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ACTEVETY TorMAT im,Moterials,

Prscedure, 0bstrvai o
Chemieal Reochonsand Equations
"A chemical change takes place whenever achemical resction dccurs

’ Clean a magnesium ribbon abut ’ Take lead ntrate solution in
3-4 cm Lon q by rubbing it with a test be.
Sand paper. > Add potass, iodide solotion to
’ Hdd it with a par of tongs. his
Burn t using bunner and
colect the ash so formed Observaron
in a wateh-glass. ’Po hassium nitrate CKNO3] s
Obser yation. Sermed
’Yellow precipitate of leoad iodide
’Magnesium ribbon burns
with a dazzing white fame. LP6L,I is formed
’ t hanges into a hi te
powder called mag nesi um
oxi de.
’The magnesium oxide is
Sormed due to he reacton Take some zinc qran ules in a conieal ask
between maqneSium and ’ Add arlute hydro chlorle acid or sulphurie
ygen( in a). acid to this.
>Hydrogen gas is fonmed by the aci on
+ From these aetvites, we can Say tat oý dilute hydrochloric acíd/| sul phunie
seme oboer vations help us to determine acid on zinc,
dhether a cheical reacion tikes lace ’The tamperatire also inereasus,
" Chahge in Gbate:
"Change in coloun. compaund is leadioddide
" Eucution ot a gas. "Precipitate is yelleu in olour,
"Reactoh- Pb CNo),t2KL’Pblat2KNO,
" Change in temperature. "Double displacement reaeion.

Writing achemical reachon's deseriplon in asentence forn is tao long:
Se, we write it in a fonm of Hord -equatien
’Word-equation for AcrIVITY L.: Magnesium t Oxygen ’ Mognesium oxide
(Reactamts) cProduct)

Reactants : The suostances hat undergo chemical change in the reacton.

oProduct :The new substance formed during the reaction.
e Hord equation shows the changing o reackanto to products by an anrow between them.
Reactants ane written on LHS with a lqn between thern.
o Products are written on RHS wrth a 'siqn between hem,
o Arrow head points towards the products and also showS the direci on of the reaton.
Writing a Cherrical Equation
o We use chemical Sormulae 1nbtead o wwords to vnake chernieal equaies concise and
6 Chemi cal equoion represent, a cheni cal reac ion. usejul.
’ The word equation jor ACTEVITY 1d Can
be wrlten as i Mgt0> Mgo
oBalaneed equaioni Number of atoirs of cach
element is sarne on both sid es ,res uting in te
mass bing satna on both sides, E- Ct t 2.br2 ’CBra t 2F2
oUnbalanced/Skeletal equation : Hunber of aorn of sekne dements loll alenents o
both sdes,resul ing in he mass being different on bobherent on

Balanced Chermieal Equatione

OLaw o Conservation of mass states that mass cay neither be oreated nor be destroyed in a
chemical reaction.
o Chenical equaions have to So low hiis law - TGta mas ot clenents
Should be equal bo the to bal rass ot element bresenta 1o the poayant in resconts
aboms o each ement migt resnain oarne before and producto T.e. Nuoer o
We need to bal ance a ater chenieal reaetion.
chemiedt ckeleto) euation
Ayter balaning an equotion, we. wnte phusteal otates k preuete and rea
the equaton more lnsormative. ctants to nake
These physi cal states ae gaseou6 Cg, Liquid cL), aqueous (aq) and Golid s)Caq ssalubon insateg
Eq-3Fe(5)t 4H20 Cg> FezO4s)4Hz(g) LEquation Sor ACrrVrTY 15]
Someimes reacion condrMons lhe tempenature,
pressuneycatalys t,etc are to be wmten oloot e and/| ZntH2504 ’ZhsO4tH2.
or below the arno) in equation.

