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Drying Technology

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Application of a mechanistic model of batch

fluidized bed drying at laboratory and pilot scale

Emmanuela Gavi

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bed drying at laboratory and pilot scale, Drying Technology, DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2019.1611594

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Published online: 13 May 2019.

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Application of a mechanistic model of batch fluidized bed drying at

laboratory and pilot scale
Emmanuela Gavi
PTDC Formulation R&D, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland


The aim of this work was to test the feasibility of reducing experimentation during the Received 19 January 2018
development of the fluid bed drying process of a pharmaceutical product, by conducting Revised 21 April 2019
experimentation at laboratory scale and by using a mechanistic model calibrated on the Accepted 22 April 2019
laboratory scale data to simulate the process at pilot scale. The advantage of this approach
with respect to a fully empirical approach, is that a limited number of experiments are run Fluidized bed drying;
at pilot scale with the purpose of scale verification, instead of an extensive experimental mechanistic modeling;
campaign. Batch fluidized bed drying experiments were run with two different formulations scale-up
containing the same active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) at laboratory and pilot scales. A
mechanistic model was calibrated at laboratory scale, and then the same parameters
describing drying behavior were used in simulations of the drying process at the pilot scale.
The setup of the model differed for the two formulations; in particular, for the more hygro-
scopic formulation, the model needs to account for a higher influence of the material on
drying. The simulated product temperature and moisture content in granules were com-
pared with experimental data. Model accuracy is good at steady state for granule moisture
content and for product temperature, in particular for the more hygroscopic formulation.
During dynamic phases the product temperature prediction is less accurate: this effect is
more visible for the less hygroscopic formulation. Finally, the mechanistic model calibrated
at laboratory scale was used to simulate experimental results obtained at pilot scale. Good
agreement between simulations and experiments could be observed, confirming that the
suggested approach could be used in order to considerably decrease experimental effort
during process development with respect to a fully empirical approach.

Introduction Therefore, enhanced process understanding of the

drying process is necessary in order to assess the
Batch fluidized bed drying is used in the pharmaceut-
impact of the process parameters on the residual
ical industry in the manufacture of oral dosage forms
moisture content of the granules and to design a hol-
as the final step of a wet granulation process, be it via
istic control strategy.
high shear wet granulation or via fluidized bed granu-
Process development studies in the pharmaceutical
lation. During the development phase of a wet granu-
industry are often carried out at pilot scale. Empirical
lation process it is of interest to understand the effect correlations between process parameters and the
of the drying process parameters on the critical qual- CQAs are then established. As the empirical correla-
ity attributes (CQAs) of the final product, following a tions are then only valid for the pilot scale, further
Quality by Design approach.[1] When the final prod- elaborate experiments are required at commercial
uct is a tablet, the residual moisture content of the scale, when the process is scaled up.
granules at the end of the drying process may influ- Use of mechanistic models during process develop-
ence the tablet performance: Gabbott et al.[2] showed ment can be used to gain enhanced process under-
that granules with higher residual moisture generate standing and reduce the experimental burden during
tablets with lower porosity, therefore characterized by process development. The fluidized bed drying unit
a higher hardness and a slower dissolution. The operation has been studied for a long time (see for
residual moisture content in the granules and in the example[4–6]); several mechanistic models of different
final tablet may also influence the product stability.[3] levels of complexity have been published, and can be

CONTACT Emmanuela Gavi PTDC Formulation R&D, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

