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Theme : Where We Are In Place And Time

A Reflection Journal on Migration

Page 1 (Side A) : Begin your reflection journal with a cover page of Where We Are In Place And Time
Page 1 ( Side B) : Central idea, Lines of inquiry and key concepts

Page 2 (Side A) : Q1) What is migration ? What are the main types of migration? Explain with your own
Page 2 ( Side B): Q2) What are the key push and pull factors that drive migration? How does voluntary
migration differ from forced migration ?

Page 3 (Side A) : Q3) Can you provide examples of historical migrations and their impact on societies
and cultures?
Page 3 (Side B) : Q4) What are the environmental factors that contribute to migration, such as climate
change, natural disasters ?

Page 4 ( Side A): Q5) What are the primary reasons why animals and birds migrate?
Page 4 (Side B) : Q6 ) What are the differences between rural-to-urban migration and urban-to-rural
migration, and what are their effects on communities?

Page 5 (Side A) : Q7) Why do people become refugees? Can you give examples?
Page 5 (Side B) : Q8) What are some basic rights that refugees should have? List names of 10
countries where Refugee rights are safeguarded.

Page 6 (Side A) : Draw a Pie chart representing Rural -> Rural, Rural -> Urban, Urban-> Urban, Urban ->
Rural during the period of ( 1995 - 2010)
Page 6 (Side B) : SDG Connect

Page 7 (Side A) : My Understanding on Central Idea & LOI

Page 7 (Side B) : Bibliography

Instructions for Submission of Reflection Journal

Due Date: 01/ 04 / 2024

Content Requirements:

1. Write your reflection journal entries, including the questions and your answers, on a A4 size
2. Write your full name, class/section, and the date of submission on the cover or first page of the
reflection journal.
3. Explore various dimensions of migration, such as historical context, personal connections,
future implications.
4. Drawing Guidelines: If you choose to draw, use a blank page or section of your reflection journal
for your artwork. You can draw illustrations related to the themes or topics discussed in each
5. Picture Guidelines: Alternatively, you can print or cut out pictures related to migration from
magazines, newspapers, or the internet. Glue or tape these pictures onto the appropriate pages
of your reflection journal, aligning them with the corresponding questions or topics.
6. Ensure that your handwriting is clear and easy to read.

Criteria Competent Extended Developing Beginner

Demonstrates a strong Actively seeks

Occasionally Rarely asks
commitment to inquiry, information, asks
demonstrates questions or seeks
Inquirer consistently exploring insightful
curiosity and asks additional
new topics questions
questions. information.
independently. consistently.

Displays deep Demonstrates a Limited

Has a basic
knowledge, solid understanding of
Knowledgeable consistently applies it understanding, concepts, need
applies knowledge in
across various applies knowledge support to apply
simple contexts
situations. effectively. knowledge.

Thinker Applies advanced Analyses Attempts critical Need support to

critical thinking, information thinking, sometimes analyse information
consistently critically, draws reasoned critically, and lack
demonstrates consistently draws
thoughtful problem- reasoned conclusions.
solving. conclusions.

Utilises advanced Applies effective Need more support

Demonstrates basic
research techniques, research methods, to locate relevant
research skills, but
critically evaluates locates relevant information and
Research skill may need guidance
sources, and information, and lacks a systematic
in refining search
consistently produces organises it approach to
well-researched work. logically. research.

Need more support
Demonstrates synthesises Attempts to
to synthesise
outstanding information, synthesise
information, resulting
Communication skill communication skills, presenting a information, but may
in disjointed or
conveying ideas with coherent and well- lack coherence in
precision and fluency. organised connecting ideas.


Objective : The culmination of this musical inquiry aims to explore and celebrate the diverse ways in

which individuals appreciate the profound emotional , cultural and scientific significance embedded

in music

Criteria Self Peer Teacher




Research skill

Communication skill

Criteria Competent Extended Developing Beginner

Demonstrates a strong Actively seeks

Occasionally Rarely asks
commitment to inquiry, information, asks
demonstrates questions or seeks
Inquirer consistently exploring insightful
curiosity and asks additional
new topics questions
questions. information.
independently. consistently.

Knowledgeable Displays deep Demonstrates a Has a basic Limited

knowledge, solid understanding, understanding of
consistently applies it understanding, applies knowledge in concepts, need
across various applies knowledge support to apply
simple contexts
situations. effectively. knowledge.

Applies advanced Analyses

Need support to
critical thinking, information Attempts critical
analyse information
consistently critically, thinking, sometimes
Thinker critically, and lack
demonstrates consistently draws draws reasoned
thoughtful problem- reasoned conclusions.
solving. conclusions.

Utilises advanced Applies effective Need more support

Demonstrates basic
research techniques, research methods, to locate relevant
research skills, but
critically evaluates locates relevant information and
Research skill may need guidance
sources, and information, and lacks a systematic
in refining search
consistently produces organises it approach to
well-researched work. logically. research.

Need more support
Demonstrates synthesises Attempts to
to synthesise
outstanding information, synthesise
information, resulting
Communication skill communication skills, presenting a information, but may
in disjointed or
conveying ideas with coherent and well- lack coherence in
precision and fluency. organised connecting ideas.

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