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Second Semester Examination - July 2023

Subject : Education in Human Values Paper = 45%

Project = 50%
Class : 5 …....... Handwriting = 5%
Total = 100%
Duration : 2 periods
Candidate's name : ................................................................... Date : ………….....…................…
1. Group the following values accordingly.
(i) Honesty
(ii) Greed
(iii) Compassion
(iv) Dishonesty
(v) Respect
(vi) Selfishness
(vii) Responsibility
(viii) Impolite
(ix) Forgiveness
(x) Cruelty

Good values Bad values

------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------

[Total = 10 marks]

Grade 5 Education in Human Values - Second Semester Examination - July 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
2. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.
[peaceful, kindness, integrity, empathy, honesty]
(i) -------------------------------- is the act of treating others with kindness, fairness and respect,
and doing what is right.

(ii) -------------------------------- is the value of being honest, telling the truth and taking
responsibility for our actions.

(iii) When we show --------------------------------, we put ourselves in other people's shoes and try
to understand their feelings and perspectives.

(iv) We should always try to solve problems in a -------------------------------- way, without using
violence or aggression.

(v) When we show --------------------------------, we treat others as we would like to be treated,

and we try to make a positive difference in the world.
[Total = 5 marks]

3. What do you do in the following situations?

(i) During a test your friend whispers to you, asking for help with an answer. What do you do?
(ii) You accidentally break a vase in a store while browsing. What do you do?

(iii) You overhear some classmates making fun of another student behind their back. What do
you do?
(iv) You're tempted to copy someone else's homework assignment because you didn't have time
to finish your own. What do you do?

(v) You see your gardener cutting some trees in your garden. What do you do?
[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks]

Grade 5 Education in Human Values - Second Semester Examination - July 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
4. Read the following text and answer the questions.
Non-violence is the value of avoiding physical or emotional harm to oneself or others. It
promotes peace, understanding and empathy towards others. Non-violence means that we must
use peaceful means to solve our problems and conflicts, rather than resorting to aggression or
violence. It requires that we treat others with kindness and respect, even if we disagree with
them. Non-violence is an important value that can help us create a better and more peaceful

(i) What is non-violence and why is it important?

(2 marks)
(ii) How can we use non-violence to resolve conflicts?
(1 mark)
(iii) Can you give an example of a situation where you could use non-violence?
(2 marks)
(iv) Why is it important to treat others with kindness and respect, even if we disagree with them?
(2 marks)
[Total = 7 marks]

5. State whether the following are ‘good acts’ or ‘bad acts’.

(i) Helping a friend in need - -------------------
(ii) Bullying or teasing others - -------------------
(iii) Volunteering at a local charity or community organization - -------------------
(iv) Stealing from others - -------------------
(v) Respecting their teachers and classmates - -------------------
(vi) Participating in environmental clean-up activities - -------------------
(vii) Disrespecting school property or community resources - -------------------
(viii) Speaking up for what is right and fair - -------------------
[Total = ½ × 8 = 4 marks]

Grade 5 Education in Human Values - Second Semester Examination - July 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
6. Read the poem and answer the questions.
Dear Earth,
You are our dear mother.
You give us birth.
You are paradise for us.
You are a gift to us by God.
You are our survival receipt.
You are also our protector.

No one understands your worth.
People are destroying you
Due to their greed.
In this way
We are destroying each other.

Save our mother earth also

God's green earth.
Don't pollute it.
- Piya Maji -
(i) How does the Earth define?
(1 mark)
(ii) Why don’t people understand the Earth’s value?
(1 mark)
(iii) What is the message given by the poet?
(1 mark)
(iv) How do you act towards the process of protecting the Earth?
(a) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2 marks)
[Total = 5 marks]

Grade 5 Education in Human Values - Second Semester Examination - July 2023

Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments
7. Answer in brief.
(i) (a) What is the value that you admire the most in your parents?
(b) How do you see that?
(ii) How do you show your love and loyalty towards your school?
[Total = 2 × 2 = 4 marks]


Ref : CJ
Grade 5 Education in Human Values - Second Semester Examination - July 2023
Prepared for Lyceum International School by Lyceum Assessments

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