used to overcome various challenges observed during correlations. Such an approach can be categorized as a
the process development stages. lumped drying rate model.
Kemp and Oakley[6] categorized dryer models He and Pinto[13] applied a one phase model to
according to their complexity and the output informa- describe batch fluidized bed drying of pharmaceutical
tion that they provide. The simplest models are based granules at different scales: laboratory, pilot and full
on heat and mass balances, but drying kinetics must scale. The drying rate in the falling rate period was
be included in the model when predicting drying time described by a falling-rate kinetics correlation. Two
is of interest. This can be done in single- or multi- lumped parameters, the heat loss coefficient and the
phase models. In single-phase models the bed is moisture diffusivity, were fitted through experiments,
regarded as a continuum where gas and solid particles then the adjusted values were used to predict the
are perfectly mixed.[7] Two and three-phase models other batches, and finally simulations were compared
attempt to include the effect of fluid dynamics, such to experimental results in terms of moisture content
as the by-pass of drying air due to the presence of and product temperature. The agreement was found
bubbles, and back mixing due to turbulence.[8,9] The to be good at laboratory and pilot scales. A greater
bed fluid dynamics can also be described by means of level of discrepancy was found between experiments
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), for example and simulations at full scale, and it was hypothesized
by using the Eulerian-Eulerian Two-Fluid Model.[10,11] that the reason for this was that the assumption of a
With this approach the bed hydrodynamics is more perfectly mixed system was not fully valid at
accurately described than in two- and three-phase that scale.
Kemp and Sohet[14] describe how the deep bed
models: assumptions related to the void fraction in
model can be used to simulate drying rate, gas tem-
the bed or empirical relationships describing bed
perature and humidity for different bed scales and at
expansion and bubble size are not necessary, and the
different heights of the bed. Simulating the drying
geometry of the equipment can be taken into account.
process along the bed height can be useful because the
Drying rate models can be distributed or lumped
measured product temperature depends on the tem-
models, as described by Kemp and Oakley.[6]
perature probe height, which may be different in dif-
Distributed models make use of fundamental physical
ferent units where the process may be transferred. In
equations and coefficients, however their application
the same paper it is also described how the model was
may be limited by the feasibility of measuring the
used to optimize process operating conditions by cal-
required parameters. An example of such an approach
culating “what if” scenarios. The model allowed
is reported by Wang et al.,[10] where the drying in the
reducing to less than half the drying time at pilot
falling rate period was described by the diffusion
scale, and scaling up the process directly to full-scale,
equation in a spherical particle and solved by applying avoiding expensive experiments at both scales.
a finite volume method. Lumped models are instead The literature review above shows that the relation-
constituted by a smaller number of equations than ship between the main process parameters of batch
distributed models, where materials drying behavior is fluidized bed drying and the process responses, such
described by few lumped parameters that combine dif- as product temperature, outlet air humidity and mois-
ferent physical phenomena. In this case the drying ture content, are well known. Mechanistic mathemat-
rate model is not fully predictive, but experiments are ical models are thus available and have been used in
needed to calibrate the model to obtain the lumped industrial practice to simulate the drying process
parameters.[6] An example of such a lumped model is responses at different scales. A logical inference is that
that developed by Burgschweiger et al.,[8] where the experimental effort during pharmaceutical develop-
drying rate in the falling rate period is calculated ment of a wet granulation process could be reduced,
through a normalized drying rate, which is a param- by only carrying out material-consuming design of
eter fitted on experiments. experiments at laboratory scale, in order to study the
Kemp[12] observed that drying rates and times are influence of granule residual moisture content on tab-
affected by macro-scale effects, at the overall bed level, let CQAs. The drying process could then be scaled up
and therefore there is no need for localized models, to pilot and commercial scales by making use of a
meaning that a single-phase model can be fit for pur- mechanistic model. At pilot and commercial scales a
pose. Also, he observed that, although drying kinetics reduced number of experiments could be sufficient to
is affected by micro-scale effects within particles, it confirm the process understanding gained at labora-
can be easily characterized using falling kinetics tory scale. An example of potential savings that such

an approach could lead to is the following. A design Burgschweiger et al.,[8] because the latter is a two-
of experiments (DoE) for high shear wet granulation phase model, whereas in gSolids the assumption of a
and drying at Roche is typically performed with 11 perfectly mixed system is made.
batches at pilot scale, approximately consuming 15 kg The model is constituted by balance equations for
of drug product for every batch. If the DoE was the transport of vapor mass and energy for the par-
instead run at laboratory scale, 2 kg of drug product ticles and the suspension gas. The assumption is made
would be consumed for every batch. In addition to that the unit is perfectly mixed at all times; therefore
the DoE, at least 3 confirmatory batches for the scale- the particles temperature, the gas temperature within
up approach would be necessary at pilot scale, con- the equipment, and the outlet temperature are
suming 15 kg of drug product each. The resulting DP the same.
saving would therefore be 98 kg, that for a 50% drug The equation of moisture balance for the solid
load product would mean a saving of 49 kg API, or phase is
60% saving with respect to a DoE conducted at pilot dX
Mp _ pg :
¼ M (1)
scale. In addition, the knowledge acquired by develop- dt
ing the scale-up approach could be used for further
The moisture content of the solids in the bed,
scale-up to commercial scale, aiming at a first-time-
Mp X; decreases with time, because of water evapor-
right scale-up, without the need for a further DoE to
ation due to drying. This rate of drying is equal to the
be performed at that scale. The aim of this work is to _ pg ; representing the moisture trans-
mass flow rate M
test the feasibility of reducing experimentation in pro-
ferred from the particles to the gas.
cess development and scale-up of batch fluidized bed The equation for the energy balance for the solid
drying by using a mechanistic model, particularly phase is
regarding the applicability of lumped parameters at
different operating conditions and scales. A mechanis- Mp ¼ Q_ gp H_ pg : (2)
tic model of batch fluidized bed drying was used to dt
study the drying process of two different formulations The specific enthalpy of the solid particles hp
containing model API. The model was calibrated at changes with time in Equation (2) because of the heat
laboratory scale and it was then used to simulate the transported from the suspension gas to the particles
drying process of the same material at pilot scale. In Q_ gp ; which allows moisture in the solid to evaporate,
the next section, the model used in this work will be and because of subtraction of the enthalpy associated
described, then the experimental set-up will be with the moisture transported from particles to the
detailed, followed by the model set up and calibration. suspension gas, H_ pg :
The model prediction and the experimental data will On the side of the gas the mass and energy balance
be compared in the results section, followed by a dis- equations are:
cussion and conclusions. M_ g ðYg;out  Yg;in Þ ¼ M
_ pg ; (3)

