Phrasal verbs بالعربي مترجم

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ew-a- 3 Sear #f AS yall) (jlaa'y) Ay julaty) Aaltl 8 PHRASAL AND PREPOSITIONAL VERBS By HEND YOUSSEF EL-NAGAR ¢ ‘iil pape teal wal pial Ng Raj gall paiath Aa dhlall yl Le pl py ee ls nea ie kt Tl pee 2 CTU VPAEAT ) yale (Te TPTTARTYE - THLE TEN a pal = joan ign Dar El-Talae ror Publishing , Distributing and Exporting =) Abdel Hukion El Ketae St. Nate City - Cairne "bel f2bE) 2744642 - GRD Pow : (2026330483 pill dkagasa Jgiafl eros 00 (Ghes STS Sat (ago WISN Ma Sen jae gl lg dean sl bal gl pat plans wp Sgn phat allen ol phones sal Mahg: pitt Sy No Part Of This Book May Be Reproduced By any Process Without Written Permission, Inquiries Should Be Addressed To The Publisher . VA4AIPAG> : pit! —) OTT-2TI--134-9 + gyal pops pails! hee | wd all om eentts sepa!) Lad pI! ELLs lull fete meals Or megillg ply pal placa h Ml Ai ace lg ET QOV Ys aS THs ~ SPRATT: yell PAYER; pall FDL Uw ul gala agli ab hAinga vane Lisi gy Liktes gle play abu y Aimeionl sg ogg) chan -prbanll 5 Nuacl! Sued! Abe Sa pig ogi LL sal) fall! pb GSI © pupa fails fala hp gl pall dps ian alt (ile py la pie phn JI) fall plea) spinal (6 calli og Uy Kite Lh pall fled feat lua line pig .cildlcal het le fal iy All pe shat shh Al jad dapeaal pial! fess bags & gill bie ce fedl! — | oe lary luda! Lary fliteral pial! .pieal Jams idiomatic ,-—sXbaaY! pea! Lary gl) pla! (plead dts {metaphorical .¢ jlaisy! gf bh ell gf pall od ps Aig 2 geal Fb! Ci —f 6G eg ~ Faas — gle hie algi¥ ple Lut gill wig pais ET Bah yy - fad) ae cya lay yh thie - 3 hy aS Mh) Ql) A di pee Fj Ub fmt Sead AN gl pall dy Aut Blade deal fel (1 95 < flamed) ode ne shal olen! casey Lae cles aie clay lls Hag cihpall Sell pd aly pl 1G Ie pew pol ties daceal jal dma Las le case foal) gil fd ath LisLE 1 cpl cy shail! (ya Ae parce y Yared la ssl y Ls pall fail! ns! aie lall oda ciate lied! ip piles Guill te fort ALS g hale Abscay dace gall 9 gical of Sige shall ltl ted Bathe § CE oe pel 8 deal pl gitl Futhglll iy paeral Aapsingh pins Ti pa lgpaie feassd cletn.g pd oa ld (pts (pitts yl IS ib i yh! Sts gl Lal cok si of all hg oth ay el ISH fine Asal py tall chali'g . og pd! all Cdyn SS Sy aS ta pl! GS fad! oe piles Sf consty SA peal , eligly Lae Bp Cale pit} Gey fly” UGS od Ulli tony Je ALY saat pStily Lites pale Ley Leils apadig Lalo Cuualénall ole Au) » Ohad yg Aaa Le J aplgall 4S pal! Jlndy/ é 4 tea particle 5 )> + nail 4 4S yal! Nadi 3 wi & ji preposition »» Gps ~ileed! og jal lan ys abs cpl g Li pls Legh) GyySad Gly jo tly Gla Y! Uso ued adverb AS pall Siafidi bape Give Stall duty Jali By yas hal phrasal-prepositional phrasal verbs prepositional verbs verbs + + verb + adveth + preposition verh + prepasiuon verb = adverb : Prepositional verbs 455 xl Jlaf¥i -' Ys object 4: J yale Lakae Guy ya Ge Judi! oa ae tu edt Gays Sell Ow al ol 4 J pedal oS e.g. He looked after his child. 1 Js oh alata Ys He lonked-hs-chitd after. ‘Phrasal verbs 44,5) Jldyi -' cAue} J gnita Lanans ob VY ady cadverb Wak Jad ode ae: 5 1 pball y Sedll ga tly Gf iS ole 4s J pate laa JIS 14) s e.g. The ship went under. wo pb = 45 Cl yade toy Y He picked up the bail. He picked the bal] up. ob plat jc Saal Chund 4) Jj petell (Sas 7 :Phrasal-prepositional V. 3,3; 494 4! Judi - pe Che jcillll y a a eal ae U3 ey Jel os bes e.g. Look out for spies. (out = adverb, for = preposition) : AS pall Shed) lel odiu wAgalall 4a) yh, yeldcall ye _yacill » Ayalell Absa! —' Sguill ye pASN aie Ted haw led Sunt le 5 paall 52, 5) 7 aise le 484 shop around ~S pall Jail 3 shopping wheal ga Lec Solis Saal Mabel Gell od Oud ally Caaall Ga -T SIS LAIST Spe LS ks 55 Ady plang Shed Wg tlaetat iay - 2 eB | 5 Si gta al tl AN Le elie oS Spm Ca galllll (peut y panera 