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2024 - 2025




This is to certify that this PHYSICS Investigatory Project on the topic EMERGENCY

LIGHT has been successfully completed by K.VISHWA of class XII (PHYSICS), Roll.

no…………………. at Velammal Vidhyashram, Mambakkam for the partial fulfillment

of this project as a part of Senior Secondary Certificate Examination-SSCE, CBSE,

New Delhi for the academic Year 2024– 2025.

Date: …………….

Signature of Principal Signature of the Guide

Name: Name:

Submitted for SSCE 2024-2025, BIOLOGY Practical examination on ………………….

Signature of the Signature of the

Internal Examiner External Examiner


The success of any project depends largely on people associated with it. I would
like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the enthusiasm of all these

I hereby express my heartfelt thanks To our Principal Mr. KURMA RAO REPAKA
and Vice Principal Mr. C. RAMAIYAN for having given this opportunity to do the

I extend my sincere gratitude to my Biology teacher Mr. MADIVANAN for the

valuable guidance offered to me. Her wholehearted encouragement and constant
stimulant inspiration and advice enabled me to complete the project successfully.

I am also thankful to all our Teaching Staff and Non Teaching Staff for their help
during my course of study.

I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my Parents for their

encouragement and support. Last but not the least I am thankful to the Almighty.




S.No Contents Page No

1 1. Introduction 6

2 2. Historical development of Emergency Lighting 7

3 3. Physics behind Emergency Light sources 11

4 4. Types of Emergency Lighting 14

5 5. Conclusion 17

6 6. Reference 19


S.No Figure Page No

1 1. White emergency light sign 10
2 2. Emergency light: Circuit diagram 14
3 3. Types of Emergency lighting 117


Emergency lighting refers to battery-backed lighting devices that automatically illuminate when
a building experiences a power outage. These lights are a critical component of building safety
systems, providing essential illumination in emergency situations such as power failures, fires, or
natural disasters. The primary purpose of emergency lighting is to facilitate safe evacuation and
prevent panic by ensuring visibility and guidance for occupants. These systems are designed to
operate for a specified duration, typically ranging from 30 minutes to several hours, depending
on the building’s requirements and local regulations.
Emergency lighting encompasses various types of lighting, including exit signs, corridor lighting,
and high-intensity discharge lamps, all aimed at maintaining a minimum level of illumination to
support safe egress. These lights are strategically placed in areas such as stairwells, corridors,
exits, and open spaces to guide people towards safety. Modern emergency lighting systems often
include features like self-testing and diagnostics to ensure reliability and compliance with safety


The importance of emergency lighting in safety and security cannot be overstated. In the event of
an emergency, such as a fire or an earthquake, the primary concern is the safe and efficient
evacuation of building occupants. Without adequate lighting, people might experience
disorientation, panic, difficulty navigating exits, leading to potentially life-threatening situations.

Emergency lighting provides the following crucial benefits:

1.1.1 Enhanced Visibility:

It illuminates exit routes, stairwells, and safety equipment, making it easier for occupants to find
their way out of the building.

1.1.2 Reduced Panic:

Adequate lighting helps reduce anxiety and panic, promoting a calm and orderly evacuation

1.1.3 Compliance with Regulations:
Most building codes and safety regulations mandate the installation of emergency lighting
systems. Compliance ensures that buildings meet safety standards and legal requirements.

1.1.4 Support for Emergency Responders:

Emergency lighting not only aids building occupants but also assists emergency responders in
navigating the building, locating victims, and performing rescue operations.

1.1.5 Operational Continuity:

In critical facilities like hospitals, data centers, and industrial plants, emergency lighting ensures
that essential operations can continue or be safely shut down during a power outage.

1.1.6 Prevention of Accidents:

By illuminating pathways and hazardous areas, emergency lighting helps prevent accidents and
injuries that could occur in the dark.
In summary, emergency lighting is a vital aspect of building safety and security, providing
essential illumination that aids in the safe evacuation of occupants during emergencies, supports
emergency response efforts, and ensures compliance with safety regulations. Its role in
enhancing visibility, reducing panic, and preventing accidents makes it an indispensable part of
modern building design and emergency preparedness.