_ g hg;out  hg;in ¼ Q_ gp þ H_ pg Q_ gw :
M (4)
Fluidized bed drying model and normalized
drying rate where Yg,in and Yg,out are the absolute humidities in
the inlet and exhaust gas respectively, hg,in and hg,out
The fluidized bed drying model applied in this work are the enthalpies of the inlet and exhaust gas respect-
is a single-phase model, where the drying rate in the ively. Equation (3) expresses that the difference
falling rate period is described by a lumped parame- between the mass flow rate of humidity entering and
ters correlation calibrated through experiments. The exiting with the gas is equal to the rate of drying. In
model implementation is available in the commercial Equation (4), the difference in enthalpy between the
software gSolids 4.1 (PSE Ltd, London, UK) and is inlet and outlet associated with the gas flow is equal
based on a population balance approach. In the fol- to the difference of the latent heat associated with the
lowing description, simplified equations adapted from evaporating water H_ pg ; minus the sensible heat trans-
Burgschweiger et al.[8] are reported for illustrative ported from the gas to the solid Q_ gp and the heat loss
purposes for a uniform granule population, with gran- with the environment Q_ gw :
ule size dP. For the actual balance equations for a dis- The rates of the various transport phenomena and
tributed granules population applied by the model the the transport coefficients are reported in the
interested reader can refer to.[15] The model imple- Appendix. Here the model of the drying rate and of
mented in gSolids is a simplification of the model in the heat loss with the environment are described.

The drying process of particles is typically repre- Table 1. Composition of formulation A.

sented as a two stage process.[7] During the first dry- Ingredient Fraction on total solids
ing stage, the drying rate is controlled by the rate of Proprietary API Less than 0.1
Lactose Less than 0.6
transport of the vapor from the solid surface to the Fillers Less than 0.3
bulk gas and it is approximately constant, therefore it Binder Less than 0.05
Water (0.29)
is often termed the constant rate period (CRP).
Burgschweiger et al.,[8] however, observe that for
hygroscopic materials, sorptivity may influence the Table 2. Composition of formulation B.
drying rate already in this phase. A constant drying Ingredient Fraction on total solids
Naproxen 0.52
rate may therefore not exist, and[8] preferred referring Lactose 0.17
to this phase as the first drying period. As the drying Avicel PH102 0.21
process continues, a critical moisture content is Povidone K30 0.10
Water (0.22)
reached for which the transport of moisture to the
solid surface is not sufficient anymore to maintain a
The heat loss with the environment Q_ gw can be
saturated surface and the drying rate becomes con-
described as
trolled by resistance to diffusion of moisture within

