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Global Issue Presentation

The object of this assignment is to illustrate how your novel reflects a global issue
from society today.

Here’s what you need to do with your group:

 Choose a global issue that connects to your ISU novel (see list below for ideas)
 As a group, create a presentation about how this issue is developed and
addressed in the novel.
 Using the global issue as the big idea (or umbrella topic), what does your
novel prove about something that falls under that topic? This will be the
Global Issue (thesis) statement of your presentation.
 Next, what areas of investigation (subtopics) prove your thesis to be true?
You will need to have as many body paragraphs as there are members of your
ISU group.
 You will also use examples from the text to prove your thesis. This is in the
form of an oral essay – think PEEL.
 You should use Google slides to support your presentation, but they should not
be text heavy.
 Finally, you need to find ways to engage the audience. This can be in the
form of a class activity, discussion etc. No one wants to be spoken to for an
entire presentation. Think about how you can break things up so that people
are interested and involved.

These presentations will take place June 6-11th. Each group member is responsible
for one argument (subtopic) to prove your Global Issue Statement (thesis) to be true.
Some global issues could be:

o The role of women or men in the society presented in the novel.

o The role of the class system or any hierarchical system in the
society in the novel.
o The impact of the economic system or consumerism on the
characters. This may include the role of money or any material
possessions in the lives of the characters.
o The expectations of how one should behave according to the
morals, education, religion or other institutions of the time.
o The role of race relations or prejudice.
o What it means to be an individual and the possible conflicts with
society that may entail.
o The struggle for equality.
o The ways in which children or the poor were treated.
o The role of violence in the society presented.
o The influence of popular culture of the time on the characters’
lives or values.

Group Ideas Worksheet

The Global Issue that we think we would like to focus on is:


Possible thesis statements that we could use as the focus of our presentation (Come up with
at least 3):





Subtopics that we could focus on to prove our thesis statement:





Next, think of examples from the ISU novel that will support your subtopics





Finally, what could you include in your presentation to engage your audience?




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