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By submitting this assignment, you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the rules
as per the terms in the registration contract, in particular the assignment and assessment rules in
The IIE Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009), the intellectual integrity and plagiarism rules in
the Intellectual Integrity Policy (IIE023), as well as any rules and regulations published in the
student portal.

1. No material may be copied from original sources, even if referenced correctly, unless it is a
direct quote indicated with quotation marks. No more than 10% of the assignment may
consist of direct quotes.
2. Also ensure that code may not be copied directly from online sources.
3. Make a copy of your assignment before handing it in.
4. Assignments must be typed unless otherwise specified.
5. Begin each section on a new page.
6. Follow all instructions on the PoE cover sheet.
7. This is an individual assignment.

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Referencing Rubric
Providing evidence based on valid and referenced academic sources Markers are required to provide feedback to students by indicating
is a fundamental educational principle and the cornerstone of high- (circling/underlining) the information that best describes the
quality academic work. Hence, The IIE considers it essential to student’s work.
develop the referencing skills of our students in our commitment to
achieve high academic standards. Part of achieving these high Minor technical referencing errors: 5% deduction from the
standards is referencing in a way that is consistent, technically overall percentage. – the student’s work contains five or more
correct and congruent. This is not plagiarism, which is handled errors listed in the minor errors column in the table below.
Major technical referencing errors: 10% deduction from the
Poor quality formatting in your referencing will result in a penalty of overall percentage. – the student’s work contains five or more
according to the following guidelines a maximum of ten percent errors listed in the major errors column in the table below.
being deducted from the overall percentage. Please note, however,
that evidence of plagiarism in the form of copied or uncited work If both minor and major errors are indicated, then 10% only (and
(not referenced), absent reference lists, or exceptionally poor not 5% or 15%) is deducted from the overall percentage. The
referencing, may result in action being taken in accordance with examples provided below are not exhaustive but are provided to
The IIE’s Intellectual Integrity Policy (0023). illustrate the error.
Required: Minor errors in technical correctness of Major errors in technical correctness of
Technically correct referencing referencing style referencing style
style Deduct 5% from overall percentage. Deduct 10% from the overall percentage.
Example: if the response receives 70%, Example: if the response receives 70%, deduct
deduct 5%. The final mark is 65%. 10%. The final mark is 60%.
Consistency Minor inconsistencies. Major inconsistencies.
• The referencing style is generally • Poor and inconsistent referencing style used in-
• The same referencing format consistent, but there are one or two text and/or in the bibliography/ reference list.
has been used for all in-text changes in the format of in-text • Multiple formats for the same type of
references and in the referencing and/or in the bibliography. referencing have been used.
bibliography/reference list. • For example, page numbers for direct • For example, the format for direct quotes (in-
quotes (in-text) have been provided for text) and/or book chapters (bibliography/
one source, but not in another instance. reference list) is different across multiple
Two book chapters (bibliography) have instances.
been referenced in the bibliography in
two different formats.
Technical correctness Generally, technically correct with some Technically incorrect.
minor errors. • The referencing format is incorrect.
• Referencing format is • The correct referencing format has been • Concepts and ideas are typically referenced,
technically correct throughout consistently used, but there are one or but a reference is missing from small sections
the submission. two errors. of the work.
• Concepts and ideas are typically • Position of the references: references are only
• The correct referencing format referenced, but a reference is missing given at the beginning or end of large sections
for the discipline has been from one small section of the work. of work.
used, i.e., either APA, OR • Position of the references: references are • For example, incorrect author information is
Harvard OR Law only given at the beginning or end of provided, no year of publication is provided,
every paragraph. quotation marks and/or page numbers for
• Position of the reference: a • For example, the student has incorrectly direct quotes missing, page numbers are
reference is directly associated presented direct quotes (in-text) and/or provided for paraphrased material, the
with every concept or idea. book chapters (bibliography/reference incorrect punctuation is used (in-text); the
list). bibliography/reference list is not in
• For example, quotation marks, alphabetical order, the incorrect format for a
page numbers, years, etc. are book chapter/journal article is used,
applied correctly, sources in information is missing e.g. no place of
the bibliography/reference list publication had been provided (bibliography);
are correctly presented. repeated sources on the reference list.
Congruence between in-text Generally, congruence between the in-text A lack of congruence between the in-text
referencing and bibliography/ referencing and the bibliography/ referencing and the bibliography.
reference list reference list with one or two errors. • No relationship/several incongruencies
• There is largely a match between the between the in-text referencing and the
• All sources are accurately sources presented in-text and the bibliography/reference list.
reflected and are all accurately bibliography. • For example, sources are included in-text, but
included in the bibliography/ • For example, a source appears in the text, not in the bibliography and vice versa, a link,
reference list. but not in the bibliography/ reference list rather than the actual reference is provided in
or vice versa. the bibliography.
In summary: the recording of In summary, at least 80% of the sources are In summary, at least 60% of the sources are
references is accurate and correctly reflected and included in a incorrectly reflected and/or not included in
complete. reference list. reference list.