the solid. After the critical moisture content is reached Q_ gw ¼ UAl Tg  Tamb ; (8)
the rate of drying therefore decreases; this drying
where U is the overall heat loss coefficient, Al is the
period is called the falling rate period (FRP)[7] or
lateral area of the equipment, Tg is the gas tempera-
second drying period.[8]
ture in the equipment, and Tamb is the ambient tem-
The model used in this work described the rate of
drying M _ pg as[8] perature outside the equipment.
M_ pg ¼ _ ðgÞqg bpg Apg Yeq X; Tp  Yg (5)
Experimental details
where Yeq is the humidity at the solid surface, calcu-
Two formulations were used, one containing a propri-
lated from the desorption isotherm curve of the
etary API, the other containing Naproxen. The com-
material as a function of the moisture content of the
position of the two formulations, from now on
solid X and the solid temperature Tp, Yg is the humid-
referred to as Formulation A and B, are reported in
ity in the bulk gas, bpg is the particle-gas mass trans-
Tables 1 and 2. The composition of Formulation A is
port coefficient, qg is the gas density, Apg represents
the total particle-gas contact surface area and mðgÞ_ reported in approximate percentages because it is
represents the normalized single particle drying kinet- proprietary.
The list of the granulation and drying equipment
ics as a function of the particle normalized moisture
content g: used for the experiments is reported in Table 3.
The normalized drying rate allows modeling of the The experiments listed in Table 4 were performed
second drying rate period. It is defined as the quotient at laboratory scale. The wet granules were manufac-
of the drying rate m _ pg and the drying rate of the first tured via high shear wet granulation and then trans-
drying period m_ pg;I for a single particle: ferred in a closed container, sieved through a mill
equipped with a 10 mm screen, transferred to a
m_ pg
_ ðgÞ ¼ : (6) second container, and finally loaded in a pre-heated
_ pg;I
m fluid bed dryer. The mass of wet material in the dryer
The normalized drying rate is a function of the was calculated by weighing the second container
normalized particle moisture content which is defined before and after loading the dryer. As will be
as: explained in the results section, formulation B pre-
 sented different drying behavior when granulation was
XX eq
g¼ ; (7) carried out at laboratory or pilot scale. Therefore, part
Xcr  Xeq
of the wet granules manufactured at pilot scale for the
with X the average moisture content in the solid, Xeq batches B_Pilot1L_T45 and B_Pilot1L_T60 were then
the solid moisture content in equilibrium with the dry dried at laboratory scale in the batches indicated as
gas, Xcr the critical moisture content. It is assumed B_Lab2_T60 and B_Lab2_T45 in the table. The drying

that while X>X _
cr and g>1; mðgÞ ¼ 1; whereas when experiments at laboratory scale were carried out by
drying reaches X<Xcr and g<1; 0<mðgÞ<1: setting the inlet air temperature at a constant value

Table 3. Equipment used in experiments.

Granulation lines High shear wet granulator make and model Nominal volume, l Fluid bed dryer make and model Nominal volume, l
Laboratory 1 Diosna P10 10 Glatt GPCG2 6
Laboratory 2 — — Glatt GPCG2 12
Pilot 1 Diosna P150 150 Diosna CAT 150 50 (small)
150 (large)
Pilot 2 Diosna P70 70 Diosna CAP70 70

Table 4. Experiments performed at laboratory scale.

Experiment Dry solids Wet material Inlet temperature Air flow rate
name Formulation granulated (kg) dried (kg) Line ( C) (m3/h)
A_Lab1_T60 A 2 2.2 Laboratory 1 60 70–50
A_Lab1_T70 A 2 2.4 Laboratory 1 70 70–50
A_Lab1_T50 A 2 2.5 Laboratory 1 50 70–50
A_Lab1_T50-55-60 A 2 2.4 Laboratory 1 50, 55, 60 70–50
B_Lab1_T60 B 2 2.1 Laboratory 1 60 70–50
B_Lab1_T50 B 2 2.3 Laboratory 1 50 70–50
B_Lab1_T70 B 2 2.4 Laboratory 1 70 70–50
B_Lab1_T65 B 2 2.4 Laboratory 1 65 70–50
B_Lab2_T60 B — 2 (sample B_Pilot1L_T45) Laboratory 2 (drying only) 60 80–70
B_Lab2_T45 B — 2 (sample B_Pilot1L_T60) Laboratory 2 (drying only) 45 80–70