4p jul ty! Aalll Lnole aiad ~0 HS pall bail Ue peat OM J gy oi ASLEN pe reamed dd peo oN uc put up with | descended ¢~ Ys Jj ies climbed down tolerate Cpe Yas Ghent) ine: AGS yall Sed Azabu! | pjlealt Ik at Vy ates pl dpe cape coll pli Sa! ye IS tlie 4 e.g. He hoped for success. cp—ieny J all gine ya panel! cline or iti! LuSey Lucas y rt Eh ff a) e.g, He went in, dds = Gala 0 ad ell ae cine y Jedill (pits ye lien ¢ Gil Liha Y Lge ull r4leis Ce VY idtomatic , a lew! ea kh Shy a pe e.g. She takes after her mother. aad yoy poten! cginall lubes ¥ yall ca yay cad) cic (5ST Saal tail) —— Unit 1 Away ‘aay ple pina SucblY) y nablilll :1s¥! _pinall Spinal the Cind aki ill 4S yall advil utes bale wes) Sy — pans — Lileae jy ot per tly — la phy tat lk) tages S81, - ¢ phy - ly - 5 he 1. break away 2. get away 3. give away 4, keep away 5, run away 6. take awa 1- Break away j,4 ce jody ‘ginal 4h. ifiel a- The wing of the plane broke away in mid-air and the plane crashed. » baban ad el gel 68 gay 3s!) ~la Saaail ~| b- You'll have to break the branches away to get through the thick forest. veal py SY heats Glad DS ts AI c- The State has braken away from the Umon. ad) ge UY 4M culuabl He d- | had accepted his offer because I wanted to break away from my family and community. -gtetiaay gible Ge aii! ol a GY Anas als ail —3 9 2-Getaway oo) Jy a- I really must get away from this place. -fSall Waa ye el Gl a dasa —! b- The convict got away from his guards. haul ye Cpe pagal ya c- The thief got away with a lot of money. shalt Coe HSM Anas Upalll oa ~— d- His father thought it would be good for his son’s character to get away from home and earn some money on his own, py Sy Ch pall Ge eta yf endl! ye gi cally aitie! ail —2 3- Give away qual — pull Lidsy —aiy Ulan £ py 1 ginal! Nig Tide 4Bai i- Ecould never decide whether to keep the money he left me or give it away. 4633) pl ool 4S coal) Shelly Soils CUS 15) Le 598 gh alia J 2- The guest gave away the prizes. SH gall Caweall py 3- The soldier gave away the secrets when the enemy tortured him. wall akc Lanic jel weal! ass --= 4- Although he speaks English very weil, his manner of speech gives him away. 10 Araiaii pS 4 aSi yb 2) Yi Taga dy jlesyl lsu ail 46 ae lL -2 5- He gave away his best chance to win. jill ip AU doe pf anil aye oi) —a 4-keep away qt) —lae, iy i ginall tigt Linke ital 1- The police wamed them to keep away from the blazing building. sited ginal! ye Nay Udy ob Gall aa pis =| 2- Her illness kept her away from work for several weeks. sdodled Saad Sand yo Tae Lgeta ye Lalit ad? -G 3- We missed you at the party. What kept you away? Toad alles coh le tld) 8 lil aa! —_s 4- | shall keep my daughter away from school until her stomach is better. Uglies Cpe ie A oad ye a a al Wags 2 5- Rum away qyiy — 9 fe ~ Jays tinal! dice 48a! a- He ran away from the boarding school. abd all 4s jdall Le A =| b- The water runs away from this pipe. 3b paall oak i“ = lal haga Je nd c- We can’t run away from the facts. Side ye aye) ot agli Y — 11 d- She has run away with her boss. Mga) oe Cua al —3 6- Take away’ Say 4aQ — ¢ pbs - dlly — 6 ity a- This kind of action takes away from his reputation. wAGaane Ce TS SE ob peellll Se & gill Lae —| b- The guards took the prisoner away to jal. Cpl) CM ual Cjsl pall Gal -o c- Take away 2 from 4 and you get 2. JY gle een £ gu Yc ybl a d- This drug helped to take away the pain. wal) wii le aclu ol yall laa —3 e- These books are not to be taken away from the library. ~All tS & da Saul SI) sha —a 2 phe giteaS, AAG) 5 pil ginal ‘pial [Sy Cant at 5) US yall Lady! 1. do away with Sis — ctl — oye palit 2. explain away | ls Lbs elid) gle dard Ol yes at — 3. fade away colic 9 Bois — plik — 4, pass away esis ~ gt Hh 5. throw awa} Aas Cpe pal 