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m,./Hello dear, thanks for the acceptance.

So nice having you as a friend here,

Facebook suggest you as a friend on my wall. I viewed your profile and pics, you
seem to be a very nice and lovable lady. I said to myself I would love to be a
friend, a good one possibly.

So nice to have you as a friend here and is great hearing from you. I would really
love us to know each other more better,

Tell me more about you, my new found friend, are you in a relationship?

Is nice getting to know you more better, have you been single since you are not
with your husband?

I have been emotionally down since i lost My wife and i submitted myself to work so
as to get a better life for my family, and that is why i am mostly busy with work.
and presently i think its time to settle down because am not getting any younger.
My daughters needs a motherly love you know.

Have you dated any man online?

What are the things you have experienced here on Facebook?

How old are you?

Are you a Christian?

Awww, am so happy you are a believer of Christ. Am a true believer of Christ and I
will never depart from his ways, am also bringing up my Daughter in the way of the
lord so when she grow up she will never depart from it as it is written in the
Tho i do not read the bible much i keep praying for the motivation to be doing so.

Do you live alone? I live with my 4 children and my sister and her son lives with
me also but i will be moving to a new house and leave this one for my sister and
her son.

Did you go to work today?

What do you do for a living?

Do you still want a man in your life?

You sound so great, I really do want a woman in my life to love me and my family
forever as much as I will forever love her and together is where we should be for
all eternity

What kind of man do you want to spend the rest of your life with?

You sound so sweet, I want to spend the rest of my life with a God fearing Lady
that will forever love me and my family and that she will treat everyone as one

Are you willing to relocate for love?

Am willing to relocate to any where I find true love, buy a new house and start a
new living of a complete man with my soulmate living together as one lovely family
Do you still believe in true love?

I so much believe in love and I know that someday I will find true love that will
last for a life time

Will you ever be committed in a relationship and want it to last for a lifetime?

Do you really believe that you can possibly find that special man you would love to
spend the rest of your life with someday?

Tell me dear, will you welcome the children of your dream man and treat them like
your own children?

Are you willing to spend the rest of your life with your dream man, or you just
want a short term relationship?

Will you always be there for your man whenever he wants you by his side?

Will you be faithful to your man all time?

Do you love to romance, kiss and make love to your man always when ever the both of
you are alone??

Can you express your love to your man in public?

Do you like holding hands and exchanging casual kisses with your partner?

Do you consider yourself very sexual?

Do you enjoy making love with your man in the bathroom during bath?

What inspires you? Answer: God

What turns you off? Answer: cheating,quarreling,argument and lies

What are some of your favorite activities

What is favorite food, color, drink and movie?

If you could change something about yourself, what would it be & why? answer: I
would change how I tend to dwell on the's really dragging me down

What has been the best decision you've ever made? answer: When i quite drinking

How do you feel about open relationships?

Describe your perfect vacation. Answer : Flying to Paris,then taking a train

through France, Switzerland, Italy, Yugoslavia, and Greece., Then spending 3 months
on a Greek island. I had the time of my life,and these are my fondest memories, I
will do it again.

What 3 physical features do you get compliments on most?Answer: smile, eyes,

skin/complexion, and sometimes my voice too. People like it for some reason.

What languages can you speak?

Which would you like to learn?

What are the five most important things in your life? Answer : God, Family, health,
Living to help others without asking for anything in return, Finally living long
enough to tell you that i think you are great.

What do you spend most of your money on?

What would you cook for a frist date at home?

What Would you rather have when you are with the rightful someone trust or love?

What do you think is the biggest mistake that men/women make in their

Where were you born?

Where did you live most of their childhood life?

What was your most memorable childhood moment? Family Vacations

What was your big childhood fear? The dark, monsters, Thunder storms etc

What was the single most significant turning point in your life? When I got

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What's the difference between love, romance and sex? Love is giving freely
through thick & thin, Romance is something you do and make happen while Sex is an

If your husband or lover is in need of your help Finalcially, will you be able to

Do you want children? I don't think so, but I could take my partners own as mine
and be a good father.

If you had three wishes, what would they be? To find a woman who would treat me
with respect, be loved and wants to spend the rest of her live with me and her kids
if any or we both adopt one or two

What do you want most from life? To be happy, loved & healthy

Are you a cat-person or dog-person? I like both, i have a dog and i love animals
very not the wild ones

What do you do when you feel sad or depressed? Call my best friend just to talk
things over with

What do you do when you feel angry or upset? Take a deep breath, and walk away for
a little bit to gather my thoughts

What three words best describe you? Loyal, Caring, Loving

Do you save for a rainy day or live life as it comes? Save for a rainy day

I can't stop viewing your pics sweetie, you have the beauty of a pretty angel. A
beauty that can make a mans heart to skip, I don't know if other men feel the same
way am feeling right now but I must say your beauty makes my heart skip.
Your looks is like that of an angel with a very good loving and caring heart, you
have an unexplainable beauty that can make any good man to fall in love with you

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