and by decreasing the inlet air flow rate in a stepwise and 2 for formulations A and B respectively.
manner. In each batch, the inlet air flow rate was Formulation B is seen to be more hygroscopic than
decreased twice as the material became progressively formulation A when the relative humidity is above
drier, to avoid over-fluidization of the bed and poten- 50%. Additionally, formulation B shows a large hys-
tial blockage of the filters. The decision on when to teresis during desorption, which may be due to the
decrease the inlet air temperature was taken based on formation of a hydrate form. The sorption curve of
visual observation of the fluidized bed. Additionally to the second cycle is however very similar to that of the
this, during one batch, A_Lab1_T50-55-60, the inlet first cycle, so the hydrate formation is assumed to be
air temperature was increased in a stepwise manner: completely reversible.
in the first 30 minutes of drying, the inlet air tempera- The particle size distribution of the dry granules
ture was increased twice, first after 10 minutes from was measured by passing two samples of each batch
50 to 55  C, then after 10 minutes from 55 to 60  C. through two different sieve towers, one with eight
Granulation and drying experiments were carried sieves between 90 and 1000 mm, the other with eight
out at pilot scale on two different granulation lines, as sieves between 1000 and 5000 lm. It was observed
described in Table 5. The wet granules were vacuum that granules of formulation A tend to be mono-dis-
transferred through a mill equipped with a 10 mm tributed with a d50 around 200 lm, whereas granules
screen to the pre-heated fluid bed dryer. The mass of of formulation B tend to be characterized by a bi-
wet granules in the dryer was calculated based on the modal distribution, with d50 around 450 lm.
initial dry solids mass and the added mass of water.
The inlet air temperature was set at a constant value
for the duration of the experiment and the flow rate Model set up and calibration
was decreased in a stepwise manner. At pilot scale the The fluid bed drying model was set up in the com-
inlet air flow rate was determined based on a scale-up mercial software gSolids 4.1 (PSE, London, UK) by
calculation from the inlet air flow rate used at labora- using the software’s standard libraries. The resulting
tory scale. The scale-up calculation aimed at keeping flowsheet is shown in Figure 3.
constant surface velocity across scales, which was cal- The fluid bed dryer was set up as a
culated as the ratio between volume flow rate and air batch operation.
distributor section area. The inlet air flow rate was The input information to feed to the model is
decreased at pilot scale when the granules moisture the following:
content was reached, at which the inlet air flow rate
was decreased at laboratory scale. The isotherm sorp- 1. Material properties (with regards to drying):
tion curve of each formulation was measured experi- desorption isotherm, normalized drying rate and
mentally at 25  C with the Dynamic Vapor Sorption critical moisture content.
method. The isotherm curves are shown in Figures 1 2. Granule properties: granule size distribution.

Table 5. Experiments performed at pilot scale.

Experiment name Formulation Dry solids granulated (kg) Wet material dried (kg) Line Inlet temperature ( C) Air flow rate (m3/h)
A_Pilot2_T55 A 26 33.5 Pilot 2 55 520–350
A_Pilot2_T65 A 26 33.5 Pilot 2 65 520–350
B_Pilot1S_T55 B 30 21 Pilot 1 small 55 540–420
B_Pilot1L_T45 B 30 34.6 Pilot1 large 45 1050–750
B_Pilot1L_T60 B 30 34.6 Pilot1 large 60 1050–750

Figure 1. Isotherm curve of formulation A.

Figure 2. Isotherm curve of formulation B.

3. Equipment geometrical parameters: area of distri- points equal to 20, spaced with a log normal distribu-
bution plate of inlet air, lateral area of mater- tion between 49 and 7001 lm.
ial container. The drying rate and the heat loss in the fluid bed
4. Equipment heat loss parameter: heat loss drying model contain parameters that need to be cali-
coefficient. brated, as follows.
5. Process operating and initial conditions: tempera- The first step in this work consisted in using
ture, flow rate, and humidity of inlet air (which laboratory-scale data to calibrate the normalized dry-
may be time dependent), initial mass of wet gran- ing rate and the critical moisture content for each for-
ules, initial moisture content, initial product mulation, and the heat loss coefficient for the
temperature. laboratory dryer.
In order to determine the normalized drying rate,
The particle size distribution of the granules was first the drying rate was calculated from the experi-
introduced in the model by reporting the sieve ana- mental data; at this time it was determined if a con-
lysis data of the dry granules. The distribution was stant rate period and a falling rate period could be
represented in the model by using a number of grid observed. The critical moisture content was set at the

Figure 3. Model flowsheet of the fluid bed dryer set up in gSolids 4.1 (PSE, London, UK).

Figure 4. Normalized drying rate for formulation A.

transition between CRP and FRP. With this informa- _ ðgÞ ¼ Ag (9)
tion the normalized drying rate was calculated using
Equations (6) and (7). This approach was followed for where A was a fitting parameter. The coefficient A was
both formulations, however for formulation B it was set by manual trial and error, because the software does
observed that the normalized drying rate so deter- not allow to use it as a calibration parameter. In the
mined did not lead to good agreement between simu- results it will be further explained why this approach
lation results and experimental data of the drying seemed to be the most appropriate for formulation B.
process. The normalized drying rate was therefore set The estimation of the heat loss coefficient was per-
up as a linear normalized drying rate, effective for the formed with the parameter estimation tool available in
whole duration of drying gSolids. The measured product temperature and

Figure 5. Comparison of simulated and experimental drying rate for: (a) A_Lab1_T50; (b) A_Lab1_T70.