12 1-Do away with ( jay 2 plead Jit tide 1.) a- They say he did away with her by poisoning her food. shgelada ppauts elit ail ol yt —! b- The criminals did away with the old man. uaall Jal je Spe paall alk c- The death penalty has been done away with in many European countries. Ag gost! Dull be oAS 68 ploeY 4 gee Call il —x 2- Explain away iba eliay | yp 2 ieall tidal 46! a- He explained away his late armval blaming jt on the crowded roads. Anas jal 3 pall gle all cli (pales yey 952 ait I b- You will find it difficult to explain away your use of such offensive language. AS gl daglll osm Thal iinet ps yal 58 Ar gee dots 3- Fade away 590 — a: — 46) a- The crowd just faded away. aan Go a) b- She’s fading away. - ead (il c- The colours faded away. 13 “cH ry | tiga aa) —# d- If you don’t eat you will start fading away. eOgpall of fins USE al lat ~a 4- Pass away ,.Asy —,,1a, t -inall dike Lfio! a- She’s feeling very depressed at the moment; her mother passed away unexpectedly last month. emake jgetll Lysall y Ca iB clad CD (gb USL alts al I Cast ne ile b- The pain was severe to begin with, but it soon passed away. neg La he pus 448) 5 Aula of Pues all oI -o 5- Through away aes -—ca yale ‘gpisall 4ide tlie! a- Let’s throw the old television set away, it’s been giving more and more trouble, we should get a new one. cette lGall Gay zeneeal ad aul cy gs Salil Slee ye alas “1 ase Al 6 Adi b- Never Throw away a chance to tmprove your English. SM Sabet) nent dae yf sl Tul aadati YG c- Why are you throwing yourself away on a woman Itke that who can wreck your life. 1 SBlga jpast UgiSay 04S al yal el yy sya Hotel —_s 14 Away pall Gipe as coal les 1. Get away with cst eas — be opt ae be Fay ~ ty Oh eo Jae 2. Hide away 4014 4455 dink) 3. Put away Seay T pa Sp 4. Work away ard (68 pac 5. Write awa Came Cl sind GS, 1- Get away with 6 44:-(jpnw —Jay a- The thieves got away with a lot of money. stall ie SS agen y peo pecalll ss —| b- I'd Jike to get away with my wife for a week or two. all she gual Baad ey ae el gl agi me c- How did he get away with fooling his wife? Ate) Fok od ey Oh gp Usha Was —_a 2-Hide away 405 43,45 - ky spinal! Tike 4 Bal a- Hide father’s present away until his birthday. De ue te ye ly gis Tus GY! dae peak b- You'd better hide away here until the police have stopped trying to catch you. These yl Aida ye jal gall way te Le eid) eel ye a 15 3- Put away (au - pau ~—5 a- She put her clothes away. {oY pl (a) Yee at ad -1 b- They have put away some money in the bank. Sl 4 iJlall cwam ty yeah sa} c- The judge put the criminal away for ten years. wal gine ye Stal ajaeall call a 4- Work away 3 pains Ade: hay a~ They haven't stopped, they’ ve been working away al! day. vgs igh cyghany "gb Sp | sil shy! agi -1 b- You've been working away since the early hours of this morning. se tanall Ha I gl ileal) Bis haat dhl - 5- Write away cyt di ge (ple Mw, qs, 1 ginal! tide 4fia/ a- She wrote away for more information. tage Ga ae tb ley a b- You just write away giving your name and address. bil gic g Gla! ag! Jur) bait — 16 eAlS¥! Bang pl Ale Amal ye Cy jhe Revision exercise Sibel MASS! pe iS pe Sad init 6) alll Mal Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given fo fill in the space provided. ]- You should ... those shoes and get a pair of these. . yal 753 git jus y elasJl toa... ol take) =| Pass away - throw away - run away - do away with 2- During the cross-examination Mr. Stewart tried to ...... what had happened. tate Le yh yl pti gle Guill elidl -7 Work away - fade away - explain away - get away. 3- lve been ....... On this project for the last tow weeks. “p AY) pe se DG gg eal Uae 8 al