Overall Feedback about the consistency, technical correctness and congruence between in-text referencing and bibliography:

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Native Android apps can do almost anything. From an e-commerce store app, an app that stores
notes, a camera app and games. Your imagination is the only limit.

In this Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) you will develop a calculator app. The calculator app will start
with simple mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
and then as the semester progresses additional features will be added.

In this PoE, you will build a native Android calculator app using Android Studio and Kotlin.

The PoE consists of three parts that build on one another:

1. In Part 1, you will implement the basic arithmetic operations of the calculator.
2. In Part 2, you will add some error checking logic and implement more advanced operators.
3. In the final Portfolio of Evidence, you will add a few basic statistical calculations to the

The calculator app must have the following features at the end of the PoE:
1. The app must have the following basic arithmetic features (Part 1):
a. Allow the user to enter two numbers.
b. Allow the user to select (by clicking one of several buttons) which operation must be
performed on the two numbers.
c. Support the following arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division.
d. Display the operation, as well as the answer. For example, if the user entered 1 and
2, and selected addition, the output should be:

2. The app must have the following advanced arithmetic features (Part 2):
a. Calculate the square root of the first number that is entered.
• Use the notation sqrt(4) = 2 for the display.

b. Calculate powers. For example, if the user enters 2 and 3, the calculation should be 23.
• Do this calculation by using a loop, to calculate 2 x 2 x 2. Use the notation
2^3 = 8 for the display.

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c. For division, the app must check if the second number is 0. Display an error message
if it is, indicating that division by 0 is not allowed.
d. For the square root, the app must check if the first number is negative (less than 0). If
it is, calculate the square root of the absolute value of the number, and add the letter
i to make it an imaginary number. For example, sqrt(- 4) = 2 i

3. The app must have the following statistical functions (PoE):

a. A button that opens a new screen that has the statistical functions.
b. Allow the user to enter up to 10 integers and store the integers in an array. Note you
need to keep track of how many numbers have been entered – you will need this
c. Have a clear button to remove all the integers from the array and reset all the values
in the array to 0.
d. Have a button that calculates and displays the average of the elements in the array.
The average must be calculated using a loop. For example, if we have entered 4, 7,
11, 12, and 9, then the average will be:
𝟒𝟒 + 𝟕𝟕 + 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 + 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 + 𝟗𝟗
𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨 = = 𝟖𝟖. 𝟔𝟔
e. Have a button that finds the minimum and maximum values in the array by using a
loop. For example, if we again entered 4, 7, 11, 12, and 9, then the minimum is 4 and
the maximum is 9.

The instructions below describe what you need to do and what you need to submit for each Part.
Pay careful attention to the marking rubrics provided at the end of this document, using it as a
guideline for what is required and how much time to spend on each aspect.

Note: Marks will be deducted if your app doesn’t compile and run.

Tip: This portfolio of evidence will take some time to complete and may require additional
research to overcome any issues you encounter in the process. So, start early to avoid running
into last minute logistical issues.

It is important for you to create a GitHub repository for your application. Provide your lecturer
with access.

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Part 1 — Basic Arithmetic (Marks: 100)

Learning Units 1 – 2

At the end of this specific task, you should be able to:

• Create a new project in Android Studio.
• Create a basic user interface.
• Store data in variables.
• Use logging to display information to the developer.
• Perform calculations on data using arithmetic operators.
• Create user interface elements to display data to the user.
• Create user interface elements to get input from the user.
• Format output using string templates.

Your calculator app should have a similar design. You can modify it if the functionality is retained.

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Create a new app using Android Studio. Be sure to select Kotlin as the language for the project.
Use the website of your college together with your student number for the package. For example:

Implement the following features on the main screen of the app:

1. The app must have the following basic arithmetic features:
a. The app must allow the user to enter two numbers.
b. The app must allow the user to select (by clicking one of several buttons) which
operation must be performed on the two numbers.
c. The app must support the following arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
d. The app must be able to display the operation, as well as the answer. For example, if
the user entered 1 and 2, and selected addition, the output should be:

Note: for this Part you do not need any error checking. Assume that the user will always enter a
valid number. Build and run the app in the emulator, and make sure that it runs without crashing
and works correctly. Create a short screen recording video with voice over where you show the
app running in the emulator, showing the basic arithmetic features of the home screen. You can
use an online recording tool like and submit the link to the video. Or you
can record the video using the Android Emulator.

You are required to submit the following for Part 1:

• A zip file containing all the source code of your Android Studio project.
• A video recording showing the home screen in action.