moisture content (wet basis) were used for the estima- to characterize the drying behavior of the material
tion with constant variances of measurement equal to and to obtain the heat loss of the equipment.
1  C and 0.005 respectively. The drying rate was calculated for experiments
The normalized drying rate determined at labora- A_Lab1_T50 and A_Lab1_T70. These experiments
tory scale was used in the pilot scale model, where were chosen because they represent the extremes of
only the heat loss coefficient was adjusted with par- the inlet air temperature range covered. It was
ameter estimation. observed that at X ¼ 0.0775 a transition regime takes
place from approximately constant to falling drying
rate, therefore the critical moisture content was fixed
Results and discussion
to that value in the model. A normalized drying rate
Model calibration at laboratory scale was calculated from the experimental drying rate for
the two experiments and fitted by a second order
In this section it is described how model calibration
polynomial (Figure 4), obtaining the expression
was carried out for application at the laboratory scale

Figure 6. Comparison between experimental data and simulation results in terms of product temperature and moisture content:
(a) A_Lab1_T50; (b) A_Lab1_T70.

_ followed by values close to the experiments.

 ¼ 0:51g2 þ 1:55g: (10)
Quantitatively, it can be noticed that for the initial
This normalized drying rate was used in the simu- 30 minutes of A_Lab1_T50 and the initial 20 minutes
lation of drying of formulation A granules. A param- of A_Lab1_T70, the modeled drying rate is higher
eter estimation was run, including experiments than the experimental one. This overestimate may be
A_Lab1_T50, A_Lab1_T60, A_Lab1_T70; the heat loss due to insufficient mixing at the start of the process.
coefficient U ¼ 53 J/s m2 K was then determined. Towards the end of the process the agreement
In Figure 5, the simulated drying rate is shown and improves, although the model slightly underestimates
compared with experimental data for A_Lab1_T50 the drying rate.
and A_Lab1_T70. The model describes well the In Figure 6 the results in terms of moisture content
experimental drying rate, where a constant and a fall- and temperature are shown for the same experiments.
ing rate period are observed. At the beginning of the The simulated moisture content is in good agreement
drying process, high drying rates are calculated with experimental data particularly at the start and at
10 E. GAVI

Figure 7. Comparison between experimental data and simulation results in terms of drying rate for B_Lab2_T60. The effect of
choosing different settings for the normalized drying rate in the model is shown.

the end of the drying process. It is suggested that the experiments at the start of the process, and then it is
agreement of the model with experiments could be much lower than experiments towards the end of the
improved by decreasing the drying rate in the range process. As a consequence, the moisture content in
X > Xcr. The simulated product temperature trend the simulations decreases much faster than in the
agrees qualitatively with experiments, in that a steady- experiments, and it reaches a lower final value, as
state is predicted at the start of the drying process, shown in Figure 8. The introduction of a normalized
followed by a temperature increase. However in drying rate at the transition between the observed
experiments it can be observed that the temperature constant and falling rate periods did not suffice in this
change takes place more slowly than is predicted by case to obtain an agreement with experimental data,
the model. This behavior might be due to the effect of due to the higher drying rate present already at the
the equipment heat capacity that the model does not start of the drying process. Therefore it was decided
take into account. As a consequence, the simulated to set a linear normalized drying rate, as described in
temperature at the start of the process decreases rap- Equation (9), starting from Xcr ¼ 0.186, i.e., covering
idly, following the introduction of wet granules in the the entire duration of the drying process. The coeffi-
pre-heated equipment, and it conversely increases rap- cient A was set to be equal to 0.01 and 0.015 and for
idly at the end of drying, leading to a steady-state this last value it was possible to find a good agree-
temperature, not observed in experiments. These ment both in terms of drying rate and moisture con-
observations are also valid for the remaining two tent, as shown in Figures 7 and 8, respectively.
experiments performed at laboratory scale with for- The chosen approach, which imposes a falling rate
mulation A, the results of which are not shown period for the whole drying process, is in disagree-
for brevity. ment with the experimental observation that can be
For formulation B, experiment B_lab2_T60 was made in Figure 7. As mentioned before, however,
used to determine the normalized drying rate. Firstly Burgschweiger et al.[8] observed that for hygroscopic
it was assumed that drying is limited by external con- materials a constant drying rate may not exist, and
ditions only, and experiments B_lab2_T60 and although a constant rate period can be observed for
B_lab2_T45 were used to determine an approximated this specific experiment B_lab2_T60, it is absent in
heat loss coefficient. Then the experimental drying other experiments with this formulation (as for
rate was compared with the simulated one (see Figure example shown in Figure 10(a), which will be com-
7). It can be observed that when only external condi- mented later). This choice of drying rate for
tions are considered, the drying rate is higher than Formulation B is therefore justified.

Figure 8. Comparison between experimental data and simulation results in terms of moisture content for A_Lab1_T50. The effect
of choosing different settings for the normalized drying rate in the model is shown.