chlorephuCaH 12Oç (aa)t60,Ca a)+ 6H,0C)

into those of another clermnt

o Duding a chemical reacion, atsrne y elem ent do not change lsehere.
Nor do atoms disappear from the mixtare or appear fom
chernical reactions involve breaking and making of bonds betuen atoms n onder to breduca
hew substanceS,
Combinaion Reaetion ACTINITY 1.4
)>Cao) Caa)
"Redction of ACTrV=TY A.4 CaO S)+ H,0 + He at
’Take a small. ano unt ot calium
t Quick ime- CaO
cAde/ quick i tne in a benher.
> Add water to itt clouly.
*SLaked lime-Ca (OH), ’ Touch the beaer.
calclum oxide combine
In the reactoh for ACrrVITY 1.4, hydroxde Oboervaton
with aer to form a single produet, calcium ’ Calclum oxide reaced igorousy
a reacon uth water to roduce saked
o Combington redction ; Corobinaon reaction i5 Eime.
in hich tuo or more reaetants con bine to or ro ’ Tis releases a lorqe arnaunt
Slngle prod. uct. o heat and the ternperare
CaO (3)+ Hyoc0> Ca (OH), (oqt Hert nises.
bouon t slabed ime produced by reach on es Aetty ArIUITY L4 is used or
hitewashina wiatlb, Calcut hydrexide reacts wth
Layer o calcurn carbonate on te ools. Thls gurn co2 sleuy in ar to form a thln
ayer 2-% days
gves shine to the wals. hitewashing anà
’ Cherial soomda t martble is Cac0,
Ca coH2 Coa) t CozG)’ CaCoz 5)t Ho
Calum dronde Calcium arb nde

Hoee eKarn ples c conbinaten reactons

o Exothermic Reacions i Reactons n hleh heat is reltased aleng with formatton os

Eg. CooC6)+ Ha0 >Ca oH), CagtHeat products.
oMore examples k exothermic reactions i
tburnlng ct natural gas = cHalg+ 202g)’ Coscgt 2H,0 g)
4 Respiration - le get en ergrom joce to stay alve. Food ts broken Jown to simpler
subtances. Carbchydrates ke riee, putatoes and bread ane broken douun to
Sorm alucose.Gnucose tornbines with cxygn in o ur cells and praut
des en Orgu
The speial name e& this r eac on is resiraion.
zCçH 0ç CatGO,Coa) 6cOzlac) t sHao (O tenergy
4DeconposiBon of vegetable matter Lnte conpost.

AO Decomposition Reacion
Reacion in ACTIVITY A5 : 2Fe S0 (
tFerrous sulghate -2Feso4(5) ’ Talee 2g ferrous sulphate crystals
* Ferrle oxlde- Feg0z (5)
in a dry boling tube. Note the colour.
Decomposition Reatton: Asnale reactan t ’ Heat the boiling tube ouer the ame
breake down to give two or more simpler produ o aburn er.
Eg. 2FeS04(S Fe0z(st SO2Cg ts0z 9)
Decompceition c calciu m earbonate to caleium ’The greeh colour of the trystal S
Ade and coron dioxide whe heated ts an eserta changes.
decomposion rescion hi ch is used n iundustries. ’We ca smel the char acteriste
Calcium czide(Qui ch lime) ha s many uses ike ocdoun of bunning sulphun.
nan uacbure ct cement.
lhermal Decomposition Reac ion:hermal deconpesiton is uhen a deeo teat
mposition rea cion is
Carried aut by heati ng. Eq. CacO, 6) 5ines tone
The reacion in ACTINITY 16 is an xample oj thermal
decomostBon reacion ACTIVITY 16
2pbNO 6eutt 2Pb (O44NO,)t0,a ’ Take 2g lead nitrate pow derin
Lead Oxide Nirog en Oxygen
Lend NHtr ote a boilin g tilbe.
’ Hold it ith a pain f tong and
heat it ver aame.
NEXT> Observaton
’ Emisslon of bro won Sumes of
nitro gen dfoxide CNo.
ACTIVITY 1.7 mposithon
Take a lastc mug. DriU 2 holes at the base AAtviby 8&.7 are deco
na t rubber stopparg in the. Insert carbon
electrodes in the rubber soppes. OEndother mic Reacion: Reaetions tn
> Connect the electrodes to 6 volt batery uwhich energ is ab sor bed.
7 FiL the mua with ater in a way that the Eq.Cacoz Heat, Cao tcoz
electro des ane immersed.Add feuw drops of
diLute sulphurie aid to woter
Tnvert two test tibes iled with water AcTIVLTY 1. 8
ov er the 2earbon electhodes
Sutteh on th e cunrent and Leave the chloride in a
appara tus undigturbed or some time. ’ Tabe 2g silver the colour
>bubbles wil Sorn at both the electho des china deh. Hete
>Place ths in sun light Sor
which dl splace water in test tubes. Gome ti me.
Nhen test tbes are Ållec wi th the
nespective gases, remove them. Qbsenvgen
Test these gases by brin gtng a burning ’ silver chlonide tur ns grey
Candle close to the mouth ot test tub eS. elue to the deomposiian $
slber chLortde into siver and
Okseryaen chlonine by ight..
diferent-o ne of
’The voLume f the qases is
the gases which is hydroqeh is 2X voume
other one. oReaRon in ACTTVITY 1- &:
of the other gaS,oxygen in the 2Ag CLLs) nighe 2Aa (s)+l,()
broght near
’ When a burning candle is catehes fire
each test tube- Hydrogen Slver bromide teacts n a simiar way
and burnS with a pop sound in oney
coused the cand le
wherea9 oKygen bun Reacion in AcTIN ITY 1.1:
to burn more briqhtly.
the anode test tbe
>The gas colected in
in the catho de o These reacions ane used in black and
is oxygen, qnd Ehegas white photognaphy
test totbe is hynogen.
Cathode is -ye 3 Anode is +ve require energy
Decomp osition reactons eectricity.
in form og heat, Ightor

