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Special Series: Basic Science for the Practicing Clinician

Principles and applications of polymerase chain

reaction: basic science for the practicing
Faoud T. Ishmael, MD, PhD, and Cristiana Stellato, MD, PhD

Objective: To review the technology of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and its use in diagnostic medicine and biomedical
Data Sources: A literature review was performed using the PubMed database for English-language articles published between
January 1, 1985, and November 31, 2007, using the following keywords: polymerase chain reaction, real-time polymerase chain
reaction, and applications of real-time polymerase chain reaction.
Study Selection: Select review articles and primary articles relevant to medical applications of PCR were chosen.
Results: As a revolutionary technique, PCR provides a rapid and accurate means of amplifying DNA. It has enabled the
cloning and manipulation of genes for biomedical research and has facilitated the diagnosis of genetic, infectious, and oncologic
diseases. The use of reverse transcriptases to evaluate RNA levels and the extension of PCR technology to quantify DNA
amplification in real time has brought major advances to the application of PCR. By allowing the determination and
quantification of changes in gene expression, these techniques have provided a greater understanding of disease processes and
now serve as a foundation for diagnostics and basic science research.
Conclusions: Both PCR and real-time PCR have dramatically changed the field of basic science and diagnostic medicine.
These technologies are now a well-established, indispensable part of research and clinical laboratories.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008;101:437–443.

INTRODUCTION vember 31, 2007, using the following keywords: polymerase

Few techniques have revolutionized science and biomedical chain reaction, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and
research as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR permits applications of real-time polymerase chain reaction. Select
the amplification of specific regions of DNA more than a review articles and primary articles relevant to medical ap-
billion-fold and allows the manipulation of DNA for tech- plications of PCR were chosen.
niques such as cloning of genes.1,2 The field of modern
molecular biology owes most of its success to PCR, and large PCR: THE BASICS
undertakings, such as the Human Genome Project, were One of the key discoveries underlying the PCR technique was
possible as a result of this technique.3 Furthermore, PCR has a thermostable DNA polymerase (Taq polymerase) that was
changed the face of medicine and is now routinely used as a isolated from Thermus aquaticus, a bacterium that grows in
diagnostic tool in the identification of diseases and microbial hot springs.2 This polymerase can withstand the heating and
infections. The principle of in vitro amplification of DNA cooling cycles needed for PCR, allowing the efficient ampli-
was first described in 1974 by Panet and Khorana.4 As we fication of DNA, as described in the next paragraph.
know it today, PCR was developed by Mullis and coworkers PCR requires 4 primary components: the thermostable
in the 1980s, and the significance of this work was recog- DNA polymerase, nucleotide triphosphates (which serve as
nized with a Nobel Prize in 1993. building blocks for the creation of DNA), sample DNA to be
To describe in this review the development of PCR and the amplified, and gene-specific primers. The source of sample
current techniques based on this method, a literature review DNA can be either genomic DNA, isolated from cells or
was performed using the PubMed database for English-lan- tissues, or DNA obtained from RNA samples through reverse
guage articles published between January 1, 1985, and No- transcription (RT) (see the “RT-PCR” section) (Fig 1). Prim-
ers are short, sequence-specific oligonucleotides that are gen-
erated via chemical synthesis to be complimentary to a cho-
Affiliations: Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Johns Hop- sen DNA sequence of any gene of interest.
kins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Disclosures: Authors have nothing to disclose. PCR is composed of repeating cycles of 3 consecutive
Received for publication February 6, 2008; Received in revised form steps that require distinct temperature conditions. Each step is
March 20, 2008; Accepted for publication March 23, 2008. devoted to a specific process, ultimately leading to the gen-

VOLUME 101, OCTOBER, 2008 437

Figure 1. Sources of DNA for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription (RT)–PCR analysis. A, Genomic DNA isolated from cells or tissues
can be amplified by means of PCR. B, In RT-PCR, messenger RNA (mRNA) can be transcribed by RT into complementary DNA (cDNA), which is then used
as a template for amplification. Exons (ie, regions of DNA that are expressed) are shown in gray.

