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Tatal S4arks: 180
Time: 2 hours

1, Write an essay on *.ny one afthe following topics 50

alAdvancement in scientific technology has improvedthe quality of

life forhumans. Do you agree ?

b) Shauid piastic be i:anned ?

c) Yirtual classescannot replacethetraditional class rystem. Share

your views giving valid reasons.

d) The best book I have ever read.

2. lYrite a precis ofthe follor.r'ing passage in about one-third of its

length, and provide a suitable title : 2A+5:t 5

Advertising is a ereative art. Soire ofthe advertisements are

so beautifully and suggestively done {hat watching them again and again
is a source ofrepeatedjoy and pleasure. The advertisers are great
psychologists. They approach each category ofbuyers in a different
way. Women &re very sensitive to their physical attractiveness. They
willingly part with their last penny if some age - de$ing cream or
beauty aid could be urade available to them. So the advertisers ex-
ploit this weakness of women and glean ridh profitsby selling even
ordinary cosmetics artistically advertised by lovely models. Similar$
yqlng men are keen to have their masculinity projected and welcome
a touch ofruggedness. They are easily attracted to exciting and osten-
tatious advertisements ofjeanq motor bikes, after shave lotions and
the like. Yeung girls too, are very impressionistic, and like to copy the
latest fashions in garmeats and undergarmerfis advertised on the tele-

1t] pro
vision. Morever, the advertisers keep the income charts ofvarious
sections ofsociety in view when they decide to advertise their goods.
In the advertisernents meant for middle class people, items like high-
priced televisiong hi-fi stereos, micro-wave ovens and even comput-
ers are conspiculouslyabsent Similarly" in the magazines dealing with
cotuputers, which are meant for very rich people, there are no adver-
tisernents ofthe usefulness ofinstalment plans. Fasciilating advertise-
ments tryto reach the hearts and souls ofthe consumers and oblige
thern to make buyrng decisions. They offer the consumer a wide vari-
ety of choice. In such a situation the consumer becomes the king, and
he can have better value for his money. Advertisements are essential
for the growth ofeconomy, industry and business, because their growth
depends onmarketing and sales. (Approx285 words).

3. A) Illustrate the difi[erence in meaning between anjt five of the

following pairs ofwords by composing sentence ofyour own for each
word. (2x5):10
a) affect i effect
b) ascent/ assent
c) canvas / caflvass
d) ceiling/sealing
e) lightening / liglrtning
0 eiicitlillicit
g) persecute / prosecute

B. Rewrite the fotrlowing sefltenc€s according to the instructions given

in brackets, making other necessary changes, without changing the
meaning ofeach sentenoe: (Attempt unyfive) 5

i) It is probable he will never corne back. (Begin . In... ..)

ii) He said to me, "Where do you live ?" (Begn : He asked me .. ..) .

iii) LIe leacls a most unhappy life. (End : .. .. leads)

iv) I{e isthe best student inthe class. (Use 'better'instead of 'best')

If our fcNotball players were fit they would have won the match.
{Be,tpn :l{ad....)

,rri) It was a reliefwhen morning came. (Use the verb form of 'relief )

'rii) FIe tre+rts his servants very cruelly. (Begn : His servants. ... .)

,C. {"lse unyfive ofthe following idioms and phrases in sentences cf

'rrourownto showtheirmeantng. 5

ii)turn a\ref 5 nsv,' lgsf

;iii) hit the nail on the head
riv) smell a rat

'i{ like aJish out ofwater

,ri) burylhq: hatchet
,rii) hand and glove

D. (iive a oile - word substitfiefor anyfive ofthe following : 5

i) A.reme{y for all diseases

ii) Aperson who loves mankind
iiii) One who is eighty years old
$v) llhe art ofbeautiful handwriting
',r) Otne urho works only for money
'ri) Animalr that live both on land and water
vii) T'he study ofinsects


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