Naruto FAE

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Power Levels

There are a number of different Power Levels in the game, and everyone has one. If two
characters are opposing each other and are at the same Power Level, then they roll as normal. If
there is one Power Level of difference, then the character with the higher Power Level gets a +4 to
their roll. If the difference is more than one Power Level, then the character with the higher Power
Level automatically succeeds. This is for standard actions, and not for using jutsus, which have
their interaction with Power Levels explained in the Jutsu section. Starting characters begin at
Civilian/Academy Student Power Level.
The Power Levels are:
• Civilian/Academy Student
• Genin
• Chunin
• Tokubetsu Jonin (Special Jonin)
• Jonin
• Kage
• Tailed Beast

Use the stunt templates found in FAE for stunts in a Naruto game. There are also a few predefined
Genin Power Level: Requires 1 Genin Power Level technique known. You fight and train at the
Genin power level.
Chunin Power Level: Requires Genin and 1 Chunin Power Level technique known. You fight and
train at Chunin power level.
Jonin Power Level: Requires Chunin and 1 Jonin Power Level technique known. You fight and
train at Jonin power level.
Kage Power Level: Requires Jonin and 1 Kage technique known. You fight and train at Kage
power level
Jinchuriki: Requires GM Approval. A tailed beast is sealed inside of you. The GM creates a
character at Tailed Beast power level that you can choose to manifest instead of taking stress.
While a tailed beast is manifested, you do not gain Fate Points for accepting a compel.
Tailed Beast Familiarity: Requires Tailed Beast Container. You are familiar enough with your
tailed beast that you can use its chakra points as well as your own.
Tailed Beast Partnership: Requires Tailed Beast Familiarity. You and your tailed beast are
partners. You can manifest the tailed beast at any time and it does not cost a Fate Point to invoke
the tailed beast's aspects, you still do not gain Fate Points for compels.
Immense Chakra: Your chakra point refresh is increased by 2
Precise Chakra Control: This is a special stunt that costs a Chakra Refresh to take. You have
less chakra than most, because of this, you have been forced to learn how to manage your chakra
better than others. Using Create Advantage to pay the cost of performing a jitsu is a free action
for you.
Jutsu Adept: You know one jutsu that is one Power Level above your current Power Level, but it
does not count towards requirements for other stunts.
Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit): Requires Clan aspect. You are a descendant of a ninja clan
that has a genetically specialized jitsu.
Creating a character
creating a character is the same as normal FAE character creation except that after you choose
your approaches, you may choose 3 Academy Student jutsu that you know. Also, you start with 3
chakra refresh. If you spend refresh to gain a stunt, you increase your chakra refresh as well.

Chakra Points
Chakra points are like Fate points but can only be used to power jutsu.

Training Montages
Once per session, the players should get a montage where they each get to make 3 attempts at
learning a new technique. The players describe what they are doing to practice the technique and
then roll to see if they are successful at learning it.

Jutsus and Power Level
Jutsus have a Power Level just like characters do. A Jutsu is always used at its power level
regardless of the user's Power Level. For instance, a Genin character that uses an Academy
Student level jutsu that has uses an attack action, rolls an Academy Student level attack.

Creating A Jutsu
There are several templates for creating a jutsu. A jutsu should be about as powerful as two
aspect invocations, and generally conform to the following templates:
Because I know [jutsu name], when I pay the cost I get a +4 to [pick one: attack, defend, create
advantages, overcome] when [describe a circumstance].
Because I know [jutsu name], when I pay the cost I can [describe something cool you can do].

Learning A Jutsu
To learn a jutsu, you must beat a difficulty of 6 during a training montage. If the technique is one
Power Level above your current Power Level, the difficulty is increased to 10 and it is impossible to
learn if the jutsu is a higher Power Level than that. If the training result is greater than 2, but still
less than the difficulty, then a success is marked. Each success provides a +1 to future training
rolls for that technique. If the jutsu is exactly the same as one you already know, except that it
has a higher power level, the difficulty to learn the jutsu is reduced by 2.

Using A Jutsu
Using a jutsu requires paying the cost of the jutsu. Once paid, the jutsu is available for use on the
next action.
The cost for using a jutsu of your current Power Level is one of the following:
• Spending a chakra point
• Marking a box of physical stress
• Creating an advantage specifically for the jutsu in one turn and using the jutsu on the next
The cost for using a jutsu above your Power Level is doubled, and there is no cost for using a
jutsu below your Power Level.

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