eration of more copies of the chosen gene (Fig 2). This their products. The PCR-based techniques are a key tool in
reaction is accomplished through the use of a thermocycler, experimental protocols using animal models, where they can
an apparatus that holds the samples in a heating block, where be applied to overexpress or selectively disrupt a gene of
rapid and controlled changes in temperatures are performed interest, thus providing great insight into the roles of specific
in the different phases of the amplification process. genes in disease pathogenesis.
The first PCR step is separation of the double-stranded The power of PCR has also become evident in the field of
DNA (dsDNA) by heating the sample mix to approximately diagnostic medicine. The PCR techniques are used to se-
90°C. In the second step, the sample is cooled, which allows quence genes and can, thus, identify mutations in genetic
the annealing— base-specific pairing— of primers to comple- diseases. One of the first diagnostic applications of PCR was
mentary strands of DNA. The temperature of this step is the prenatal diagnosis of sickle cell anemia through the de-
determined by using several physicochemical variables of the tection of a single gene mutation.7 The technique has now
chosen primers.5 In the third step, the mixture is heated to become routine in identifying genetic diseases.8 In addition,
72°C, which is the optimal temperature for the activity of Taq PCR has aided in the diagnosis of cancer by allowing the
DNA polymerase. The polymerase catalyzes the synthesis of detection of mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor
new DNA strands using the primers as a starting point and genes.9,10
uses the nucleotide triphosphates present in the mix to gen- PCR also plays a vital role in forensic medicine. Short
erate the sequence-specific complementary strand, in a pro- pieces of DNA, termed microsatellite or minisatellite loci
cess called elongation. Repetition of these 3 steps results in DNA, serve as molecular fingerprints to differentiate individ-
doubling of the copy number with each cycle (copy num- uals.11 Trace amounts of DNA obtained from forensic evi-
ber ⫽ 2n, where n is the cycle number). The generation of dence can be amplified to unambiguously match the sample
PCR products, therefore, follows an exponential pattern and to a particular individual. The ability of PCR to amplify and
reaches a plateau after approximately 30 to 40 cycles, when detect minute amounts of genetic material has tremendously
most reagents have been used and no more PCR product is affected the field of infectious diseases. Physicians can now
generated. Such enormous amplification capability has al- rapidly detect the presence of microbes that are difficult to
lowed the detection of DNA from a single cell.6 culture or that require weeks for growth. PCR is commonly
used to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis, human immu-
APPLICATIONS OF PCR nodeficiency virus, herpes simplex virus, syphilis, and count-
By allowing the amplification and manipulation of DNA, less other pathogens.12,13
PCR has greatly expanded the applications of molecular
biology. A gene of interest can be selectively amplified from RT-PCR
genomic DNA using appropriate primers and placed into Using genomic DNA as starting material for PCR amplifica-
other plasmids or vectors for further study. Furthermore, tion provides valuable information, but it cannot indicate
alteration of the primer sequences can be used to create gene whether the detected gene is actually expressed in a given
mutants. Any change in the primer sequence from genomic cell, tissue, or individual, and it does not allow us to compare
DNA will be incorporated into the replicated DNA strand, changes in gene expression among different conditions. To
allowing researchers to create altered genes for study. These reach these goals, PCR technology has been expanded to use
cloning techniques have been invaluable in studying the RT enzymes to amplify messenger RNA (mRNA). This
regulation of the expression and the function of genes and method is referred to as RT-PCR and is used to convert


5‘ 3‘
3‘ 3‘ Excitation
5‘ 5‘
5‘ S
3‘ Pol
3‘ 3‘ Pol
5‘ 5‘ 5‘
3‘ Pol 3‘ S S
90 °C 72 °C S
30-40 III. Elongation
I. Melting
cycles Excitation Detection

45-65 °C
II. Primer (and Probe) Annealing
P probe
3‘ I.
3‘ 5‘
5‘ 5‘
P 3‘ P probe

Pol Data


III. Pol

Figure 2. A, Steps in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR): I, double strands of DNA are separated by heating at a high (melting) temperature; II, specific
primers (P) are annealed by bringing the mixture into an optimal temperature range; and III, elevation of temperature to the optimal activity of the heat-stable
Taq polymerase (Pol) results in the elongation phase, in which generation of new strands of DNA occurs through the addition of nucleotides (N) from the primers.
These 3 steps are repeated 30 to 40 times to amplify the gene of interest. B, Detection of PCR products in real-time PCR. Top, DNA binding dyes such as SYBR
Green I (S) fluoresce only when bound to double-stranded DNA. Bottom, Hydrolysis probes are sequence-specific oligonucleotides that contain a reporter
fluorophore (R) that is quenched by an attached molecule (Q). During replication, the Pol II cleaves the oligonucleotide, enabling emission of the reporter’s
fluorescence as it is separated from the quencher. In both types of detection, fluorescence is recorded using the real-time PCR instrument and processed using
software for data analysis.

mRNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) in vitro before to cDNA, of which an aliquot is used in subsequent PCRs.
amplification through PCR. The main disadvantage of this technique is the increased
The RTs are RNA-dependent DNA polymerases that are opportunity for DNA contamination.14 Regardless of the
expressed by RNA-containing retroviruses, which can tran- method, the level of cDNA synthesized is proportional to the
scribe DNA using the viral RNA as a template. The enzyme amount of starting mRNA, so this technique can be used to
most widely used for the RT in RT-PCR is the Moloney determine changes in gene expression.
murine leukemia virus transcriptase, which synthesizes the
cDNA first strand from a single-stranded RNA template. Real-Time PCR
RT-PCR can be performed as either a single step, where Although PCR represented a tremendous leap in technology,
mRNA undergoes RT to DNA and then amplification in a its uses were mostly qualitative because the ability to quantify
single reaction, or as a 2-step process, where RT and ampli- amounts of nucleic acids by conventional means was limited.
fication occur in separate reactions. One-step real-time PCR Once the PCR is completed, the products are separated based
may minimize experimental variation because both enzy- on size by means of agarose gel electrophoresis and are
matic reactions occur in a single tube.14 However, RNA is detected, in the form of a bright band, with ethidium bromide,
used as the starting template, which can be prone to degra- a compound that fluoresces once bound to dsDNA. This
dation across time. Therefore, if the same sample is to be so-called end-point detection is semiquantitative at best for
assayed multiple times across time, a 2-step process may be several reasons: ethidium bromide lacks sensitivity, the end-
desirable. In the latter approach, total mRNA undergoes RT point levels of product from the same sample vary from PCR

