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Agenda for Deacons and Elders’ Meeting

Wednesday 10TH December

7.30pm - 9pm
South Street Church

Apologies Cathy and John

1. Prayer
The meeting was opened in prayer by Mat.

2. Review of minutes of previous meeting

The church has dropped the word evangelical from the church name. The church will be known as South
Street Church. The church literature will be changed. The bank account and the CIO will legally have to
change the same.
The website will be updated, R asked if the power point could be put on the website under sermons.
Mat will do this.

3. Baptisms
The baptisms will take place probably at Easter and Seb is waiting for the participants consent. Richard has
been looking at new baptistry and has found a foldable one which is £1000 which would mean that any
baptisms could take place in Christ Church. It was suggested that we ask other churches if they have one
we can borrow.
Sue will ask Sue Cresswell from Christ Church if they are willing for us to have one. RF to send a link for

4. Monthly Prayer meeting

At the December monthly prayer meeting there was only 4 people probably due to this not at the normal
time in the month. The attendance at the end of the month meeting however has also been lower. Each
house group could be responsible for the prayer meeting for one month a year. Do we value the time? The
lack of attendance is not due to the lack of mentioning. When there were subject ie Refugees, Youth work
etc then the attendance was better,
Seb proposed each house group had their own theme and purpose and could organise the meeting any
way they would like. There are 4 monthly meetings which are 25 March, 20 May, 28 October and 25
November. These dates are all pre events in the calendar ie Easter, Thy Kingdom Come, Hallowen and
Seb will bring this to the house group meeting on Sunday 14th January.

5. Quiz night - 3rd Feb

The Aggi is booked for 3rd February but as this is fairly nearer and several people present are unable to
attend the date will be changed to either to 24th Feb or 3rd March. It will be a fund raising for the Refugee
fund. There will be a charge of £5 a team and a raffle.
Mat will organise the evening.

6. Thy Kingdom Come

There are no ideas at the moment but guidance on the official website which we did not follow but made up
our own fliers and there were many prayer requests. We could do the same again this year.
Are there people keen to run this event?
Seb to ask any church members he thinks may be interested.

7. Heatree
Holly and Cathy have volunteered to help organise Heatree. If you think of anyone who is good at
organising then please ask them and let Seb know. Jen and Maxi will be asked if they would like to run
something for the youth there. Costs are £90 adult, £74 for students and £66 for children The church does
subsidised this event especially for the young people.
8. Christmas review
Extravaganza was a great event with about 60 children and about the same number of adults. Games were
held upstairs and the crafts downstairs. New people at the Extravaganza also came to the Christmas Day
Christmas Eve Carol service was well attended. Thinking of next year there will be a normal service on the
23rd Dec which could be the Carol service.
New Year Day walk had 45 people attend even on a cold and windy afternoon and was a great success.

9. Easter planning
This will be discussed and planned at the February Deacons meeting.
It is suggested that there will be a short service and then a walk afterwards. Sunday morning service will
include the baptisms.

10. Christ Church.

a. Set up/down team
It was suggested that House Groups could set up and set down before and after the Sunday
services and this will be mentioned at the House Group leaders meeting. There is a list of jobs that
need doing that happen before and after the meeting.

b. Joint services
It is proposed that the joint services are on 16 Dec, 23 Sept and 15 April.
Sue has a regular monthly meeting with Sue Cresswell and she will mention these at the next
meeting and added to the google calendar
Seb is proposing a silent disco for either the 24 March or 17 March .
The next all age communion will be 18 March.
Heather Cooper to ask Baz if he would like to lead this.
c. Equipment
Children’s cups and mugs are needed for Christ church plus washing up liquid, bin liners and cloths.
Sue to order these and they will be kept in the cupboard marked South Street Church which is
under the first sink on the left by the door.

d. Churches together in Braunton

See above dates (under monthly prayer meetings) proposed by Seb to the local churches. The
venues have yet to be decided

e. Finances/ TAR

The end of year finances were given to the Deacons and Elders. These have been given to Magnus
Proctor our accountant to produce them in the correct format for the Charity Commission and for the
members AGM notes. The TAR is being produced at the moment.
It was suggested that Cathy’s 10 hours a week paid work be mentioned in Members report and at
the members meeting at the end of February.

f. South Street
It was agreed to remove the shelves in the church in South Street and notice board to be put there
Sue will remove the books and dispose of them when she next takes her car to work.

1. Calendar review including speaker’s lunches in January.

David Eadie will be invited to lunch by Seb

2. AOB
3. Closing prayers
4. The meeting was ended in prayer.

Next Meeting – Wednesday 7th February at 7.30pm

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