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Part 2 — Error Checks and Advanced Arithmetic (Marks: 100)

Learning Units 1 – 4

At the end of this specific task, students should be able to:

• Solve programming problems using the If statement.
• Apply logical operators to solve programming problems.
• Solve programming problems using the statement.
• Include while loops to solve problem problems.

Start by implementing all the feedback provided by your lecturer on Part 1. Make a list of all the
changes that you are making – you will need to submit this as evidence of the changes that you

Add the following features, still all on the main screen of the app:

1. The app must have the following advanced arithmetic features:

a. The app must be able to calculate the square root of the first number that is entered.
Use the notation sqrt(4) = 2 for the display.
b. The app must be able to calculate powers. For example, if the user enters 2 and 3,
the calculation should be 23. Do this calculation by using a loop, to calculate 2 x 2 x 2.

Use the notation 2^3 = 8 for the display.

c. For division, the app must check if the second number is 0. Display an error message
if it is, indicating that division by 0 is not allowed.
d. For the square root, the app must check if the first number is negative (less than 0). If
it is, calculate the square root of the absolute value of the number, and add the letter
i to make it an imaginary number. For example, sqrt(-4) = 2 i

In this Part, you are now adding some error checking because real users are not as well behaved
as we assumed them to be in Part 1.

Build and run the app in the emulator, and make sure that it runs without crashing and works

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Create a screen recording of you demonstrating all changes since Part 1 as well as all the new

You are required to submit the following for Part 2:

• A document containing the change log describing all the changes that were implemented
based on the feedback on Part 1.
• A zip file containing all the source code of your Android Studio project.
• A video recording showing the home screen in action.


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Portfolio of Evidence — Basic Statistics Calculations (Marks: 100)

All Learning Units

At the end of this specific task, students should be able to:

• Use an array to store data.
• Use for loops to solve programming problems.
• Use loops to display elements in an array.
• Use loops to perform operators on the elements in an array.
• Use functions to solve programming problems.
• Use default parameter values to solve programming problems.
• Solve programming problems using class functions.

Start by implementing all the feedback provided by your lecturer on Part 2. Make a list of all the
changes that you are making – you will need to submit this as evidence of the changes that you

Add the following statistical features to the app:

1. The app must have the following statistical functions:

• A button that opens a new screen that has the statistical functions as shown below.

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• Allow the user to enter up to 10 integers and store the integers in an array. Note you need
to keep track of how many numbers have been entered – you will need this later.
• Display the numbers that have been entered so far.
• Have a clear button to remove all the integers from the array and reset all the values in the
array to 0.

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• Have a button that calculates and displays the average of the elements in the array. The
average must be calculated using a loop. For example, if we have entered 4, 7, 11, 12, and
9, then the average will be:
4 + 7 + 11 + 12 + 9
Avg = = 8.6
• Have a button that finds the minimum and maximum values in the array by using a loop.
For example, if we again entered 4, 7, 11, 12, and 9, then the minimum is 4 and the
maximum is 9.

Build and run the app in the emulator, and make sure that it runs without crashing and works
correctly. Create a screen recording of you demonstrating all changes since Part 1 as well as all the
new features.

To submit for the PoE:

• A document containing the change log describing all the changes that were implemented
based on the feedback on Part 2.
• A zip file containing all the source code of your Android Studio project.
• A video recording showing the home screen in action.


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Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric - PART 1)

Please note: Tear off this section and attach it to your work when you submit it. If this is an online submission, then this information needs to be included in
the online submission.





Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard. required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App running on • App doesn’t compile. • App runs on the • App runs on the • App runs perfectly
emulator • App immediately emulator with emulator with very on the emulator.
crashes on startup in some issues. few issues.
[10 Marks] the emulator.

0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard. required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is well • The feature works
User can enter two implemented or implemented with implemented with perfectly without
numbers does not work at all. some bugs. only one or two any errors.
• The feature is bugs.
[20 Marks] implemented but
there are lots of

0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks

Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is well • The feature works
Perform calculations implemented or implemented with implemented with perfectly without
for addition, does not work at all. some bugs. only one or two any errors.
subtraction, • The feature is bugs.
multiplication, and implemented but
division. there are lots of
[20 Marks]

0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard. required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is well • The feature works
Display the calculation implemented or implemented with implemented with perfectly without
that was performed. does not work at all. some bugs. only one or two any errors.
• The feature is bugs.
[20 Marks] implemented but
there are lots of

0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks

Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is well • The feature works
Display the answer of implemented or implemented with implemented with perfectly without
the operation. does not work at all. some bugs. only one or two any errors.
• The feature is bugs.
[20 Marks] implemented but
there are lots of

0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard. required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: Video • No video submitted. • Video that • Video that • Video that clearly
demonstration • Video doesn’t demonstrates only demonstrates the demonstrates all
include a some of the app well but is not the required
[10 Marks] demonstration of the required features. very engaging. features in an
app. engaging way.

