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1. Which of the following is true about development?

(a) The notion of development is different for people from different sections of
(b) The notion of development can never be conflicting for people from
different sections of society.
(c) The notion of development always go hand in hand for industrialists and
tribal people.
(d) The notion of development is only associated to higher income.

2. Under employment occurs when people:

(a) do not want to work
(b) not getting paid
(c) are working less than what they are capable of doing
(d) none of the above

3. Which of the following is the best way to measure the development status
of a country?
(a) Number of cities in a countryY
(b) Per capita income
(c) Number of IT sector jobs in a country
(d) Inflation

4. In addition to the level of income which of the following measures are

important for measuring the development status of a nation?
(a) Literacy level and health facilities
(b) Bond prices and stock prices
(c) Inflation level
(d) Interest level

5. Which one of the following is also called average income?

(a) National income

149 ExpHub 9th & 10th-an initiative by your Prashant Bhaiya

(b) Per capita income

(c) Total income
(d) All of the above

6. Which of the following question needs to be answered when thinking of

national development?
(a) Would a development plan benefit people from suburbs?
(b) Would a development plan include construction of new buildings?
(c) Would a development plan benefit a large or a small number of people?
(d) Would a development plan lead to increased international trade?
6. Which of the following question needs to be answered when thinking of
national development?
(a) Would a development plan benefit people from suburbs?
(b) Would a development plan include construction of new buildings?
(c) Would a development plan benefit a large or a small number of people?
(d) Would a development plan lead to increased international trade?

7. Which of the following is a drawback of using average income as a measure

of development?
(a) Average income does not indicate the disparity in income level.
(b) Calculation of average income is a tedious process.
(c) Average income is always lower than the actual income of people.
(d) Average income fails to indicate the economic stability of a country.

8. Development of a country can generally be determined by:

(a) its per capita income
(b) its average literacy level
(c) health status of its people
(d) all of the above

9. Which of the states has highest per-capita income based on the

Economic Survey 2018-19?
(a) Kerala
(b) Haryana
(c) Bihar
(d) Odisha

10. Name the basic criteria that is used by the World Bank for comparison of
countries on the basis of development.
(a) Income criteria
(b) Education
(c) Health
(d) None of these

11. Which of the following neighbouring countries has better performance in

terms of human development than India?

(a) Bangladesh
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Nepal
(d) Pakistan

12.Yuvraj is 21 years old, he is 5'9" and weighs 48 kgs. While the selection for
the cricket team was going on the coach told him that he is underweight. On
what ground/s did the coach tell him this?
(a) His age
(b) His weight
(c) His Body Weight Ratio
(d) His Body Mass Index

13. What is India's rank as per HDI Report, 2018?

(b) 101
c) 130
(d) 100

14. Name the country in South Asia which has lower HDI than India.
(a) China
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Thailand
(d) Bhutan
15. Which one of the following statement defines 'Literacy Rate'?
(a) Total literate population divided by total population
(b) Total literate population divided by total literate population
(c) Proportion of literate population in the 18 and above age group
(d) It measures the proportion of literate population in the 7 years and above
age group

16. Arrange the countries according to the order of their ranking, i.e., starting
with the top-ranked country based on HDR, 2018:
(i) Myanmar
(i) Bangladesh
(i) India
(iv) Sri

(a)iv,ii, i, i

(b) ii, iv, i, i

(c) ii, ii, i, iv
(d) iv, ii, i, ii

17. Arrange the following countries in the correct increasing sequence of Life
Expectancy at birth as per HDR (Human Development Report) 2018:
() Myanmar
(ii) Sri Lanka
(ii) Nepal
(iv) India

(a) i-i-ii-iv
(b) i-iv-i-ii
(c) i-ii-i-iv
(d) i-iv-ii-ii

18. Which of the following is true for a renewable resource?

(a) Renewable resources can never be overused as they are in abundance.
(b) Renewable resources are replenished by the nature over a period of time.
(c) Renewable resources are fixed, and they are bound to get exhausted.
(d) Renewable resources are available only in developed nations.

19. Which of the following best defines sustainable

(a) Sustainable development refers to the promotion of international trade so
that the world doesn't have to face scarcity of resources because of
geographical constraints.
(b) Sustainable development refers to ensuring Pareto efficiency in the
countries so that resources are optimally allocated, and it is not possible to
reallocate resources to make some one better off without making someone
else worse off.
(c) Sustainable development refers to the development that meet the needs of
the present generation without compromising the ability of the future
generations to meet their own needs.
(d) Sustainable development refers to ensuring that no individual, firm or
country can become a free rider, i.e., no one can benefit from resources
without paying for them.
20. Which region of the world has the maximum amount of crude oil reserves?
(a) USA

D) Middle East Countries

(c) China
(d) Japan

Assertion & Reason Type Questions

(a) Both the Assertion and the Reason is correct and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

(b) The Assertion and the Reason is correct but the Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion.

(c) Assertion is true but the Reason is false.

(d) The statement of the Assertion is false but the Reason is true.

1. Assertion: Different people have different developmental goals.

Reason: The capitalist approach to development is detrimental to poor
section of the society.

2. Assertion: The average income ofa country is about US$ 12,056; however,
the country is still nota developed country.
Reason: The income levels are highly skewed for the country.