The parameter estimation was then run to deter- can be observed that when using A ¼ 0.015, which
mine the heat loss coefficient, obtaining a result of was considered appropriate for the granules produced
U ¼ 15 J/s m2 K. The simulation results for the two at pilot scale, the drying rate is under-estimated,
experiments are shown in Figure 9. Since there was resulting in an over-estimated moisture content by the
an initial pre-heating phase of the equipment, the model. When A was set to 1, it was instead possible
experimental product temperature at the start of the to better match the experimental drying rate and the
process was around 30  C. As observed for the previ- moisture content. This result showed that the material
ous formulation, the model predicts quick decreases granulated at pilot scale dries more slowly than that
or increases of temperature, whereas experimentally granulated at laboratory scale. Gupta[16] also observed
this is not observed. Both in experiments and simula- that the available water for evaporation is dependent
tions, there is no extended steady-state period at wet on the granulation time. In the present case, it is pos-
bulb temperature, possibly due to the slow drying rate sible that the same effect resulted from the scale-up of
presented by this material. After reaching a minimum the granulation process. In the following part con-
value, the temperature starts increasing, until a steady cerning the model application at pilot scale, the nor-
state at high temperature is reached. The model can malized drying rate determined in the equipment
describe this final steady-state qualitatively for both Laboratory 2 was used.
experiments. For B_lab2_T60 the model also agrees
quantitatively with experimental data, whereas for
Simulation of the drying process at pilot scale
B_lab2_T45 the final temperature is underestimated
by 1 to 2  C. The moisture content is well predicted In the pilot-scale model the normalized drying rate
by the model in both cases. and critical moisture content determined at the
It was also attempted to develop the drying model laboratory scale for the two formulations were used.
with experiments performed with granules produced The experimental data collected for the two batches
at laboratory scale and dried in the laboratory equip- of formulation A at Pilot2, A_Pilot2_T55 and
ment Laboratory 1. The experimental drying rate was A_Pilot2_T65, were used to calibrate the model with
calculated and compared with the simulated data respect to the heat loss coefficient. The initial mois-
obtained by setting a linear normalized drying rate ture content was not known at the start of drying,
using A ¼ 0.015, as had been done for the experiments because sampling was not possible. The drying process
performed in the Laboratory 2 equipment. The results was then simulated starting from the moisture content
in terms of drying rate and moisture content are value measured on the first sample collected during
reported in Figure 10 for experiment B_lab1_T60. It the drying process, and the heat loss coefficient was
12 E. GAVI

Figure 9. Comparison between experimental data and simulation results in terms of product temperature and moisture content:
(a) B_Lab2_T45; (b) B_Lab2_T60.

determined by running a parameter estimation with account for this, a fictitious additional drying time
the two experiments: U ¼ 18 J/s m2 K. In order to was added to the real drying process. By trial and
develop a model that could be used predictively, it error it was found that if the loading phase is set in
was attempted to run the model from the initial dry- the simulation to last a total of 15 minutes, then the
ing rate assumed to be equal to that obtained at the process can be simulated starting from the initial
laboratory scale. By using this initial moisture content moisture content determined at pilot scale.
value, the moisture content was overestimated by the The simulation of one of the two batches A_Pilot2
model. Vacuum loading was used to transfer the wet _T65 is reported in Figure 11.
granules from the granulator to the dryer, therefore it It can be observed that the agreement with experi-
was hypothesized that the granules undergo drying mental data is good in terms of moisture content and
during the transfer process that takes place at a higher very good in terms of temperature. It is interesting to
rate than that occurring in the fluid bed dryer. To notice that unlike at the laboratory scale, the model

Figure 10. Graphs showing the effect of choosing different coefficient values for the normalized drying rate expression for
B_Lab1_T60: (a) Comparison in terms of drying rate between experimental data and simulation results with two A coefficient val-
ues; (b) Comparison in terms of moisture content between experimental data and simulation results with two A coefficient values.

predicts the temperature increase at the same rate that Pilot1S and in Pilot1L for B_Pilot1L_T60. In the
is observed experimentally. The closer agreement was experiment at lower temperature, B_Pilot1L_T45, the
ascribed to the fact that the ratio product volume to agreement for moisture content in the final part of
equipment surface area is higher at pilot scale and the process is poor. The experimental data also show
therefore the equipment heat capacity has a lower that the moisture reaches briefly a plateau at LOD ¼
influence on the temperature profile. 4%, before start decreasing again. The product tem-
For formulation B, in equipment Pilot1S and perature is instead satisfactorily predicted for all three
Pilot1L, the heat loss coefficient was estimated to be experiments. As at the laboratory scale, it is observed
U ¼ 8 J/s m2 K, by running a parameter estimation that the product temperature does not settle in a
with the data from the three experiments performed steady-state at the start of drying, and increases
in that equipment. The results are reported in Figures quickly. The model predicts this but overestimates the
12 and 13. The moisture content is well predicted in product temperature until the temperature plateau is
14 E. GAVI

Figure 11. Comparison between experimental data and simulation results in terms of product temperature and moisture content
for A_Pilot2_T65.

