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Bloom's Taxonomy - Revised

Psychomotor Domain
These lea rnin g outcom es relate to th e developm ent of physical skills and manu al tasks.
However it also concerns and covers mod ern clay busin ess and social skills such as
co mmuni cations (public spea king) and the operation of equipm en t.

Ca tego ry Generic Ski lls Samp le Verbs

Observe Th e lea rn er translates Hea r, Id entify, Notice, Observe, See, Smell,
(J\ware nes s) se nso ry inpu t in to Taste, Touch, Watc h
physical ta sks or
ac ti viti es.
Mod el Th e lea rn er· is abl e to Ad here, J\ttempt, Copy, Follo w, Imi tate,
(Copy) obse rve and repli ca te a Mimi c, Mo del, Ree nact, Re-create, Rep eat,
fund amental skill or task. Repli cate, Rep roduce, Show, Try
Recog nize Standards
-- --
Th e lea rn er recognizes Build, Check, Demonstrate, Detect.
(fo ll ow in strn ctio ns) sta nd ard s or criter ia Discriminate, Differenti ate, Distin guis h,
importan t to perforn1 a Execute, Impl ement, Notice, Perce ive,
sk ill or task correctly. Perform , Recogni ze, Se lect

Correc t Th e lea rn er utilizes Adjust, J\lter, Calibrate, Change, Complete,

(D eve lop precision) sta nd ards to eva lu ate Co nstruct, Correc t, Cus tomize, Improve,
his/h er own Integ rate, Ma nipul ate, Mo dify, Practice,
performan ces, make Revis e
co rrec ti ons and execute
-> th e skill reli ably
ind epend ent of ass ista nce.

Artirnlation Th e lea rn er appli es a Adapt, Build, Co mbin e, Co mp ose, Co nstruct,

(Co mbin e & in tegrate se lec ted sk ill to rea l life Coordin ate, Crea te, Deve lop, Formul ate,
related skil ls) situ atio ns. Integ rate, Maste r, Origi nate, Produ ce, So lve

Naturalization Th e lea rn er is more Demonstrate, Design, Exhibit, Illu stra te,

(Autom ate & master) automated with an Inve nt, In stru ct, Ma nag e, Re-des ign, Specify,
J:)ll~Dt>(M'E:.>(1' un co nsc iou s maste ry of an Teac h, Train, Troubl es hoot
activ ity and related sk ill s.

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Bloom's Taxonomy- Revised

Cognitive Doma in
Bloo m's Tax onomy has bee n revised by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) with ne w term s and
e mph as is, Thi s adapted Bloom's mod el has Knowledge converted to Remember and th e hi ghest level of
developme nt is Creating rather than Evaluate,

Category Generic Skills Sample Verbs

Remembering The learner is able to Choose, Cite, Enumerate, Group, Lab el. Lis t,
Recalling information recall, res tate and Listen, Locate, Match, Memorize, Nam e,
rem ember lea rned Outline, Quote, Read , Reca ll, Recite, Record ,
information. Relate, Repeat, Reproduce, Re vie w, Selec t,
Show, Sort, State, Underlin e, Write
Understanding Th e learner grasps the Account for, Annotate, Associate, Classify,
Exp lain ing ideas or 111ea nin g of information by Convert, Define, Desc ribe, Discuss, Estimate,
concepts int erpreting and Explain, Express, Identify, Indicate,
trans lat in g what ha s been Interpret, Observe, Outline, Recogni ze,
lea rn ed. Reorganize, Report, Resea rch, Res tate,
Retel l, Review, Trans late
Applying Th e lea rn er make s use of Adapt, Apply, Ca lcu late, Change, Coll ect,
Using information in information in a new Compute, Construct, De111onstrate,
another familiar situ atio n fro111 the one in Dramatize, Draw, Ex hibit, Generalize,
situation whi ch it was le arn ed. Illust rate, Int erpret, Interview, Make,
Manipulate, Operat e, Paint, Practice,
Sequence, Show, Sketch, So lve, Translate
Analyzing The lea rn er breaks Ana lyz e, Apprais e, Arrange, Calculate,
(Critica l Thinking) lea rned informat ion into Categorize, Compare, Contrast, Cr iticize,
Breaking information its parts to best Debate, Detect, Diagra111, Discri111inate,
into parts to exp lore understand that Dissect, Distin guish, Examine, Exp eri111ent,
understandings and infor111ation in an atte111pt Group, Infer, Inquire, Inspect, Inves tigate,
relationships to identify evidence for a Order, Probe, Question, Relate, Research,
conclusion. Scrutinize, Separate, Sequence, Sift,
Subdivide, Su111marize, Surve v, Test
Evaluating The lea rn er 111akes App1·aise, Argue, Assess, Choose, Co111pare,
(Critical Thinking) dec ision s based on in- Conclude, Criticize, Critique, Debate, Decid e,
Justifying a decision or depth refl ection, criticis111 Deduce, Defend, Determine, Differentiate,
course of action and assess ment. Disc ri111in ate, Evaluate, Infer, Judge, Ju st ify,
Meas ure, Predict, Prioritize, Probe, Rank,
Rate, Reco111mend, Rev ise, Score, Select,
Validate, Value

Creating Th e lea rner creates ne w Act, Assemble, Blend, Co111bine, Co111pile,

(Critical Thi nking) id eas and inform ation Compose, Concoct, Construct, Create, Des ign,
Generating new ideas, usin g what has been Develop, Devise, Formulate, Forecast,
products, or ways of prev iously lea rned. Generate, Hypothesize, Imagin e, Invent,
viewing things Organize, Originate, Predict, Pl an, Prepa1·e,
Pro uose, Produce, Set u p


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