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1. What is pulse sampling?

o Pulse sampling is a process in which a continuous signal is sampled at specific

instances in time, with each sample taken at the center of a pulse-shaped
2. How does pulse sampling differ from flat top sampling?
o In pulse sampling, the sampling window is shaped like a pulse, with the
sample taken at the center. In flat top sampling, the sampling window is flat
and extends over a duration, with the sample taken at any point within that
3. Why is pulse sampling preferred over flat top sampling in certain applications?
o Pulse sampling is preferred when the signal is band-limited, as it minimizes
aliasing by reducing the overlap between adjacent samples. This is crucial in
applications such as communication systems where signal fidelity is
4. Explain the process of pulse sampling.
o In pulse sampling, the continuous signal is multiplied by a pulse-shaped
window, typically a sinc function, centered at each sampling instant. The
product is then integrated over the window to obtain the sample value.
5. What is reconstruction in the context of sampling?
o Reconstruction is the process of reconstructing the original continuous signal
from its sampled version. It involves interpolating between the sampled points
to recreate the continuous waveform.
6. How is reconstruction achieved from pulse-sampled data?
o Reconstruction from pulse-sampled data involves convolving the sampled
signal with a sinc function, also known as the reconstruction kernel. This
process effectively interpolates between the samples and reconstructs the
original continuous signal.
7. What are some practical applications of pulse sampling and reconstruction?
o Pulse sampling and reconstruction are commonly used in digital
communication systems, audio processing, medical imaging, and various other
fields where continuous signals need to be sampled and accurately
8. Discuss the role of Nyquist theorem in pulse sampling.
o Nyquist theorem states that to avoid aliasing, the sampling frequency must be
at least twice the highest frequency component in the signal. In pulse
sampling, the pulse shape helps in shaping the frequency spectrum of the
sampled signal, ensuring that it meets the Nyquist criterion.

1. What is Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)?

o TDM is a method of transmitting multiple signals simultaneously over a
common transmission medium by allocating each signal a different time slot.
2. How does TDM differ from other multiplexing techniques like Frequency
Division Multiplexing (FDM)?
o In TDM, signals are multiplexed based on time slots, while in FDM, signals
are multiplexed based on frequency bands. TDM divides the transmission
medium into time slots, whereas FDM divides it into frequency bands.
3. Explain the concept of band-limited signals.
o Band-limited signals are signals whose frequency content is confined to a
specific frequency range. They have finite bandwidth, which means they
contain frequencies within a certain range and have negligible energy outside
that range.
4. What are the key components required to design a TDM circuit?
o A TDM circuit typically consists of signal sources, multiplexing circuitry,
transmission medium, and demultiplexing circuitry at the receiving end.
5. How would you design a TDM circuit for two band-limited signals?
o To design a TDM circuit for two band-limited signals, you would need two
signal sources, a multiplexer to combine the signals into a single stream based
on time slots, and a demultiplexer at the receiving end to separate the signals
back into their original streams.
6. Discuss the challenges in designing a TDM circuit for band-limited signals.
o One challenge is ensuring that the bandwidth of each signal does not overlap
with the others to avoid interference. Another challenge is synchronizing the
timing of the multiplexed signals to ensure accurate demultiplexing at the
receiving end.
7. What are some applications of TDM in real-world scenarios?
o TDM is commonly used in telecommunications, where it allows multiple users
to share a single communication channel efficiently. It is also used in digital
audio and video transmission, where it enables the transmission of multiple
channels over a single cable.
8. Explain the process of demultiplexing in TDM.
o Demultiplexing in TDM involves separating the multiplexed signal into its
constituent channels based on the time slots allocated to each channel. This is
typically done using a demultiplexer circuit that directs each signal to its
respective output

1. What is Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation?

o FSK is a digital modulation technique where the frequency of the carrier
signal is varied according to the digital data being transmitted. It typically
involves switching between two or more frequencies to represent different
digital symbols.
2. What are the advantages of using FSK modulation?
o FSK modulation offers good noise immunity and efficient use of bandwidth,
making it suitable for applications where signal reliability and spectral
efficiency are important, such as in wireless communication systems.
3. Explain the process of generating FSK modulated signals.
o Generating FSK modulated signals involves switching the frequency of the
carrier signal between predetermined frequencies based on the digital input
data. This can be achieved using voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) or
frequency synthesizers.
4. How would you design a circuit for generating FSK modulated signals?
o To design a circuit for generating FSK modulated signals, you would typically
use a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) or a frequency synthesizer
controlled by a digital input signal. The digital signal would determine the
frequency to be generated by the VCO or frequency synthesizer.
5. What is FSK demodulation and why is it necessary?
o FSK demodulation is the process of recovering the digital data from an FSK
modulated signal at the receiver end. It is necessary to extract the original
digital information from the modulated signal for further processing or
6. Discuss the challenges in FSK demodulation and how they can be overcome.
o One challenge in FSK demodulation is accurately detecting the frequency
shifts in the modulated signal, especially in the presence of noise. This can be
overcome by using techniques such as frequency discrimination and phase-
locked loop (PLL) circuits.
7. What are some applications of FSK modulation and demodulation?
o FSK modulation and demodulation are commonly used in digital
communication systems, such as in radio frequency identification (RFID),
telemetry, data modems, and wireless sensor networks.
8. Explain the process of demodulating FSK signals using a PLL circuit.
o In FSK demodulation using a PLL circuit, the modulated signal is fed into the
PLL circuit, which locks onto the frequency shifts in the signal. The output of
the PLL circuit is then filtered to recover the original digital data.

1. What is Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation?

o PSK is a digital modulation technique where the phase of the carrier signal is
varied to represent different digital symbols. It involves shifting the phase of
the carrier signal by specific angles corresponding to the digital input data.
2. What distinguishes PSK modulation from other modulation techniques?
o PSK modulation relies on varying the phase of the carrier signal to represent
digital data, while other modulation techniques like ASK (Amplitude Shift
Keying) and FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) modulate the amplitude or
frequency, respectively.
3. Explain the process of generating PSK modulated signals.
o Generating PSK modulated signals involves modulating the phase of a carrier
signal based on the digital input data. This can be achieved using a phase
modulator or a phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit controlled by the digital input
4. How would you design a circuit for generating PSK modulated signals?
o To design a circuit for generating PSK modulated signals, you would typically
use a phase modulator or a PLL circuit. The phase of the carrier signal would
be modulated according to the digital input data, resulting in the desired PSK
5. What is PSK demodulation and why is it necessary?
o PSK demodulation is the process of recovering the digital data from a PSK
modulated signal at the receiver end. It is necessary to extract the original
digital information from the modulated signal for further processing or
6. Discuss the challenges in PSK demodulation and how they can be overcome.
o One challenge in PSK demodulation is accurately detecting the phase shifts in
the modulated signal, especially in the presence of noise. This can be
overcome by using techniques such as coherent detection and phase
7. What are some applications of PSK modulation and demodulation?
o PSK modulation and demodulation are commonly used in digital
communication systems, such as in wireless LANs, satellite communication,
RFID systems, and digital modems.
8. Explain the process of demodulating PSK signals using a coherent detection
o In PSK demodulation using a coherent detection scheme, the modulated signal
is multiplied by a locally generated carrier signal that is synchronized with the
incoming signal's carrier phase. The resulting product is then passed through a
low-pass filter to recover the original digital data.

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