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Hello there.

Thank you for your love and your support.

How long have you been a fan of my work .

Thank you so much for supporting me all this years it's really mean a lot to me i
really appreciate

What’s your name and where are texting you from ?

That's great so what your occupation ?

Are you happily married?

Thanks for you reply so far. I actually created this private account to reach out
to few fans due to me been unable to write fans from my official pag e. And also
currently undergoing a private investigation on here , been getting a lot of
complains from fans about imposters using my identity.

I would really appreciate your assistance, if you can send me the details of anyone
contacting you with my identity. Then you block and report the account. I will
immediately send the details to my company fraud department.

You seem very nice and smart . If you don’t mind I will like to keep in contact
with you and get to know more about you .

I'd rather say we stick to using Google Chat and not whatsapp reasons being , that
whatsapp is on my phone which is strictly monitored by my management.

My Personal assistant takes care of all incoming calls which is later being
transferred to me if deemed important enough , so I can't do anything not
pertaining to business with my phone. I can only text and take calls from family
members and close friends which my management already knows.

But hangout is different because it's on my personal computer and I'm the only one
with access to that . I save my scripts on my laptop so often times when manager
sees me using my laptop he thinks I'm studying my scripts.


You seem very nice and fun too , so I’ll like to know more about you , that’s if
you don’t mind .

How do you normally spend your leisure time ?

Do you have pets ?

Which of my character has been your favorite?

What are you like and dislikes ?

What are you hubbies , what do you like doing for fun ?

Do you have siblings ?

What about your parents ?

What are your favorite childhood memories?

Who’s your favorite your mom or dad ?

What’s your worst moment ever ?

What to aspire for so much ?

What are your dreams ?

What’s your favorite country?

What was high school like for you ??

Did you finish college?

Do you enjoy your job ?

Who has been the biggest influence in your life ?

What’s your biggest goal in life right now ?

What kind of music do you listen to ?

What’s your favorite way to spend your Saturday?

What should I know about you, that I’d never think to ask about ??

If you could travel the world, which are the five places you’d never miss ??

So what’s your current passion in life ?

What was your favorite TV show as am kid ?

What is the weirdest thing you find attractive in a person ?

What is the scariest experience you have ever had ??

Would you rather be loved or have a lot of money ??

What is the most embarrassing moment of your life ?

What would your dream date be like ?

What would you change about your personality and look ??

Who has influenced you the most in life ?

What is something you used to do as a child that you wish you could still do ?

What is the one career you would love to enter ??

Where is the one place in the world you feel safe ?

What is the one thing you want to experience so badly ?

Do you consider yourself a happy person ?

Why did your first relationship end? Are you still in touch with the guy ??
How do you like your eggs cooked ?

What is the greatest accomplishment of your life ??

What is the one thing that always brings a smile on your face ??

Do you enjoy cooking ? What is the most delicious meal you have ever made ??

What’s your favorite sport ?

Do you like tattoos and body piercings ?

I hope I’m not intruding on your privacy by asking you so much questions.

The reason is I enjoy your company and think you’re awesome .

Do you have kids ?

What is your favorite food?

What are your favorite colors ?

Can you drive?

What car do you use ?

What do you think about my personality?

1. Spoil Management

It’s really hard for me sometimes, most people think because I’m famous and all
I’ve got the best life . But that’s not the case , It seems I’m more of a prisoner.

My management only care about make money , so I’m just like a money making
machine . Their in control of my life and it’s really crazy when I think about it
something. All this sacrifices just for my dreams come through .

That’s why they’ve got all this policies just to make sure they’re always in
control . 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

I hope I can trust you and I hope you don’t think less of me now you’re getting to
know more and more about me .

That’s why they’re also in control of all my social media official accounts and
most of my devices ,Just so always keep an eye on me.

People only see us in the big screen and think everything’s is roses . But it’s
not 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔.

Most celebrities are in same shoes as I am , our management got people in higher
place . So we can’t just quit the contract or we may loss everything we’ve worked
for .

I hope I can trust you with my secrets and I hope this doesn’t change the way you
you see me .
1. Love and trust :

When I first texted you on here it was for the sole purpose of appreciating you for
being a fan and thank you for your unwavering support but then I got to know you.

I think I have found some perfection in you. You are the type of woman I have
always dream of and the feelings will keep burning down inside me if I don't
express it.

I find you very special as if I have known you forever on a friendship level and
not Fan/Celebrity. I just have this feeling of complete comfort when chatting with
you I'm so incredibly comfortable talking to you literally starting from the first
message. It's pretty amazing when you have two people whom have never even met
before and immediately have this mutual connection of comfort understanding and
like they've known each other for a long time.