VOLUME 101, OCTOBER, 2008 439

run to run, and there is a limited dynamic range for precise the detection of the fluorescence that is generated on cleavage
quantification of the product based on densitometric analysis of the probe as the PCR product is synthesized (Fig 2B).
of the brightness of the band.14,15 When the probe is intact, the quencher prevents the reporter
Other methods in molecular biology were available for from fluorescing through a process known as fluorescence
measuring quantities of specific nucleic acid sequences, such resonance energy transfer.17 As the new DNA strand is
as Northern and Southern blots, in situ hybridization, and synthesized, the 5⬘ nuclease activity of the DNA polymerase
RNase protection assays. However, each of these methods cleaves the probe, separating the quencher and the reporter
had shortcomings, including lack of sensitivity, propensity to dye. Because fluorescence resonance energy transfer requires
be labor intensive and time-consuming, the need for radioac- the close proximity of the reporter and quencher molecules,
tivity, and limited ranges of detection.14,15 A more sensitive, increased fluorescence emission occurs as the dye and the
accurate, and simple method to quantify nucleic acids was quencher are separated, and the signal intensity is propor-
needed, and it became evident that PCR could become quan- tional to the amount of PCR product generated. This method
titative by measuring the amount of amplified material as it is requires a different probe for each gene to be assayed and is
generated at each cycle. This process, termed real-time PCR, more expensive than using DNA binding dyes.15 However, it
became a reality as a result of the development of fluorescent provides greater specificity because only sequence-specific
chemistries and instrumentation that allows detection and amplification is measured, and it is particularly useful in
quantitation of DNA not at the end of the amplification detecting DNA mutations and single-nucleotide polymor-
process but while it is synthesized. This yields results in phisms through the use of a melting curve analysis.15 In this
numerical values that provide true quantitative capabilities. important application, fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides
Both PCR and RT-PCR can be performed using this technol- are hybridized to an amplified PCR product in tandem. Heat-
ogy. ing of the sample results in dissociation of the probe and a
Real-time PCR instruments combine the ability to excite, change in fluorescence. If a mutation is present, a mismatch
detect, and record fluorescence using a regular thermocycler. between the DNA and the probe occurs, and dissociation will
The fluorescent dyes or probes used in the PCR mix require occur at a lower temperature. This method holds excellent
an energy source for excitation, and real-time instruments use sensitivity, and even single-base mutations are easily detect-
a variety of energy sources, including lamps (ie, tungsten able.15 This technology has been applied to a variety of
halogen), lasers, and light-emitting diodes.15 Most instru- diagnostic tests, including the detection of mutations in
ments incorporate lamps that can be combined with filters to pathogenic bacteria.
excite dyes at specific wavelengths. Fluoresce emission is For SYBR- and probe-based approaches, visualization of
then measured using a photodetector, such as a camera or PCR products can be monitored as the reaction proceeds
photomultiplier tubes. Multiple wavelengths can be measured using the fluorescent chemistries. PCR is a dynamic process
at once, which confers the ability to detect multiple targets in that can be divided into 4 phases: a linear ground phase, an
a single reaction tube (also known as multiplex analysis). exponential phase, a linear phase, and a plateau phase (Fig
Specific software is used to collect and elaborate the data in 3A).14,18 The linear ground phase represents the first 10 to 15
graphic and numeric form for end-user analysis. cycles, in which the fluorescence signal has not yet risen
A variety of fluorescence-based real-time PCR assays are above the background. In the exponential phase, doubling of
currently available.14 Dyes that emit fluorescence only after product occurs at every cycle, and the level of PCR product
binding to dsDNA are commonly used, and SYBR Green I is accurately measured by the fluorescence emission. As the
has proved to be the most sensitive agent. Once bound to the components of the sample mix are consumed, the PCR begins
minor groove of dsDNA, SYBR Green fluoresces 1,000-fold to slow and enters the linear phase, which is characterized by
more than when it is free in solution (Fig 2A).5 The fluores- a high level of variability between runs. Finally, when all of
cence intensity increases proportionally to the amount of the reactants are consumed, the process enters the plateau
dsDNA, enabling quantitation of PCR products. Similar to phase, where no more products are synthesized.
the ethidium bromide dye used in end-point PCR, binding of The PCR products are quantified by the cycle number,
SYBR Green is not sequence specific—this characteristic referred to as the cycle threshold (CT), at which, in the
being given by the use of gene-specific primers— but detects exponential phase, the fluorescent intensity becomes detect-
all newly generated cDNA. able above background. The more target DNA present in the
Another layer of specificity can be uniquely added in starting material, the faster an increase in fluorescent signal
real-time PCR by using an approach alternative to the use of will occur and the lower the CT value will be. Therefore,
nonspecific dyes such as SYBR Green. This is accomplished results obtained using real-time PCR can be used to quantify
through the addition to the mix of a probe that is a fluores- absolute amounts of DNA and to compare relative amounts of
cent-labeled, sequence-specific synthetic oligonucleotide specific nucleic acid sequences between various samples.
working together with the primers to provide higher gene-
specific detection. Widely used are hydrolysis probes, which Quantitation in Real-Time PCR
contain a reporter dye at the 5⬘ end and a quencher molecule A variety of different methods and algorithms have been
at the 3⬘ end of the molecule.16 This PCR assay is based on developed for quantification of changes in gene expression,



Fluorescence 80

0 10 20 30 40
Cycle Number

B 100 Test gene - Sample 1

Test gene - Sample 2
Housekeeping gene - Sample 1
Log Fluorescence

Housekeeping gene - Sample 2

1 ∆CT

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Cycle Number
C 100
Known copy number

60 102
CT Value

103 4
40 105
CT 107
Log Copy Number
0 10 20 30 40
Cycle Number
Figure 3. A, Phases of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as detected by means of real-time technology. In the initial linear ground phase, PCR products are
not yet detectable. In the exponential phase, products are detectable and the reaction is proceeding optimally. The threshold for detection of the cycle threshold
(CT) value (see the “Real-Time PCR” section) is set in this phase (dashed line). In the linear phase, reactants are being consumed, and by the time the reaction
reaches the plateau phase, there is no further DNA synthesis. B, Method of relative quantitation for changes in gene expression. Log-scale transformation of the
amplification plot shown in part A allows easier visualization and determination of the CT value. Changes in expression of a particular gene between 2 conditions
(test gene samples 1 and 2) can be quantitated by comparing the difference in CT values (⌬⌬CT) after normalization, for each sample, with expression of a
housekeeping gene (⌬CT) (see the “Quantitation in Real-Time PCR” section). C, Absolute quantitation of a nucleic acid can be accomplished by generating a
standard curve from varying dilutions of a known amount of the chosen DNA. The copy number of the unknown can be determined by fitting the CT value to
the standard curve.