Figure 12. Comparison between experimental data and simulation results in terms of product temperature and moisture content
for B_Pilot1S_T55.

reached. Once the final steady state is reached, the investigating experimentally the drying behavior of a
agreement of the simulated product temperature with pharmaceutical formulation at the laboratory scale
experiments is satisfactory for Pilot1S, with the model and then by using a mechanistic model of the fluid
underestimating by 1  C, and good for Pilot1L. bed drying process calibrated at the laboratory scale
to simulate experiments at the pilot scale.
It was observed that the more hygroscopic
Formulation B required imposing a normalized drying
The purpose of this work was to explore the possibil- rate for the entire duration of the drying process. On
ity of reducing experimentation at pilot scale during the contrary, for Formulation A a normalized drying
development of a fluid bed drying process, by rate was imposed only at the end of the drying

Figure 13. Comparison between experimental data and simulation results in terms of product temperature and moisture content:
(a) B_Pilot1L_T45; (b) B_Pilot1L_T60.

process, where a transition from a constant to falling drying scale-up it is important to verify if the granules
drying rate could be observed. manufactured with a given formulation are sensitive
It was verified that the material drying behavior to the granulation process, and if so, an accurate high
could be described in the model with the same shear wet granulation scale-up approach should also
parameters and values of granule properties, when be developed, to obtain granules with same drying
simulating two different scales of fluid bed dryer. The behavior at different scales.
drying behavior of the granules of Formulation A was At the laboratory scale the calibrated model
not affected by granulation conditions. For described well the moisture content and the product
Formulation B, by contrast, granules manufactured in temperature at steady state for formulation B. The
the pilot scale high shear wet granulator dried more agreement is not as good for Formulation A. For this
slowly than those manufactured in the laboratory scale formulation, the agreement in terms of moisture con-
granulator. This indicates that when undertaking tent may be improved by modifying the normalized
16 E. GAVI

drying rate also in the constant rate period, possibly Shpg Sherwood number
to describe a non-ideal bed movement at the start of t time, s
Tamb ambient temperature, K
drying. The measured product temperature for this
Tg temperature of gas, K
formulation shows that the model is not able to Tp temperature of bed of solid particles, K
describe the dynamic behavior of the product tem- u0 particle surface velocity, m/s
perature. This could be improved by resorting to a U overall heat loss coefficient, J/s m2 K
dynamic heat loss model.[17] This phenomenon is less X mass fraction of water in solids (wet based),
important for Formulation B, where the rate of drying 
X average moisture content in solids, kg/kg
is slower and the product temperature reaches steady Xcr critical moisture content in solids, kg/kg
state at the end of drying, and also at pilot scale, Xeq solid moisture content in equilibrium with dry
where the effect of the equipment heat capacity gas, kg/kg
is lower. Yeq equilibrium absolute humidity, g water/kg dry gas
At the pilot scale the model, which was calibrated Yg;out absolute humidity in exhaust gas, g water/kg
dry gas
at laboratory scale with regards to the formulation Yg;in absolute humidity in inlet gas, g water/kg dry gas
drying behavior, simulates well the drying process of apg heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
both formulations. bpg particle-gas mass transport coefficient, m/s
These results show that it is possible to study dg conductivity of the gas, W/m K
experimentally the fluid bed drying process at the lg gas viscosity, Pa
g normalized moisture content, -
laboratory scale and to use a mechanistic model cali- _ normalized single particle drying rate, -
brated on laboratory scale data, to simulate the pro- qg gas density, kg/m3
cess at the pilot scale, potentially leading to
considerable savings in terms of API used in the
experimental campaign for developing the drying pro-
cess of a new pharmaceutical product granulated via The author would like to acknowledge Pranay K. Ghosh,
high shear wet granulation. Susanne Page, Oskar Kalb and Dharam Singhal for the sup-
port given through discussions and feedback, Davide De
Franco and J€urgen H€orth for support in performing experi-
Nomenclature ments, and David Slade (PSE, London, UK) for technical
A fitting parameter support in using the software and technical discussions.
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