Emergency lighting has a long history that began with rudimentary forms of illumination. In
ancient times, people used torches, oil lamps, and candles to light their surroundings during
emergencies. These simple light sources, while effective to some extent, had several drawbacks.
Torches, for instance, required constant fuel and could be hazardous due to the open flame. Oil

lamps and candles were similarly risky, posing significant fire hazards and requiring manual
intervention to maintain the light.
During the 19th century, gas lighting became widespread in urban areas. Gas lamps provided a
more consistent and brighter light compared to candles and oil lamps. However, they still
presented safety concerns such as gas leaks and explosions. The need for more reliable and safer
emergency lighting solutions became evident as public awareness of fire safety grew,
particularly in densely populated urban centers.


The true transformation in emergency lighting began with the invention and widespread adoption
of electric lighting in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan’s
development of the electric light bulb was a pivotal moment. Electric lighting was not only more
reliable and safer but also easier to integrate into buildings and public spaces.
Early electric emergency lighting systems were basic. They often consisted of battery-powered
lights that would activate during a power failure. These early systems laid the groundwork for
more sophisticated solutions, but they were limited by the technology of the time, particularly the
capacity and reliability of batteries.
Throughout the mid-20th century, significant advancements in battery technology and lighting
efficiency improved emergency lighting systems. The development of fluorescent lamps, for
instance, offered a more energy-efficient and longer-lasting alternative to incandescent bulbs.
These lamps became popular for emergency lighting applications due to their brightness and


Several key innovations and milestones have significantly shaped the development of
emergency lighting:

2.3.1 Battery-Powered Emergency Lights:

The early 20th century saw the introduction of rechargeable batteries, which enabled the creation

of self-contained emergency lighting units. These units could be strategically placed throughout
buildings and would automatically activate during a power outage.

2.3.2 Fluorescent Lighting:

The invention and adoption of fluorescent lamps in the 1930s marked a significant improvement
in emergency lighting. Fluorescent lights were more energy-efficient and had a longer
operational life compared to traditional incandescent bulbs.

2.3.3 Regulatory Standards:

The establishment of building codes and safety standards, such as those by the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) in the United States, in the mid-20th century mandated the
inclusion of emergency lighting in commercial and public buildings. These regulations ensured
that emergency lighting systems were not only effective but also reliable and consistently

2.3.4 Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs):

The development of LEDs in the late 20th century revolutionized emergency lighting. LEDs are
highly energy-efficient, have a long lifespan, and provide bright, instant illumination. The
transition to LED technology has become the standard in modern emergency lighting systems,
offering numerous advantages over older lighting technologies.

2.3.5 Self-Testing and Diagnostics:

Modern emergency lighting systems often include self-testing and diagnostic capabilities. These
features allow the systems to automatically test themselves at regular intervals, ensuring that they
are always operational and ready to function in an emergency. This advancement has greatly
improved the reliability and maintenance of emergency lighting.

2.3.6 Photoluminescent Materials:

The use of photoluminescent materials has been a significant advancement in emergency lighting.
These materials absorb and store ambient light, then emit it in darkness. They are used for
emergency exit signs and pathway markings, providing a non-electrical source of illumination

2.3.7 Integration with Building Management Systems:
Contemporary emergency lighting systems are often integrated with building management
systems (BMS). This integration allows for centralized control and monitoring, ensuring that
emergency lights are maintained and functioning correctly. It also provides data that can be used
to enhance overall building safety and response strategies.
In conclusion, the historical development of emergency lighting reflects a continuous effort to
improve safety and reliability. From the simple use of torches and oil lamps to the sophisticated
LED and photoluminescent systems of today, emergency lighting has evolved to become a
critical component of modern building safety and emergency preparedness. The advancements in
technology and regulatory standards have significantly enhanced the effectiveness and
dependability of emergency lighting systems, making them indispensable in safeguarding lives
during emergencies.

FIG. 1 White emergency light sign



Emergency lighting relies on several electrical principles to function effectively, especially

during power outages or emergencies. Key principles include:

3.1.1 Circuit Design:

Emergency lights typically operate on both AC (alternating current) power from the main
electrical supply and DC (direct current) power from batteries. During normal operation, the
system is powered by AC. In the event of a power failure, the circuit automatically switches to
DC power from the battery.

