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Nama : Isnaida bainatur rohmah

Kelas: 1 SMK A


Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the edge of a lush forest, there lived a
curious and mischievous little kitten named Whiskers. Whiskers was a beautiful tabby cat
with soft, striped fur and bright green eyes that sparkled with curiosity. Whiskers lived with a
kind-hearted family who adored him. They provided him with a cozy home filled with toys
and a warm bed to curl up in. Whiskers spent his days exploring the village, chasing
butterflies, and climbing trees. He was known for his playful nature and his ability to bring
joy to everyone he encountered. One sunny morning, as Whiskers was frolicking in the
meadow, he stumbled upon a group of animals huddled together near a tree. Curiosity piqued,
he approached them cautiously. To his surprise, it was a family of rabbits seeking shelter
from the scorching sun. Whiskers, being the kind-hearted cat he was, offered them a shady
spot under a nearby bush. As the days went by, Whiskers became friends with many of the
animals in the village. He would often visit the wise old owl, who shared stories of the forest
and its secrets. Whiskers also enjoyed spending time with the playful squirrels, chasing them
up and down the trees, and even sharing acorns with them.

One winter, a heavy snowfall covered the village, making it difficult for the animals to
find food. Whiskers, with his sharp hunting skills, decided to help his furry friends. He
ventured into the forest, braving the cold and snow, and returned with a mouthful of mice and
birds to share with the hungry animals. As the years passed, Whiskers grew into a wise and
respected cat. He became the guardian of the village, keeping a watchful eye on everyone and
ensuring their safety. The villagers admired his bravery and kindness, and they often sought
his advice. Whiskers lived a long and fulfilling life, surrounded by love and friendship. His
legacy as the village's beloved cat was passed down through generations, and his stories were
told to children as bedtime tales. And so, the tale of Whiskers, the curious and mischievous
cat, became a legend in the village, reminding everyone of the importance of kindness,
friendship, and the joy that a little cat can bring into our lives.


Whiskers leads a long and satisfying life, surrounded by love and friendship. The legacy as
the beloved village cat is passed down from generation to generation, and its story is told to
children as a bedtime tale.

Thus, the tale of Whiskers, the curious and mischievous cat, becomes a legend in the village,
reminding everyone of the importance of kindness, friendship, and the joy that a cat seeker
can bring into our lives.

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