Displacement Redction
oReccion in ACTIVITY 1.4: ACT IVILTY 1.4
Fe(s) t CuSoaq)’ Fe S04Coq+ Cu s) rubthem with s and
cotper sulphote Iron Sulphate ’ Take 3 inon nails and
whieh a papen to clean.
o Displacement Reacion Aneaction in >Ta ke 2 test tubes A" and BIh each take 10
displaces Iremoves a sulphate solution.
hiqhly çeactve ele ment
from its solution. ml copper
Less reacive eement thread and im merse them
>Tie 2 leon natls with a
Eg- Reacion in ACTD/ITY LA - test bue B for 20 mins. Kecp
in the GoLution IncompariGch.
Lnatl ast de for nails from saluinn.
examples of displa eem ant rea ction >Ater 20 mons, toke out the
+ZnsD+cu50 (aqZn SO4 aa)t Cus) intensity os blue color og eopper
Cuc5)| Compane the tbasA'and'B.
Cag)’pbcl,Caq)+ sulphate solubons in test
t PbCs+ Cuclo hate, zns04=zinc [ulphate ofiron nals dlpped ln the
"CusO4 Copper sulp Þ Compare the colour
CuCly = Copper, coloride, Pb CLy=Lead chloride solution with the cne kept asde
Observation. nails beeome brountsh in clour.
’ Dipped iron copper sulphate soluion in
The blue eolur
test tube B fades.

Doutle Dislacement Reacion
Reacticn in ACTIVITY1.1O : ACTIVITY 1.40
Na, so4 Caq)->BaS04 (5) +2NaCLhloride
Caq)+ Bacly,chloride Caq)
odium Sulphate Barium Bari uan Sulph att Sodium ’ Take 3 ml of sodum sulphate
solution ln a test tube.
o The inscLule substance formed in ACTIVCTY A40 is hanother test tule, take 3 nb S
called precipitate. barium chloride gouion
OPrecipitation Reocion: Any reacion that produces a > Mik bo th the soutions.
precipitate. Qbservaion
Reacions inushich stance which ts
o Doulde Displacenent Reaction:betueen the hegctan ts. ’ An insoluble gub Sormed
there is an exeh an ge ions white in colour is
splatement precipltabe.
oEx amplcs og preeipitation +Double di
tReaction in ACTIVLTY 1,2
PhCNO), +2K[>pLt 2KNO3 LYellous preclpitate o§ Lead Io dide- pBI, 3
(a ,Cs), Caq)
tReacton in ACTEVÝTY 1.1o -
oq) + BacLcaq)>aS04( t 2 NaCllaa) Cuhite pre clpitate ag Barium Sulpha te- Baso