0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

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Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric – PART 2)

Please note: Tear off this section and attach it to your work when you submit it/ If this is an online submission, then this information needs to be included
in the online submission.





Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App running on • App does not • App runs on • App runs on the • App runs
emulator compile. the emulator emulator with perfectly on
• App immediately with some very few issues. the emulator.
[10 Marks] crashes on startup issues.
in the emulator.
0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks
Skill: Updates to the • No change log • Some • Most changes • All changes
app based on task 1 submitted. changes made based on made based
feedback • No changes made made based feedback. on feedback.
based on on feedback. • Additional
[10 Marks] feedback. improvements
made on the
user interface.

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
perform and display implemented or implemented well works
the square root does not work at with some implemented perfectly
all. bugs. with only one or without any
[20 Marks] • The feature is two bugs. errors.
implemented but
there are lots of
0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
perform and display implemented or does implemented well works
the power operation not work at all. with some implemented perfectly
• The feature is bugs. with only one or without any
[20 Marks] implemented but two bugs. errors.
there are lots of

0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
Check for division by implemented or implemented well works
0 and display error does not work at with some implemented perfectly
message all. bugs. with only one or without any
• The feature is two bugs. errors.
[15 Marks] implemented but
there are lots of

0 – 7 Marks 8 – 9 Marks 10 – 11 Marks 12 – 15 Marks

Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
Check for square implemented or implemented well works
root of a negative does not work at with some implemented perfectly
number, and display all. bugs. with only one or without any
the answer as an • The feature is two bugs. errors.
imaginary number implemented but
using i there are lots of
[15 Marks]
0 – 7 Marks 8 – 9 Marks 10 – 11 Marks 12 – 15 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: Video • No video • Video that • Video that • Video that
demonstration submitted. demonstrates demonstrates the clearly
• Video doesn’t only some of app well but is demonstrates
[10 Marks] include a the required not very all the
demonstration of features. engaging. required
the app. features in an
engaging way.
0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

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Assessment Sheet (Marking Rubric – POE )

Please note: Tear off this section and attach it to your work when you submit it/ If this is an online submission, then this information needs to be included
in the online submission.





Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App running on • App does not • App runs on the • App runs on • App runs
emulator compile. emulator with the emulator perfectly on
• App immediately some issues. with very few the emulator.
[10 Marks] crashes on issues.
startup in the
0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: Updates to the • No change log • Some changes • Most changes • All changes
app based on task 2 submitted. made based on made based made based
feedback • No changes feedback. on feedback. on feedback.
made based on • Additional
[10 Marks] feedback. improvements
made on the
user interface.
0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
display the stats implemented or implemented well works
screen does not work at with some bugs. implemented perfectly
all. with only one without any
[10 Marks] • The feature is or two bugs. errors.
implemented but
there are lots of
0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
the user can enter implemented or implemented well works
up to 10 numbers does not work at with some bugs. implemented perfectly
all. with only one without any
[10 Marks] • The feature is or two bugs. errors.
implemented but
there are lots of

0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
clear function implemented or implemented well works
removes all the does not work at with some bugs. implemented perfectly
entered numbers all. with only one without any
and reset to 0 • The feature is or two bugs. errors.
implemented but
[10 Marks] there are lots of

0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
display all the implemented or implemented well works
entered numbers does not work at with some bugs. implemented perfectly
all. with only one without any
[10 Marks] • The feature is or two bugs. errors.
implemented but
there are lots of

0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature •
calculate and display implemented or implemented well works
the average of the does not work at with some bugs. implemented perfectly
entered numbers. all. with only one without any
• The feature is or two bugs. errors.
[20 Marks] implemented but
there are lots of

0 – 9 Marks 10 – 12 Marks 13 – 14 Marks 15 – 20 Marks

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Marking Criteria Does not meet the Meets the required Partially exceeds the Greatly exceeds the Feedback
required standard standard required standard required standard
(0% - 49%) (50% - 64%) (65% - 74%) (75% - 100%)
Skill: App feature: • The feature is not • The feature is • The feature is • The feature
find and display the implemented or implemented well works
minimum and does not work at with some bugs. implemented perfectly
maximum values in all. with only one without any
the array. • The feature is or two bugs. errors.
implemented but
[10 Marks] there are lots of

0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks

Skill: Video • No video • Video that • Video that • Video that
demonstration submitted. demonstrates demonstrates clearly
• Video doesn’t only some of the app well demonstrates
[10 Marks] include a the required but is not very all the
demonstration of features. engaging. required
the app. features in an
engaging way.

0 – 4 Marks 5 – 6 Marks 7 Marks 8 – 10 Marks


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