3.1.2 Battery Technology:

Batteries used in emergency lighting systems are crucial for reliability. Common types include
lead-acid, nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), and lithium-ion batteries. These batteries must be capable of
long shelf-life, rapid discharge, and efficient recharge.

3.1.3 Energy Efficiency:

The efficiency of light sources is measured in lumens per watt (lm/W). LEDs are highly
efficient, often exceeding 100 lm/W, compared to incandescent bulbs, which typically produce
around 10-17 lm/W. Fluorescent lights offer intermediate efficiency, typically around 35-100

3.1.4 Power Consumption:

Emergency lights are designed to minimize power consumption while maximizing light output.
This is particularly important for battery-powered systems where the available energy is limited.


The lifespan and durability of emergency lighting components are critical factors in ensuring that
they function correctly during emergencies. Here are some key aspects:

3.2.1 Light Source Lifespan:

Different light sources have varying lifespans. LEDs can last between 25,000 to 50,000 hours or
more, while fluorescent lamps typically last around 10,000 to 15,000 hours. Incandescent bulbs
have the shortest lifespan, generally around 1,000 hours.

3.2.2 Battery Lifespan:

The lifespan of a battery depends on its type and usage. Lead-acid batteries generally last 3-5
years, Ni-Cd batteries last 10-15 years, and lithium-ion batteries can last 5-10 years. Regular
maintenance and testing are essential to ensure battery reliability.

3.2.3 Durability:
Emergency lights must withstand environmental conditions such as temperature fluctuations,
humidity, and physical impact. LEDs, for instance, are more robust and resistant to shock and
vibration compared to incandescent and fluorescent bulbs.

3.2.4 Maintenance:
Regular testing and maintenance of both the light sources and batteries are necessary to ensure
longevity and performance. Many modern emergency lighting systems include self-testing
features to simplify this process.


Effective heat management is crucial for the performance and longevity of emergency lighting
systems. Excess heat can degrade components, reduce efficiency, and shorten the lifespan of the
light sources and batteries. Key considerations include:

3.3.1 Heat Dissipation:
LEDs generate heat at the junction where the light is produced. Heat sinks are used to dissipate
this heat away from the LED to prevent overheating. Effective heat sinks increase the surface
area available for heat transfer, improving thermal management.

3.3.2 Thermal Conductivity:

Materials with high thermal conductivity, such as aluminum and copper, are commonly used in
the construction of heat sinks and other thermal management components. These materials help
to efficiently transfer heat away from sensitive components.

3.3.3 Ventilation:
Adequate ventilation is essential in preventing heat buildup within the light fixtures and housing.
Design considerations often include airflow paths and venting to facilitate cooling.

3.3.4 Thermal Protection:

Some emergency lighting systems incorporate thermal protection features that reduce light
output or shut down the light if temperatures exceed safe levels. This helps to prevent damage to
the light source and surrounding components.

3.3.5 Battery Temperature Management:

Batteries are sensitive to temperature extremes. High temperatures can accelerate chemical
reactions within batteries, leading to reduced capacity and lifespan, while low temperatures can
slow down these reactions, reducing efficiency. Emergency lighting systems often include
temperature control mechanisms to keep batteries within optimal operating ranges.
In summary, the physics behind emergency light sources encompasses electrical principles,
energy efficiency, lifespan, durability, and heat management. Understanding these aspects is
vital for designing and implementing effective emergency lighting systems that are reliable,
efficient, and capable of operating under adverse conditions. Proper management of these factors
ensures that emergency lights will function as intended, providing crucial illumination during
power outages and other emergencies.

FIG.2 Emergency Light: Circuit diagram


Emergency lighting is crucial for ensuring safety during power outages or other
emergencies.There are several types of emergency lighting systems, each designed to meet
specific needs and conditions. The primary types include battery-powered emergency lights,
selfcontained emergency lighting units, central battery systems, and photoluminescent
emergency lighting.


Battery-powered emergency lights are among the most common and straightforward types of

emergency lighting. These systems consist of a light source and a rechargeable battery that
provides power when the main electrical supply fails.

