Daughter Format 1

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Good afternoon over here now sweet mom, mom how are you?

I hope all is going well

with you ? My name is JANE the daughter of Mr. JOHNSON CRAIG.
MOM am so much Grateful to write you this Mail, because My Dad has told me about
You, He is Really Happy talking About you, Dad told me about so many Lovely things
About you, How you cares so much, Thats Great Mom, Mom i have Been Waiting for this
Opportunity to have a Nice and Lovely and caring, Understanding Mother that i will
call My Mom for the rest of my Life, Dad have told me a lot about you and i believe
he loves you a lot, I asked him if i could send you emails every now and then so i
can get to know the woman that has brought this joy and happiness to my Dad again.
Daddy really told me a lot about you and i believe he is a happy man again,
Especially having you in his life now, Because since the Death of my Mother .
Mom my Dad told me that i was just kid then during the Accident for a very long
period of time he has been a lonely man and have not been happy with that, When he
told me about you I knew it was for real because my dad haven't told me about any
other woman besides you and I think you must be very special to him telling me
about you. Actually, I would like to let you know that my dad is the best father in
the whole world and i love him so dearly. I wouldn't like anything to happen to him
or to see him sad nor hurt,
I don't want to doubt his love for you or to think that you may not love him the
way he loves you, I just want to believe that what my dad said about the love you
both have for each other and the communication is true and sincere.
Sweet mom my dad's feelings and happiness is very important to me and i will not
allow anyone to play with his heart, He said you are a very sincere and
understanding Woman that he will be planing for us all to live as one family in
future, which i believed. Because i believe my dad knows what he wants and he won't
easily make any mistake about finding his rightful woman. MOM please i want you to
promise me you will show me and my brother LEO as much love as a mother should show
her children, because dad told me you are a very caring Woman who loves children
and you're going to take us like your own children, So i believed my dad because
he have always been that way and mom please promise me you will also love him as he
does too.
Mom i am Planing to be a medical doctor in future and i am studying hard here at
school to make you and dad proud in future, Mom i like reading and I like going to
the Movies, i like taking Ice creams after Reading. Mom i Missed my Dad so much and
Mom he is all i have and i love him so much, Mom i like eating rice and Salad and
Chicken. Mom my Best song is Christian songs, "So they are no longer two but one
flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate. "I
know dad is in love with you and i am happy with that because he is happy having
you and i believe you also appreciate been having him in your life as he does too.
Mom I really can't wait to call you mom because you are now going to be our new
mother mom since my mom died have been very quiet and lonely, missing that motherly
love thing you know what i am talking about?. but now i believe there is someone
to show me motherly love again. (YOU), So can i count on you for that?
Well these are all i have to say for now It would be a pleasure to hear from you
I love you sweet mom, kisses and hugs for you my beloved mother
Yours Sincerely,

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