jy 7 Say 73 Shalt gl aye 1- Call back (ost —440 Quai tinal fits Lftal a- If he’s busy now, I'll eall back in half an hour. Als led Og SG tls IY gate lS IE 1 b- He was called back from his holiday to handle the problem. AIS Zell pethesd ao jlal gue posal al —O 2- Fall back on ,,5 la — agiG) — joes ll cay fpieall Tike Ba! a- We have some money to fall back on. astell sie agi Lats Le lal cya Liste —I b- I think we'd better fall back on the town. ASgrall Mt Qyaile agai | ual! ye atiel — 19 c- Doctors sometimes fall back on old cures when modern medicine doesn’t work. Gel fis Leni: Zeyaill pel Jilin y off Glad pliblyl tal -—_ cudall 3- Get back ss) -294 a- When did your neighbours get back from their holiday. To jie) Ge bl pa ale Ga —) b- I woke early, but couldn’t get back to sleep. ag Al Bye elb of abil aly [See Cobia) - c- This medicine will help to get your strength back. SG sale te theluus el gall be —_a d- What time did you get back last night? Foal ALI cane ie 2 e- I'll never Jend you books, you never get them back. » eage Y ebY Jad Las oh pel J ua 4- Give back 4) a- When can you give back the money that you owe? Ihe Cpe Cinta fill Le aya Gf palate (pie I b- Living here has given me back my health. ogee (gl Gute! ls tall -—u c- Mona gave back insult for insult. Lethe, Ailey gle Mur) gia x 20 d- This cave gives back the echo of your voice. SE gaat Gane Quay wag Sll Ika —o §-Goback aeiog-Jiy -4)5 a- 1 won't go back on my word. gills oh aa l ) -) b- You should never go back on your promise to a child. hil 4; Sey lee aa! jG ol oes Y c- Never go back on your friends. Mood Jha3 Y —ue 6- Take back ea 4-384) (i aa, a- I have to take these books back to the library. AGSe tt iS ada gel ol ay -I b- This bus will take you back to the city. Asal dae Gan SY! laa c- The smell of new bread takes me back to my childhood. scsi giley (gi S35 g jb 58 Sal 21 pls pinaS Aa gliball sph aSaill 2 pill) inal tegimall We cast ait cl AS yall SLi! 1. Cut back : 2. Fight back | ast ~ CaS 9) gat: - ay 2 3. Hold back 4. Set back 1- Cut back pal) ~_»ely - ly a- We shall have to cut back on our spending. LGA 5 pace Jie pane —| b- He decided to cut the plants back in order to improve their growth. La yah Qt dal ye GGL nelly gf Lf all 4 c- If we don’t sell more goods, we'll have to cut back production. ely! Cpealitl plats pS} aud al 13) = 2- Fight back asliy —asé: — Sie 1, tginall 4ide Lfhe/ a- If we did that the importing countries could fight back with laws of their own. Lgl Gy le ye Shally 3p ginal SDL 9 sh Lag gb ila Lila 14) 1 AL’) b- They will fight back, they will not surrender. Ngan Ch y cy 90 ghibtes pied} 22 c- She fought back her tears. d- I had to fight back a desire to Jaugh at the small chiid’s remark. . jaeacall label Ade gale plc lawl! 8 ce) cuS) oy ple! al —3 3- Hold back jlany ~ ,pidy ~ aig a- ] held back as long as J could from telling him what I thought of him. Aad gd! os ual Ses 2d J pb Cuil aa! —| b- Don't hold anything back, you must tell me everything. eee JS Saas gl a ¥ Gt ies Y¥ - c- We started in good time, but the heavy rain held us back. Ailes apatih ylaall Sly Qala iy § Lly ai] —a d- The police was unabie to hold back the crowd. plas YI pie cle lb ue Gal yall GIS -3 4- Set back Jad) — Jha -_ay fo psimeall Liste LL! a- This has set back the whole programme of nuclear power. Ags gill cg sll peal je elas of Lae cud a) | b- This trouble will set his recovery back if we are not careful. 