SOOxidetion and Reducion

The black subtance ts urmed in ACIZVITY 1-1t as oxygen is ACTIVITY 1-11
added to copper and copper oideis formned. ’ Take a china dtsh.
Reaction in AcTEVITY i : 2Cu +O2 Heat 2Cuo Put q copper powder in t.
OT$ hydrogen qas is passed over this heated cu,the black ’ Heat the china dish.
coaing turns brown as reyerse reacion ba ppens ahd c pper is
obtained - Cuot H Heat >Cut Ha0 0bse
of eobper pow de
OIf a substance gains axygen duning s reqeton,itS 9sUIEsOdabonJ ’surface uith black
becs mes coted
If a substance Loses oxygen during a reacton, i's reduced CReducion] CoP per(I) oxide.
o Oxidation- Reducion/Redox Reactton :A reacton in which one neact antis oxidised Coxtdaton]
Auced Creduc ion is called as oxidatoh - reduction reactio n/redox reactien.
and the other S reEo
Cuot+ty Heaty cuthyo +Oidisation also means losing of
Reductiorn hydrogen.
t Redcion als
bg 2- Zn0tCZn o cCis oxidice d to c0,2n0 is redu ced to Zn] means gaining
Eq:3 Mn O t4HCl>MnClt 2H0tcla o& hydrogen
HL is oxidised bo l , Mnogis reduced to Mncla
XProper meaning of oxDATLO N Substance gains cxygen or loses hydrogen during reacton
gauns hydnogen during reacion
Proer mearing of REDUCrION: Substanee oses oxygen on

o Shinu tnon parcles qet coated usth a redd lsh brewn
powder uhen est for somne time. This s
nown as rusing f iren. in a sumlar manner.
Some other metals also qt tarnished
(ke moisture,acids, ete, it corrdec
Connosion : When a metal is atbacked by substances around t
This proDcess is called aoro$ion,
Eqd Black coa ing on siwer.
Eq- 2. areen coaing on cop per.
corrosi on causes dam age to car lbodfes, brtdges,iron padings, ships and oojects made of metal,especialy iron.
Cor rosLon af iroh ts a serious problem.
6 Huch mon ey is Spemt ever Q year to replace damagec inon.
Jo Ranidtty
When ats and sls are sidised,
o theu become rancid and their Small and toste chonge.
o Antioxiolants added
to foods prevent
o Foods ane kept in ar Hdht containing Suts and oil
containens to slow doon oxidaton.
a t manugoctirers fush bags ot chips ith gas tke nitrogun to prevent chps rom getbi ng

Proeess in whieh ohe or more

gubstances react to fonm hew Substances

ChemieaL quaton Types
Shorthand notation f chemeal reactons using symbelsf
Sormulaegete, s a Synbele representation.
Galanced Chemical Equation
chemieal equion n which the number f atom
&each element on reactant side is
o} produ t sides i.e. mass is equal onequal to that
both sides
Corm bination Reaction Decormposiion Reoction
Two on mare subs tance lements The breaking down f a sinale Displa cem ent Reacion
or compounds combine to form co mpound into buo or mone Hghly reactve element removeS
single substance sëm pler Substances. less reaetive elenent hom its
Eg. Ca o )+H,0c)>CacoH) Eg.Ca cog teaty Caos)t co,(g) SoLution
Exother mic ass heat is relensedCag) Thermal deon posiion as heat's used
too for
along with Sorm otion of product (5) deco rivp s6 on

Double Displacement Reacton Oxkdation -Reduction/Redox Reaction

and fonmexchange their eorresponding ions
2new compounds by it.
Eg PbcNO3aq+2KI (ag ’pbi,s) +2K03a) Oxidatienu
"Gain af cxygen atomS.
Rudi ctio n
oss oxygen atemS,
Precipita tion rea chion as yelloo precipitate os "Loss of hydvogen ato ms. Gnin of hydrogen atoms.
lead iodtde -pBI, is formed.
Efects in ver yday Life
co+HetCu tth0cuO:MyRalReduengogen
Metal is atbacked bu subs tances aro und it Re acids, Rancidky
Oxtdation of oils and/ or futs
resulting in bod taste and smingood
meiseure,ete. and conyerts into undesir able compounds
ie. corredes. This process ts called cDn rogion. el
Eg. Ruting firon, e lack &green coabng n slver& copper resp.
Methods enton
Adding Anticxid ants. Vacuum packing· Replacing air Regrtgeration of
AnioxidoniszProyent cxicdoion
93ubsto n ces by Nttrogen. god sbugf.

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