan object of mass 175 kg atten, the earth? Wand 4. Mitali weighs 750 N on the earth. On the planet mars, the gravy is 38% of that ofthe earth, How much will Mita wages the mars? thn a 5 Weight of agirl on the earth's surface is 66 N. Find outher con the moon. Uns. 1, Thrust and Pressure ‘Thrust is the force acting on an object perpendicular ois surface. The effect of thrust depends on the area on which: acts. ‘The unit of thrust is the same as that of force, ie. the Suit of thrust is newton (N). It is a vector quantity. Pressure is the force acting perpendicularly on a unit ara an object. Force(F) _ Thi Area (A) Area The SI unit of pressure is Nm~2, which is also called pas! (Pa) named after the scientist Blaise Pascal. Ie is 2 so quantity. 1Pa=1Nm~ From the formula of pressure, it is clear that the same can produce different pressures depending on the af which i acts. A force acting on a smaller area exer 41 Pressure while the same force acting on a larger af small pressure. of Example 9. Force of 200 N is applied to an obie*! area 4m . Find the pressure. Sol. Given, Pressure (p) force, F = 200 N, area, A= 4m? — b9. A woman is Weating sha isle! tos). If the mass of woman > Meeled a! Fone heel is 1m”, fing is 60 kg gf ed out th ang # 00° tne ground, when the pri # ied = 10ms2) oaD i i (Given. 9 = ms~*) stay re the force will b jven 56> will be the we Winder hee the ae 2 nay eration due t0 gravity]. ‘oman an Sis the FamXg Force 8 : 0X10N [given, mass aa Example 14. Relative density of silver is 19.3. The density of water is 10° kg/m’. What is the density of silver in SI unit? Sol. Given, relative density ofsilver=19.3 Density of water = 10° kg/m? are etary oe ae Density of water Density of silver = Relative density x Density of water =193x10? kg/m? Example 15. A solid of mass 600 g has volume 450 cm’, then (i) what is the density of this solid? (ii) what will be the mass of water displaced by this solid? (iii) find the relative density of the solid {iv) will it float or sink in water? Sol. Given, mass of solid, m = 600 g 450 cm* Mas_ _ 600 _ 1 33gcm7 Volume 450 ‘Therefore, density of solid = 1.33 gem” (i) The solid will displace water equal to its own volume, which is 450 cm?. So, it will displace 450 cm? of water. Volume of solid, (A 2. Density of soli Density of water is 1 gem™* .ce, from the formula, Hess Pert eNde bated Volume of water 4 of water =Density of water x Volume of water ie we m= qever x 450= 450g Therefore, the mass of water displaced is 450 g. Density of solid Density of water = = =1.33 Therefore, the relative density of solid is 1.33. (iv) Since, the relative density of this solid (1.33) is greater than that of water (I), therefore this solid is heavier than water and hence it will sink in water. Density of water = (iii) +. Relative density of solid = SSIS Cass, p between the a What is the difference a + Mimsy of a substance? ty ang 2. Give the reason for the rising of balloons in air 3. ite any two applications of Archimedes’ prince 4 State True and False for the following statemen, Relative density has no units. 5 Fill nthe blank: Relative density of silver is 10.8, Density o sivering, af is on To Study NCERT Activities [i Visit https://g00.g//FEVnex OR Scan the Code O} NCERT FOLDER INTEXT QUESTIONS 1 State the universal law of gravitation. Pg 134 Sol. The universal law of gravitation states that, “The force of attraction between any two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them’. This law is applicable on any two objects anywhere in the universe. 2 Write the formula for magnitude of gravitational force between the earth and an object on the surface of the earth. Pg 34 Sel. The formula for magnitude of gravitational force between the earth and an object on the surface of the ed Mm ‘earth is given by oe where, ‘M = mass of the earth, m= mass of an object, gravitational constant 6.67 x10" N- m?/keg? and R = distance between centres ofthe earth and an object. 3 What do you mean by free fall? Sol. abe Slips of a body from a height towards the earth fae agen’ Bravitational force of the earth is called free fall. Hence, the motion of a particle falling down or going up under the action of gravit i Fee eek Bravity means the body is 4 What do you mean by acceleration due to gravity? Pg 136 Acceleration of a body during free fall cowatds celestial body is called acceleration due to gravity. ls value is 9.8 m/s, For objects on or near the surface of the earth, Mxm Sol. mg=G where, _g =acceleration due to gravity, M = mass of the earth, ‘m= mass of an object and R= radius of the earth. Hence, 5 What are the difference between the mass an object and its weight? ia Difference between the mass of an object ai ewiightareasbelow: 0 ey em Sol, Mass Weight ri Quantity of matter Force with which an oe Contained in an attracted towards oer Object. the earth due to gravi:_— ne ty Constant everywhere. Changes from place PE Itis a scalar quantity. _Itis a vector quantly._— tsSlunitiskg. ts St unitis N Mass isnever Weight is zero at zero the earth or free space_— 220 the eanthor ree the conte

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