23 “Cp jas (5 al bal cela 5 pie 2S Suall naa ~U c- In the autumn we usually set the clocks back one hour. wey All 6 Aol badd Litlelw 34) le dole —a d- Work on the new school has been set back three months. ge) AG $295 baol 866 af buaall ds yaad of a jaell —2 24 4yHUN Sam gll gle Aale deal ye Cy bei Revision exercises Choose the best alternative from the phrasal verbs given to fill in the space provided: Ulead flab! Sa aS pe Lad usally Fi ill Mal FSA cxnaei the book to Ahmed. saan WS .,..,.U)-1 Called back- gave back- took back 2- Shops are often reluctant to ...... unsatisfactory goods. Age yall pe atlas daa ye ee oo gS le Ge Shall 1 Take back- give back- get back 3- They need the money immediately and can not...... their goods to push the price up. a—iy al oe ppicla, sana pes Ys fy sh Quill y sabia gil peal cut back- set back- hold back 4- Our forces were...... desperately. igdsan Ta fie ...... Zul Ul —£ Fighting back- holding back- setting back §- That computer failure has...... us at least a week. Cut back- fought back- set back 6- If she is ambitious, don’t try to...... her. 25 agspetes al cslat Yo Aa pols tls 1a) —1 Hold back- take back- fight back 7- I'm sorry, my father is out, be will...... you later. ge ads J oh vewees Lb pes IL gl cial -¥ Get back- hold back- call back 8- I think he did everything he could to persuade you tO...... what you'd told us. Ui) 4316 Loe gtetls that! danny 8 Le Ss ail site) A Go back on- call back- get back 9- We have to...... before 11. pie Lobel hb... gy! Luke -4 Give back- get back- call back 10- We should ..... our manager before taking any decision. ob sl Hash US Gadd.) ea? Fall back on- go back on- call back 26 Down jaudl pls piaaS caabdlly Salih Jy) (pial. iggitall 1a CaS 2 (al AS pall lad 1. Bring down 2. Calm down 3. Come down 5. Cut down 6. Die down 7. Keep down 1- Bring down 34 - pay — dy iepinall Lite itte! a- Their demands have brought the prices down. » lan! pple Cues —| b- This scandal could wel! bring him down. Absa! Lay) deaucnill oda — c- We are afraid that Adel will bring his friend down to his own level. val finmal () jy Aowe lesa hole Gh pid We d- My mother is too weak to come downstairs, we'll try to bring her down. gl oh Wylie 1b shad 53 Gh aphid 3 dens (gel yl -2 27 2- Calm down |. a- I tried to calm him down after the bad news. Adgal) USS) ey Atha Cal gla aa! ~| b- Calm down, therc’s nothing to worry about. » MM pela Y shud eegha c- The wind seems to be calming down at last. Aga hae el ol ee oz 3- Come down Jags — i - ais a- Her weight is slowly coming down. vedo Lei is Uxadad —| b- The child's temperature come dewn in the morning, «7 lameli (6§ Jab! 3) x Cuseath ail — c- She has come down to begging for work. vJ gusts gS and alle yh ye) Aga hey all -x d- The aeroplane came down in that field. ial! laa 3 Ub cuba -3 e- That old building is coming down next year. -polall salad) ill |e sagan ~e 4- Come down to 6 jedty — op dey — pl) ota — pl) Ub a- His hair comes down to his shoulders. 28 3S coll eey 0 pat Gy! | b- Come down to the ground, I can’t hear you at the top of the ladder. wplall lel gf cally Mola aphid Y OL yay! gl Up mo c- He come down to selling matches on street comers. d- When it comes down to a matter of principle, it seems we have no choice. wha UE yaad al gaa Lose De oll pal Gey 1a) a e- | think this problem comes down to a matter of morals. GAs! atlas gil ob peal AK! cae of adic! -e 5- Cut down jaldy —_»als - Jy a- Save time by cutting your shopping down to twice a week. eal hice hand Mis Cli es jy b- I could cut your father’s trousers down for the boy. regal adil chal cy sllaiy jaa GF pig c- In this time of raising prices we must alJ cut down on our spending. Cp pid Gh oy Y lal pL Cpe MEY) oak a ie Alby poe 5- Die down aadg — .ppily —iagy — Lime a- the wind has died down a bit. 29 ald Ll laa -1 b- His anger has died down. ~Aneat aa ta) “WU c- The fire has died down. jG ek wil ma 7- Keep down Waidin iy a- The government wants to keep prices down. fled polis gle 6G of Aa Soll ay 6 - b- Keep your voices down, someone might hear you. wd they tid Leeda SE ge a c- You should try to keep down your anger. dluat eS gb Jylad gh Gay ple