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Meditation effects on cognitive function and cerebral blood flow in

subjects with memory loss: a preliminary study
Andrew B. Newberg/'' Nancy Wintering,*'' Dharma S. Khalsa,"*' Hannah Roggenkamp^ and
Mark R. Waldman''
'Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 'Center for Spirituality and the Mind, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 'Alzheimer Research and Prevention Foundation, Tucson, AZ, USA

Correspondence : Andrew B. Newberg, M.D., Division of Nuclear Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 110 Donner Building, 3400 Spruce Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.; E-mail:

Keshav Thakur
Neuroscience Researeh Lab, Department of Neurology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, INDIA

Background rietal, Medial Frontal, Amygdala Precuneus : areas were se-

Initial studies have suggested that speeifie eognitive praetiee lected due to their activity as these regions are involved In
programs may help improve memory.''^ Meditation has long executive decisions, learning, emotions spatial memory, self
been defined as a potential teehnique for improving memory and awareness and self position according to the surrounding en-
lowering levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. Until now, vironment) template obtained counts in each ROI normalized
there have been a few treatment options for patients with to whole brain to provide a CBF ratio. Baseline and medita-
early eognitive impairment. Several medieations and vaecine tion scans and neuropsyehologieal testing were eompared
trials are underway. In one of the studies conducted Lutz and before and after the program. When neuropsyehologieal test
their team showed that expert meditators were able to induce scores were compared between the pre and post training pro-
changes in their brain activity during meditation with the help gram sessions, there were a several improvements observed.
of electroencephalography (EEG).' This study was designed to This group did significantly better than the control group in
explore the effects of a very specific form of meditation in pa- Category Fluency in naming of animals (p < 0.05). However,
tients with cognitive impairment and to track potential chang- several of the other neuropsyehologieal tests demonstrated
es with functional brain imaging using single photon emission similar improvements between the meditation and eontrol
computed tomography and to demonstrate improvements in groups even though the ehanges observed in the musie group
variety of cognitive functions of brain. were not signifieant.

Study Design Implications

Fourteen subjects with memory impairement were selected In general meditation may be ealled as eomplex neuroeognitive
and put to evaluation assessed on the first imaging day with tasks which may or may not related with the alterations in the
a brief neuropsyehologieal test battery that was adapted brain's response to a stimulus often provided in the form of ex-
from the battery currently used by Memory Disorders Clinic at citatory signals through nerves. As a pilot study, the data does
the University of Pennsylvania and comprising of a Category not provide important information regarding general effect
Fluency task in which subjects named as many animals as pos- sizes and the comparable result for CBF changes and neuropsy-
sible in a 60 second time period, the Wechsler Adult Intelli- ehologieal test ehanges assoeiated with a meditation practice
gence Scale (WAIS) Digit Symbol Substitution Test, a Logical yet data proves more effective if done on a large group. With
Memory task, and Trails A and B. These tests were also selected more and more exploration of CAM approach these types of
based upon other studies in which neuropsyehologieal tests studies may initially provide a platform to understand the phe-
were used to evaluate ehanges in eognition assoeiated with nomenon behind these therapies.
mental task interventions. Same set of tests were repeated
on the 8-week follow up session and had an IV inserted and doi : 10.5214/ans.0972.7531.12190207
were injeeted with 250MBq of Te-99m ECD while listening to
a neutral stimulus CD. They then underwent a pre-program References
baseline SPECT sean. Then subjeets were guided through their
1. Mahncke HW, Connor BB, Appelman J et al. Memory enhancement in
first meditation session with a CD during whieh they reeeived
healthy older adults using a brain plasticity-based training pro-
an injeetion of 925MBq ECD, and underwent a pre-program gram: a randomized, controlled study. Proc Nati Acad Sei. 2006;
meditation sean. Subjeets eompleted an 8-week meditation 103: 12523-12528.
program and underwent the same seanning protocol resulting 2. Willis SL, Tennstedt SL, Marsiske M ef al. Long-term effects of cognitive
in a post-program baseline and meditation scan. A region of training on everyday functional outcomes in older adults. JAMA.
interest (ROI) (Inferior Frontal, Superior Frontal, Superior Pa- 2006; 296: 2805-2814.
rietal, DLPFC Sensorimotor, Posterior Cingulate, Orbitofrontal, 3. Lutz A, Greischar LL, Rawlings NB et al. Long-term meditators self-
induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice.
Anterior Cingulate, Superior Frontal Thalamus, Superior Pa-
Proc Nati Acad Sei. 2004; 101: 16369-16373. ANNALS OF NEUROSCIENCES VOLUME 19 NUMBER 2 APRIL 2012

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