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“Just Mercy” Essential Questions

1. What is the difference between morality and the law? How SHOULD they
be connected?

The difference between morality and the law is that morality is a decision you make that can
be wrong or right the law is a set of rules everyone has to follow in order for things to be
civil.They should be connected because although its a free country and everyone can make
their own decisions their are still some rules that we have to follow.

2. Is personal integrity more important than survival? Why or why not?

Survival is more important than personal integrity because if you can't survive than you can't
have any personal integrity.

3. How does bias limit our understanding of the world?

Bias limits our understanding of the world because its all opinion and
everyone opinion is based on how they feel rather than facts.

4. What kind of experiences widen our perspective?

Any kind of experience can widen our perspective on how we see things in the world.
5. What is justice? *Use your own words.
Justice is having freedom but when people take advantage of the freedom the law justifies what
was right from wrong.

6. How can we tell the difference between fair and unfair punishments? Be

We can tell the difference between fair and unfair punishments by the situation. If a
situation is fair the punishment will be as well.

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