pines abel) —cu6l) —Aay jgll spill inal ‘cginall We Cand ait ill Sea! 1- Knock down 2- Pull down 3- Put down 4- Wear down 1- Keep down yakiy —Lal pps — pags a- His speech was poorly prepared and I soon knocked down his argument. ieee Cie le Sle poy dioll shae'Y! oj) itis GS ttle culs -~i 30 b- The old theater had to be knocked down to make way for the widening of the road. +e pall ee gil LISs asaisl pyadll & _jauall pas aa c- He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round. sgl gl! AS gall pd ul ye UM La J Aaah ple 1a —= 2- Pull down jij — piggy —eiancey a- This illness has pulled him down. «pa_yall ae ada sal —! b- If you marry that man, he will pull you down to his level. v0! ginwe oll th J jie Ja jl tae aay 8 1a) ma c- Pull down the curtains, the hight is too bright. Jae debe bela GY tual! aa! —e 3- Put down aaj - 54 —bye a- The pilot said that tt was a good place to put down. do yogi fae OAS GIS gf iulall Ju 1 b- You can put your hands down now. Sg eda OY! Cy yepbsiad - c- Can you put me down at the next station please? Calliad “pe Luctlll Alaa! TI jal aula Ja -a d- He’s always putting his wife down in public. 31 (\em_you ~ Wg Ty). Lal ale dle gy) 308 Cpe ey (dls gd 2 e- J put his success down to his hard work. 4. Wear down eligiul —céawel — vill a- His strength has been worn down by illness. 448 oy pall Wiewl od) I b- My shoes have been worn down a lot since | started walking so much. AW y8S ptiall ho ol Me dala) yi af Jthaa gh c- Wind and rain have worn the monument down. oy ats | sStal a6 baal elo) -—= d- The tactics were designed to wear down the enemy’s resistance. + goal da hie Valero Anew CLS 44)! ct Failing ale , pines Joi : SSG pina) rcgimall Hae Cast ait (lh AS pal) Sled) 1- Break down hee — ew — Jats 2- Close down Lil gly Ailey ola ye Wad gs 3- Let down "dae ades — loa 4- Turn down eas ad 1- Break down hat; - jaa iggdeall dibs ithe! a- | expect the negotiations to break down soon. 32 Lap sh Ctshell haa gl ad I | b- The car broke down on the way to the airport and I had to take a tax. hy pleated yg lea) ha lel haa) culled ag) -—W wget c- An unhappy marriage usually breaks down. ~ dues La édke. asl pe et) 35 te d- Peace talks have broken down in the Middle East. vane Yt Spall gd Dl lbalae (gi!) Gaba sal - 2 2- Close down ; él — orgy — Adi olah ce Ui Gy a- He has closed down his business in Alex. b- The radio station is now closing down and we wish you all good night. odgeee 44) Leen pS ial acl oy! dtaas Gy tei gi 4K c- That little shop has closed down. ~ (Lies) gel 4 jatecall laull laa —_a 3- Let down Jala yi Jaey —Jady a- She let her hair down. Le ye otal sal -1 b- Don’t let me down, because I need your help. Mirelwe glial li eas Y - 33 c- She let the dress down several centimeters. Od Gets dete sledll lla! ual —_~ 4- Turn down vais: - pad, a- The committee has turned down his application. Agile Ziad) canal) —I b- Sales have been turning down since summer. deel Lia palit of leat —U c- Please turn the radio down, I’m trying to sleep. ~pgll Jota) lS aad oye gl pl gee yin Other Meanings :.¢_j4) cjles 1- Lay down 2» Put down to 3- Take down 4- Put down 5- Talk down to 6- live down 1- Lay down (m5 — aay a- There are laws which lay down what employers and employees must and must not do. done) tel ded oy) aay YY Ley Ga Le ted pil gf lla — - ail gall 5 b- He has laid down certain conditions which you must follow. gas oh cap coil day pl Ga aetny aid - 34 2- Put down to as» a- All this can be put down to advances in engineering. Reatigh 58 pail) ot aay ol See ta JS yy! mI b- J would put his bad manners down to tiredness. Aad oll cep 46 pls aa! Ley iO c- He puts his success down to hard work. 4sta3) Sa abc ol) dala gay

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