Social Int Assig5 Anish

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Anish Nair
Class - XI B
• Ladli Foundation is a national award winning leading grassroots-level non-profit organization known for implementing
impactful & innovative social initiatives to provide equitable healthcare, education & life skills to uplift vulnerable
women, with an unwavering commitment to driving change by building a safe, gender-neutral, and inclusive society.
• The Social Internship programme under Ladli Foundation and Directorate of Education aims at identifying and
resolving various social issues prevalent in the Indian society such as malnutrition and various diseases that are
neglected but are fatal such as tuberculosis and AIDS.
• The programme provides youngsters, especially students with the opportunity to connect and integrate social work
theory and practice in real world settings
• As a part of Social Internship Programme, working on the projects and tasks have a positive impact on society, such as
addressing poverty, education, healthcare, environmental issues, or other social concerns. Interns gain skills related to
project management, community engagement, and other areas relevant to addressing social issues. Educational
components, such as seminars, workshops, or training sessions related to social issues help students to expand their
Concept Of Social Internship
• These programs are designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world professional experience.
• Interns typically work under the guidance of a supervisor or mentor within the organization. This person provides
support, feedback, and mentorship, helping the intern navigate the work environment and achieve their learning
goals. Internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional setting. This experience allows interns to
apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world situations, enhancing their understanding of
industry practices.
• Internship programs offer valuable networking opportunities. Interns interact with professionals in their field, building
connections that can be beneficial for future career opportunities.
• Interns have the chance to develop and enhance a variety of skills, including communication, problem-solving,
teamwork, and technical skills specific to their chosen field. The practical experience gained during an internship is
often highly regarded by future employers.
• Internship programs play a crucial role in preparing individuals for the workforce and providing them with the
practical experience needed to succeed in their chosen careers.
• Internships provide individuals with practical, real-world experience in their chosen field. This hands-on experience is invaluable in
applying theoretical knowledge gained in academic settings to actual work situations.
• Internship programs expose participants to the inner workings of a particular industry or profession. This exposure helps ind ividuals
gain a better understanding of industry practices, trends, and expectations.
• Networking can open doors to future job opportunities, mentorship relationships, and collaborations. Internships allow indivi duals to
explore different career paths within their field of study.
• Internship experiences are valuable additions to resumes. Employers often look for candidates with practical experience, and having
internships on a resume can make individuals stand out in a competitive job market.
• Interns learn how to navigate office environments and develop a sense of workplace culture. Internships serve as a bridge bet ween
academic learning and professional employment. They ease the transition from the classroom to the workplace, helping individu als
adapt to the expectations and demands of their chosen industry.
• Successful completion of internships enhances an individual's employability. Many employers prefer candidates with relevant w ork
experience, and internships can significantly increase the likelihood of securing a job after graduation. Employers can asses s interns'
skills and cultural fit, potentially offering job opportunities to those who excel during the internship period.
Key Learnings
• The internship helped me to gain knowledge about the severity of various diseases about which I
had never known in detail. It helped me to acquire a deeper understanding about the various
issues present in our society, the people’s viewpoint and what are the various ways one should
approach to solutions.
• I learnt how to make PowerPoint Presentations in a more precise manner, that sticks to the
relevance of the topic.
• I learnt how to convert various types of documents into PDF (Portable Document Format). I also
learnt how to conduct workshops and learnt about the significant impact of workshops.
Overall Impact
• After researching and working on the
various task assignments, I consider
myself confident enough on how to
deal with the various diseases when
faced with them.
• I was able to enhance my digital skills.
• I have gained self confidence.
Key Takeaways From Tasks
• Assignment 1 - I learnt about what exactly malnutrition is. It was only after researching on the topic I
realised how grave the issue of malnutrition is. A high degree of malnutrition can be fatal.
• Assignment 2 - I learnt about the various modes of transmission of Tuberculosis (TB), the age groups
that are at a higher risk of being affected with TB and certain misconceptions associated with TB.
• Assignment 3 - This task helped me to understand what truly is drug and substance abuse. It helped to
understand how it has a negative impact on the younger generation and the society.
• Assignment 4 - By working on the topic of AIDS, I learnt why is it important to spread awareness about
AIDS, its modes of prevention, treatment and reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with it.
• Assignment 1 - It was the first time I was assigned a task such as doing thorough research on a topic and
conducting a workshop for educating others on a topic. It felt quite challenging to be done without any
prior experience.
• Assignment 2 - Though I gained some confidence after the initial task, at first I was intrigued about
writing a report about the workshop, providing details about the attendees, events and questionnaire
conducted since I had never written a report nor conducted a workshop earlier.
• Assignment 3 - When assignment 3 was uploaded, we were assigned many projects from school as well
as I had been participating in zonal-level competitions, which began to create a self-doubt whether I will
be successful in completing the tasks.
• Assignment 4 - Completing the tasks of assignment 4 when my exams were ongoing proved to be quite
challenging. I was losing confidence that I might be unable to complete my assignments on time.
• Reluctant at first to participate for not knowing about what exactly Internship is, when my elders
gave me convincing suggestions of how this golden opportunity can be fruitful in enhancing my
skills, I made the right decision. By participating in the Social Internship Programme, I acquired a
deeper understanding about the various issues present in our society, the people’s viewpoint,
stigma and what are the various ways one should approach to solutions.
• I learnt digital skills along with how workshops are conducted.
• After each workshop, my confidence grew, and I felt successful in educating others about various
social issues through presentations. It delighted me whenever students would answer my
questions, that showed everyone understood what I explained them about.
SWOT Analysis - Strengths
• It was after participating in the Social Internship Programme organised by Ladli
Foundation under Directorate of Education, I was able to identify some of my
personal strengths.
• I was able to figure out that the way I teach or explain about a specific subject or
topic to someone, I am successful in making them understand, as later if I ask
anyone questions regarding the workshop conducted, they are well able to
answer them.
• The compliments from my teachers and friends helped to get to know that I am
good at showing presentations as well as conducting successful workshops.
• I realised that my mind is creative enough to make presentations in a skilful
SWOT Analysis - Weaknesses
• Indeed, the Social Internship Programme embodied me with many skills, it also aided to identify my
weaknesses and overcome them.
• Initially had a lack of self-confidence. It was through the guidance provided through the YouTube videos
uploaded by Ladli foundation, advice from teachers and parents that my morale was boosted.
• I was not aware of how to convert files into Portable Document Format (PDF) nor how to merge them.
With the proper instructions and practising on my own, I acquired these skills that will be beneficial for
future purposes too.
• I used to get stressed out very easily, with a calm mind, proper thinking and time management, I was
able to manage the task more effectively.
SWOT Analysis - Opportunities
• The opportunities that the Internship programme provided me
are many.
• I was not only able to learn more about Ladli foundation and its
remarkable work for society, but I was also able to be a part of
this golden opportunity provided.
• I got the opportunity of conducting workshops with the
coordination provided by my teachers and classmates.
• I was able to learn how to make effective PowerPoint
Presentations, thereby helping me to improve my technical
SWOT Analysis - Threats
• I felt quite intimidated when the deadline of submitting the Social Internship assignments would
clash with my exams, zonal competitions and deadlines of academic assignments and projects.
• However, consulting and taking advice from my parents and teachers boosted my self-confidence
a lot and proved successful in accomplishing me with the hope of managing all the different tasks

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