I don't know how to approach this with you online, I have been fighting a battle
within myself, my heart says I should tell you how I feel, but my head tells me not
to be stupid that it would just cause damage to our friendship and that you
wouldn't be interested considering my public figure status. I have feelings for
you for your sense of decency, delicacy, kindness and other complementary
qualities. I can't help doting on you. Therefore all my gestures of love and
kindness towards you come straight from the bottom of my heart.

I need a woman that loves me and wants to support my career and enhance my course..
not one who only loves me because of what she stands to gain... I've never seen
such a woman.. they all fail the test when the time comes

Dating me is one of the things they also stand to gain, no one would love me if I
wasn't a celebrity and just a normal guy.. making sacrifices for me is what I have
lacked from most of my past relationships, they bail out on me when the chips are

But I just want to be sure you will always be there for me and not abandon me in my
darkest hours

Love is all about supporting one another through thick and thin,after all they say
"what is love if not sacrifice "

I sleep now with you in my heart.. I have already fallen for you but didn't want to
let it out because I'm scared but now that you have assured me..I will gladly give
myself to you.. pls don't break my heart it's very fragile

But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart

I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I’ll never love you
any less than I do, right this second

I love you and I don’t want to lose you. Because my life has been better since the
day I found out.

You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish
to be parted from you from this day on.

In your smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars.

I do know some things. I know I love you. I know you love me.

We are made of particles that existed since the moment the universe began. I like
to think those atoms travelled 14 billion years through time and space to create us
so that we could be together and make each other whole.

If my love were an ocean, there would be no more land. If my love were a desert,
you would see only sand. If my love were a star–late at night, only light. And if
my love could grow wings, I’d be soaring in flight.

I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you,
and only you.

I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are
my dearest one. My reason for life.

So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.

I don’t care how hard being together is, nothing is worse than being apart.

In a sea of people, my eyes will always be searching for you.

No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will
do. I will always love you. I swear it.

And I’ve realized that the Beatles got it wrong. Love isn’t all we need—love is all
there is.

Promise me you’ll never forget me, because if I thought you would, I’d never leave.

Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.

Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will.

I need you like a heart needs a beat.

When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul.

Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth.

I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world

Each day I love you more, today more than yesterday. And even more tomorrow.

Love is being stupid together.

My heart is and always will be yours.

If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to
tell you I love you.

If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you
kissed, but my soul.
No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star.

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally
better than your dreams.

Love is missing someone when you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because
you’re close in the heart.

Love makes no sense if it is not to the right person. I feel very lucky to be with

What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text

I’m giving you my heart now and forever. My goal is to make sure that I always make
you feel loved, appreciated, and accepted, even over text.

The world is so perfect because of you, without you the world would be meaningless.
I Love you.

You wanna know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again.

You are the owner of my heart, my feelings, my soul and my body. I completely
belong to you, baby. I love you. Always.

Your image is always in my mind, I can always hear my heart whispering your name
and I can always see your face when I close my face, how beautiful you are. I love

I love you so much that I’m going crazy. I can’t stop thinking and dreaming about
you. Only it makes me feel alive and gives my life a meaning.

Excuse me, I just want to tell you that I want to protect you, steal your smiles,
stop your tears and wake up by your side. You are the most wonderful thing that
ever happened to me.

I absolutely adore you. My beautiful queen.

Sweetheart, everything is meaningless without you, you are part of me. Even When we
are apart.

You make me the happiest person on Earth.

I admire you, I care for you, I love you, I respect you and I trust you.

I wish you two things: everything and nothing. Everything that makes you happy and
nothing that makes you suffer. I love you.

You feed my heart and my soul with your love. I love you more than anything in this

I might run out of text messages to send you, and I might run out of jokes too. My
phone might run out of battery, but my heart will never run out of space for you.

You are my dream come true, I will treasure and love you all the days of my life.

I wish I could send you a kiss through the phone, I could do it every second.
You make my heart melt.

just realized something for the hundredth time today: I love you.

1. Management

What do you think about us meeting some time and spending time together , say
couple of days or weeks ??

I’ve been wanting to say it , but I’ve not because you don’t seem like you’re
interested in us meeting . I’ve also said nothing about it because it involves you
going through my management

My management are really strict and you have to mind the way you talk to them . The
way you communicate with them depends , if they’ll approve our meeting or not . It
also going to cost a bit

What do you think babe ?

I would really like us to meet and spend some quality time together , just you and

right by my side

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