 Components: Typically include LEDs or fluorescent lamps and a battery, usually a

sealed lead-acid, nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), or lithium-ion battery.
 Operation: During normal conditions, the battery is kept charged by the main power
supply. When a power outage occurs, the battery automatically powers the light.
 Applications: Suitable for residential buildings, small commercial spaces, and as
portable emergency lights.
 Advantages: Simple installation, cost-effective, and reliable for small-scale applications.
 Disadvantages: Limited duration of illumination, typically a few hours depending on
battery capacity.


Self-contained emergency lighting units, also known as standalone or integrated units, have all
necessary components within a single fixture.

 Components: Include a light source (usually LEDs), a battery, a charger, and a control
 Operation: Like battery-powered lights, these units operate independently of the
building's main electrical system, activating automatically during power failures.
 Applications: Commonly used in individual rooms, hallways, stairwells, and exits in
commercial and residential buildings.
 Advantages: Easy to install and maintain, can be strategically placed where needed most,
and are relatively low-cost.
 Disadvantages: Each unit requires individual maintenance, and the battery capacity
limits the duration of illumination.


Central battery systems provide power to multiple emergency lighting units from a central
battery bank.

 Components: Centralized battery bank, control panels, and distribution network
connected to various emergency light fixtures throughout the building.
 Operation: The central battery system charges during normal operation and powers the
connected emergency lights during a power outage.
 Applications: Ideal for large buildings, complexes, and facilities requiring a coordinated
emergency lighting system, such as hospitals, office buildings, and industrial sites.
 Advantages: Centralized maintenance, longer operational duration, and the ability to
power multiple lights from a single battery bank.
 Disadvantages: Higher initial cost, complex installation, and potential single point of
failure if the central system is compromised.


Photoluminescent emergency lighting uses materials that absorb and store ambient light and then
emit it in darkness.

 Components: Photoluminescent materials such as strontium aluminate or zinc sulfide,

often used in exit signs, pathway markings, and safety equipment.
 Operation: These materials absorb light from natural or artificial sources during normal
conditions and glow in the dark when the light source is removed.
 Applications: Common in exit signs, floor markings, handrails, and other critical points
in buildings where continuous power supply is uncertain.
 Advantages: No need for electrical power or batteries, low maintenance, long lifespan,
and highly reliable.
 Disadvantages: Require regular exposure to a light source to recharge and have limited
brightness compared to electrically powered lights.


Understanding the different types of emergency lighting is essential for choosing the right
system for specific needs and environments. Each type has its own set of advantages and
disadvantages, making them suitable for different applications. Battery-powered and self-

contained units are excellent for smaller spaces and straightforward installations, while central
battery systems are ideal for larger buildings needing coordinated lighting. Photoluminescent
lighting offers a reliable, low-maintenance solution where electrical power is uncertain. By
selecting the appropriate type of emergency lighting, safety and visibility can be ensured during
emergencies, enhancing the overall preparedness of any facility.

FIG.3 Types of Emergency Lighting


Emergency lighting is a critical component of building safety and emergency preparedness. It

ensures visibility and guidance for occupants during power outages, fires, and other emergencies,
thereby preventing panic and facilitating safe evacuation. The development and evolution of
emergency lighting systems have been driven by advancements in technology, improvements in
energy efficiency, and stringent regulatory standards.

Different types of emergency lighting systems cater to various needs and environments. Battery-
powered emergency lights and self-contained units offer simplicity and ease of installation,
making them suitable for smaller spaces and straightforward applications. Central battery
systems provide a coordinated solution for larger buildings, ensuring reliable illumination for
extended periods and centralized maintenance. Photoluminescent lighting offers a non-electrical,
low-maintenance option, ideal for marking exits and pathways in settings where electrical power
may be unreliable.

The physics behind emergency light sources—covering electrical principles, energy efficiency,
lifespan, durability, and heat management—is essential for designing systems that are both
effective and reliable. Advances in battery technology, LED lighting, and thermal management
have significantly enhanced the performance and longevity of emergency lighting systems.

In conclusion, selecting the appropriate type of emergency lighting system and understanding its
underlying principles are vital for ensuring the safety and security of building occupants.
Effective emergency lighting not only meets regulatory requirements but also provides peace of
mind by ensuring that critical areas are illuminated during emergencies, supporting safe and
orderly evacuation.









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