3. Assertion: Suppose the literacy rate in a state is 78% and the net
attendance ratio in secondary stage is 47%.
Reason: More than half of the students are going to other states for
elementary education.
4. Assertion: A state has a per capita income of R2,25,000 per annum. The
infant mortality rate in the state is 62%. So, the state cannot be considered a
developed state.
Reason: There are medical facilities in the state, but people fail to take their
children to hospital in time.

5. Assertion: A small town has a high rate of robbery; however, a locality in this
town has well-maintained law and order.
Reason: The people in the locality are aware of the importance of having
security guards, and they collectively pay to have the security guards in the
6. Assertion: A high average income is not indicative of the overall well-being
or human development in a country.
Reason: Average income does not cover indicators like level of literacy rate,
health facilities and public facilities in a country.
5. Asertion: A small town has a high rate of robbery; however, a locality in this
town has well-maintained law and order.
Reason: The people in the locality are aware of the importance of having
security guards, and they collectively pay to have the security guards in the
6. Assertion: A high average income is not indicative of the overall well-being
or human development in a country.

Reason: Average income does not cover indicators like level of literacy rate,
health facilities and public facilities in a country.

7. Assertion: A country that was extremely rich in natural resources has mainly
relied on oil extraction for revenue generation for several centuries. However,
the scientists predict that the country may become poor in the future if other
means of generating income are not devised.
Reason: Oil is a non-renewable resource, and it is likely to get exhausted if
not used judiciously.

8. Assertion: The crude oil reserves are going down for the entire world, and
the countries need to find substitute fuel for crude oil.
Reason: A country that is dependent on imports for crude oil will demand
more crude oil in the future.

9. Assertion: Sustainable development is essential for economic growth of the

Reason: Sustaina ble development ensures that environment friendly
measures are adopted for carrying out production processes.

10. Assertion: Non-renewable resources are abundant in nature.

Reason: Non-renewable resources cannot be replenished over a period of

Multiple Choice Questions

1. (a) The notion of development is different for people from different sections
of society.

2. (c) are working less than what they are capable of doing

3. (b) Per capita income

4.(a) Literacy level and health facilities

159 ExpHub 9th & 10th-an initiative by your Prashant Bhaiya

5.(b) Per capita income

6. (c) Would a development plan benefit a large or a small number

of people?

7.(a) Average income does not indicate the disparity in income


8. (d) all of the above

9. (b) Haryana

10. (a) Income criteria

11. (b) Sri Lanka

12. (d) His Body Mass Index

13.(c) 130

14. (b) Bangladesh

15. (d) It measures the proportion of literate population in the 7 years

and above age group.

16. (a) iv-ii-ii-i

17. (d) -iv-ii-ii

18. (b) Renewable resources are replenished by the nature over a period of

19.(c) Sustainable development refers to the development that meet the

needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future
generations to meet their own needs.

20. (b) Middle East Countries.


1. (b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct
explanation of assertion.

Different people have different developmental goals because the notion of
development is different for different groups of people.

2. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation
of assertion.

A country can have skewed data of income level, i.e., certain sections of the
society are extremely rich; however, a majority of the people are poor. In such
a case, the average income is likely to be high for the nation, but the nation
cannot be called developed as the income is not distributed in an equitable

3. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.

Net Attendance Ratio is the total number of children of age group 14 and 15
years attending school as a percentage of total number of children in the same
age group. If the students were going to other states for higher education, the
total students available in the state would go down and the net attendance
ratio would not be so low.The low net attendance ratio is indicative of students
dropping out of elementary school.

4. (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.

If the parents are earning well and medical facilities are available, then
they would definitely take their child for timely treatment. Also, some
parents may fail to do so, but not so many that the infant mortality rate
would be as high as 62%.

5. (a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.

t is cheaper to have collective security for the entire locality than having a
security man for each house. Also, if people have their personal security guards
in certain parts of a locality, the robbery can still happen in houses without a
security man. Therefore, paying for the collective benefit of the society helps
to resolve issues.

It ischeaperto have collective security for the entire locality than havingga
security man for each house. Also, if people have their personal security guards
in certain parts of a locality, the robbery can still happen in houses without a
security man. Therefore, paying for the collective benefit of the society helps
to resolve issues.

6.(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.

Higher average income is not the only indicator of human development in a
country. Factors like level of literacy rate, health facilities and public facilities
are also important.

7.(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.

If the country has relied on oil extraction for several centuries, it is likely that
the country's oil wells may start drying up as oil is a non renewable source of
energy. So, if the country would not find a substitute method of generating
income, then the pressure on oil wells will increase and the country is likely to
become poor in absence of oil.

8.(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the
correct explanation of assertion.

The crude oil resource is becoming scarce, and the countries need to resolve
the issue as most of the production tasks are dependent on oil. t is obvious
that demand for oil will increase in future as the world population is increasing
so the demand for oil will a lso increase.

9.(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion.


Sustainable development is essential for economic growth as it involves

judicious use of resources which leads to economic growth by reducing

10. (d) Assertion is false but reason is true.

Non-renewable resources are fixed in amount and will get exhausted after
several years of usage.

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