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Sample Answer key

Q1. Muliple choice questions [0.5x14=7M]

i. The components of air which are harmful to living beings are

(a) nitrogen and carbon dioxide
(b) dust and water vapour
(c) dust and smoke
(d) smoke and water vapour.

ii. Which of the following is a variable component of air?

a) Water vapour
b) Nitrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Carbon dioxide
iii. Production of new organisms of their own kind is called
a) Multiplication
b) Division
c) Addition
d) Reproduction
iv. Respiration in aquatic animals like fish occurs by
(a) lungs
(b) gills
(c) nostrils
(d) legs
v. Which Is Completely Soluble In Water
(a) Chalk powder
(b) Tea leaves
(c) Glucose
(d) Sawdust
vi. Which of the following is a soft material?
(a) Iron
(b) Sponge
(c) Plastic
(d) None of these
vii. The disease caused by the deficiency of iodine is
(a) anaemia
(b) goitre
(c) chicken pox
(d) swine flu
viii. The ingredients of food contain some components that are needed by
our body. These components are called ____________
a) Nutrients
b) Energy giving
c) Body building
d) Resistance giving
ix. Main function of Carbohydrates and fats in our body is
a. To provide Energy
b. Body building
c. Protecting body against diseases
d. Keeps bones and teeth healthy
x. Dietary fibres are also known as ___________.
a. Starch
b. Protein
c. Fats
d. Roughage
xi. The substances that get attracted towards a magnet are called_______
a) Magnetic
b) Non magnetic
c) Transparent
d) luminous
xii. When a magnet is suspended freely it always aligns itself in -------- direction?
a) North b) N-S c) N-W d) N-E
xiii. The tiny coiled metal wire present inside the bulb is called____________.
(a) Element
(b) Conductor
(c) Filament
(d) None of these
xiv. Electric energy is produced from the____________ within the cell.
(a) Chemicals
(b) Metals
(c) Terminals
(d) None of these
Q2. Fill in the blanks: [0.5x8=4M]
i. The percentage of nitrogen in air is 78%.
ii. The materials through which objects can be seen, but not clearly, are known
as translucent
iii. Stickers with pieces of magnet inside them easily stick to surfaces like the
doors of refrigerator made of _iron____.
iv. Materials through which current can pass are called _conductors________.
v. Match the following:

Coloumn I Coloumn II
a. Magnetic substance 1. soluble in water
b. Dust, smoke 2. nickel
c. Sugar 3. insulator
d. Plastic 4. air

Q3. Answer in one word: [1x8=8M]

i. A continuous path along which the current flows- electric circuit
ii. Which cell terminal has a small metal cap attached to it? positive
iii. Gas that supports burning - oxygen
iv. Blending of colour of an organism with its surroundings - camouflage
v. Samosa and kachori are rich in which nutrient? fats
vi. Name a gas insoluble in water- nitrogen
vii. Method of separation where filter paper is used - filtration
viii. The ends of a magnet are called - poles
Q4. Hots/Give reasons [1x6=6M]
i. By absorbing water cotton gets heavy, so it sinks
ii. Fish breathes with the oxygen dissolved in water
iii. Because deficiency of in our body causes a disease called goiter.
iv. As boat has a hidden magnet having south pole near its head that attract north pole
of a magnet as unlike poles attract each other.
v. Because cloth cannot hold water/ it will leak through cloth
vi. Its energy will go waste without any work done.
Short answer type questions I [2x8=16M]
5. Dolphins and Whales often come to the surface of water as they are mammal
and breathe through lungs. So to take oxygen from air.
6. The bulb A will not glow in this circuit as the circuit will become incomplete as
current will not be passed forward from bulb B.
7. Fig B has S-N poles as opposite poles attract OR
Magnets loose the property of magnetism by heating, falling from height or
8. To separate the mixture of Wheat, sugar and husk—by winnowing husk will be
removed, by sieving wheat and sugar will separate.
9. Plastic plates are not advisable to be used as plastic is non bio-degradable. We
can use paper plates or wooden or banana leaf plates.
10. In desert plants leaves are modified to spines/long roots/thick fleshy stem to
store water/ green stem to do photosynthesis..
11. Food sample + iodine  blue black colour starch
Food sample  crush on paper  oily patch  fats present
12. Food gives us energy to do work, help in growth and development and protects
from diseases. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals .
Short answer type questions II [3x4=12M]
13. Air was filled in the bottle in case (i), in case (ii) when bottle was tilted air comes
out as bubbles and then water entered. This shows air occupies space.
14. Mass per unit volume, Substances that have density less than water will float
while other sinks in water; Shreya is curious, good observer, intelligent.
15. The magnetic compass, the magnetic compass is a device containing a magnetic
needle pivoted in a horizontal plane that indicates North when held on the earth's
16. Biotic component: Plants, animals, decomposers, microflora, and fauna are all
biotic or living components of an environment. Abiotic component: Abiotic factors
include all non-living elements such as environmental circumstances
(temperature, pH, humidity, salinity, sunlight, etc.).
Whale, dolphin. Stimulus is an event or any change in the external environment
that evokes a specific functional reaction. Excretion is defined as the elimination
of waste products from the body.
Long answer type questions [5x4=20M]

17. (a) Is it possible to change an iron bar into a magnet? If yes, explain how?

(b) Heating magnet to very high temperature. Dropping the magnet

frequently. Hammering the magnet
18. In a and f, because circuit is complete. In other arrangements either the wire is
not connected to both the terminals of a cell [b and c] or both wires are
connected to the same terminal of the cell. [in d and e]
19. (a)

(b) Obesity, eat too much of fat rich foods — fried food like samosa and poori (snacks), malai,
rabdi and peda (sweets).
20. (a) It does not respire, reproduce, respond to stimuli
(b) The presence of specific features enables a plant or an animal to live in a
particular habitat.
(c) Presence of gills for respiration, fins for swimming, streamlined body for easy
movement in water.
21. Read the passage and answer the following questions. [7x1=7M]
i. The properties of the components in a mixture such as particle size,
density, melting point, boiling temperature etc. remain unchanged.
ii. Threshing
iii. Stones from rice/wheat
iv. Sieving is a process by which fine particles are separated from bigger
particles by using a sieve. In flour mill, impurities like husks and stones are
removed from wheat. Pebbles and stones are removed from sand by
v. Winnowing is the method in which heavier components of the mixture are
separated from the lighter substances with the help of wind. This method is
used for separating grains from husk

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