and more detailed descriptions can be found in a recent value and quantitation of the sample. Relative changes in
review.14 One method frequently used for this analysis is gene expression can then be determined by first normalizing
comparing the difference in CT values (⌬⌬CT) (Fig 3B). First, data to a control gene, whose expression does not change as
transformation on a logarithmic scale of the amplification experimental conditions vary. A variety of reference or
curve allows easier visualization and determination of the CT “housekeeping” genes have been used as such internal stan-

VOLUME 101, OCTOBER, 2008 441

dards, including glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, very small samples of blood or other bodily fluids and from
␤-actin, 18S ribosomal RNA, ribosomal protein 36B4, and tissue from biopsies or brushings.
cyclophilin. To normalize the expression of a specific gene to The RT technology can be used to determine global
a housekeeping gene, the difference in CT between the target changes in gene expression through array studies. RNA sam-
and the reference gene under 1 treatment condition is calcu- ples taken from a cell, tissue, or a patient can undergo RT into
lated (⌬CT) (Fig 3B). This value can be then used to compare cDNA and hybridization to a DNA microarray containing
different conditions, such as the expression of a gene in cells thousands of genes. As the amount of cDNA is proportional
under cytokine challenge vs unchallenged cells. The relative to mRNA expressed in any given tissue, the microarray can
changes in gene expression brought by the treatment are be used to determine the differential gene expression between
determined by subtracting the ⌬CT value of the challenged 2 or more conditions. This is a powerful approach that has
condition from the ⌬CT value of the resting condition been used to characterize a variety of diseases. Because it
(⌬⌬CT). Because the absolute number of mRNA copies in the may be difficult in array studies to precisely quantify levels of
sample chosen as the reference (in the case of the example, changes in gene expression, real-time PCR has been an
the level of expression of a certain gene in unchallenged invaluable tool in validating the array results by accurately
cells) is unknown, only relative changes can be calculated in measuring and confirming results for selected candidate
this approach. In a PCR in which all the components are used genes.
at 100% efficiency, the amount of amplified product doubles Real-time PCR has extended the value of PCR in medical
with each cycle, so a ⌬⌬CT value of 1 within 2 samples diagnostics not only to detect the presence of microbes but
corresponds to a 2-fold difference from the amount of nucleic also to actually quantify bacterial, viral, and fungal loads.15
acid in the reference sample. When expression of the studied The best example of determining the quantity of pathogen-
gene is increased with treatment, the ⌬⌬CT value is negative specific product is using this technique to obtain viral loads in
because the CT number is smaller in the sample in which gene human immunodeficiency virus–infected patients. Clinically,
expression is greater. Once normalized over a housekeeping this has been used as a key measurement to determine when
gene, a change in CT of 2 between 2 samples corresponds to treatment should be started and as a means of assessing the
a 4-fold difference in gene expression; a change in CT of 3 is efficacy of treatment after initiation.20
an 8-fold difference, and so forth. Fold change over the In conclusion, PCR and real-time PCR techniques have
reference sample is then expressed as a positive number after revolutionized basic science research and diagnostic medi-
logarithmic transformation of the ⌬⌬CT value, as 2⫺⌬⌬CT. cine. They have enabled the understanding of countless phys-
The method of reporting differences in gene expression iologic and pathologic mechanisms and are invaluable tools
based on normalization toward reference genes is based on routinely used in diagnosing multiple diseases. As PCR-
the assumption that the expression of the latter genes does not based technology continues to grow and new applications are
change with the experimental condition. Because this is not developed, this approach will play an even larger and more
always true, it is important to use more than 1 reference gene central role in biomedical research and clinical medicine.
or to test the validity as true housekeeping of the chosen
reference gene in each specific experimental setting. REFERENCES
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